The Monk

Volume One Chapter 725 The Children Return to the Mountain

Chapter 725 Children Return to the Mountain

He shouted and caused chaos among the Wu and Yue armies. Alarm horns sounded continuously. A group of soldiers did not know whether to step forward to stop him or to stay aside. The generals didn't know how to give the order, and they all wondered, was that grandpa the lunatic who pulled a carriage into the camp four days ago?

Their guess was quickly confirmed. Zhang was afraid that he would let people's houses pass when he returned, but he would not let go of the military camp. He hated things like war and chaos the most. He rushed out of a straight line at Li Wubing Pass and Baili Yue Army Camp.

As soon as he rushed out of the military camp, he saw Zhang Tianfang riding a horse and leading eighty horses running around in front, showing off his power and power, and he really deserved a beating.

Zhang Ain shouted: "Come down here."

Zhang Tianfang said: "Fuck you, you are here just in time. Someone is robbing the horse. Do you think I should kill him or not?"

"Stealing horses? Why is it that no one robs me when I bring them, but someone robs them when you bring them?" Zhang Ain asked.

"I don't know, maybe it's because everyone is jealous that I'm more handsome than you, and I'm more heroic than you when riding a horse." This guy's shameless ability has always been top-notch.

Zhang Pingcai broke through the military camp. The commander of the Vietnamese soldiers behind him ordered to kill him. Two battalions of elite cavalry and more than a thousand elite soldiers rushed towards him. This made him very depressed. The unlucky commander wanted his men to die just to save face? Forget it, he didn't behave like a child, he pulled the carriage and continued running, and soon got into the forest. Zhang Tianfang followed behind with a group of horses.

As soon as he entered the woods, Zhang Ping immediately discovered that there were more than 300 people ambushing here. No matter how careful his movements were, he could not hide his murderous aura. He asked Zhang Tianfang: "Are they robbing the horse?"

Zhang Tianfang nodded emphatically: "Well, I happened to be bored, so I played with them for a few days."

"What's going on?" Zhang Aif asked with a frown, why can't this guy make people worry?

"It didn't matter. I was just sitting there bored, running around on horseback, and I didn't know where I was going. Anyway, many people saw my majesty and agreed, and then I was targeted by them. At first it was a few people, They wanted to kill me, but I didn't let them kill me, and then there were more of them. I thought, it was boring anyway, so I just teased them and showed up in front of them every day, but they still couldn't kill me. Maybe they were getting angry. , today there were more than 300 people, and then they found out that you were back and went to pick you up before they had time to play with them." Zhang Tianfang said in a confused manner.

There is a group of people practicing martial arts in the woods. When they see the horses, they will naturally be attracted by them.

Zhang Ao glared at Zhang Tianfang: "The passage to the Bone Forest has appeared again. I will give you the Shadow Tiger, and you can send the children back to the mountain."

"Is that the big black fish head?" Zhang Tianfang asked.

"Nonsense, it's difficult to deal with. Do you remember the last time there was a tsunami in the sea?" Zhang Ain said.

"Remember, why don't you remember, what do these bastards want to do? If I don't go back to the mountain, won't it be over if you send a messenger? Let Ruiyuan send someone to pick them up." Zhang Tianfang said.

"If you don't have time, send them back first, and then come to me. If I don't enter the Bone Forest, I will kill them with you." Zhang Ai said.

"Stop coaxing me, you are just like a thief, I know where to find you?" Zhang Tianfang is quite smart.

"Don't talk nonsense. You have to take the horses back to the mountain." He took out the astrolabe and showed it to Zhang Tianfang: "In the southeast corner, go southeast from here and cross Wu Di. You can only be in the sea."

Zhang Tianfang wanted to say more, but Zhang Ain solemnly advised him: "You can mess around with other things, but not this one. How many people were killed by the monster beasts last time? Do you want me to do it for once?"

"Okay!" Zhang Tianfang responded quickly. He also knew that the matter was urgent, and added: "I will go back first, then come to you and send you a communication charm. If you have not entered the Bone Forest, you must tell me!"

Zhang Wei said: "Definitely." He turned around, opened the carriage door, and talked to the children: "I have something urgent to do. You go with him. Even though he looks fierce, he is a good man. He will take you back to Tianlei Mountain. There are many people there." Fun things, and cute monsters, I’ll come back to you after I finish my work.”

The children refused, and all said they wanted to be with Zhang Afraid. Zhang Weijing said sternly: "This time is very dangerous, so I can't take you with me; but I will definitely go to you after I finish the work. You are my disciples, and you can't let others take it away."

"No, not a disciple, but a younger brother and sister." The children corrected Zhang Afraid.

Zhang Ying smiled and said: "Okay, they are younger brothers and sisters. Be obedient. If anyone is disobedient, be careful and I will go back and deal with him."

"You won't hit us." A group of children chirped.

Zhang Tianfang smiled and said: "You have a really good relationship with them. Okay, let's go on the road. I'm in charge of you now. If anyone disobeys, hehe..." He wanted to scare the children, but was interrupted by them: "How dare you bully?" Let’s wait until we tell my brother to take care of you.”

Zhang Tianfang was stunned for a moment, okay, take care of me, then turned around to urge Zhang Aifeng: "Aren't you leaving yet?"

Zhang Ain took out a storage bag and gave it to him: "There are all kinds of food in it, don't make them hungry." He also took out white jade fireworks and thin stick fireworks, gave them to the children one by one, and said, "That's it, wait until I get back." I’ll do it for you later.”

The children took the fireworks and said goodbye to Zhang Ai one by one. The younger ones were very reluctant to leave him and cried with tears in their eyes: "You must come back."

Zhang Ai nodded and agreed, "Okay, get in the car." He then told Zhang Tianfang, "Tell Ruiyuan and Yunyi that the disciples I have accepted must be taken good care of and don't wrong them."

Zhang Tianfang was impatient: "You are the only one who talks too much." He spoke to the children again: "I am a good person, and your brother is a bad guy. He always bullies me no matter what. We are in the same group and we should unite to deal with him. "

Of course the children didn't believe it and were very angry that he said bad things about Zhang Wei. After getting into the car one after another, they slammed the car door and ignored him. It made him depressed for a while, and he couldn't even handle the child?

Zhang Ain urged: "Hurry up and leave. If you don't leave, the guys in the woods will rush over."

They led a group of horses into the forest, and of course the martial arts people noticed something. They all crouched and approached quietly, intending to sneak up on them and steal the horses.

Zhang Tianfang took a look and saw that although the woods were not too dense, there were no people in sight. He curled his lips and said, "They are lucky." He jumped off the horse and picked up the carriage, whistled, and asked the horses to run with him.

The horses knew that Zhang Ping was their master, so they went to see him first. When they saw that there was no objection, they neighed goodbye and followed Zhang Tianfang, accompanied by eight shadow tigers.

After a while, the horses disappeared on the road. Some men with swords and knives ran out of the forest. If they couldn't catch up with the horses, they came to Zhang Wen to vent their anger and asked: "Where have the horses gone? Don't say kill them." you."

Zhang Ai was too lazy to pay attention to them, and without even looking at them, he stopped and disappeared, scaring a group of martial arts masters into thinking they had seen a ghost.

Zhang Ai flew straight in the direction indicated by the astrolabe, and soon flew out of the mainland and arrived at the boundless sea. Lowering the altitude and moving forward close to the sea, we soon arrived at the archipelago. A dozen large or small islands were scattered on the sea. After flying ten miles beyond the island group, a familiar scene appeared in front of us again.

A huge whirlpool swirled rapidly, tearing out a hole several miles wide on the sea. There was a dense dark cloud in the sky, weighing extremely low, as if it was directly above the head.

Zhang Ai did not hesitate at all. When he saw the whirlpool, he fell straight into the sea. The person sank, and his spiritual consciousness searched downwards, hoping that no fish-headed people had come out yet. Any one of those fish-headed monsters has the strength of the Nascent Soul cultivator. They have always been They hate humans, and if they are allowed to come out, the harm they will cause is unimaginable.

Walking down the whirlpool wall, he quickly dived a thousand meters. The surroundings were dark and cold, and his consciousness was not aware of it for the time being. I secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as the fishmen probably haven't come out yet.

It takes a while for the passage in the Bone Forest to be formed and open. With the reminder of the astrolabe, as long as we take precautions in time, we should be able to prevent the murlocs from escaping. Judging from the last time he entered the Bone Forest, the fish people had different opinions on going out to the human world. Most of the fishmen will not come out, but there are always a small number of fishmen who will not obey orders and must come out and toss and toss before they will be satisfied.

Continue to dive. The water here is not too deep. You can reach the bottom of the sea more than 6,000 meters away. Soon you will step on the fine sand on the bottom of the sea and approach the whirlpool. The whirlpools are large on the outside and small on the inside. They are several miles wide on the outside and maybe only a fist wide on the bottom. This whirlpool was different. Although the bottom of the whirlpool was much narrower than the outside, it was still several hundred meters wide. In the middle of the whirlpool was a black mirror, as wide as one person, without any fluctuations.

Zhang was afraid of walking through the vortex wall and stepping on the mirror. Last time, the fish-man grabbed his calf and dragged him in. This time, he didn't know if anyone would drag him in.

After waiting for a long time, an hour passed, and the black mirror surface was still smooth, with no fish-men coming. Zhang Ping was suspicious, could it be that the orders of those fishmen bosses were working? No fishmen dare to come here?

After thinking for a while, I couldn't figure it out, so I simply sat cross-legged and meditated in front of the mirror. There was no movement for an hour. I'll wait for you all day! If there is no movement for a day, I will wait for you for two days! Wait until the channel disappears.

He was being ruthless here, but Zhang Tianfang was in trouble. The children didn't listen to him at all, and opposed him whether they were eating or sleeping. He was so angry that he sent a messenger to Fang Jian after only one day of walking, asking him to send someone to pick him up. he.

The next night, Fang Jian led the whole team of Bai Zhan to find him. Zhang Tianfang hurriedly threw the people and horses over and said hello: "These are Zhang Fei's disciples. The boy said that we should take good care of them and not wrong them." After saying this, he ducked south.

Fang Jian asked loudly: "Where are you going?" Zhang Tianfang just didn't answer and immediately ran away without a trace.

He was thinking about it as he flew. It had been almost two days since the past day. He didn't know if Zhang Afraid had entered the Bone Forest. He hoped to catch up. Soon he flew to the sea, and there was a communication charm in his hand. After a while, Zhang Wen sent back the news. Zhang Tian was overjoyed and flew away in the direction of the whirlpool.

Flying close to the whirlpool, he didn't see Zhang Awei, so he plunged into the whirlpool and came to Zhang Awei's side in one breath. It was dark inside and no one could be seen, but his spiritual consciousness was powerful and he could check the direction on his behalf.

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