The Monk

Volume One Chapter 724 Captured Soldiers

Chapter 724: Captured Soldiers

But Zhang is also a freak. He fights endlessly all day long. When he has enough fighting with people, he fights with ghosts. He is very experienced in fighting. Of course, he will not be stopped by the two monks. He only ducks twice and enters. After retreating, he stood still. However, the two high-level Nascent Soul sword cultivators stopped their forward attack and stopped midway. One of them lowered his head to look at the magic sword in his hand, and the other looked at Zhang Afraid with his eyes open. He couldn't believe what was happening.

The high-level monks had a body like electricity and were almost invisible when exerting all their strength. Peng Zhan and Peng Yang believed that they were fast enough and not weaker than the top-level monks, so they dared to fight with Zhang Wen. But Zhang was afraid of being faster, so he only advanced and retreated, and had already cut off the two magic swords.

After seeing such a method, it would be foolish to rush forward. Peng Zhan and Peng Yang looked ashen. They were usually too arrogant and dared to underestimate the heroes of the world.

At this time, the two broken sword tips fell to the ground, making two crisp sounds. No matter how powerful the magic weapon is, it is just a piece of scrap metal after being damaged. However, these two pieces of scrap metal fell to the ground, shocking the more than 300 sword cultivators behind them. They couldn't believe it that the two masters they thought were superior had their magic swords broken in one move. This person should have How powerful?

After a long pause, Peng Zhan said in a seductive voice: "400,000 Vietnamese troops have been driven to the front line to defend against the enemy, or there may be casualties." The implication is that there may not be 400,000 people left, and they cannot meet your requirements.

Zhang Ping said: "It doesn't matter, send back as many people as you want."

Peng Zhan had no choice but to say hello, and called his men to give a few instructions, and more than three hundred sword cultivators flew to the west.

They received news that the Yue soldiers had high-level cultivators entering the country, and their strength was terrifying. Two of Bai Wu's top cultivators were born to fight against the enemy, but they were defeated by Yue's masters with one sword. Knowing that the other party was merciful and let them go, the two of them dared not listen to his orders.

It's not that the two masters cherish their lives, they really don't dare to die lightly. It's easy for them to die. Who should the hundreds of millions of Bai Wu people be entrusted to? The last time I was careless, I was bullied by Lie Wu, Jin Wu, and lost seventy cities in a row. Now that they are dead, not only will I not be able to get back seventy cities, but I will also lose more cities.

From this point of view alone, the two of them are similar to Jin Da and Zhang Wen. They both have responsibilities and have to protect many people.

Zhang feared that it was also because of this consideration that he did not kill Peng Zhan and Peng Yang. It cannot be said that the people of Yue are human beings and the people of Bai Wu are not human beings. Killing them is easy, but what about the millions of people in Wu? Who will clean up this mess? Furthermore, his purpose was to rescue the Yue soldiers and not allow them to die in a foreign land. He did not come to Bai Wu to show off his temporary bravery and kill all directions, so he had no murderous intention at all. Seeing that the other party had already given in, Zhang Ain nodded and asked, "How long will it take?"

Peng Zhan said: "The Lie Wu soldiers invaded Bai Wu. It's not that far away. They can return in four days."

It wasn't that far away. Zhang Weijing crossed the Baiwu border like a madman and walked a few steps further to the place where Liewu and Baiwu met. In four days, including the time to recall the remaining soldiers from all over the battle line, the distance was really Not too far.

Zhang Ping said: "I will wait here for four days."

Peng Zhan and Peng Yang looked at Zhang Afraid and sighed secretly. If such talents were in Bai Wu, Wu Jin Wu, etc., they would be able to fight back to their hometown immediately. The two of them raised their hands to Zhang Wen and turned to leave. This handing over was a favor to thank Zhang for not killing him. You can't just pretend that you don't know if they don't tell you.

In just a moment, all the sword cultivators from the White Lotus Sword Sect were gone. Zhang Tianfang was dissatisfied and said, "What's going on? No more fighting? Then why am I here?"

Zhang Weijing ignored him, removed the barrier on the carriage, opened the door, and a group of children immediately jumped out and shouted: "The door is broken, we shouted for a long time before you heard it, you are really a deaf brother."

Zhang Ai laughed and said, "Come down and play." Then he said to Zhang Tianfang, "Go back and take care of the horses. Don't let anyone rob or kill them." "Who dares?" Zhang Tianfang glared.

"We're not going to fight anyway. Wouldn't it be better for you to go back and ride a horse than to stay here with me in a daze?" Zhang Ain advised.

Zhang Tianfang heard this, thought about what was going on, and said, "Remember, you owe me once." After saying this, he left and went back to Yue Kingdom to take care of the horses.

The place they set foot on was an official road outside the city, with crop fields on both sides, and there was nothing to play with. Zhang Ao led the children for more than ten miles and came to a small hillside with a small forest on it. The child asked him: "Where are we? Where are the horses?"

Zhang Ping smiled and said: "We are abroad. I will take you abroad. I will go back in a few days."

As soon as the children heard about his country, they looked around and then said in disappointment: "What country is there? It's not the same world. Even the crops are the same. There is no difference."

Zhang Ying smiled and said: "We are still the same people. Are you hungry? Eat?"

He settled the children here, ate, drank, slept and played. Three days later, Vietnamese soldiers arrived one after another. It started with a few sword cultivators who came respectfully to see Zhang Ai upon receiving orders, saying they wanted to help lead the captured soldiers back north.

Zhang Zheng was so happy that he didn't interfere and left them to their own devices. Because the Vietnamese troops were returning to the north, passing through villages and cities all the way, which might cause turmoil, many cities along the way were forcibly taken over by the army to ensure that the captured soldiers could transit safely.

On the evening of the fourth day, all the Vietnamese prisoners finally arrived. Due to the continuous fighting between Sanwu and Wu, many people were sent to be scapegoats. In less than a month, 150,000 Vietnamese soldiers had died.

Peng Zhan and Peng Yang were probably afraid that this number would anger Zhang Awei, so they came back to see Zhang Awei on the fourth day, thinking that if something happened, they would not spare their lives.

Unexpectedly, what he saw was really unexpected. Zhang Wen took more than 60 children to play in the forest, and all matters regarding the Vietnam War were handled by his sword cultivators. Peng Zhan sighed in his heart, this is his strength. When fighting with me, he can still play with a bunch of ordinary children. A feeling of being extremely underestimated arises spontaneously.

Peng Yang felt the same way. While being stimulated, he turned his attention to the eight shadow tigers, super-level monsters. I really don't know what means that person used to obtain them.

The sword cultivator under him had been counting the number of Yue soldiers, and it was only when the moon was above the willow branches that he got the exact number, and rushed to tell Zhang Ping. At this time, Peng Zhan and Peng Yang were standing next to Zhang Ai, fearing that he would get angry. Unexpectedly, when Zhang Wear heard the number of two hundred and fifty thousand, his expression did not change at all. He just nodded and said, "Set up camp tonight and set off tomorrow."

Escorting 250,000 people on the road, Bai Wu's troops were very tight and they did not dare to give them weapons and had to tie them up with ropes. Even so, there were still more than 30,000 Bai Wu soldiers tired here. Thinking that it would take another 20 to 30 days to reach the border, Peng Zhan and Peng Yang looked really ugly. He hoped that the frontline soldiers could withstand Lie Wu Jin Wu's attack for the time being.

Zhang Ain glanced at the two of them and said casually: "You go ahead and take the soldiers to do whatever you want. Just leave a few people to help me say hello to the officials passing by."

Peng Zhan subconsciously refused, joking, what if there was a civil unrest with 250,000 people and no one in custody? How could Bai Wu still have so many troops to suppress the bandits again?

Zhang was afraid that they were silent and knew that he had his own thoughts, so he didn't talk to them. You can do whatever you want and call the children to rest.

The two brothers, Peng Zhan and Peng Yang, were depressed. They originally wanted to transfer the pressure from Bai Wu to the Yue State. Who knew that a guy like Zhang Ai would appear? If they had known this, why bother sending the Vietnamese soldiers to the western front?

They were uneasy, and the 250,000 Vietnamese soldiers gathered together were also uneasy. They had lived a hell-like life in the past few days. Every day they opened their eyes, there was a fight. Only those who survived the fight would have food to eat. Although the meals are all excellent, how many meals can we eat? I was often beaten and moved from place to place, just like now, my hands and feet were tied, and I was being driven around like a pig.

At this time, I was driven away again, but I was used to it. I didn't have any other thoughts, I just felt that my life was hopeless.

Zhang Wei originally wanted to shout a few times to calm the Vietnamese soldiers' psychology, but then he thought, I can't bear the death of more than 400,000 people in a foreign country. If there are only 400 people, they will never go this way, so there is no need to shout and fuss. .

At dawn the next day, the Vietnamese soldiers marched eastward. Zhang Wen asked his children to get into the carriage and find an old horse to pull the carriage with them. As I was walking, something came to my mind and I quickly took out something from my storage bag to look at.

There is a palm-sized black plate with a map of stars on the back. A light is shining gently in the southeast of the black plate on the front. I wonder if this unlucky forest of dead bones can't rest for a few days? The passage is open again!

The biggest function of the astrolabe in his hand is to determine the direction of the passage in the Bone Forest. Seeing the bright spots on the board keep shining, Zhang is afraid of letting out a sigh of relief. Those fish-headed monsters are a big trouble. Can they be solved like the Jin family?

After calling Peng Zhan and Peng Yang, the two brothers are very honest now. They only pray that the person in front of them will never cause trouble in Wu State. It is already too much to face the enemy on three sides. If another flower blooms in the center, won't it destroy the country? Hearing from his disciples that Zhang was afraid of looking for them, he started to guess what was going on.

When Zhang Wen saw the two people coming to the carriage, he stopped the carriage and said, "I have to leave first. You can find someone to inform the commander-in-chief of Yue State, saying that he will return 250,000 prisoners of war, and only seeks peace for twenty-five years, and signs an armistice." Agreement, in this way, you can fight with Liewu Jinwu with all your strength, and you can even ask the Vietnamese army for military supplies. As long as it is not too excessive, I can pretend that I didn't see it. "

When the two heard this, it was such a good thing. Peng Zhan had been thinking about it. If the 250,000 troops were put back together with the millions of troops outside the pass, would the Vietnamese army fight harder? Letting go of the Vietnamese army is simply causing trouble for oneself. All he thinks about every day is how to deal with the overwhelming pressure of the Vietnamese army. It's not that he hasn't thought of this method, but due to Zhang Fei's strength, he had to stop thinking.

Now after hearing Zhang Awei's words, he asked back: "Seriously?"

"What are you serious about? I just don't understand, why do you like fighting so much? Let's go." Letting go of the old horse, Zhang was afraid that he would pull up the carriage and float into the distance like a plume of smoke, disappearing from his eyes.

This time he didn't rush into it head-on and walk around uninhabited areas. Now that the matter was resolved, he shouldn't cause any more trouble to Wu Min. Even so, the speed was very fast. Others had to walk a distance of ten days and a half, but he finished it in less than two hours. Before noon, he had already appeared in front of the border and shouted: "Make way if you don't want to die." , Grandpa is back again." Pulling the car towards the military camp.

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