The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 723 Rescue

Chapter 723: Rescue

Zhang Tianfang smiled and said: "We are running, and there is an accompaniment. Do you want to go faster?"

Zhang Wen ignored his crazy words and rushed into the company camp. His air shield overflowed and jumped out of his body through Mi Xu. Whatever appeared in front of him was easily knocked away by the air shield, breaking countless pieces along the way. Walls and tents. As for the unlucky soldiers blocking the road, there were countless, as if children were throwing stones. As a black shadow passed through the military camp, many soldiers were knocked into the air and fell everywhere.

One hundred and fifty miles was covered in less than a quarter of an hour, and the figure appeared in front of the pass. Behind him was the messy Vietnamese army camp that he rushed into. Countless tents, including the Chinese army tent, were easily torn into pieces.

The entire military camp was in chaos. It was thought that the enemy was stealing the camp. Bugles, whistles, shouts and horses were all in chaos. This was because he walked in a straight line and broke through not many camps, so there were not many rebels. Except for the place where he broke through, the other military camps were gathering in formation in an orderly manner. At the same time, outposts were posted all over to find out where the attack was.

The Yue camp was in panic, which aroused the curiosity of the Wu camp on the other side of the pass. What happened? Is there internal strife among the Vietnamese soldiers? It is said that this is a good time for the Wu army to send troops. Taking advantage of the chaos of the enemy's formation and rushing in with all his strength, he will surely achieve great results. Just when the sentry was reporting the chaotic news to the general, a dark shadow suddenly rushed out of the Vietnamese army camp. After stopping, he saw clearly that it was two people and eight tigers in a carriage.

The soldiers on duty in Wu Jun's stronghold were very surprised and couldn't understand what was happening. What were these two people doing?

The distance between the two armies' strongholds was not too wide, only a dozen miles, not even 10,000 meters. Zhang Ai stood in the middle of the field for more than ten miles and shouted to Wu Jun: "Give way, we will not be responsible for death or injury." After shouting, he dragged the carriage and rushed towards the military stronghold.

Although the Wu army was brave, they were useless in front of Zhang Ai. The Wu army's camp suffered the same fate as the Yue army's camp, being torn to pieces. At this time, the soldiers on duty in the village knew what was happening in the Vietnamese camp opposite. There was a madman here.

Passing through the military stronghold is a five-mile-long valley passage, which also goes straight through. After passing through easily, I sighed a little in my heart. Regardless of whether the soldiers were brave or not, judging from the number of people guarding the gate on both sides, the strength of the Wu army was indeed strong.

He passed through the military camp and walked straight for more than a hundred miles before exiting the camp. However, the Wu army only set up two layers of military strongholds outside the passage. Then, all soldiers were stationed in the five-mile passage, and there were still two reserve camps in the country. There were no other soldiers. I estimate that the number of people will not exceed 100,000. They are really vicious. One hundred thousand is better than one million, awesome!

Zhang Tianfang was very happy to break in. He laughed and said: "Wu Jun only has so many people? I remember the last time I came here, there were three floors inside and three floors outside. Where have all the people gone?"

The people were led by General Bai Wu to fight with Liewu Jinwu. For Bai Wu, the soldiers of the Yue Kingdom are not a worry. If there are enough manpower, it would be good to come over and occupy some land to recuperate. However, now that wars continue, Bai Wu must shrink his manpower and deal with the domestic war with all his strength. Only by stabilizing the domestic war can the future be prosperous. It is possible to revive Bai Wu and unify the land of Wu.

The two of them broke into the camp and continued running after exiting the pass, chasing countless Wu soldiers. More soldiers were in the Chonggu military camp. They must not be taken advantage of by the Vietnamese troops at this time.

But there is always no shortage of generals who have fought many battles on the battlefield. What the Wu army could think of, the Vietnamese generals could also think of. They really sent tens of thousands of elite soldiers to follow the road Zhang Ping had just walked and swooped down to defeat Wu Junjun. Village and drive them to the pass.

So a big war suddenly broke out, all because of Zhang Wen's invasion of the camp. Zhang was afraid that he was not in the mood to pay attention to these things now, so he continued to run with the carriage, passing villages and cities, drifting across Bai Wu's territory like light smoke.

His crazy actions finally attracted the attention of the cultivators. The sword cultivators of the White Lotus Sword Sect saw that they were unusual. Both of them were high-level cultivators, and they also had eight super-level monsters. These were terrifying monsters. Someone passed the news back to the White Lotus Sword Sect, and soon the Sword Sect monks were chasing after them. They rushed forward one after another, making sure to keep these two people.

Zhang was afraid of running slowly, but they flew fast and caught up quickly. After catching up, he didn't say a word. He threw away spells or flying swords, in order to kill the two troublemakers below.

Zhang was afraid that he could easily neutralize the enemy with a hard iron sword, so he shouted loudly: "Give me 400,000 Yue soldiers as prisoners, otherwise we will attack the capital and leave you without a master. By the way, the White Lotus Sword Sect will also be destroyed."

It was so arrogant that it angered more than a dozen sword cultivators in the sky, and each one became more fierce. The three of them attacked Zhang Awei in groups, and some of them also went to trouble Zhang Tianfang.

Zhang Tianfang was unhappy: "Over there, it's him. Don't find the wrong person. Why are you beating me? Hey, what about you? Are you still beating me? I won't give you face if I hit you again." He dodges while chattering nonsense. He has a high level of cultivation. Having practiced swordsmanship too much, it is effortless to fight or hide.

Zhang Ain said angrily: "Didn't you shout that you wanted to fight? Why are you hiding?" As he spoke, he cut off the enemy's magic sword. In the time it took to say these few words, except for the sword cultivator who attacked Zhang Tianfang, the rest of the people had nothing left in their hands. Next hilt.

Zhang Tianfang said plausibly: "Compared to bullying them, I would rather see you being bullied." He then spoke to the three men in white who were chasing him: "Go quickly, that guy is so powerful that he bullied all your fellow students, go quickly help."

When the fight reached this level, even a fool would know that he was no match for him, but none of the dozen or so sword cultivators backed away. They threw away the broken sword in their hands and took out a brand new magic sword to continue fighting with Zhang Aoi.

Zhang Tianfang sighed: "Aren't they a little stupid?" With such a huge gap in strength, what's the difference between jumping up and committing suicide? Even he couldn't stand it.

Zhang Weijing said angrily: "You were so virtuous back then." With a wave of the Fushen Sword, the Sword Xiufa Sword was broken again.

The cultivators of the Wu Kingdom are basically all sword cultivators. They work in groups of three and fight very hard. The magic swords of these dozen people were broken. They waved their hands and took out a new magic sword.

Zhang Tianfang smiled and said: "If we break again, let's see how many swords they have."

"My sword is as big as yours." Zhang was angry and said coldly to the sword cultivator: "Get out of here, don't force me to kill someone."

Surprisingly, as soon as these words came out, more than a dozen sword cultivators disappeared, including the three people who attacked Zhang Tianfang. Two people were left standing there like fools.

Zhang Tianfang couldn't understand: "Why did they run away?" Judging from the life-threatening posture and attack methods of those people, they should have tried at least three or five more times. Why did they run away all of a sudden? Not a warrior.

Zhang Ai was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that these swordsmen cultivators are too thieves. They are obviously no match for them. They played with me when I didn't have murderous intentions. When I showed the slightest hint of murderous intentions, they ran away immediately. What do they think of me? You really shouldn't show mercy.

Be angry, get down to business. Zhang was afraid to pull the cart and continue westward, but Zhang Tian put it beside him and said, "How far do we have to go?"

"How far? Until we find the prisoners of war." Zhang Ain replied.

After running for another half an hour, more than 300 sword cultivators appeared in front of them, occupying the entire road in groups of three. There are only two people in charge, both of whom are high-level Nascent Soul cultivators. After seeing Zhang Wen's arrival, one person raised his hand and said, "I wonder why my friend is forcing his way all the way? Why should I compete with my subordinates when I have the ability to defy the odds?"

Zhang was afraid to stop, looked back at the carriage, and sealed the barrier so that the children could not get out, and the movement outside could not be transmitted in. He turned back and asked, "Are you in charge?" The voice was very calm, but very crazy. Among the first two monks blocking the road, he had seen one of them who had chased and killed Zhang Tianfang.

Zhang Tianfang also recognized the man and shouted: "Aren't you chasing me? Why are you running back? Keep going."

His clamor went unanswered. The two high-level Nascent Soul cultivators looked similar and wore the same clothes. They were both dressed in white and had long swords hanging on their waists. The one on the left was a little older. After hearing this, he scanned Zhang Ying carefully, and then said: "I am Peng Zhan of the White Lotus Sword Sect. This is my junior brother Peng Yang. How do you call me my friend?"

"You don't even know who I am, yet you dare to send people to break through the border and kidnap my 400,000 men in the army?" Zhang Ping was a rare arrogant person.

"Bai Wu is a small boy and rarely comes into contact with cultivators from other countries. I hope fellow Taoists will give you some advice." Peng Zhan was extremely well-educated. More than a hundred disciples around him were already angered by Zhang Wei's words, but he asked patiently as if they didn't understand.

"My name is Zhang Ai. Give me 400,000 prisoners of war, and then everything will be fine." Zhang Ai continued to be arrogant.

"Only you?" Peng Yang beside him finally couldn't help but said. He had met Zhang Weifang when he was chasing Zhang Tianfang, and he knew he was very capable, but he still couldn't help but feel this way.

Zhang Wen ignored his provocation, but his tone became more arrogant: "Fight whoever you want, fight with whatever you want, cross the country, I can't do it, I don't want to say any more, I want 400,000 prisoners of war, whether I can do it or not, I'll wait." You answer."

Peng Zhan looked at Peng Yang, Peng Yang nodded slightly, and Peng Zhan said: "I have heard for a long time that the cultivators of the Yue Kingdom practice skills skillfully and have many types of spells. Unlike Bai Wu, we fight with a white sword. It is rare to have the opportunity to meet him." My fellow Taoists, you might as well have a discussion. My two brothers will have a duel with your two brothers. I don’t know what your friendship is like.”

Zhang Ai laughed and said, "It's too troublesome. I'll do it myself. Let's see what's so great about Brother Bai Wu." After saying this, Fu Shenjian appeared in his palm, he held it and looked forward.

This guy was so straightforward, he hit him as he was told, and he even pulled out the magic weapon. Peng Zhan and Peng Yang wanted to bully him with a two-on-one attack. The two of them launched at the same time. Two white shadows dragged towards Zhang Awei. Judging from the movements, no swords were drawn.

Zhang was afraid that a sword would be pointed in front of him, and with a stroke, a cold light blocked the way forward, and Peng Zhan and the others did not dare to step forward easily.

Sword light appeared in front of them, and Peng Zhan and the two had to draw out their magic swords, and walked around Zhang Wen separately. They both know that Zhang is afraid of being powerful, but they believe in their own strength even more. The sword cultivator kills all day long and grows up in the killing. He has rich experience in fighting and killing. When facing other cultivators, the weak can often defeat the strong. In addition, it is two against one. The two believe that as long as they try their best, they should be able to deal with it. Zhang is afraid.

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