The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 714 Suicide

Chapter 714 Suicide

So at this moment, he was only slightly dizzy, but the figure had disappeared. Even though they were dizzy, the three demon cultivators could not find any trace of him. At this time, it was when the high-level demon cultivator of Nascent Soul came to stab the sky. Seeing the rusty sword piercing Zhang Awei's head, he was ecstatic, but when he was overjoyed, he immediately knew that something was wrong and shouted: "Back off!" "Put away your sword and fly back.

He stabbed Zhang Awei in the head with his sword. The two mid-level masters who were playing with Yuan Shen's attack weapon were also happy. Suddenly they heard the high-level Yuan Ying demon cultivator yelling to retreat, and they didn't understand it in a hurry.

But there is no need to understand at this time. Zhang Ping has two souls in his mind, one is his own soul, and the other is the golden elixir of the soul given to him by the big tiger Huping. When the two weapons attack, the concentration beads Turning it around in his mind while reciting the Concentration Technique while distracted, he stabilized his mind with heavy protection and minimized the damage he received, so he was able to fight back.

The Fushen Sword in his palm was gently handed over, and the speed was too fast to be seen. The two mid-level Nascent Soul Demonic Cultivators were pierced through the heart almost at the same time, and died on the spot. Two small Nascent Souls jumped out from above their heads, and Zhang Huang fled in a hurry.

Zhang Wei casually circled them and sent them into the walnut prison on his chest. He spoke to the high-level Nascent Soul monk who was flying into the distance: "Still want to escape?" With these three words, Zhang, who was stabbed in the head, I was afraid that it would snap away, and then I realized that it was just an afterimage. As for the two unlucky Nascent Soul mid-level demon cultivators, they didn't know what happened until they died.

To put it bluntly, because the movements were too fast, the demon cultivator attacked quickly, and Zhang Awei counterattacked faster. From the outside, it looked like Zhang Awei stabbed nine points with his sword, and then the three demon cultivators used magic weapons to attack Zhang Awei at the same time. The sword hit the head. Ordinarily he should have died, but after Zhang was afraid of being hit by the sword, the main attacking demon cultivator retreated instead of advancing, and ran away in a hurry, followed by two mid-level demon cultivators who thought they had succeeded. Just when they were happy, they died with a big hole in their chests and escaped. The two Nascent Souls also disappeared along with the Nascent Soul, and were caught by Zhang Awei. Then the air shook, and three words came out: "Still want to escape?" Zhang Ain chased after the high-level Yuan Ying demon cultivator who escaped.

The children were protected by eight super-level demonic beasts, and the four pill-forming demonic cultivators were no match at all, so Zhang was afraid that he would be able to pursue and kill the high-level demonic cultivators with all his strength. The two were extremely fast and flew thousands of miles in an instant. But he only flew a thousand miles away. Standing in front of him was a guy wearing a black robe and a bronze mask. With a white sword in his hand, he stopped the fleeing high-level Nascent Soul demon cultivator and said softly: "You can stay." The voice was low and gentle, with a lot of helplessness, but also a kind of determination.

When the escaping demon cultivator saw Shura blocking the way, he was shocked and said: "Uncle Master, why did you stop me?"

At this time, Zhang Weijing came after him and saw Shura stopping people for him. He was slightly surprised and stopped talking.

Shura repeated: "You can stay." His voice was still very soft, as if he didn't want to do this.

The fleeing demon cultivator shouted: "You and I are both from the same lineage of the Holy Sect, why do you help the enemy but not your fellow sects? If word spreads, are you afraid of being laughed at by thousands of your fellow sects? How can you face the master of the Holy Sect?"

Shura ignored his question and asked softly: "Are you confident that you can escape Zhang Ping's pursuit?"

The high-level demon cultivator looked stern, looked back in fear, and estimated the distance. If he ran away with all his strength, with the strength of a top-level master, he would be able to catch up with him in half an hour at most if nothing unexpected happened. But even though the truth is like this, it must not be the reason why Shura blocks him. We are from the same sect! The demon cultivator shouted: "Regardless of whether you can escape or not, uncle, you should have worked with me to kill the thief. As long as you kill him, why do you need to escape?"

Shura was not afraid to speak more clearly at this time, and spoke to Zhang Ai across the demon cultivator: "I know their plan, and I wanted to participate in it. I really want to kill you, but I know you can't be killed. There are twelve of them in total, Without me, the plan might work. If I were added, would my breath be able to escape your consciousness? Adding me would only make you more vigilant, and it would only do bad things but not achieve anything, so I dare not approach you. , I’m afraid of attracting your attention, but I really hope they can kill you, but unfortunately they failed.”

Zhang Ain looked at the familiar bronze mask and then at the high-level Nascent Soul demon cultivator who was escaping, and suddenly said: "You two, come with me." He was worried about the safety of the children in the inn, so after saying that, he turned around and flew away , I don’t care what will happen to Shura, nor whether the high-level demon cultivator will escape.

The high-level demon cultivator pinned his hopes on Shura, hoping that the two forces could be combined to kill Zhang Afraid, or even if he did not kill him, he should let him go, but Shura extinguished all his hopes with one word. Shura spoke softly: "Follow him, don't force me to kill you." After speaking, he sighed and looked at the high-level demon cultivator quietly.

The high-level demon cultivator thought about it in his mind for a long time. Knowing that the difference in strength between him and Shura was not even a tiny bit, it didn't matter. He put out his desire to fight and, at worst, died, turned around and flew back. Because Zhang was afraid that his flying speed was not very fast, and the hateful figure was right in front of him, as if he was undefended, which made the demon cultivator become murderous again. He raised his rusty sword and stabbed him again.

Zhang Ai stretched out his backhand, and the Fushen Sword easily cut the rusty sword into two pieces. This time, even the high-level demon cultivator Shura was stunned. After a while, Shura shook his head and still spoke softly, as if Seeing that Zhang was afraid that he would never speak loudly again, and it seemed that he was very reluctant to say these words, he felt very embarrassed. Shura said: "This is the only one of the eight sacred objects of the Ghost Sect, and you have destroyed the last sacred object. ,well."

With the sword strike just now, the high-level demon cultivator wanted to kill someone, so he only wanted speed and didn't care about anything else. However, Zhang probably wanted to save his life temporarily and asked what was going on. He used his anger to break the sword with all his strength and instilled huge power. Enter the Fu Shen Sword, and then cooperate with the power of the Fu Shen Sword to cut off the opponent's magic weapon with deliberate calculation and unintentional calculation. He didn't know that the humble rusty sword was actually a sacred object of the Demon Sect.

The rusty sword was broken. The high-level demon cultivator held the broken blade in one hand and the half-cut sword in the other. He looked at the two broken swords with excitement and couldn't control himself for a long time. He tried to bring the broken blade together, but still couldn't. He held the broken blade hard with his left hand, regardless of the sharp edge, and cut the palm of his hand. Blood flowed along the blade and down his wrist.

Zhang fearfully said: "It's just a sword, why are you so excited?"

But what he didn't expect was that the high-level demon cultivator was really excited. He looked at the broken sword for a long time and didn't move or speak. He just looked at it. Suddenly, he used his hands hard and inserted the two broken swords into his chest. This guy committed suicide. ?

Zhang was afraid of being surprised and looked over, but wasn't it? Do you need to be so exaggerated? It's just a sword. If it's broken, he won't be alive?

The high-level demon cultivator committed suicide. Shura sighed again and spoke to Zhang Afraid: "Let them go."

"Who should I let go?" Zhang Ain stared at Mo Xiu and said.

After all, he is a high-level Nascent Soul cultivator. His heart is broken and he cannot die for a while. He turns his eyes and looks at Shura. He has many questions in his heart. He wants to ask why Shura wants to embarrass him, but it is just because the rusty sword is broken. This guy can't ask. Don’t ask anymore, just stop living. After listening to Zhang Awei's words, the demon cultivator turned his attention to Zhang Awei and said softly: "Please also ask Fellow Daoist Zhang to let go of the three thousand disciples of the Ghost Sect."

Shura's actions really couldn't be hidden from Zhang Awei. He really wanted to kill Zhang Awei. He originally wanted to do it together with the high-level demon cultivators, but after weighing it for a long time, he finally gave up. He didn't think that people like him had the strength to kill him. He didn't Dare to take risks, in order to pass on the Holy Sect of Yue Kingdom, he does not dare to gamble. I have bowed my head many times, so what if I bow my head again?

But the demon cultivator ambushed Zhang Ai, which is a big crime. He didn't want the entire demon sect to bear this crime, so he had to step in to intercept the high-level demon cultivators. If killing one person can calm down Zhang Ping's anger and allow the Demon Sect to continue to survive, Shura thinks it's worth it!

Because of the matter of the sixty-four children, the disciples came back and said that Zhang was afraid that he would have to deal with it. The question was how to deal with it? This is an extremely difficult thing. If you don't do it, who knows how Zhang Ping will vent his anger. That bastard said that the sixty-four children were his new disciples. The implication was that he wanted to stand up for his disciples and avenge them. . No matter who killed the parents of those children, the hatred will always be on the Demon Sect.

If you do it, will you have to personally deal with those demonic cultivators? If you tie him up to see Zhang Awei, or cut off one of his hands and feet and bring him to Zhang Awei, does that mean he has been punished? The problem is that these people are not his disciples of the Shura Sect, so he should not be too tyrannical. After much thought, he finally made a decision and went to talk to those demonic cultivators who went out to kidnap children. Although they have not been very harmonious in the past, and they don't really listen to his words at this time, they must be conveyed. As for what these troublesome guys will do, it is not something he can control.

After hearing the words, a group of demon cultivators were unwilling to die and clamored for their best. They had good intentions and did not extend the disaster to the entire Demon Sect. They all gathered together to figure it out and decided to set up an ambush to kill people.

They went to plot against Zhang Ping, so Shura didn't dare to let go easily. They didn't know what these demon cultivators could do, so they followed him. It's best to hope that the matter can be solved. What if it can't be solved? Then it can't be solved. He prepared for the worst.

Then there was an ambush and a fight. Those who could die died, and those who couldn't died ran away. After hesitating for a while, Shura finally decided to intercept the high-level demon cultivator, hoping to use this favor to make Zhang Wen avoid trouble with the demon sect.

The reason why Shura did this, the reason why he looked forward and backward, and the reason why he surrendered was, firstly, because Zhang Awei was powerful, and secondly, because the deadline was approaching and he would not be alive for long, so he did not want to offend Zhang Awei, hoping to see him bowing his head again and again. In order to save his face, he let the entire Demon Sect go, because it was not only him who had a grudge against Zhang Weijie, but also the entire Demon Sect.

Shura had no choice but to do this. Zhang was afraid that he could guess the reason, but he was unwilling to let go of the Demon Sect so easily. What happened? Kill me first? You can't be killed before you surrender? That's too confusing, right? And the high-level demon cultivator who committed suicide went too far. Not only did he sneak attack on himself, but he also allowed himself to let his three thousand disciples go? Zhang Ping really wanted to scold him, "The three thousand demon cultivators under your sect are human beings, but the three thousand children you robbed are not human beings?" So he said coldly: "You are going to die, why are you worried about this? Go and die quickly."

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