The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 715: Implicate

Chapter 715: Implicated

What he said was very awkward. The high-level demon cultivator smiled bitterly and said, "Then I'm going to die. Please let the disciples of the Ghost Sect go." He was so straightforward. He just said he would die. After saying this, he closed his eyes and that was it. die. Then a small Nascent Soul flew out of his mind. Maybe he knew that Zhang Awei was powerful. After the Nascent Soul came out, he didn't fly away. Instead, he looked at Zhang Awei with a calm expression.

Zhang was afraid of being displeased by him, so he raised his hand to grab it and sealed it into the big walnut on his chest. At this point, there were nineteen more Nascent Soul prisoners locked in his walnut.

When Shura saw him collecting Nascent Soul, he was shocked and asked, "What are you doing?" Even for an evil demon cultivator, refining other people's Nascent Soul is taboo. Although they practice strange techniques and even associate with ghosts, they always think that they are orthodox and a holy sect, so they ask this question.

Zhang Ping said calmly: "What can you do if you offend me? I don't want to care about you now. You go and catch the four pill-forming demon cultivators for me." He flew back to the inn, and the four pill-forming demon cultivators had already arrived. I don't know where I ran away, but there were two magic weapons falling on the ground, one was a bell and the other was a green flag, which was exactly what gave Zhang Wei a headache.

Zhang Ai put it away casually, and when he turned around, Shura followed him ghostly, still staring at the two magic weapons, and asked: "You don't care about that guy's body? There is also a two-piece sacred object."

Shura said: "I collected the storage bag and the broken sword, and the corpse turned into a corpse."

"Oh? You move quickly, go catch those four pill-forming demon cultivators." Zhang was afraid of falling, and there were eight corpses lying on the ground. He picked up the storage bag, threw it in his hand, and said: "Why don't you leave? If you don't leave, just turn the body into a corpse."

Shura didn't move, and he didn't stop Zhang because he was afraid of losing his life and wealth. At this time, he finally did something. He opened his mouth and blasted green fire, instantly burning the eight corpses into nothingness.

Zhang Aifan said in a poor tone: "This technique is good. It is very convenient to kill people and destroy corpses. Why are you following me?" He scanned the small building with his spiritual consciousness, and there were sixty-four children there.

Shura listened to him and thought for a while before replying slowly: "Are you going to come and kill someone?"

"It depends on your mood." He had just killed seven people in a row and the eighth person committed suicide. The anger in his heart had already subsided a little.

"Then don't go. It's a long way to go, and I don't know where it is yet. It's hard to find." Shura's way of persuasion was boring.

"Okay, you get those four guys back, and I won't go." The top master tried to convince him, but he was too embarrassed to be too pushy. Besides, what he wanted to explain was to avenge the children, and the rest didn't matter. .

"Okay, I believe you." After Shura finished speaking, he disappeared. He could stop the high-level Nascent Soul Demon Cultivator, so of course he didn't care about killing four more Demonic Core Formation Cultivators. At this time, Shura had the courage of a strong man to cut off his wrists. In order to keep the Holy Gate, it can be said that no matter what the means.

Seeing Shura leave, Zhang Wenwen went to look for the two men who had just made things difficult for him, as well as their boss.

At this moment, the three brothers ran away early, riding big horses and running out of the city with a small baggage on their backs. They didn't dare to waste time, so they packed up their belongings in a hurry and ran away. As soon as I saw the city, I put my heart down halfway, thinking that if I ran further away, it would be fine.

It wasn't that the three of them didn't want to take care of Zhang Wei, it was actually Zhang Wei's ghostly movement that frightened them. After much deliberation, they didn't dare to take the risk, so they had no choice but to decide to flee far away. After leaving the city, I turned onto the trail and was running when Zhang Ping suddenly appeared in front of me. The three of them were so scared that they were sweating. Is this still a human being? Even a galloping horse can't outrun him? The three of them wanted to let the big horse hit him to death, but they just thought about it and no one dared to do it. They pulled the reins quickly and the three horses stopped in front of Zhang Ain. Because the force was too great and the movements were too fast, the three horses were pulled and screamed.

The horses stopped, and the three of them hurriedly got off the saddle and bowed to Zhang Ain, begging to be spared. Zhang Ai said coldly: "Because the three of you made things difficult for me, I was ambushed and almost died. I don't want to talk nonsense to you. I just want to ask you once, why are you arresting me? How do you want to deal with more than sixty children? First If you don’t say anything, you will die together.”

Looking at Zhang's fearful expression, it didn't look like he was telling lies. The expressions of the three of them changed again and again. A big man said first: "I said it, I said it."

Zhang said coldly: "Say."

The big man said, lest he couldn't explain clearly, he told the whole thing from beginning to end, and finally said: "I'll put you in jail. If there is oil or water, I'll beat you up. If there's no oil or water, I'll behead you or send you to the army. Take the children back and sell them." "Girls are more expensive and can be used as prostitutes, while boys are sold to Jue Si families. Most of them can sell them for dozens of taels of silver for incense."

Zhang Awei nodded. The big man didn't dare to lie. He walked over lightly and grabbed both hands. The middle-aged man and another big man were caught and killed. Then he took the package of the three people and took out more than 20 taels of silver inside. On the ground: "Don't go back to the city, and don't let me see you again, otherwise I'll kill you." Then he broke his arm and said more: "Take this as a lesson."

Considering the crimes committed by the three of them, according to Zhang Wei's temperament, none of them would be spared and they would definitely die. However, he had to keep his word if he said he would not kill them, so he let one person go.

On the way back, I was still thinking, if it hadn't been for the dispute at the restaurant, would I have been ambushed by the demon cultivator? If there is no ambush in the inn, what kind of ambush will be encountered in the future? If the opportunity is right, it's hard not to get involved.

Soon after returning to the inn, the children didn't know what was going on. They were playing around on their own and were restless in the room. They were playing or playing with toys. After an hour of tossing, they all fell asleep tiredly. However, there were a few who couldn't stand still and came out to bully Shadow Tiger.

Because he still had to wait for Shura to explain to him, Zhang Ping decided to stay one more day. It's really difficult for Shura to talk about it. Any top-level master is a rebellious person. How can he show weakness in front of others? As for Shura, no matter what his purpose was, he had surrendered to him again and again, and Zhang was afraid that he was a little embarrassed to bully Shura again. He is a typical person who accepts softness rather than hardness, but Shura always keeps being soft, making it difficult for him to fall out.

The next night, Shura came back with four heads. Zhang Ai glanced at them and knew that they were the four pill-forming demon cultivators, so he nodded to show that he understood. Shura stared at him for a long time and said, "You promised." He turned and left. Zhang Ai finally had a kind heart and said: "Wait a minute." He took out the green flag, the bell, and several storage bags and returned them together. Shura raised his sleeves slightly, and all the things were taken away, cold Face walked away quickly.

Zhang Ain muttered: "Are you so arrogant when asking for help?" He went back to his room to consider how to arrange the children.

According to his idea, he planned to place it in the back of Tianlei Mountain. There would be a fat baby, a sand bear, and a bunch of big girls to accompany him. It should be easy to get along with him. The hard part is not knowing who to find to teach them, Ruiyuan? Black one? Zhan Yun? Strictly speaking, they are all very good masters, and each has his or her own way of teaching disciples. However, Ruiyuan is a bit old-fashioned, and he is the head of the school, and Zhang is afraid that due to his special status, he will be arrogant to them. As for Heiyi, he was cold all day long and was very strict with his disciples. Zhang was afraid and couldn't bear to let his children endure hardship. As for Zhan Yun, the old guy didn't teach the Tianlei Mountain Kung Fu. His apprentice didn't know the Tianlei Mountain Kung Fu. It was a bit unpleasant to say it out loud.

Although he is a master, he does not know how to teach his disciples, so he wants to find someone else to do it for him. In addition, he did not want the children to lose their childhood joy prematurely and did not want them to practice Qigong early. So the more I thought about it, the less I could think of an answer, so I simply didn’t think about it and closed my eyes to sleep.

The next day, the sky became brighter. After the children got up, they dragged Zhang Wenfang to have breakfast. At this time, a white light flew towards him. He raised his hand to catch it and it appeared in his mind. Fang Jian heard the news that Zhang Tianfang sneaked down the mountain. Don't know where it went. The messenger talisman vaguely mentions: He was very angry when you left without saying goodbye. After waiting for four months, he finally couldn't wait any longer and went down the mountain to find you.

Zhang Zhen was very depressed. Why couldn't this guy sit still? Got a thorn on your butt? When the consciousness was released, no one noticed, and the ghost ran away to who knows where. However, the Ghost King has been eliminated and all the ghost disciples have been killed. There should be no one in Yue and Song Dynasties who can stop him, so he is not too worried. What he should do now is to take the children back to the mountain.

After breakfast, I paid the rent with the clerk, pulled out the carriage, stuffed Yinghu into it, and called the children to get on the carriage. The children had just finished their meal and insisted on walking on the street. Zhang Wen let them go and slowly walked out of the city.

A group of people watched while walking and did not leave the city until noon. Most of the children were born in mountain villages and did not care about the wild scenery. They climbed onto the carriage to rest. Besides, they were really tired after walking for a long time. Zhang Ping also got on the carriage and the horses took them north.

We walked slowly northward for a whole afternoon, and it was getting dark at about an hour, so we stopped the carriage to make dinner. Zhang was afraid that he couldn't cook, so he fooled the children with dried meat. The group of people ate quite happily. Of course, they put up a tent house to rest at night. This was the first time for the children to see this thing. It didn't look big on the outside, but it was spacious on the inside. There were all kinds of things in the house, which was even better than a horse-drawn carriage. They could go in and out to play non-stop.

At this time, Zhang Wen was stunned and felt a little unhappy. The two people who invited him to dinner in the city were actually arrested. The reason is obvious without asking, and he is implicated. But the situation was not bad, he was not tortured or beaten, he was just kept in a prison.

Zhang Ain thought about it, he wanted money. The scribe was quite a bastard. When he saw that a group of government servants failed to deal with him, he held back and waited until I left the city today before going to trouble those two families. It's okay to leave again.

Go into the tent house, wake up the children, get in the car, and walk back. He walked slowly when he came and didn't go very far. When he returned, he speeded up. The horses pulling the cart were running on empty. Naturally, he went much faster. Zhang Weizhi brought out a big torch for lighting. The journey was smooth, and he returned to the outside of the city that night.

Although the scribe was just a small clerk, he always had some connections in the city. After being beaten that day, someone was asked to investigate Zhang Wen's origins. Since nothing was found, the unscrupulous merchant had the courage to set up a trap. The scribe did not know about these things, but he knew that a group of government officials were beaten by Zhang Wei in the street, and he also knew that the corpse of a merchant was found outside the city. The two factors combined together, he did not dare to act rashly.

But when he was bullied, he always had to vent his anger.

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