The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 713 Ambush

Chapter 713 Ambush

At this time, four government officials rushed over. Zhang Ain laughed and asked them: "I did nothing wrong, why are you arresting me?" The four government officials ignored what he said and came up to take the person with their chains shaking.

Zhang Wen lowered his eyes, looked unhesitated, raised his leg and kicked four people in succession, directly kicking the four people away. Then he spoke in a cold voice: "No matter what I have done, you come to arrest me without asking. You are really a bunch of bad people."

The two big men didn't expect that Zhang Wen was so capable of beating him, so they hurriedly shouted: "If you openly resist arrest, you will not be beaten to death."

Zhang Ain looked at him and said, "Okay, come and beat me to death."

The person who was quarreling with him didn't come, but the government officials realized that he was powerful and drew out their swords to surround him. Zhang Wen felt that these people were really hateful. He wanted to teach these children well and didn't want them to see his rough side, but when things came to pass, he couldn't hide.

With a wave of his hand, a strong wind suddenly appeared on the street, and the wind was very strong, carrying sand and dust. Pedestrians and children on the street quickly looked for shelter from the wind and sand. The government officials on the opposite side were still shouting in the wind: "Watch, don't get away from that thief."

Zhang was afraid that his original intention was not to fight, so he took the children away with the help of the wind. Unexpectedly, a group of guys refused to let go. He sighed and waved his hands again. The strong wind suddenly stopped, and the dust in the sky suddenly lost its power and fell down. fall. Zhang Wei flicked his long sleeves, and another breeze blew up in the air, sweeping away the sand and dust falling on the children.

When the wind stopped, the government officials came over with their swords. Zhang Ain asked coldly, "Aren't you afraid of hacking me to death?" The man shouted, "The thief who resisted arrest deserves to die."

This group of people kept pestering him, which made Zhang afraid of losing his patience and thinking of killing people. However, there was a group of innocent children behind him, so he couldn't let them see cruel things. He finally decided to let the government officials go again, and they walked through the streets like ghosts. , put on the posture of a martial arts master, knocked all the fifty or so people on the other side to the ground, and then said coldly: "I'll let you go this time, so you can take care of yourself in the future!" The warning was very serious, and I didn't know if they would be honest and obedient. .

Then I led the children forward, and suddenly I felt something was wrong in my mind. They falsely accused me of being a human trafficker. Of course I would be punished if they caught me, but what about the children? What will they do with it? He was quite suspicious, so he got a glimpse of the two big men, and then walked out of the street with the children.

The children clapped their hands and applauded when they saw Zhang Weifeng being brave and mighty. Children always like heroes, and they could talk about anything for a while. Zhang Weisheng allowed them to say that as long as they were happy, it would be fine without any interference.

The streets were full of miserable yamen guards, who looked at Zhang Awei angrily after helping him get up, but no longer had the courage to rush forward and fight.

Zhang was afraid that he would take the children to find an inn to stay at. He wanted to ask the big man about his doubts. If he was caught, how would they place the children?

We rented a small building at the inn, placed the children, released eight shadow tigers from the carriage, and blocked the front door. Without their consent, who would dare to enter the building? Zhang Ai specifically told the store clerk that the beast was ferocious and should not be approached.

At this time, the government officials went back to pay responsibilities, and two big men entered a house with a dozen short-handed men. Zhang Aif followed silently. The two big men were talking to a middle-aged man in his forties. After talking about what happened on the street, the middle-aged man snorted: "Trash!"

The two big men didn't dare to answer the conversation. The middle-aged man added: "I beat the police officer in the street and ignored the court's laws. You take my post and go..."

The next words were blocked in his mouth, and Zhang Weijia suddenly appeared in front of him and asked in a cold voice: "How do you want to deal with me?"

The middle-aged man was a ruthless character. When he saw Zhang Wei's appearance, he shrank his eyes and asked loudly: "Who are you?" While asking, he took out two daggers from his hands and stabbed them on the left and right. Very fast and a master.

Zhang Aifeng didn't even look at it, but he actually wanted to play dirty with him? A big slap slapped him against the wall, and then he fell to the ground with a loud thud. Ask again: "Why are you arresting me?" This man was with the scribe in the restaurant, but he didn't show up. He should be the eldest brother of the two big men.

In fact, the thing is very simple. The middle-aged man is a businessman on the surface, but secretly he is half gangster and half thief. He has many people under his command. He does things without any scruples. As long as he makes money, he even dares to kill people.

At noon, he invited the yamen official to dinner, whom he had known for many years. The meal was a good way to express feelings, and he gave some gold and silver as a gift, and then settled the matter. Because the flood had just passed, there was a lot of waste waiting to be revitalized, and there were many opportunities to make a fortune. He wanted to take over some business from the government.

The scribe was a small clerk in the yamen, and he came here as a jobber. He was not a big official, but had a bad temper. He also wanted to please his superiors, which is why the scene in the restaurant happened.

After being beaten, he wanted to have an attack, but he was worried about his low status and the extraordinary bearing of his opponent, who would hit him whenever he asked. He obviously had a good background. He was worried about offending his superiors, and even more worried about causing trouble to his superiors, which would make him even more unlucky, so he endured it. Get angry back.

After returning, the two big men kept talking and talked about the beatings of the scribes. The official, that is, the official with the highest official position, was just a small official in charge of the land, tax, and grain roads. When they understood what was going on, they felt that they had no idea. They were beaten anyway. It wasn't him. He had the idea that more things would be worse than less things. He just pretended not to hear, hastily dismissed the dinner, and went back to the Yamen to inquire about the relationship. He wanted to ask if there were any children of high-ranking officials or powerful people coming to the city.

Naturally, he couldn't ask, so the middle-aged man thought about it. There was only one adult on the other side, and the rest were all children. If he could get it, fifty taels would be taken out each. Even if it was twenty taels, it would be more than one thousand two hundred. Two silver coins, who would think it's too much money? As soon as he was greedy, he asked his two men to go to the Yamen to find help. The head of the Yamen team was in the same league as them. At this time, he was promised a huge sum of money and hurriedly led the police and middle-aged men to arrest the person.

Although the incident started because of the scribe, the rest of the incident basically had nothing to do with him. It was considered luck to avoid disaster.

At this time in the room, Zhang Weifang easily took care of the three people. The middle-aged man knew that the master was coming and hurriedly begged for mercy, saying that he wanted to use money to atone for his sins, and never mentioned why he wanted to frame Zhang Wear.

Zhang was afraid that he would not be patient. There were still a lot of children in the inn, so he said coldly: "Ask me one last time, what do you want to do with the children?"

At this moment, a thought flashed through his mind, and he secretly cursed: "The devil's thieves are up to no good." He left the three of them alone and flew back to the inn.

In front of the small building in the backyard of the inn stood four demon cultivators with alchemy cultivation, watching cautiously as the eight shadow tigers did not dare to step forward. Zhang was afraid of coming back suddenly. The four demon cultivators were startled and immediately flew away.

Zhang was afraid of letting them leave, and what he was thinking about was that one incident after another would come one after another, and he would see how Shura would explain to him!

He guessed that the guy might be dealing with the demon cultivator who kidnapped children, so he didn't try to keep anyone alive. No matter what, he had to give some face to the number one man in the demon sect.

At the same time, he was also calculating in his mind, what are these four people doing?

The demon cultivator left as soon as he came. Zhang was afraid of returning to the middle-aged man again. The three of them were busy packing away their belongings and preparing to escape. Suddenly they saw him coming back and were frightened on the spot. The middle-aged man reacted quickly and shouted for mercy.

Zhang Zhen is very depressed. With my identity, I can’t even ask questions? He said softly: "You arrested me and put me in jail? Do you want to kill me? Do you want to rob a group of children to trade and profit?" His consciousness spread and he did not find any sinful places in the courtyard, such as prison dark rooms and so on. No, so I asked one more question.

Of course the middle-aged man did not dare to admit it. At this moment, another demon cultivator came to the inn. Zhang is afraid of being furious, what do you think of me? Had to go back again.

This time, there were eight demon cultivators with foundation-building cultivation, standing in front of the small building and staring at Yinghu.

Zhang Wei came back in a hurry, and before he could say anything, a demon cultivator actually attacked him! He raised his hand and released a dense swarm of flying insects, which buzzed towards Zhang Ai.

Zhang Ai was so angry that he really used a master like me as his food. Before he could fight back, the four alchemy masters who appeared just now combined their swords into one, formed a huge air sword in the air and stabbed him. These four people walked slowly but came back very quickly.

Zhang was afraid of being furious, so he raised his hand and stabbed, and the Fushen Sword appeared in a whoosh, pointing the air sword in the air. As for a flying insect, just condense an air shield to block it, and your heart will become fierce. None of these people can leave! So a sword thrust out, followed by a flicker of the figure, the Fushen Sword was divided into nine parts, stabbing the eight people in the field and the air sword respectively. As for the four pill-forming demon cultivators, don't rush, take your time, do you still have the ability to do it? Can't you run away in front of me?

The nine swords stabbed out continuously, breaking the air sword and stabbing five people to death instantly. But what surprised him was that there were three demon cultivators in the field who were not foundation-building cultivators. They each concealed their auras and deceived Zhang Ai. At this time, they showed their strength and turned out to be a Nascent Soul high-level demon cultivator and two Nascent Soul mid-level demons. build.

Before Zhang Weijin stabbed him, the three of them dispersed. The last person threw a bell and vibrated it gently in the air. When he heard it, it felt like he had drunk a lot of wine, and he felt that the world was spinning. of.

At the same time, one of the two demon cultivators in front released a green flag, and the black energy lingered around it. It gave people a dizzy feeling, which was similar to the effect of bells in the air. They both broke people's minds and disturbed their minds.

The killing move was performed by the third person. A high-level Yuanying monk held a very ordinary rusty sword. Taking advantage of Zhang Awei's confusion, he quickly but very lightly stabbed Zhang Awei's head.

He fell into the trap. First he was deceived by the Demonic Cultivator of Pill Formation, then the Demonic Cultivator of Foundation Establishment to make him lower his guard. There were also three masters who hid their auras from him. Finally, the killing move of the three of them was combined. It must be said that the cooperation was ingenious. . The three demon cultivators knew that the top-level masters were strong-minded and had superb skills, so they could not be harmed by ordinary attacks, so they created two powerful spiritual weapons to trap them first, and then the high-level Nascent Soul demon cultivators killed them with one sword. Of.

At this moment, Zhang Ping suddenly thought of Shura and wondered if he was involved. If Shura attacked with all his strength at this time, he might be able to stay.

Zhang Wei stabbed out nine swords, and three of them struck the air. As soon as he struck the air, he realized something was wrong. He immediately activated his two souls, and the figure swayed and disappeared. Even if the two souls attacked with magic weapons, it was only temporary. Restraining the soul and confusing it cannot cause direct harm. Zhang Wen had already trained his mind countless times, and it was really difficult for him to be harmed by ordinary soul attacks.

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