The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 710 Recognition of relatives with blood

Chapter 710: Blood Recognition

For the next ten days or so, more than 3,000 children played in the yard during the day and went back to their rooms to rest at night. They had two meals a day, rain or shine. They were much happier. They gradually forgot the pain of leaving home and slowly adapted to it.

In the past ten days, residents from nearby areas have come to claim the abducted children one after another. Because it is difficult to identify the father and the son, Zhang is afraid to come up with an idea. There is an old saying that blood is shed to identify relatives, and he doesn’t know whether it is accurate or not. Decided to use it. Set up a small magic circle and embed it in a jade plate. As long as the blood of two close relatives is dripped into it, it will blend together.

In order to avoid making mistakes, first test with older children. They can already remember things and naturally know their parents. After identification, take blood for verification. I have tried it on more than a dozen people in a row without any mistakes, so I know that the method is feasible.

Over the past ten days, the number of people recognizing their relatives has increased rapidly. At most, more than 500 people recognized their relatives at the same time in one day. Zhang Weixing took the trouble to help them identify their blood relationship, but what made him sigh was that there was actually someone who came to fool the children.

Ming Moxiu detains these people and asks them the reasons one by one. If they have been married for a long time and have no children, or if their heirs have died and want to find a son to inherit the family business, say a few words and send them away. If they have bad intentions and want to make a fortune, , killing things directly.

Everyone has their own moral understanding. Zhang Ain believes that all those who sell babies for profit should deserve to die.

People's hearts are terrible. He gave such an order, and one month later fifty-seven people were killed. The demon cultivator dug a big pit in the distance with these corpses in it. Zhang Wen walked over to take a look. No matter what, he couldn't believe that people's hearts could be so bad. How many days has it been? In less than twenty days, more than fifty bad guys appeared?

The difference between good and bad, good and evil, is clearly presented in this moment. Zhang Awei looked at it for a long time and muttered in a low voice: "The bad guys deserve to die."

This sentence made the demon cultivators around them break into cold sweat. They had always behaved like this. In order to save their lives and fear of irritating Zhang Wei, a group of people carefully and carefully served the children.

Because the abducted children covered such a wide area, it took more than two months to identify the parents of the three thousand children. Most of the children were taken away by their families. In the end, there were 64 orphans left who have never been claimed. Years old, the elder one is ten years old. Every day I see the number of friends around me decreasing, but no one comes to take them away, and the joy in my heart slowly turns to sadness. For those who know that they are orphans, they just understand their life experience again, and it will be over as soon as they stand up, and it doesn't matter. But more often than not, the river floods and the whole family drowns, leaving only himself, or the demon cultivator robs the child, killing the child's family and turning him into an orphan. As the number of friends around them decreases, these children become sad and cannot be happy no matter how much food and fun they give them.

More than two months have passed, and fewer and fewer people have come to claim the children. Zhang Weishei's face has become colder and colder. He only smiles when he faces the children.

At this time, all the demon cultivators who had gone out to distribute the notice had returned. Seeing this situation, no one dared to ask for the advancement pill they deserved. They hid far away all day long and did not dare to approach Zhang Afraid, let alone advancement. Dan, as long as you can't see that guy's cold face.

Zhang was afraid that he would stay for another month to confirm that no one would come to claim the child, so he called all the demon cultivators and asked him to question him.

A group of people gathered together anxiously, wondering how Zhang Afraid would treat them.

Zhang Ping said: "When I heard about the flood, although a lot of places were flooded, the number of deaths was not many. There were only more than a hundred people, or a little more, two hundred or three hundred people. But why are there so many orphans? You guys? Who can tell me?"

With his mind, it is not difficult to guess that some demonic cultivators are murderous and want to destroy their families and seize their children, leading to today's situation.

No one from more than a hundred demon cultivators responded.

Seeing that they were silent, Zhang Ain continued: "Three months ago, I promised you that as long as you try your best to help the children find their families, I will forget the blame and will give you advanced pills. You did a good job in this matter, so you should Here are the pills." As he spoke, he took out the jade bottle, opened the cork and poured it gently. More than a hundred advanced pills with round, crystal clear spiritual energy flew out of the bottle, one floating in front of each demon cultivator.

These demonic cultivators were not popular in the sect, so they were sent out to die. But at this moment, they were a blessing in disguise. They were so happy that they hurriedly put away the elixirs and expressed their gratitude.

Zhang Dawei said: "Those are the elixirs for the middle and higher levels of foundation building. I don't bother to ask how your cultivation is. If anyone is too low or too high, and the elixir does not match your cultivation, I will take it upon myself to change the elixir for you."

Before dividing the elixir, he scanned his consciousness briefly and knew that most of the demonic cultivators were intermediate-level foundation-building cultivators. Because the children's affairs affected his mood, he didn't have the heart to distinguish them one by one, so he did this.

After hearing what he said, more than 20 people immediately went out to exchange elixirs. After everyone got the elixirs, Zhang Ain said again: "I don't care which sect you are a disciple of, and I don't bother to ask where you are hiding. You have to remember Just say a word, go back to Shura and tell him that these sixty-four children are my disciples, Zhang Ai, and I need him to give me an explanation for the murder of their relatives. "

The voice was cold and full of murderous intent. The joy of the demon cultivators who had just obtained the advanced elixir was immediately frightened away by these words. Everyone looked at Zhang Ai in panic, guessing, does this God of Death want to kill people?

Zhang Wen said something and turned back to look at the children in the square. In the past, there were so many people that the place seemed small, but it was very lively. Now there were only sixty-four of them left. The square suddenly became so big that they were not in the mood to run. They mostly stayed in one place and stopped moving.

Then he turned around and said, "Go ahead and tell Shura what I said. I don't have much patience. If you don't tell me, if he doesn't explain it to me, I'll get it myself."

After hearing this, more than a hundred demon cultivators couldn't help but shiver. It was so cold, it would be an exaggeration to say it was bone-chilling. He bowed goodbye to Zhang Aoi one after another, and then left quickly. Everyone was uneasy and didn't know what to say when they returned to the mountain.

The four rows of houses are so big, and the enclosed space is also huge. Everyone has gone out, and it looks very deserted. There were more than 3,000 children, and there were only 64 left. Zhang Ain walked over and asked kindly: "What do you want to eat tonight?"

Looking at them, he remembered his childhood. When he was as old as them, he memorized spells and practiced mental techniques every day. He was surrounded by senior brothers, and no one paid attention to him. He was alone, and he was always alone.

He was a child after all, and when he heard that there was something to eat, he called for something he liked to eat and came around. Zhang Ai laughed and said, "You are too noisy and cannot be heard. Let's talk one by one." He joked, but of course the children were not afraid. They shouted over each other: "If I talk loudly, I will make trouble for you." Zhang Ai was trying to scare you. Said: "If you don't obey, the tiger will bite you."

For more than three months, the children have played with eight tigers every day. Knowing that they do not bite or eat people, no one is afraid. At that time, a child climbed on the shadow tiger and shouted: "You are so good!" Bite."

Looking at the happiness of the children, Zhang Wen was actually very unhappy, very unhappy. A group of innocent and innocent children clearly had families and relatives, but suddenly they were gone and had to go somewhere else with a group of people to grow up slowly. , No matter whether the previous life was good or bad, no matter the future will be good or bad, but now, no one is qualified to take away the life they deserve.

Just because he is unhappy, he has to smile more. He wants the children to be happy and forget their sorrows and the family they once had.

Zhang was afraid to ask loudly: "Can we have barbecue?"

"Okay." A group of children spoke loudly.

Zhang was afraid to clear a space, went outside and folded two pieces of wood and came back. He went to look for bamboo sticks, took out a few large pieces of meat, cut them into slices and asked the children to string them up. Then he lit the wood and started to barbecue.

They were all children, how could anyone know how to play with this thing? They were more interested in playing than eating. Zhang was afraid that it would be very hard to help everyone, and thought to himself: Fortunately, there are only sixty-four. If it were six hundred and four, I would die from exhaustion on the spot?

He worked hard, and the children ate happily, with the red flames glowing with joy. Zhang was also happy and asked everyone: "From today on, will you live with me?"

"Okay!" The children's voices were loud, but then someone asked in a sweet voice: "Where's daddy? Where's mommy? Why aren't they here? Do they want me anymore?"

Zhang was afraid that he didn't like lying and didn't know how to coax them, so he forced a smile and said: "I have a lot of fun things at home. I can eat barbecue every day. I also have tigers and bears and many toys." He classified all the monsters as toys. , I don’t know how the monsters will react after knowing this.

He worked hard to make the children happy, and finally his efforts were not in vain. Every child kissed him, but Zhang Ain felt aggrieved in his heart, so depressed that he wanted to go crazy, wanted to kill someone, and was eager to let it out. If there weren't any children around, he would be able to roar to the sky in no time.

He played with them that night, and spent the next few days with them, until seven days later, Zhang Ain decided to hit the road and return to Tianlei Mountain.

After waiting for many more days, no one came to take the children home. It is possible that they really have no family left. He went to arrange the carriage. There were seventy-three carriages when they arrived. When the people claimed their children, Zhang was afraid of observing their clothing and behavior, so he chose a poor person and gave one as a gift. All the carriages had already been given away, leaving only one horse. Zhang Ao took out the carriage made of five fairy trees, put on the reins, and was ready to set off.

The little carriage didn't look big from the outside, but there was something different inside. I moved the children's bedding into the carriage and let them get on. Then I put away the spiritual silkworm cloth spread on the ground, made sure that nothing was left behind, and set off. In order to prevent the children from thinking wildly, he drove the eight shadow tigers into the car to play with them, and he was the only one outside.

It wasn't that he wasn't in a hurry to return to Tianlei Mountain, he just wanted to walk along the flooded area again in case he met the children's family members. However, he also understood in his heart that this was just his personal wish, and it was basically impossible to find the child's family again. It had been more than four months since the flood. If the family was still there, how could he abandon his own flesh and blood and ignore them.

Going north along the road, not long after we came out of the dilapidated city where we stayed a few months ago, four months had passed, and the court was still working diligently. Most of the city walls and private houses were completely repaired, and the residents were relatively safe, at least peaceful and peaceful.

The carriage had just entered the street, the door opened, and a little head popped out and asked: "Have you entered the city?" It was a little girl named Huan'er who was a little over eight years old. She was thin and full of cleverness, and she was the most like Zhang Ai. It's close, not afraid of him at all.

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