The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 709: Surrender

Chapter 709: Submission

Only six words, meaning that the past should be forgotten, but it is not easy to submit openly, so I mentioned it in a subtle way.

"No matter how many years have passed, you also want to kill me, but there are many people who want to kill me, and you are not the only one. This is not a problem. The problem is how do you plan to solve this matter?" Zhang Pa said coldly.

Shura had a headache. The bastards under his sect forgot the pain after the scar healed. Why did they make trouble for nothing? They provoked a bad star. He had the strength to be afraid of Zhang Pa, but what about his disciples? He smiled bitterly and said, "What can I do? Try not to offend you Tianlei Mountain, isn't it?"

"I have offended you before, including this time. Oh, don't say how many times. Anyway, we have always been enemies. For the sake of you letting my twelve disciples go, I will give you a chance to speak. Tell me what to do?" Zhang Pa was so arrogant.

He was arrogant, but Shura pretended not to hear him and sighed, "Forget it, what do you mean I want to do? Just say what you want to do and see if I can do it or not?" He put his attitude to a super low level, making it hard for people to believe that it was said by a top-level master.

"Since you said so, I have to accept your kindness. You haven't done anything bad in these years. I think you have turned over a new leaf, so I will let your disciples go. Just tell me where the other three sects are hiding, and I will do it myself." Zhang Pa had the intention to kill. If these demon cultivators had been hiding and stopped doing bad things, he really didn't want to care about them, but since they came out to make trouble again, he had to punish them for two crimes.

Shura looked at Zhang Pa through the mask, and the murderous intent that was faintly revealed could not be hidden from him. He sighed and said, "The four sects are hiding in the same place, and I can't tell you." Seeking perfection is one thing, betrayal is another, and he has his own standards of conduct.

"Then I will kill you and search slowly. As long as I find them, I will not leave a single living person. Aren't you a holy church, or you should leave nothing behind." Zhang Pa said coldly.

Shura snorted coldly: "Can you kill me?" He made up his mind that if he ran away with all his strength, he should not be worried about his life?

Zhang Pa didn't want to say these useless words to him, and asked coldly: "Then why did you come?"

Xura really wanted to say, you asked me to come, but he couldn't say it. If the two knew each other, they could joke and talk nonsense, but the two were enemies, and what they could say and what they couldn't say was related to face. After thinking for a moment, he said: "How about this, I will help you get the three thousand children back."

This sentence was equivalent to admitting that the Demon Sect did it. Zhang Pa was a little surprised. He didn't expect Shura to be so submissive. He came all the way here to pity the miserable experience of the three thousand children. If one of them didn't die and he could take them all away, he would be very happy. For him, compared to killing a person, saving a person is far less joyful. So he nodded happily: "Okay, I'll wait for you here."

Xura nodded, and the moment he lowered his head, the figure disappeared.

He walked on his own way. Zhang Pa was in a good mood. He looked at the two high peaks in front of him, and then looked at the monks who were full of vigilance behind the house. He found a flat stone nearby to sit down, took out a bottle of wine, and drank it by himself.

Maybe he felt lonely, so he let the eight shadow tigers out. He had a restraint on them. Each one was docile and honest, but none of them was as considerate as the three stupid dogs before. He cursed in his heart: three bastards, they didn't even come to see me when I returned to the mountain.

He was really patient. He waited here for ten days and finally waited for Shura to come back. That guy brought more than a hundred disciples of the Demon Sect and drove more than seventy carts. Because the mountain road was not easy to walk, they all stopped at the foot of the mountain. Shura came up to inform him.

Is there any need to inform him? As long as you are not blind, you can see the long convoy. Zhang Pa got up and walked down, holding a bottle of wine in his hand, followed by eight terrifying black tigers.

When Shura saw them, he shook his head and said, "Why do you have so many goodies?"

Zhang Pa didn't answer him. His soul scanned the seventy-three carriages and asked coldly, "Did you bring them all back?"

Since he had already surrendered, there was no need to hide or deceive. Shura said, "Three people died accidentally, and the remaining three thousand and eleven children are all here."

Zhang Pa nodded, "Let me borrow your men for use. Don't worry, as long as they don't do anything wrong, I will keep them safe."

Shura smiled bitterly. Anyway, with the mask blocking his face, no one could see his expression. He nodded gently, turned around and ordered, "Follow him. When he lets you go, you go." The words were not clear, but everyone could understand them, and then he left alone.

Zhang Pa thought about it and thought it was a bit wrong to let Shura go so easily. He asked casually, "I say, when will we settle the accounts between us?"

"Whatever you want." Shura knew Zhang Pa's style of doing things very well. As long as he followed him, everything would be fine. This time, the three major demon sects did not listen to his advice, forcing him to come and humiliate himself. He cursed the three sects in his heart. If it were not for the inheritance of the Yue Kingdom Saint Sect, he would not care about your life or death! But he gave in, and the three major demon sects still did not appreciate it. In the end, he had no choice but to tell them in detail about the battle of the Jin family, which frightened them. The mighty Zhang Pa experienced three consecutive fights, almost one against ten, and still killed three top masters and left safely. Who would not be afraid of such strength? People always have a fluke mentality. The demon cultivators don’t care about the lives of the people, so they think that Zhang Pa, a top master, doesn’t care even more, so they dare to rob people and think it’s okay. Who knows that Zhang Pa is different from them. He was furious for three thousand unknown children and wanted to eliminate all the demon sects. After listening to Shura’s detailed description of his horror, a group of people finally admitted their defeat honestly and sent away three thousand children.

Zhang Ai waited for a few days. He originally wanted to kill people to establish his authority, but the enemy surrendered, so he was not interested in killing anymore. He ordered a group of demon cultivators to say: "Go back to the flood-prone place. Whoever kidnapped the children will be given to me." Which one should I go back to?”

There were more than a hundred demon cultivators, with an average of two people taking care of a carriage. They were dumbfounded when they heard this. They didn't snatch the person, so where should they send it to? Because of the fear of Zhang's bad reputation, no one dared to elaborate.

Zhang Ain asked again: "Have you eaten everything? How many meals a day?"

No matter how stupid the group of demon cultivators were, they knew that they were not asking the children, but whether they had eaten or not. Someone quickly replied: "Two meals a day is enough. I don't dare to stop eating."

Zhang Ai nodded, stopped talking, and led the convoy back to the flooded area.

Because they were all children, it was not good to be locked in a carriage all day long. Zhang was afraid that something would happen to them, so he fed each of them the Marrow Pill to strengthen their physiques and prevent them from getting sick or injured easily, so they dared to keep on the road.

The distance between the two places is really far, and I will return to my children's hometown after seven days. The older one was easier to handle, and he knew his way back home. Zhang was afraid of going through trouble, so he just carried him back. But there are a thousand and five children who are no more than three, four, or five years old. They are immature and ignorant of worldly affairs. How can they know where their home is? The most difficult thing is that 3,000 children come from all over the country. Some of them were in flooded areas and were robbed by demonic cultivators. There are also children whose homes were not flooded and were just robbed by force. How to send them home has become the most difficult thing.

Zhang Ain thought about it for a while and ordered more than a hundred demon cultivators: "Ask me! Count everyone's family situation, address, living environment, and family members. Ask me everything."

All the demon cultivators had no choice but to ask, but no matter how powerful you are, what can you ask from the mouths of children who are babbling? After spending three days, only half of the children were asked about their general situation. This group of demon cultivators is so tired that they hate the group of fellow disciples who came out to rob people. Because of their high cultivation level, they got into trouble and asked us to send them away? When I become powerful, I won’t be able to kill you. They all thought bitterly, but they didn't dare to direct their anger at Zhang Afraid.

The process of giving birth to children and acknowledging them as relatives was slow, and Zhang was finally tired of the trouble. He circled a piece of land in the place where the most children were lost and ordered the magic cultivators: "Build a house." These demon cultivators were unlucky and had to do all kinds of work, but no Dare to complain, let’s not talk about how powerful Zhang Ai is, just talk about the eight black tigers, their vicious appearance is intimidating.

The houses were built very quickly. More than 140 people quickly built four rows of houses in three days, forming a square in a zigzag shape.

Zhang Awei asked them again: "Do you have any money?" More than a hundred demon cultivators nodded and shook their heads. Zhang Awei took out a pile of gold and silver and said, "Go and buy new clothes, bedding, and some toys for the children."

Poor group of cultivators, who dares to disobey? More than a hundred demon cultivators were forced to become nannies, busy taking care of the children.

Things are easy to do when there are a lot of people, and that night, the children finally no longer have to live in the carriage. Zhang Weijing called Mo Xiu again: "There is still work to be done. Go to all the nearby towns and villages and inform everyone that there are a large number of missing children here. Anyone who has lost a child should come and claim it quickly. If the child is not notified, it is yours." The question is whether to punish or not, but to all those who work hard, I will distribute advanced pills as appropriate. As for how to notify, you can decide on your own. "

This sentence made more than a hundred demon cultivators extremely excited. Who wouldn’t want an advanced elixir? I thought that if I went out to do a hard job, I might lose my life, but I didn't expect that it would be possible to get an advanced pill? This time everyone is making progress.

Originally, he was willing to obey orders honestly because he knew that Zhang was afraid of being frightened, so no one dared to escape when he went out to do errands. Now I don’t want to escape at all, I just want to do my job well. With the title of Duobao Boy, the best master in the world, he should not break his promise just because of an advanced pill. After the distribution of more than a hundred magic cultivators, everyone will share their things. , prepared to leave, but was stopped by Zhang Afraid: "Leave ten people behind."

Among the group of demon cultivators, no one was willing to give up the advanced elixir. Naturally, no one was willing to stay. Zhang Ain sighed and said: "You guys choose, anyway, I will leave ten people." So after some selection, ten ordinary generals were selected. The unlucky guy who was bullied came out, and the rest of the people ran away without a trace in an instant.

After they left, Zhang Ain covered the square with silkworm cloth, a thin layer but as soft as cotton. Call the ten people, identify each person's cultivation level, take out the corresponding advanced pill, distribute one pill to each person, and then say: "You are responsible for cooking."

These ten people originally thought that they would not get the advanced elixir. The benefits belonged to others and the misfortunes were their own. They were listless and dejected. When they suddenly got the advanced elixir, they were overjoyed and bowed to express their thanks. Zhang was afraid that he didn't want to talk to them much. He only wanted them to work hard by giving them things. He put down a storage bag of food and said, "Go and get busy." Needless to say, I believe they didn't have the guts to slack off or do anything bad.

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