The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 711 Take you away

Chapter 711 Take you away

Zhang Pa smiled and said, "Yes, what do you want to do?" Huan'er smiled and replied, "Nothing, just want to see." As she spoke, she jumped to sit next to Zhang Pa and looked around with wide eyes.

Zhang Pa knew that children were curious, and smiled and said, "There is nothing to see here. I will take you to a big city in a few days. This place is not that big."

Huan'er agreed, but she did not move to look for a while. She was a little disappointed that she did not see the prosperity and bustle that others said. She asked Zhang Pa, "Can I help you drive the carriage?"

How could an eight-year-old child know how to drive a carriage? Besides, this carriage does not need to be driven. The horses pulling the carriage in front are just pretending and do not bear any force at all. Zhang Pa smiled and said, "No need to drive. The big horse is smart and will take us away."

Children are most competitive. When one person leaves the carriage, another person will come out. They do not speak, but sit side by side and look around. Zhang Pa laughed and scolded: "Go in, where is the place for you to sit outside?"

All the sixty-four children knew that this big brother was kind and lovely, and never lost his temper, so naturally no one was afraid of him. The child retorted: "I am not sitting in the right place?"

Zhang Pa pretended to be angry and said: "I am your master, and you don't listen to me?" The child continued to retort: ​​"You are not the master, you are the big brother." Refusing to recognize his dominance.

In the past three months, because I was with the children more often, I didn't have any toys. The ones I bought before were given to Fu'er's group of little fat boys. Although the magic cultivator had bought some, there were more than three thousand children, and many people had never played with them. Now that they entered the city, Zhang Pa thought about it and said: "You go into the carriage, I will take you to buy toys, only those who are obedient can get them."

The magic power of the toys was very strong, and the two children hurriedly got back into the carriage without saying a word.

Zhang Pa laughed, asked people on the roadside, got an answer, thanked them, and drove the carriage to the warehouse. The warehouse was very large, with four rooms put together. There were all kinds of toys, including food, clothing, and daily necessities, and of course, children's toys.

Zhang Pa stopped the carriage at the door, called all the children out, and said, "Go and pick out toys, one for each person."

The older children were okay, those over six years old knew how to choose by themselves, but the four- and five-year-old children were not so good. They could only speak simple words and were timid when they saw everything. At most, they would say "I want it" and dared not say anything else. There were more than twenty such children, each of whom stood under the carriage, looking timidly at the warehouse and then at Zhang Pa.

Zhang Pa laughed and asked them to hold hands and line up, and took them into the store to choose toys.

No matter how big the warehouse was, it was limited. Once more than sixty children entered the store, it immediately became crowded, especially in the area for toys, which seemed extremely crowded. The clerk was a little anxious. What should he do? It would be bad if they bumped into anything, and he didn't know where the adults were. Even if they bought toys, who would pay? So he looked after the children and shouted loudly: "Whose children are they? Where are the adults?"

The children had all changed into new clothes and looked brand new. Judging from their appearance, their families should not be short of money, so the waiter did not say anything unpleasant.

At this time, Zhang Pa brought in more than 20 children, and the waiter was a little dumbfounded. He said anxiously: "Sir, please be kind. If you want to use something, just ask me. I will take it from you. There are so many young masters. If they get bumped, who can afford to pay? Don't let them in again."

Zhang Pa said: "It doesn't matter. If anything is damaged, it will be compensated at the price." As he said that, he threw a walnut-sized gold nugget to the waiter, thinking; Is the marrow-destroying pill free? Although the body is small, it is definitely strong.

With the gold, the waiter is not worried. How much can the toys be worth? He let the children do whatever they wanted, but he still said nice things: "I can tell at a glance that you are from a wealthy family, you won't be short of this little money. I am worried that the things in the store are not placed properly, and it will be bad if they hurt me." Zhang Pa ignored him and asked the many four-year-old children around him: "What do you want? Tell me, I will get it for you." He thought: Fortunately, the youngest is four years old. If he was only one or two years old, it would be a big trouble. Is he ready to pee on me at any time? I shuddered at the thought of this. The world's number one master with urine on him? It's really scary! He sighed here, and the children stared around with big eyes. There were not many kinds of toys in the store. There were nothing more than wooden beast rattles and other things, and there were few exquisite toys. Zhang Pa looked around and was not satisfied. After the children picked out the toys, he asked them to wait at the door, and he and his friends calculated the bill. In fact, it was not a calculation, but he bought a lot of extra things. A group of children dressed in the same way stood on the street. They looked like students of a private school, attracting some curious eyes. When Zhang Pa came out, he saw that they were having fun, so he didn't want to let them get in the car. He snapped his fingers and let the carriage follow slowly behind him. He led a group of children along the street.

Children like Huan'er are sensible and can restrain themselves. They don't ask for things easily. However, some children aged four to six, perhaps spoiled by their families, want everything they see, chirping all the way and making trouble. Fortunately, after more than three months of influence, Zhang Pa has long been accustomed to it. He endured their noise and persuaded them one by one, saying this is not allowed, that is not allowed.

Such a team certainly attracted attention. After walking a kilometer slowly, two adults brought two children to thank him. Zhang Pa remembered them. The two children were kidnapped children. The two adults took their children away after blood recognition. Such a great favor, of course, must be thanked again and again, and said to invite Zhang Pa to have a drink.

Zhang Pa was very happy that they were grateful. After thinking about it, he felt that it was only right to go to a restaurant for a big meal. It would be a sumptuous meal for the little guys. So he agreed and walked towards a tall restaurant in front.

When the two adults saw the direction he was going, their hearts trembled. Could it be that he was going to that restaurant? One meal is enough for an ordinary family to live for more than a month. The two of them have never been there before. Looking at my benefactor, there are more than sixty children around him. I don’t know how much this meal will cost. They originally wanted to invite them home for dinner, but since the benefactor had chosen a place, they had to accompany them even if they risked their lives. One person whispered to the other, "You go first, and I'll go home to get the money." The other agreed, and then said: "Go to my house and get some, too. Get more."

Zhang was afraid of hearing the two of them muttering, so he turned around and greeted them: "What kind of money can I get? I don't lack that stuff. Let's go, I'll treat you." The two just refused, and it was reasonable that they should treat them to this meal.

Zhang Ping said: "Let's go." He took the two of them there directly.

The group of people quickly arrived at the restaurant. The building was four stories high and it seemed to be very sturdy. It was not damaged even in the flood. Two waiters were standing at the door to welcome guests. They were startled when they suddenly saw a bunch of children. They quickly stopped them and said, "It's not fun here. Let's go forward." As he said this, he looked behind him to find where the adults were.

Zhang Ai walked over quickly and took a look inside. It was okay. It was not a meal now, and there were only a few tables of customers. He shouted to the children: "Go in and find a seat. Order what you want to eat from them."

ah? Are you here for dinner? Customers are welcome as soon as they enter the door. When opening a store and doing business, there is no reason to drive customers away. But how should we entertain this group of children? The two guys looked back at the shopkeeper and asked him for his opinion.

Zhang was afraid of seeing the shirk, so he threw away a gold ingot and said to the waiter: "Ask one by one and find out what the children want to eat. If you can spend all the gold on this, it is your skill."

This was an honored guest. The two waiters and the cashier at the counter came out to welcome him, and then four more waiters were called out to serve these young ancestors. The two adults who came to express their thanks took a look and saw that it was an ingot of gold. They were indeed rich, so let’s just have a free meal. Please take a seat at the table with your children.

Then it was time to eat. A group of children couldn't sit still and were so noisy that they almost lifted the roof of the house to the sky. No matter what they ate, they couldn't stop their mouths. Moreover, each of them had a great appetite. After eating this, they had to take one. It was very difficult. Eat until noon.

It was time for dinner, and customers started to be served. People came into the store one after another. When they saw the room full of noisy children, they all frowned and went to the second and third floors.

Zhang Ai also knew that it was a bit too noisy, but he wanted to leave here after eating. Just this once, he indulged them without restraint.

He didn't care, someone was in charge. The guests who had just gone upstairs to eat came down. Wearing a scribe's robe, he pointed with a fan and cursed: "Where did these little beasts come from? Can't they be quiet?" He turned around and called: "Shopkeeper, put them away." Go out and I'll pay for the drinks."

Although the scribe was arrogant, a group of children were indeed too noisy. What they said was right. Zhang was afraid that he didn't care about others' shouting and scolding, and taught a group of children: "Shut up, eat quickly, and leave the city after eating."

Seeing that the Lord still understands the truth, the scribe didn't want to say anything more, so he turned around and went upstairs. But children tend to forget things easily and get into trouble again after a while. Zhang was afraid of being depressed, so he asked someone to settle the accounts. He couldn't bother others all the time.

The waiter was eager to get rid of these troublemakers, so he ran over to talk: "There are six tables in total. There is still a surplus of gold given by the guest. I wonder if you need anything else?"

Zhang Awei waved his hand: "No, no need to look for it." He asked the children to get up and go out.

At this time, the scribe came downstairs again and said angrily: "Is it over yet? Which wild boy is so ignorant? He doesn't have parents to discipline him, right?"

Zhang was afraid that he would be angry when he heard this. Some of the older children among the children were told something important and looked at the scribes angrily. Seeing that the child refused to listen, the scribe became even more angry and shouted: "Xiao Er." A waiter quickly came over and asked, "Sir, what are your orders?"

The scribe shouted: "Kick them out." The boy replied: "Those children have paid their bills and are about to leave. Sir, please calm down and go back and have a glass of wine to calm down. They will be fine soon. They will be fine soon."

This sentence made Zhang afraid he would not be happy to hear it. What is calming down? He is angry, but we are not angry? Looking at a dozen angry children, he coughed and asked, "Are you full?"

After these days, people kept coming to pick up the bride. In the end, there were only sixty-four of the more than three thousand children left. The older ones had already understood what was going on. They had no home. But I kept enduring it, hoping that my guess was wrong and my parents would come to pick them up, so I never said these words, imagining that I could still see my parents.

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