The Monk

Volume One Chapter 708 Meeting Shura

Chapter 708: Meeting Shura

Zhang Ain stood on the mountainside for a while and found nothing unusual, wondering where Shura was hiding?

With his cultivation level, there was no need to be cautious when dealing with a Shura. Besides, he was too lazy to look for him. He looked up to the sky and shouted, "Shura! Come out!" The shouts spread like thunder from the ground, spreading the sound to the top of the mountain.

Zhang Awei shouted and stood still, but he was so frightened that all the small sects between the two peaks moved into action. One by one, they came out nervously as if they were facing a formidable enemy. When they saw Zhang Awei, the monk Jiedan came to see Zhang Awei with fists clasped in his fists: "Hongmen disciples pay my respects. Senior, I don’t know what senior means by calling Shura?”

They didn't even know that Shura was a person's name, and that it was the name of a top-level master. Because the word Shura was carved on the stone cliff behind the house they occupied, they thought it was them who was being called, so they came to see him.

Zhang was afraid that he didn't care who they were, so he glanced at them casually and said casually: "It's none of your business." Then he kept silent. The pill-forming master across from me didn't know what to do. Look at this man's aura, he must be a ruthless man who kills people without calculation. There is no need to bring trouble on himself. He said goodbye, led the people back to the courtyard, closed the courtyard door, and stood on the wall. Look out carefully.

Zhang Weijing waited a little longer, and Shura finally appeared. A man in black robes and a bronze mask appeared silently. Because the clothes are wide and black, and he wears a scary mask, he looks as scary as a ghost when flying on the wind.

Shura fell ten meters in front of Zhang Ai. After falling, he sighed: "You are here after all."

Zhang said fearfully: "You knew I was coming, but you still dared to bully my disciples? Do you really think I won't kill people?"

Shura quickly shook his head: "I have seen you kill people before, and I didn't want to offend you, so a bunch of people came to make trouble, and I spared the Tianlei Mountain disciple alone."

"Oh? Making trouble?" Zhang Ai sneered: "A group of evil demons who only do evil things, are they afraid of others making trouble?"

Shura said calmly: "This matter has nothing to do with me. Your enemy is not me. You don't have to talk to me like this." He and Zhang Awei had a grudge, but since he had seen Zhang Awei fight with several members of the Jin family and killed three people After that, he never mentioned hatred again. This annoying bastard was too powerful. Shura knew that he was no match.

"It has nothing to do with you, why are you driving away my disciples?" Zhang Ain asked coldly.

Shura sighed and said: "I want to do a favor, but the twelve people under your command are too stupid to listen to me, so I have to kill people to scare them away. Speaking of which, you are not strict in your control. If you listen to my advice, maybe one person Neither will die."

"Aren't you strict? No one will die?" Zhang Ai asked coldly.

"Anyway, the person has been killed. It's useless to say anything. Don't say that I didn't kill your disciples. I didn't kill the other people. The matter has nothing to do with me and the Shura Sect. It was done jointly by the other three sects. You can take revenge." You have to find the right person. Let me tell you first, I am not telling you these things because I am afraid of you, but because I don’t want you to kill my holy disciples indiscriminately." Shura said in a deep voice.

Zhang Wei said, "What did you say? I killed indiscriminately? I really want to kill you. Have you demon sect thieves done anything good? Don't talk about it at a distance, just talk about the barbarian ghost disciples. Just because I know it is enough." There are three demon sects who are mixed up with the sorcerers, inciting them to do evil and practice ghost tricks. Why don't you say that I kill indiscriminately? "

Shura was overwhelmed by the words, and he probably looked very ugly. He said through the mask: "Why are you talking about this? There are evil people in your righteous way, why do you always say that my holy religion is not good?"

Zhang Awei shook his head lightly and said, "I'm not going to argue with you, just tell me what's going on."

Shura said: "As I said before, I don't want you to kill innocent people indiscriminately." Then he told what happened.

Since the Ninghe River flood last time, the four demon sects suffered heavy casualties from the Song Dynasty Yuling Sect, especially the Yinluo Mansion. The sect was destroyed and only a few demons escaped. Although the other three sects were not so miserable, they They also suffered setbacks in the ensuing attacks, and the Zhengdao sect of Yue State beat up the dog in the water, so the four sects hid at the same time and could not come out.

No one knew where they were hiding, and there was no news after several searches. Zhang was afraid that there would be too many things to do, so he didn't bother to come to them. He thought that if they were not doing evil, it would be okay to let them go for the time being, so he gave the four gates nearly a hundred years to develop.

Jingji is still thinking, after decades of dormancy, the strength of the four major demon sects has been greatly improved, and they are unwilling to continue to hide. However, they also knew that Tianlei Mountain was in the limelight and were unwilling to risk their lives easily, so someone came up with an idea. They said that due to several wars, the number of disciples in the sect was becoming increasingly scarce, so they should find good disciples to teach them their skills, continue to recuperate, hide themselves and secretly develop, and wait for opportunities in the future. Re-leave the Shanguang Great Sect, or wait until the strength becomes stronger and develop in other countries.

The masters of the four sects thought about it and realized that this was the case. Although they had become more powerful, Tianlei Mountain seemed to be even more powerful. There was still a big hatred between each other. A group of demon sect disciples were not sure how Zhang Afraid that bastard would treat them, so Decided to continue hiding, but one more task was to recruit disciples.

Among the four sects together, the only one who dares to show off outside is Shura. As the number one member of the Demon Sect in the Yue Kingdom and the Supreme Boss of the Shura Sect, this guy remembers the disciples and grandsons of the Shura Sect and will go back to see them from time to time. This time I came across this incident when I went back. I heard that the Four Sects were recruiting disciples, so I asked, how?

How else can I collect it? Of course, if you see someone with excellent bones and have a good bone, you can force him back to the mountain. This is the normal method used by the Demon Sect to recruit disciples. If the apprentice is older, can remember things, and is obsessed with his family, they will even kill his entire family and force him back to the mountain. Cultivators don't care about the lives of the people, and the demon sect even more so. The reason why they are called the demon sect is because they act evil without any scruples.

Shura understood all this, so he asked this question. After hearing his disciple's indifferent answer, he immediately ordered: "I can't take care of other sects. I only take care of Shura sect. From today on, everyone will stay in the mountain. I order not to go out, anyone who violates it will be killed! As for the four factions joining forces to recruit disciples, Shuramen will not participate!"

What he said was categorical and he didn't give his disciples a chance to argue. Even though the Shura sect had some small words, they could only abide by them.

Shura did this because he was really afraid of Zhang Wei. That madman could almost destroy the Jin family by himself. Shura also wanted to kill Jin Si, but he came to the door many times and never achieved anything. However, Zhang Ping was able to kill three people and leave safely. He really couldn't afford to offend this madman. In the battle at Tianlei Mountain, the four demon sects killed many people, much more than the ten masters of the Jin family. Now that the Jin family has been retaliated against, when will the Demon Sect wait for revenge? What kind of revenge will it be?

Therefore, Shura asked his disciples to keep a low profile and never go out to cause unnecessary trouble, let alone kill people indiscriminately.

Not causing trouble is the common opinion of the four sects. They have been hiding for many years just to avoid causing trouble. But they didn't think that recruiting a few apprentices would cause much trouble, so they decided to send people out to find apprentices.

At this time, floods in southern Vietnam brought endless disasters, destroying countless houses and displacing many people. The remaining three sects of Demon Sect disciples saw that this was a good opportunity and should take advantage of the chaos to recruit disciples. Of these three sects, the Yinluo Mansion basically existed in name only, with the Ghost Sect and the Hehuan Sect taking the lead, so they took advantage of the chaos to take action.

Because we had to keep it secret, we didn't dare to send more people out, so we brought back dozens or dozens of children a day. However, whoever lost a child was heartbroken. There were riots among the victims. The more children were lost, the more serious the problem became. The government could not suppress it and reported the news to the court. The court was also helpless, so it asked cultivators for help. Then there are a bunch of masters from the Righteous Alliance to pretend to be heroes.

The result was that the hero failed to pretend and was destroyed. They flew around and checked, and accidentally discovered that the demon sect thieves were robbing children, but they also met two Nascent Soul masters from the Hehuan sect and the Ghost Sect. The two guys had been holding back for many years and were eager to vent their anger. They met a group of enemy alchemy monks. Of course, Don't let it go. Moreover, these guys came to cause trouble for them. They thought that they would have to live in seclusion anyway after kidnapping the children. No one knew the hiding place. If they didn't kill, it would be in vain. If they killed, it would be in vain. So they decided to take action.

What they were most worried about when they did this was Shura. As they were both disciples of the Holy Sect, they couldn't leave it alone. They were also afraid of getting into trouble and implicating the Shura Sect, so they had been watching outside a lot recently. When they saw this scene, the two Nascent Soul Demonic Cultivators came down fiercely. Hands kill.

Shura was shocked, knowing that others could kill him if he was broken, but the Tianlei Mountain disciples could not be killed. That mad dog-like bastard Zhang Afraid would be the end of the world if he bit him. For the sake of the entire sect, he really could not offend this powerful enemy. To avoid attracting mad dogs, he stopped two Nascent Soul demon cultivators to prevent them from harming the disciples of Tianlei Mountain.

The two Nascent Soul demon cultivators were members of the Gui Sect and the Hehuan Sect. On the surface, they listened, but in fact they were even more ruthless. They killed all the others, leaving only the Tianleishan disciples, and then left. It means that you are afraid of Tianlei Mountain, but we are not.

If it weren't for Zhang Ai, Shura would be the number one person in the Yue Kingdom. He wouldn't care what the other sects would think and he could act rashly. But with Zhang Ai, a guy like a mad dog, he had to think more about the future and be cautious in everything.

As a top-level master, by doing this, he has lowered his attitude to a low enough position, and is really doing a favor.

However, when facing Zhang Ai at this time, there is no need to go into detail. I will briefly mention the key points, mainly to distance myself from the Shura Sect. I hope that even if he wants to go crazy, he will not take the Shura Sect as a target.

Zhang was afraid that after listening to his nonsense, it turned out that the murderers were two Nascent Soul masters. As for why Ruiyuan didn't mention this situation, it's easy to understand. Shura is a top-level master, and his existence is the biggest resistance. Even if you want revenge, you have to find Shura first. Of course, we must focus on him, because he is the most powerful, and of course something will happen. The one with the big head carried it, and the others passed by.

After Shura finished speaking, Zhang Ao asked calmly: "Do you remember, right? Our families have a feud."

Shura's heart skipped a beat, he was afraid of whatever. If this bastard went crazy, even if he could escape, all his disciples would not be able to survive. He had also seen the horror of the God-Destroying Snake. After thinking for a while, he replied: "It's been so many years."

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