The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 707: Out of the Mountain Again

Chapter 707: Out of the Mountain Again

This was already a huge amount of trust. With Zhan Yun's cultivation and his knowledge of all the magic circles on the mountain, it would be easy for him to do bad things. At this time, Tianlei Mountain is not like before. At that time, there was only Zhan Yun, and he could only rely on him for everything. Nowadays, there are many Nascent Soul masters everywhere, but Zhang Wen still chooses to believe in him. Zhan Yun Surong said: "I I’ll help you look after the mountain for two hundred years.”

If Zhan Yun could survive completely, two hundred years would be his limit. Zhang Awei chuckled: "Thank you."

Zhang Ping is willing to do this because he knows well. Not to mention that the eighteen magic circles can be used together. Just the protection of the pigs and kittens plus the turtle magic circle can protect Lin Sen and the children. .

The matter was clearly explained here, and Ruiyuan was asked: "Where did the twelve disciples meet Shura?" Ruiyuan replied: "Shuluo Mountain." Zhang Ping nodded and knew the place. As for the three thousand children, whoever did the evil will do it. Who will repay it.

I went to the back mountain to put away the shadow tiger, mice and snakes, and then went to see Song Yunyi and Cheng Xi'er. They said they were going down the mountain to do some work. Cheng Xi'er was not happy: "Why do you have so many things to do?" Zhang Ain replied seriously: " I also want to ask about this matter, do you know who to ask?" The two girls laughed and scolded her for being talkative.

When the dolls heard that Zhang was about to go down the mountain, they all made a fuss and wanted to follow. Fu'er patted her little chest and said loudly: "I have fourteen super-level monsters and a powerful magic weapon that can help you defeat bad guys. Take me with you." go together."

Zhang Awei was startled when he heard this. These little guys were even more powerful than Zhang Tianfang. He didn't think it through. He asked Lin Sen to whisper a few words. Lin Sen nodded repeatedly, and then Zhang Awei and everyone left and went out. The turtle circle has made several tricks, but it has only one function, restricting the movements of the dolls. From now on, everyone in the back mountain can only enter and exit through the main entrance, and the main entrance is guarded by a bunch of super-level monsters and Lin Sen. At the same time, only Lin Sen's house in the formation can be escaped, and no other place is allowed. He was really afraid of those little guys messing around. It would be too scary if any little guy suddenly got the urge to run out and play chivalry or something.

At this time, Zhang Tianfang came to monitor him again. Seeing that he was still tinkering with the magic circle, he sighed and left: "He's crazy."

Seeing Zhang Tianfang leaving, Zhang Aing jumped through the Tianlei Mountain formation, spread his wings and flew towards the south. He had the idea of ​​​​going back quickly, thinking that it was not worth taking a bunch of people to deal with one Shura, three thousand people. Save the children if you can, and retrieve the bodies if you can't save them alive. If even the bodies are gone, he will let some people know what regret is.

When flying out, I suddenly remembered three stupid dogs and a red wolf. I haven't seen the four stupid dogs for a long time. I don't know what I am doing now.

The Yue Kingdom divided its territory into north and south parts with the crossing river as the boundary. In the past, the north was the territory of the righteous sect, and the south was the world of the four evil sects. There were many disputes between the two sides. It's not that troublesome now. The entire Yue Kingdom is controlled by the Seven Gates of Righteousness.

Tianlei Mountain is too lazy to take advantage of others, and the other six sects do not want to leave their ancestral land, so some new small sects have emerged in the southern lands, which are more or less related to the six sects of the Righteous Path. The Shura Mountain that Rui Yuan was talking about used to be the headquarters of the four major demon sects, the Shura Sect. After the sect declined, it was occupied by a small sect called Hongmen.

Zhang was afraid that he didn't know about the Hongmen affairs. If he had known about it, he would have chuckled and said, "The whole world is full of Hongmen, and they are so powerful." It is true that the whole world is full of Hongmen, regardless of whether they are in the Song, Yue, Zhan, or Qi states. There is Hongmen, but Hongmen is a Jianghu gang, a force of its own, and has nothing to do with cultivators. I don’t know what is going on with Hongmen in Shura Mountain.

Soon we flew across the Yue River. There were four big rivers in the south of the country. The largest one was called the Ning River. Many things had happened in the past. It was also because of the Ning River incident that the four gates of the Demonic Path were in ruins. The Ninghe River Basin is where flooding is occurring now.

Not long after flying into the south, I saw many collapsed houses, the fields were clogged with silt, and many trees were broken. I flew all the way and saw four cities flooded in succession. In the most tragic place, even the government offices and city walls collapsed, not to mention When it comes to residential buildings and village houses, they must be as miserable as they are.

Stopping in the most damaged city, he let go of his spiritual consciousness and found no aura of cultivators, so he entered the city to understand the situation. The victims I saw all had dull faces, did not speak or work, and mostly sat in a daze somewhere. Occasionally, Baoding would send someone to ask about something, and then he would see them smiling and saying a few words.

According to Ruiyuan, the flood had been over for at least half a month, but what we saw before us was that even the urban victims had not been rescued in time, and the life of the villagers outside the city was expected to be even more difficult.

He sighed secretly, are people in the government really not afraid of death? Are you ignoring the suffering people? After going to the Yamen to inquire, I found out that the three giants of the Sansi Yamen in the city were all washed away and drowned by the flood during the flood. In the absence of the chief officer, subordinates did not dare to act rashly. In addition, the grain depot in the city was also destroyed by the flood, and the court did not issue an order, so no one was able to resettle the victims. Fortunately, several wealthy households joined forces to perform charitable acts, so there were no further casualties.

Ruiyuan said that only more than a hundred people died in the entire flood, including those three officials, which was quite unlucky.

Zhang was afraid that there was a large amount of grain and daily necessities in the storage bag. Seeing the hard work of the people, he became kind again and took out some rice, noodles, vegetables and meat and distributed them door to door. The people are in dire straits, and we must not wait until the government makes a decision before taking action. The capital is too far away. When the order comes, we don't know how many people will starve to death.

He was also worried about all his hard work. The last flood in the Ning River was in the upper reaches of this place. He suspected that this flood was caused by the remnants of the last flood.

The cause of the flood was heavy rain. It rained both upstream and downstream. It rained for three consecutive days. How could something not happen? However, God is really tormenting people. After the heavy rain, the long-term cloudiness does not disappear. The weather is sometimes cloudy and sunny, and sometimes it rains lightly, which is very frustrating for the people.

Zhang Zing didn't need to know this, he just needed to know what he should do. The contents of the storage bag quickly became less and less, and piles appeared at the door of every house. He was very skilled at doing this, and he felt a gust of wind blowing, and a lot of food fell out in the wind. Every household had it. The people were naturally happy, greeted each other, packed up the food, and put it in the cleanest place in the existing house.

It took a little more than an hour, and Zhang was afraid that he would finish the work. If you don't leave immediately after finishing, in any disaster, there must be a little thief doing evil. He wanted to give disaster victims more protection.

Almost every household in the city received help, and everyone called the Bodhisattva to appear and worshiped the Buddha loudly. Zhang Wen smiled slightly when he heard this. What does it have to do with the Bodhisattva?

There is a saying that good things don't work but bad things work. At night, there are really a few gangs of gangsters who come out to grab things. Zhang is afraid that he is a little depressed. How many gangs are there? He originally thought that having a dozen or so people was a big deal, but he didn't expect that four gangs of more than 200 hooligans would appear. This group of guys is also very disciplined. They divided the ruined city into four areas, and each group occupied a piece of land. They collected whatever money they needed from house to house. Anyway, those who received food and meat during the day had to hand over 30%, otherwise they would rob them and not give any money. You stay.

They abide by the rules, and there are more than a dozen thugs who specialize in bullying weak families, especially old men and old ladies. They just robbed things and left.

Zhang was really speechless, but looking at the ratio, there were more than 200,000 people in the city, and only about 200 bad guys came out. This ratio is pretty good and acceptable. Fly over and kill everyone, and return the food to those families.

After dawn, the whole city was shaken. The rich families had already finished repairing their houses. The ones who suffered were the poor and the families who became poor and penniless in the disaster. If they wanted to repair their houses, they had no money or money, and they had no choice but to endure being bullied. Another accident happened yesterday. The gangsters who used to bully others were all dead and killed with a knife. The yamen in the city became even busier. They went out to search for clues, but of course nothing was found. This credit was attributed to the Bodhisattva again, saying that the Bodhisattva takes care of the suffering people, but those who commit crimes will be killed without mercy.

Well, it was all Bodhisattva's fault. I guess no one in the city would dare to do evil in the wind. Zhang was afraid of flying downstream. As he walked along the way, the three cities in front of him were just heavy rains. Some houses collapsed, but few people were injured. Only the city that we just left behind was seriously affected, and even the city wall collapsed. The villagers in the suburbs must have suffered more serious damage, so they rushed out to check. However, villagers everywhere suffered few casualties due to various reasons. It's a blessing among misfortunes.

After leaving the city, the place we entered was desolate. The city was blocked by city walls, but the villagers in the countryside were unstoppable. Most of the houses collapsed and some livestock died. But judging from the degree of recovery, it was better than in the city. The houses fell down and were rebuilt. Stones and sand did not cost money. As long as they kept food, they would not die of hunger. Therefore, although it looked miserable, the people's lives quickly returned to normal. It's just that a flood caused no crops to be harvested. This is the most difficult thing, and everyone looks sad.

Zhang Ai continued to be a good person and sent food and meat. After completing these things, he flew to Shura Mountain.

Shura Mountain was once the official residence of Shura Sect, one of the four major demon sects. Zhang was afraid of knowing its location, so he flew east out of the disaster area. As he flew, he thought about it. Shura Mountain was a long way away from the disaster area. Why did the Righteous Sect seek to find it? Can three thousand children find Shura Mountain?

Soon we arrived at the place where two peaks protruded from the plain, more than four thousand meters high. Seen from the bottom of the mountain, they looked extremely high, as if they were reaching into the sky. The peaks are steep and opposite, and there are mostly stone cliffs at the top. However, there are more than a dozen three-meter-high crooked-neck trees growing hard among a pile of rocks. I have to admire their tenacious vitality.

There is also a mountain below the peak. Walking up to a height of 100 meters, it looks like a step. Another mountain appears, also 100 meters high. The terrain is flat, and there are a large number of houses built with high platforms and high doors. A series of mountains and houses are sandwiched between two peaks. On the left side of the stone cliff are carved two large red characters, Shura.

There are people living in that building now, most of them are Foundation Establishment disciples. There are about fifty people, as well as more than thirty Qi Refining disciples and one Pill Formation monk. The entire sect together has less than a hundred people. I really don’t know how they dare. Occupying this place, with such little strength, he dared to take the territory of the four major demon sects for his own use. He was really courageous.

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