The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 704 Going out to play

Chapter 704: Going out to play

Zhang Awei shook his head: "I still have something to do, let's go." Zhi Zunzun was too smart, and there was always a feeling of uncertainty in front of him, as if something was going to happen at any moment, so he didn't want to disturb him. What's more, Venerable Zhi is also in retreat. I don't know how long it will take to wait. Besides, most of the Dharma formations that Venerable Zhi knows can also be learned by Zuo Shi. The only difference is that one studies it carefully and the other doesn't care much. There is no need to do more. Toss it once.

"Leaving now? Why don't you have a few drinks with me?" Waiter Zuo was a little surprised.

"I'm busy." After saying these three words, Zhang Wen disappeared into the mountains and fields, quickly ran out of Shiwanda Mountain, and flew back into the air.

The topography and landforms of the main peak of Tianlei Mountain and the seventeen nearby peaks have long been integrated into his mind. What Zhang Afraid has to do now is to create seventeen sub-arrays based on the topography and landforms, and connect them with the main peak formation to form the history of Tianlei Mountain. The most powerful magic circle.

Fifteen days later, Zhang Ain appeared at the Five Spirits Blessed Land. As soon as he appeared, the dolls gathered around him happily, chirping and asking, "Are you going to take us out to play?"

Zhang Ai nodded: "Wait for me to refine something, and then I will take you to my house to play." The dolls cheered loudly and jumped back to pack their things. Lin Sen asked him with a smile: "Seriously?" Zhang Ping said: "How dare you not take it seriously? It's already very embarrassing to do it after saying it for hundreds of years." Lin Sen smiled: "Let's go, I will take you to see something. "Lead him into Nitian Cave.

Directly went down to the Five Spirit Pond. On the open platform were a Feiya and a canopy. Zhang Ai swept his consciousness and praised: "The barrier is good." The Feiya and the canopy in front of him could block his consciousness. After inspection, others can't find out what's inside, so it's perfect for hiding fat dolls.

Lin Sen said: "A flying tool, a place to live, and the rest depends on you." It takes hundreds of thousands of years of spiritual grass to be transformed into a human form by chance, and it goes without saying that it is difficult. Each doll is filled with surging spiritual energy. If discovered, it will drive cultivators around the world crazy, so plan ahead.

Zhang Ping said: "I plan to refine another set of clothes, and refine the spiritual energy-shading magic circle into the clothes. I will refine a few more layers, and add a mountain-protecting formation, so it will be difficult for outsiders to detect it."

Lin Sen agrees: “It’s always good to have a few more layers of protection.”

The next time is the time for Zhang Ai to torture himself crazily. First release a bunch of monsters and let them grow on their own, then start to look at the jade slips given to him by Zuo Shi, carefully study each formation, select the appropriate formation according to the topography of the mountain, and then try to integrate it with the Five Elements formation, striving to Achieve layers of protection.

I have arranged magic formations for other peaks before. Last time I came to Nitian Cave, I refined the main formation flags of the seventeen other peaks. This time, it is easier to refine the formation flags. The difficult thing is how to combine the eighteen formation flags. The magic circle is connected together.

After three months of busy work, I temporarily refined some formation flags to use to deduce the formation. At this time, the dolls came and asked him for the animal control bag.

The dolls have storage bags, and they also have their own magic weapons and monsters, but there is no beast control bag. After they packed up what they could, they found out, how could they take away a lot of monsters?

Zhang Ai asked Lin Sen to discuss it, and Lin Sen said: "If you don't give them the beast control bags, let the monsters stay with you for more protection." Zhang Ai agreed, so the two did not help the dolls refine the big bags that could hold the monsters. Walnut.

Let Lin Sen talk about the beast control bag, while Zhang Ain continued to think about the formation, deduced it again and again, calculated it again and again, refined the formation flag again and again, and it took twenty years to connect the eighteen formations together.

There are seventeen special peaks on the east, north and west sides of the main peak of Tianlei Mountain. Each peak has at least two layers of magic arrays, one inside the other, layer upon layer. The inside is the Five Elements and Bagua array of the main peak, and there are more outside according to the terrain. A layer of magic formation with different powers of techniques. There are three levels of magic formations on the main peak, with the Five Elements and Bagua formation inside. There is an extremely strong turtle formation on the back mountain, and there is an additional level of magic formation on the outside. In addition, the formations of the eighteen mountain peaks can be connected together to form the strongest defense.

Zhang Weijing tried again and again, but it was impossible to connect different magic formations together, at least he couldn't, so he placed a Five Elements and Bagua formation on each mountain peak. It would be easier to connect the same magic formation. Although the specific layout of each mountain peak is different, the fundamentals are that the five elements are the soul, the eight trigrams are the soul, and the eighteen magic circles are cleverly combined together to increase the power to the highest point. For this reason, Zhang was afraid to refine seventeen more sets of main formation flags. Each Five Elements Bagua formation requires thirteen main formation flags of different shapes and colors.

After finishing the magic circle, let’s meditate and practice. There are more than a hundred ghost disciples Yuanying in my mind who have not been refined. Now I finally have free time to solve this matter first.

Sixty years later, all the Yuanying trapped in the Jindan were wiped out and turned into powerful forces to supplement the Jindan Yuanshen, so that the strength of the Jindan Yuanshen was once again enhanced, so powerful that it was as terrifying as a big tiger coming alive. Zhang fearfully said: "It's better to do less of this stuff. If you practice too much, who knows what will happen?"

It is also for this reason that the sixteen Nascent Souls in the big walnut have not been refined and are still alive in the bodies of Nascent Souls. If you are lucky in the future, you may have a chance to seize their bodies.

After eighty years, two things were resolved. The dolls came to protest: "If you take us out, how long will it take?" Zhang Ain laughed and said, "Let me tell you a story first."

The dolls shook their heads one after another: "Don't listen, don't listen. When we get out, we will have our own stories."

Zhang Weizhi had to spend some time coaxing them out, and then continued to practice. This time it was sixteen white robes, worn under the Fushen robe, whose only function was to lock in the raging spiritual energy of the dolls.

It was another troublesome task. I had to refine all the various formation symbols into the clothes, and then refine the entire piece of clothing. After many attempts, I finally succeeded. After putting the dolls on, even Zhang Aifeng would only be able to vaguely notice something was wrong unless they were in close contact with them.

The dolls put on their clothes and shouted happily: "Finally we are going out to play." Each one of them struggled to hold the sand bear and followed Zhang Pai Butt, and there were some other monsters following them.

Zhang Ping said: "Go to the garden and line up." The dolls crowded out and ran out. Together with the fat and white sand bear, they looked cute no matter how they looked.

After they went out, Zhang Ai collected the Divine Snake and Shadow Tiger, and checked the situation inside the cave with Lin Sen. I don’t know how long this departure will take, and we can’t let anything happen to Nitian Cave. The focus is on the rare spiritual grass that can transform into a human form. A small trap is set up, but if a new person is born, Lin Sen and Zhang are afraid that they will know about it soon. In addition, a large number of ten thousand-year-old herbs that could be used were collected to make room for planting new seeds.

Then go to the garden outside and catch most of the spirit fish in the spirit pond, leaving some seedlings. These fish have no natural enemies. If there are too many, they will cause trouble on their own and fight each other. It is better to take them away and eat their meat.

After doing all this, Lin Sen glanced at the grass and leaves in the garden, feeling a little reluctant.

Zhang Ain spoke at the pavilion: "Count the number of monsters. Each person said how many monsters he has." The dolls reported one by one. Counting the sand bears and lizards, there were a total of 160 super-level monsters. Only Except for one big sand lizard. On average, ten super-level monsters protect one person. This kind of protection is indeed powerful.

Then he counted the monsters that were cultivated from domestic animals. These were considered the lucky ones. Lin Sen was lonely and bought them to accompany him. He didn’t want to give birth to more monsters, so he had to ruthlessly kill a large number of those with poor qualifications. There are now 140 left. , Yi Shui’s initial level of pill formation. Lin Sen didn't dare to let them become too strong because they didn't have a heart-to-heart agreement.

Zhang Ai spoke to Lin Sen: "Uncle Lin, I'll go out first. In a quarter of an hour, you take the pill-forming monster out, then take the super-level monster out, and finally come back to take the dolls."

Lin Sen said yes, and Zhang Ping swooped into the soil.

He quickly stood on the boundless grassland and released the flying bird. This flying bird was made by Lin Sen with great effort. Just like the carriage given to him, it looked small from the outside but had a cave inside.

He stopped Feiya, raised his hand and waved, a barrier covering 500 meters around him, and then stood still. A quarter of an hour later, Lin Sen came up with more than a hundred pill-forming medicinal beasts. He was worthy of being an adult grass spirit. He led one hundred and forty huge monster beasts to perform the art of escaping from the ground effortlessly. He rolled up his sleeves and rolled them up together. Through thick soil.

These monsters and beasts understand human language and can honestly enter the sky. Next came the second batch of super-level monsters, and finally fifteen fat dolls, each holding a white sand bear. They were also grass spirits and knew how to perform magic. Lin Sen was asked to bring them here because he didn't trust them.

The dolls were wearing barrier robes on the inside to lock in the spiritual energy from leaking out, and on the outside they were white Fushen robes, which were wide and cute when covering their bodies. There was also a small knife hanging on the side of the waist, with a thin knife in the thin scabbard. As for the Fushen Sword, it is too long and is stored in a storage bag.

When they entered Feiya, Zhang Aifeng took away the outer barrier, stepped into Feiya, launched into the air, and spoke to the dolls: "Be honest, don't fall."

None of these guys are willing to be quiet, so of course they need to give more instructions. But no one listened to his instructions. A group of little ones looked out with big eyes. When did they fly by in this life? I was very excited when I saw the outside world, shouting and yelling. Fu Ling had a rare opportunity to show off, so he cleared his throat and said, "I'm really ignorant. How high is this? Last time, my eldest brother took me to fly to Laogao. It flew so fast that I didn't even scream."

His boasting was ignored by no one, not even those who despised him. The attention of the fourteen little guys who had never seen the sun all day long and had never seen the outside scenery was all outside, and their eyes were not enough to look around. Among them, only Fu'er escaped once a long time ago, and after hundreds of years, he has been suppressed enough.

In order to take care of them, Zhang Fei did not fly too high or fast, and lightly passed over the boundless grassland. Lin Sen worriedly asked: "Would you like to hurry up?"

Zhang Ain smiled and said: "Then hurry up, little guy, grab it, don't drop it." The spiritual power was spat out, and Feiya immediately picked up speed and flew high into the sky, quickly flying into the clouds. The little guys got even more excited, shouting: "Is this a cloud? Zhenbai, can you catch one to play with?" "Slow down, slow down, I want to catch the cloud." "Hey, why are you disobedient?" "

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