The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 703: Destroy the Ghost Emperor

Chapter 703: Destroy the Ghost Emperor

Thinking of this, an idea flashed in my mind. The Ghost King paused when he turned a corner. With his invisible body, does he need to pause when escaping underground? There must be a reason.

Zhang was afraid that he would immediately know what he had missed, so he stopped at the corner of Duntu, used his consciousness to search carefully, and searched with the Calming Bead. However, he had been busy for a while and didn't find anything. Could it be that he was paranoid?

Zhang Wei still refused to give up, so he released two small mice, with him as the center of the circle, searching every inch of the circle for a thousand meters.

The two little mice searched much more carefully than he did. It took half an hour to search this area, but they still found nothing.

how so? Zhang Ping came up with all his strength and gave the two mice new orders. They went five kilometers underground and continued searching. He wanted to understand what the Ghost Emperor had done when he paused here.

Finally, the effort was not in vain, and finally a discovery was made. The two mice sent back a message. Zhang Ain chased after him to take a look. There was a barrier of Yin consciousness two thousand meters deep. Through it, there were more than a hundred mummies lying in front of it. They were the corpses that escaped from the previous battle. The fallen corpse soldiers.

Zhang was afraid that he would put them into the storage bag and let the rats continue to search downwards. He returned to the ground with more than a hundred mummies. Zhang Tianfang asked again: "What did you find?"

At this time, the mouse came again with news that another corpse soldier was found underground. Zhang was afraid that he had no time to speak, so he got into the ground again and put away the corpse soldiers together. Then he waited underground for more than an hour to confirm that no more mice were found before he put away the mouse and returned to the surface.

Returning to the ground again, Zhang Tianfang asked loudly: "What are you doing?" Zhang was afraid without saying anything and directly took out the bodies of more than 200 corpse soldiers found twice.

As soon as they took it out, Cheng Ji and Wu Wang shouted at the same time: "Hey." A huge barrier formed in the air and underground, covering this area in all directions. The moment the two monks took action, a corpse soldier stood up and rushed outward. Because his movement was too slow, he hit the barrier and was bounced back.

Seeing that the corpse soldier was alive, Zhang Ain laughed loudly, and the trace of insecurity in his heart disappeared. No wonder the Ghost Emperor was willing to die with him and had a backup plan. He laughed and said: "I'll blow myself up again."

After the corpse soldier was bounced back, he looked at Zhang Ai with a cold face. He had never hated a person so much in his life. Almost everything happened to this bastard. He said in a cold voice: "I will remember you forever."

"You are sick." Zhang Ain replied. The Ghost King's words were filled with a chilly feeling that made people feel chilly and uncomfortable.

Wuwang raised a Buddha palm with one hand and said: "You are not from this world, go back to your world."

The corpse soldiers ignored him and just stared at Zhang Awei. Zhang Ai was not afraid at all. After the Ghost Emperor was seriously injured, he split his soul and hid it. The remaining corpse soldier had limited strength.

The Ghost King paused briefly when he was escaping, and split a strand of his soul. In order to avoid suspicion from the two monks and Zhang Wen, he only dared to split a very small part. While Zhang Wen was torturing his other self, this sliver of his soul was sent to him. He fled down and hid in the corpses of soldiers. Because this ray of distraction is too weak, it must have a host to survive, otherwise it will dissipate, so after hiding in the body of the corpse soldier, it did not move until Zhang was caught.

Seeing the corpse soldiers looking at him intently, Zhang was a little helpless: "Don't you think about it, who provoked whom first?"

Because one corpse soldier was alive, Wuwu took the time to check the rest of the corpse soldiers, confirmed that this one was alive, and also confirmed that this living corpse was the Ghost Emperor, and said again: "Old monk, let's send you away."

Although this distraction was not strong, he was very proud. He snorted coldly: "Hypocritical." He spoke to Zhang Afraid: "I'll wait for you when I go back. Remember to come to me." After speaking, there was a light pop, and even The corpse soldiers and souls were all blown into nothingness. At this point, the Ghost King, who had tormented the people of the world endlessly, was finally dead, completely dead.

The two great monks put their hands together and recited Amitabha. Jin Dajin and Er carefully stared at the remaining corpse soldiers, fearing that the Ghost Emperor was not dead yet. Zhang Tianfang glanced at it with his yin and yang eyes, and said with a smile: "No, don't look at it." Fang Jian stepped back. Go and get out of the way to burn more than two hundred corpse soldiers. Only Zhang Ai stared blankly at the place where the Ghost Emperor disappeared, cursing in his heart: "This bastard, he blew himself up for me before he died!"

The two monks recited several Buddhist mantras. Zhang Po pulled Zhang Tianfang back, and Jin Dajin Er also stepped aside. Then they saw flames bursting out of the bodies of the remaining corpse soldiers. The two monks used Buddhist fire to purify the evil spirits in the world.

After a while, the corpse soldiers were burned and the Buddha's fire was extinguished. Wuwang spoke to Zhang Weifang: "Thanks to Donor Zhang's wise eyesight for recognizing evil, he was able to kill the Ghost King. The old monk would like to say thank you to all the people in the world." As he spoke, he lowered his head and bowed in a low manner.

Zhang Weijing hurriedly avoided it. These monks were good at everything. They just liked to put other people's responsibilities on their shoulders, regardless of whether others appreciated it or not.

Wuwang spoke to Jinda again: "It's business here, I'll take my leave." After saying that, he walked out. Not to mention common people like Jinda, he didn't even care about Chengji. Cheng Ji said casually: "I'm leaving too." Chasing Xiang Wuwu.

Fang Jian looked curious: "What happened to Master Wuwu?" When he came, Qian Dingzhu and Wan asked him to keep an eye on Chengji. Why didn't he mention it when he left?

Zhang Ping said: "Nothing." Jin Dachong and the other two men complained: "The three Taoist friends must go back to the camp and wait for me." Then he took Jin Er and chased the two monks. No matter for any reason, they had to Go and send two monks out of the valley.

Of the seven people, four were gone in the blink of an eye. Zhang Tianfang asked: "What are you doing now?"

Zhang Jing said: "Don't do anything, go back." He stretched out his figure and flew back. There were a lot of strange things in the valley, and he didn't want to get into trouble with anything, so the only way to get out of here quickly was to do it.

Without any bonds, he flew back with all his heart, and soon returned to his camp, telling his men to pack their things and prepare to leave. Zhang Tianfang asked: "Jin Da asked you to stay, why don't you wait?" Zhang Ping said: "I was just waiting for him, otherwise I would have told everyone to leave."

After waiting for almost an hour, Jin Dajin came to see him. As soon as he entered the account, he thanked him and said a lot of words of thanks. Zhang Ping said: "Don't be so polite. The Ghost Emperor committed suicide and it has nothing to do with me."

Jin Da wanted to keep them for a few more days and thank them as a landlord. However, Zhang was afraid that he would not need anything, so he insisted on leaving. Jin and Dajin sent the group of people away as if they were sending off two monks.

A quarter of an hour later, everyone came out of the valley and stepped on the solid land outside. It felt good. Zhang Aocheng said goodbye to the Jin family who was sent out: "Farewell." He threw Feiya and flew south. There were five flying birds traveling together, pulling out five black lines in the air and disappearing into the sky.

Jin Da watched them leave and sighed heavily, thinking to himself, how great would it be if there was no revenge for annihilating the family?

As they flew up, Zhang Ain looked up at the sky and suddenly asked: "How high is the sky?" Fang Jian didn't know what he meant and turned to look at him. Zhang Tian raised his voice and said, "Are you sick? Did your brain get knocked out?" Zhang Ai smiled and said no more.

In the valley, the power of the Ghost King's self-destruction and the huge power of God's Tears pushed him high into the sky. He was so tall that Zhang was afraid that he had never thought that the sky was so high. At that time, he wanted to fly up and see how far the end of the sky was. Go high and see what's out there. But with the Ghost King in mind, when the power of the explosion dissipated, he put away the power of the Divine Tears and let his body fall downwards.

Just now there were Jin University and eminent monks, so it was difficult to say such crazy things. Now that there are no outsiders, it is just nonsense.

Two days later, Fei Gu entered the Song Dynasty. Zhang Awei signaled everyone to stop and said to Fang Jian and Zhang Tianfang, "I'll leave for a moment." Zhang Tianfang shouted, "What do you want to do again?" Zhang Awei said, "I made some friends before. "I want to take it back to Tianlei Mountain." Zhang Tianfang said, "I will go with you."

Zhang was afraid of rejection: "I'll be back in a month at most. You'd better go back to the mountain to see your four big tigers." After saying that, he flew west.

He promised that after getting rid of the Ghost King, he would take Lin Sen and the dolls out to see the world. But before that, he had to go to the Hundred Thousand Mountains. When we were in the valley, I originally planned to ask Jin Da about the magic circle, but he had a grudge against the Jin family, so he was too embarrassed to talk about it, so he simply went to find Zuo Shi.

The Shiwan Mountain was quite far away, so Zhang Wen was worried, so he spread his wings and flew quickly without stopping. He relied on the Spiritual Energy Pill and Divine Tears to continuously replenish his spiritual power. In more than ten days, he crossed the entire continent and reached the Shiwan Mountain. Follow the mountain road to the Mountain God Platform and ask for blood. The attendants on the left and right are all in retreat.

After thinking about it for a moment, I guessed that the two adults had taken the God Pill and practiced hard to advance. But they are in seclusion, what should they do? Zhang was afraid that he was a little depressed and couldn't wait forever. But without waiting and having no other choice, I wandered around the Sanshentai Market to pass the time and buy some random materials.

I wandered around for seven days, and finally waited for Zuo Shi to appear. I thought I was lucky enough not to wait for a year and a half.

Since receiving the Heavenly God Pill, the four venerables who served on the left, right, and the Fateful Pill have been in seclusion, focusing on cultivating to seek breakthroughs. So every time the retreat ends, you have to come out and inspect it.

Zuo Shi came out of seclusion and came to report the murder, saying that Zhang was afraid of asking for an audience. Now that Zhang was afraid that he was also a super master and had a favor for giving him pills, Zuo Shi came out to look for him. As soon as the two met, Zuo Shi asked with a smile: "Why are you running around again?" Zhang Zhidao said: "I'm not running around, I'm here to ask you for something."

"What do you want?" Waiter Zuo was confused.

"Formation, I want to build a large formation, gathering eighteen peaks to build an array. The mountains are connected and the arrays complement each other. I want to make Tianlei Mountain as strong as an iron barrel." Zhang Ai said.

"The iron bucket is not strong." Zuo Shi said provocatively. Zhang Weijing was a little depressed: "I know, isn't it just a metaphor?" "Your metaphor is inappropriate." Zuo Shi continued to challenge. Zhang was a little more depressed: "Regardless of the metaphor, is there such a magic circle? The stronger, the better."

"A magic circle, you know, must be built according to the terrain. There is no strongest one, only the most suitable one..." Seeing Zuo Shi's eloquent attitude, Zhang Wen quickly stopped him and said, "Take the magic you know." Just teach me the formation, and I’ll figure out the rest on my own.”

Zuo Shi smiled and said, "I don't have the patience." He took out a few jade slips, looked at them one by one, rewrote them and gave them to Zhang Ain, saying: "As for the Dharma formation, Zhi Zhizun has studied more. He doesn't like to fight directly. The mountain peak has become the most dangerous place in the world, you can go to him and ask for it."

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