The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 705 Back

Chapter 705 Back

The sea of ​​clouds is misty, flying straight through, and below is a piece of pure white, with a cloud piled high or low. The children's fun is not diminished, and they ask: "Can I go for a walk up there?"

Zhang said fearfully: "These things are not fun, be careful if you get struck by lightning."

"Huh, that's scary. You are the bad guy." The dolls didn't believe what he said.

If you don't believe it, don't believe it. Anyway, I can't let you mess around. Zhang is afraid of forcing the flight to fly straight away.

Seeing that Zhang was bored, the dolls ignored him and played on their own. Although none of their wishes came true, the fifteen fat and white dolls were still having a good time. They were very happy in Fei'a, and it was still Lin Sen. He lowered his face and said, "What are you talking about? Sit down." He said to Zhang Ain, "Let's go quickly. You can see the scenery anytime." He didn't want to be exposed outside for too long, fearing that something unexpected would happen. .

Zhang Ain agreed and returned to Fei Tianlei Mountain at full speed. I thought to myself: I just didn't think enough about it.

It’s not too far from the boundless grassland to Tianlei Mountain. It took more than a day and less than two days to reach the back mountain of Tianlei Mountain. The mountain-protecting formation was set up by him, and he removed it with a few clicks, and the flying bird fell gently into Song Yunyi's courtyard.

Just as he landed, Zhan Yun had already appeared in front of him. When he saw Zhang Ao flying up, he snorted coldly: "Boring! Can you do your duty?" After that, he left again. He thought some expert had broken through the formation and came to check. It was really a bunch of unfamiliar smells that made him a little unsure. When he got closer, he knew that Zhang was afraid, but he was already halfway, so he simply came over and cursed before leaving, which was enough.

Zhang Zhen was very depressed. Why does this guy keep going against me all day long?

The dolls saw all this and asked, "Who's that hand just now? It's so fierce." With one sentence, all the depression in Zhang Weizhi's forehead was dispersed, "Okay, I'll break one of your hands, you No matter what you say, I can do it.

Song Yunyi noticed the movement in the courtyard and came to see them with Cheng Xi'er. He saw fifteen big fat dolls and shouted happily: "I've seen you. Come down and I'll prepare delicious food for you."

Cheng Xi'er didn't know the fat dolls, and had never heard of anyone talking about them. Seeing the happy expressions of Song Yunyi and the dolls, and seeing Zhang's fearful expressions, it was obvious that they were familiar with each other, and she thought to herself: We are not very close, or are they hiding some secrets from me? .

Zhang Ai stopped Fei Gu and said, "Wait a moment." He restarted the Tianlei Mountain array and sealed off the mountain's atmosphere before letting the dolls come down. Song Yunyi first paid homage to Lin Sen: "I've met Uncle Lin." Cheng Xi'er followed and saluted.

At this time, the girls also ran out and saw fifteen cute dolls and a bunch of cute sand bears. They ran over and picked them up: "They are so beautiful. Which family's children are so cute?"

They are cultivators. When they picked up the dolls, they immediately felt their strong spiritual power. They were shocked. They put them down in a hurry and took a closer look. Such a powerful force? Isn't it just a bunch of piglets and kittens again?

The dolls didn't know the girls, so they crowded around Song Yunyi and said, "Hello, sister." Song Yunyi picked them up one by one and said hello to each other. Finally, he asked the two dolls who had never met before: "Are you Xiao Shisi?" The fourth one was the Polygonum multiflorum spirit. Not long after she had transformed into a human form, she spoke to another one: "Are you paying the order?" The two dolls quickly replied obediently and said without any words: "Hello, sister." She was pretty, and she was an old acquaintance. , especially pleasing the dolls.

Seeing this group of people talking endlessly, Zhang Ain coughed and said to the girls: "You go and clean up the house. It needs to be very big." A group of dolls and three hundred monsters need to be housed.

The girls were reluctant to leave, and while they were pushing away, the piglets and kittens arrived. How could such a lively scene not involve the two of them? The two little bastards appeared in a swaggering manner, with a soft and weak Huo'er following behind the little pig.

Although spiritual beasts and spiritual grass are not natural enemies, there is always some incompatibility between them. As soon as the two little bastards appeared, fifteen dolls immediately ran away from the women and stood behind Zhang Afraid. Their nervousness was self-evident, and even Lin Sen became extremely nervous.

Zhang Ao warned the two bandit-like spiritual beasts: "This is my uncle. I am covering these fifteen dolls. If you two dare to do anything bad, I will send you home!"

Piglets and kittens are born spiritual animals. They have no other ability but pride. Although he was very interested in a group of humanoid spiritual grasses, but after hearing what Zhang Wen said, he knew that they were all in the same group and it was not easy to cause trouble. He snorted coldly, meaning that I don’t bother to do such a dishonorable thing. You are too much. You underestimate me. So the two young masters jumped on Zhang Awei's head fiercely and stomped on him, and the little pig even sat on his big butt several times. This is the price you pay for looking down on the young master. Then he was satisfied and walked away with his follower Huo'er.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Ai was relieved and said to Lin Sen and the dolls: "Don't be afraid, those two little bastards are the spiritual beasts I raised..." Before he could finish his words, the two young men covered their ears with lightning speed. Shi Zhong came back, knocked him over, and then left in a swagger. This time I didn’t even hum.

Lin Sen was curious: "What are they doing?" "Those are two bastards, they definitely deserve a beating." Zhang Ain stood up and said.

Piglets and kittens are arrogant by nature. They think that only those who have some strength in this big world are worthy of being bullied by them. Other people or things cannot afford to bully them. It is true that masters are invincible and masters are lonely. So Zhang Zhen was honored and unlucky.

Poor Zhang Ping doesn't know what the two little bastards are thinking, otherwise he would have yelled: "When I was not a top-level master, you bullied me even more harshly!"

But no matter what, these two brothers are bastards, but they have never done anything wrong. They are not beastly, which is reassuring.

Lin Sen asked again: "Is everything okay?" Zhang Ain replied: "It's okay." Then he raised his neck and shouted: "You two bastards, get back here." The voice was loud and could be heard far away, but Xiaozhu The kitten ignored it at all and pretended not to hear.

It was a bit cowardly to behave like this in front of fifteen children. Just when he was thinking of dealing with those two disrespectful little bastards, Song Yunyi shouted softly: "Little pig, kitten." The voice was very soft, but very nice. Then he saw the two young masters appearing in great defeat again, flying into the arms of Song Yunyi and Cheng Xier and having a rough time.

Zhang was afraid of the great hatred: "You two bastards, don't let me catch the chance!" Because of this episode, the dolls relaxed and felt that the two spirit beasts were not very scary. Some people laughed, and then more people laughed together, and The girls laughed endlessly together.

Only Zhang is afraid of being depressed. I am a master. I am the best master in the world. How can I let a group of little ones laugh at me? He walked over, grabbed a little bastard with one hand, put one under his ribs with his other hand, and pressed the other one in his arms. He spanked the other little bastard three times, then switched to another little bastard and gave it the same three spanks. After the spanking, He said fiercely: "I'll make you disobedient again!"

After the beating, he thought of business, called Huo'er, and talked to them: "The kids have been staying underground and dare not come out because there are always people bullying them. There are too many bad people, and they will die if they come out. I'm looking at you two brothers, well, Huo'er What does your son have to do with you? Okay, let’s not worry about this. I dared to take your brothers out of the underground because of their kindness and righteousness. Xiaozhu, you have been underground. It’s boring every day. They are just like you at that time. It’s just as boring. I think you two are capable and I want you to protect them. Do you dare to do it?”

Zhang Weilailala wrote a lot of words in his ink. He first praised the two bastards, then talked about their misery to find sympathy, and finally used provoking methods to force the two spiritual beasts not only to not eat the dolls, but also to actively protect them. The two poor little guys were plotted, and they patted their chests and groaned, meaning that whoever dared to go against the dolls would be killed as many as they came.

The little pig was shown to be very loyal, flying to the dolls, letting them caress him, and gently pushing his head against the dolls' bodies.

Only now did Zhang Ping finally breathe a sigh of relief. It was all right, and the bodyguard team of the dolls had grown again.

A large yard was quickly cleared out. It was really big. It was separated from Song Yunyi's yard by a wall, with several small doors. The house also leans on this side. The rest of the open space is full of monsters. A total of three hundred monsters, large and small, filled the courtyard. The pill-forming spirit animal is on the outside, serving as the first layer of protection, and then there are the monsters of the dolls, who have signed a heart-to-heart agreement to live and die together.

The house is also very big, and the sand bear lives with the dolls. Only Lin Sen is alone in a house.

After everything was settled, Zhang Ping said a few words: "I'm just playing in the back mountain. Have you seen the woods? You can't go there for the time being." He pointed out the boundaries of the turtle formation in the back mountain and temporarily prohibited the dolls from moving around at will until he resumed their work. Only after setting up the Tianlei Mountain Formation.

Then he released the shadow tiger, the mouse, and the god-subduing snake. The dolls were all here. To prevent accidents, he even caught the extremely lazy big snake to work as a coolie. The big snake has a good relationship with the doll and is much more reliable than the protection of the piglet and kitten.

But after he tormented him, the girls had already taken away the babies, so there was no time to listen to his nagging. Ever since he got the doll and the sand bear, he immediately became the most unpopular person in the back mountain. No one wanted to see him. It was up to Song Yunyi to arrange things like house monsters, so he had no choice but to go to the front mountain with Lin Sen.

Knowing that he was back, Zhang Tianfang, Fang Jianhei and others came to see him one after another. Zhang Pailou said a few words, set up a banquet in the Tianlei Mountain Hall, called all the important people, some dark war masters, and the commander, gathered everyone together, he Something to say.

What he wanted to say was to introduce Lin Sen to everyone, and introduce him ceremoniously in front of everyone: "Uncle Lin." Cultivators like to use their spiritual consciousness to detect each other's cultivation. His expression froze, why was there no spiritual energy fluctuation?

Lin Sen is proficient in the method of concealing his spiritual energy, hiding his strong spiritual power so that others cannot detect it, and naturally they do not know his inhuman identity.

Everyone couldn't figure out what Lin Sen's cultivation level was, and Zhang Wen introduced him solemnly, so they thought highly of Lin Sen. This makes Zhan Yun a little unbalanced, and the bastard boy is angry with me again! With his extraordinary ability, he has always been bullied by Zhang Wen. How could he have ever taken him so seriously?

Everyone valued Lin Sen, which gave him a sense of satisfaction after not walking around in the world for a long time. It felt good to be valued by others. Looking at Zhang Weifang one more time, I didn't expect that this kid had some skills and could build such a big business.

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