The Monk

Volume One Chapter 702 Doubts

Chapter 702 Doubts

Fortunately, there are not many rocks in the ground. After the two explosions, there are only a few hundred rocks left that can be bounced away. These hundreds of rocks use huge force to destroy everything they hit, such as trees, Boulders, wild beasts, etc. It just depends on who is more unlucky to be hit.

There were still two monks and two giant Buddhas standing at the scene of the explosion. Dozens of stones smashed directly into the giant Buddha's body. Fortunately, the power of Buddhism was so powerful that he stabilized himself after being slightly damaged. Those who helped him also stopped the stones.

The Ghost King self-destructed, shocking the two monks. It was hard for them to believe that the sinister Ghost King would be so impulsive. They waited for the explosion to stop, and the two monks looked around with the eyes of the Big Buddha, looking for the soul after the explosion. Monk Cheng Ji had a wonderful way to do this. He pulled his palms and a black mirror appeared in the air. Then he saw a sliver of air swaying towards it and being absorbed into the mirror.

Wuwang was angry: "What are you doing?" Cheng Ji smiled and said: "Now is not the time to talk about this. Let's search the ghost emperor's soul consciousness first. Don't leave any trace behind." Although Wuwang was angry, he also knew that Cheng Ji was right. The energy drives the Buddha to search for and destroy the ghost emperor's soul consciousness. In order to prevent Cheng Ji from falling deeper into the wrong path, he searched frantically. Every time he eliminated more people, he could save more Cheng Ji. So in a short time, all the soul consciousness at the explosion site was wiped out. Judging from the current situation, the Ghost King is dead, too dead to die, and nothing is left.

After searching out the ghost emperor's soul consciousness, Cheng Ji put away the black mirror and looked up, asking: "When will he come back?"

Wuwang said: "I don't know, how could the Ghost Emperor explode himself?" Although he had destroyed the Ghost Emperor, he still couldn't believe it was true. He looked at the black abyss around him and asked, "Do you know how to use the Sumeru Mustard Seed Technique?"

Sumeru is Mount Sumeru. In Buddhism, Mount Sumeru is huge and mustard seeds are extremely small. However, a very small mustard seed can hide the huge Mount Sumeru. There is a sutra that says that the three thousand worlds are all contained in one mustard seed. Chengji just collected the soil from all directions to form an abyss, and the magic he used was probably the Xumi Mustard Seed method.

Cheng Ji replied: "Let me make my senior brother laugh. I am a young monk who has just come into contact with it. It is difficult to understand it. How can I use it?"

Wuwang looked serious, nodded for a while and said: "Senior brother, it is true that he understands the Buddha, and his practice is not comparable to that of the old monk." He believed that he was inferior to Chengji, and Chengji had made him feel guilty for all the disputes and conflicts in the past. The heart is getting stronger.

"Senior brother is too modest. The young monk has learned a lot from him." In a way, Cheng Ji is a good monk, at least he is polite to good people.

"Don't call me senior brother." Wuwang sighed, looked up at the sky, Zhang Weifu was still missing, then lowered his head and pointed at the abyss in all directions and said, "These soils?"

Cheng Ji waved his sleeves slightly, and the soil and trees reappeared, and all four abyss disappeared. There was still a beautiful mountain scenery.

Wuwang said again: "Senior brother is familiar with the method of Xumi Mustard Seed, but have you ever practiced the Mustard Seed Tribulation?"

This statement frightened Chengji, and he hurriedly said: "Senior brother, please don't be joking. How can ordinary people like us be able to practice the Mustard Seed Tribulation? I really don't know what the founder of the Sutra, the Buddha, thought, to come up with such a weird technique. According to the young monk, no one in the world can cultivate it!" He declared cheerfully, and Wuwu agreed with his point of view. There are always many things in scriptures and Dharma books that cannot be understood, so Buddhism is transformed into this sect and that sect. Everyone has different understandings and thinks they are right, so conflicts arise.

The Mustard Seed Calamity, to put it simply and straightforwardly, is the Time Calamity. It takes endless years to understand the mysteries of Buddhism. The time is so terrible that even people in Buddhism mostly laugh it off and no one wants to feel uncomfortable.

Wuwu said: "Old monk dare not make fun of my senior brother, because there are scriptures and Dharma that are difficult to understand, so I seek knowledge from my senior brother."

A method of Xumi Mustard Seed can make Wuwu develop a humble heart and no longer be obsessed with the right and wrong of Chengji's actions. Everyone knows the method of Xumi Mustard Seed, but who can actually use it? Thousands of worlds are hidden in a single grain of sand. No matter how you hear it, it is just a legend. Who can believe it unless you see it with your own eyes? Who dares to believe it?

Without being humble, Chengji became frightened: "Brother, please don't scare me. This young monk is just a beginner and doesn't know much about it. The magic he just did was just good luck." In front of the boundless Buddha's teachings, Chengji's attitude was extremely humble.

While the two were talking, Zhang Ping finally came back and smashed down like a big rock. A whistling sound could be heard from a distance, like a thunder god descending from the sky.

The two monks looked up and saw that this guy was falling really fast, like a meteor falling into the world. Seeing him approaching quickly, he suddenly paused at a height of 100 meters, slowed down, and then fell to the ground.

The Buddha's consciousness swept over and knew that Zhang Awei was fine, so he asked with a smile: "Are you not hurt?" Zhang Awei first took out a handful of pills and ate them, and then replied: "It's okay." Because Shen Lei tried his best to pull him out, The force of the explosion was one step away when it hit the body, and with the protection of ice crystals, the damage was not great. He immediately asked, "Is the Ghost Emperor completely dead?"

Wuwang smiled and replied: "Totally dead."

The Ghost King's self-destruction was so powerful that it blew up the forest near the three of them into a mess. Zhang Ain looked around and sighed: "This forest is destroyed." What he was thinking in his mind was, why do you all like to play self-destruction with me? There are golden four, ghost disciples, and now there are multiple ghost emperors. Such a powerful guy also used self-destruction to trick me. What on earth did I do? As for having so much hatred?

Thinking of the past, Zhang Wen was a little angry.

After the Ghost Emperor was destroyed, the two eminent monks put away the two giant Buddhas and scanned the surroundings with Buddha eyes. After careful inspection, they confirmed: "The Ghost Emperor is indeed dead."

Zhang fearfully said: "It's better to die! That bastard will be against me." After saying this, there was a vague feeling in his heart. Even if I had offended him, did he need to blow himself up? Judging from the fact that he slowed down and chased me when he was escaping, he had planned to die with me in advance. I felt a little hesitant in my heart, why?

The Ghost King's self-destruction made a lot of noise. At this moment, Jin Dajin Er arrived. Looking at the desolate place, he asked urgently: "Where is the Ghost King?"

Wuwu said: "It blew itself up."

Jin Da was stunned for a moment, then said: "The two eminent monks have boundless magic power and can actually force the Ghost King to self-destruct. Jin is really impressed!"

Wuwang shook his head: "It had nothing to do with us, it was him who did it." He pointed at Zhang Afraid.

After getting along with each other these days, Jin Da knew that Zhang was afraid that there was a calming pearl to deal with the ghosts, but this thing could not attack or defend, and was completely useless against such a powerful soul as the Ghost Emperor. He was a little curious and guessed how he could force the Ghost Emperor to self-destruct. Respectfully He cupped his fists and said, "Thank you, fellow Daoist Zhang, for eliminating this great harm to my Jin family."

Seeing Jin Da's fleeting expression of doubt, Zhang Wen was even more sure of his thoughts. Jin Si blew himself up because he jumped over the wall in a hurry, but the Ghost Emperor never fought with him. He ran away as soon as he appeared. He was not even in a hurry. Why did he jump over the wall? What's up? And you still drag me to dance with you? He replied: "He committed suicide, and it was not me who did it."

The five people waited here for a while. Zhang Tianfang and Fang Jian came over. The first thing Zhang Tianfang did when he came was to look around with his yin and yang eyes. Although there was some gloom in the mountains and forests, it had nothing to do with ghosts. The world was clean and bright. , asked: "The Ghost Emperor is dead?"

Zhang Awei smiled bitterly and said: "I don't know what he was thinking. He had to drag me to commit suicide. If I didn't accompany him, he would go by himself." He carefully went through what happened just now in his mind and found nothing wrong, but Why do I feel a little uncomfortable, as if something is missing.

Zhang Tianfang asked: "Self-explosion again?" Looking at the deep pits of loess all around, even a fool knew that it was caused by an explosion. After saying this, he smiled at Zhang Awei: "Why do you like to play self-destruction with you?"

"Get out of here." Zhang Ping cursed.

Jin Da carefully checked the surroundings and then said: "Now that the Ghost Emperor has been eliminated, I would like to invite the two masters and three fellow Taoists to go back to the tent to rest. Jin has prepared a small amount of wine to express his gratitude. Please don't refuse."

Wuwang shook his head and said: "I came here only for the Ghost Emperor. If this thing is not eliminated, the world will be uneasy. I didn't expect him to be eliminated so smoothly. It is not a waste of time. However, the golden donor has good intentions and the old monk understands it. Go and make trouble, hope the benefactor will not blame you, and say goodbye." Cheng Ji did the same, said a few nonsense words, and said goodbye with his hands together.

Zhang Ping ignored what they said and kept wondering why he felt uneasy. He simply decided to retrace the route he took to chase the Ghost Emperor. Without telling the monks, he flew back to find the Ghost Emperor. The corpse left behind after the golden cicada escaped from its shell was first examined and mummified. Then it sank into the earth and followed the Ghost King's escape path again.

As soon as he acted, the others thought they had discovered something, and they all followed. They saw the corpse, and chanted Amitabha in vain, and a burst of Buddha's fire burned it, burning the mummy into nothingness. I went to look for Zhang Ping again, but the guy had already fled far away.

Zhang Tianfang asked: "What is he doing?" Cheng Ji said: "No wonder Zhang Donor has become famous. He is very careful when doing things. To avoid omissions, he re-searched the Ghost Emperor's escape route and was very careful." Upon hearing this, Fang Jian immediately understood. Zhang was afraid that he had discovered something, so he ran after him on the ground.

Zhang Ai searched all the places where the Ghost King passed by. The concentration beads flickered in his mind, trying to identify the aura of the Yin spirit, but he never found it, which made him wonder. Could it be that I was overthinking it?

After escaping all the way, I returned to the place where the Ghost King blew himself up. There used to be a cave in this place, which was where the Ghost King lived. After the explosion, it was blown to pieces, and rocks twenty meters deep underground were lifted into the sky, not to mention the small caves in the middle of the mountain, which were destroyed along with the surrounding trees.

Zhang Ai's pursuit stopped here. This is the turning point. At first, Zhang Ai was chasing the Ghost Emperor. Because the Ghost Emperor's movements were weird, Zhang Ai became wary and slowed down. Cheng Ji used the Sumeru Mustard Seed technique to trap the ghost. The emperor, and then the ghost emperor chased Zhang Afraid and blew himself up.

The whole thing ended here. The six people on the ground came back and Zhang Tianfang shouted: "Did you find anything?"

Zhang Ai was still staying underground. He carefully recalled the Ghost Emperor's escape route and remembered the right triangle. One of them was escaping and the other was chasing him. The Ghost Emperor ran in front, walked further and turned a straight corner. Zhang Ai's picture He approached and chased in a straight line. It was the diagonal line. The two of them passed the line and formed a right triangle.

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