The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 701 The Ghost King Self-destructs

Chapter 701: The Ghost King Explodes

As he was running, he suddenly realized that someone was chasing him underground. It was the bastard kid with the concentration beads.

This time he almost made the Ghost King vomit blood. Except for the time a few days ago when he and the two great Buddhist monks Xiang Lin were defeated and seriously injured, this kid was always present every time he was injured. He really wanted to kill him to relieve his hatred. It's just that there are Buddhists ambushing me outside, and there are gangsters chasing me behind. It's impossible to fight, and it's hard to escape. Do you want to escape underground for the rest of your life?

Not to mention a lifetime, as long as there is no fresh soul replenishment for three to five or seven days, one's own cultivation will be reduced, and by then it will be even more impossible to escape. He estimated his own strength, thought about it in his mind, and decided to take the risk. He turned sharply underground and increased his speed to the fastest speed. It was estimated that even the sand lizard couldn't outrun him. Zhang was afraid of the difficulty of chasing after him, because his spiritual consciousness could not lock the Ghost Emperor, and he did not know the specific location. He only knew that the guy was not far from the Buddhist consciousness, and he was chasing him. The Buddhist consciousness guided him to change direction. He thought to himself: "Where did the Ghost King go?"

Following the guidance of Buddha's consciousness, he turned one corner, and then another. Within a quarter of an hour, he turned four turns, first right, then left, then left, then left. He ran in a big circle and ran back to the way he came. Zhang Ai is increasingly confused, what does the Ghost Emperor want to do?

He didn't understand, and neither did the two great Buddhists. They only knew how to keep track and not let the Ghost Emperor escape. After running away and chasing him three times, he made a big circle and quickly returned to the cave. At this time, the Ghost Emperor suddenly stopped running away, paused briefly, and quickly surfaced to the ground. The two monks flew towards him quickly.

At this time, Zhang Ai was closest to the Ghost Emperor. Because one was escaping and the other was chasing him, the escape took more detours than the pursuer, so the distance between the two was much closer. In addition, the Ghost Emperor deliberately slowed down, and Zhang Ai was more than a thousand meters behind him.

The Ghost King ran toward the ground, changed from running straight forward to running straight up, making a straight bend, pausing briefly at the straight bend, as if he paused for a short while when changing direction, and then jumped out of the ground with all his strength.

Zhang was afraid of chasing after him. The distance of a thousand meters was no longer far. His spiritual consciousness finally locked onto the Ghost Emperor's whereabouts. Knowing that he was running upwards, he didn't follow him any further and walked straight up diagonally, trying to catch up and stop the Ghost Emperor before he came out of the ground. Get off him. The two of them chased and escaped like a triangle. Zhang was probably the longest diagonal line, and the other two lines were the Ghost Emperor who ran a little further away.

The Ghost King estimated the distance between him and Zhang Ai, and slowed down again. At the same time, he was moving all over his body, just waiting for a full blow!

He understood clearly that if he just ran away, he would definitely not be able to escape the pursuit of the Buddhists, not to mention that Zhang Wen, who was good at earthwork and had the concentration beads, would harass him. Make a decision in an emergency and try to escape from the cicada's shell. I don’t care whether I can escape from my shell or not. First I want to play with Zhang Afraid and die together. This kid is really hateful. He tortured me from the Holy Kingdom to the desert, and from the desert to the Barbarian Valley. What do I owe him? Are you going to risk your life against me? The hatred in my heart reached its peak, and I had to drag him to be buried with him!

But the Ghost Emperor forgot that he was the one who provoked Zhang Weijing first. Even later, he often hurt people first, including sneak attacks on Zhang Tianfang and setting up ambushes under Tianlei Mountain.

The Ghost Emperor decided to fight for his life, but Zhang Wen was chasing after him and suddenly felt something was wrong. Why was the Ghost Emperor so slow? Did the two Buddhist monks take action? When his consciousness swept away, he didn't realize that the Ghost King had more than 300 meters to escape from the ground, but he was still 300 meters away from the ground.

For them, a few hundred meters is no longer a distance, as if two fingers are as close as two fingers, so Zhang is afraid to find it strange, what does the Ghost Emperor want to do? Or something happened, why is it slowing down?

As soon as he thought of this, he became alert, and as he ran quickly, several shields appeared outside his body. Because the emergence of the shield method affected the closeness of the earth escape method to the earth, the pursuit speed became slower.

Zhang was afraid that the speed would slow down, and the Ghost Emperor became anxious. According to his estimation, the two of them should have collided on the ground at this time. The Ghost King kept slowing down, just waiting for Zhang Ain to catch up. Seeing that the two were about to meet, the boy suddenly slowed down.

As mentioned before, their movements were extremely fast. It was only a blink of an eye from the time they circled back to the cave. In the blink of an eye, the Ghost Emperor first went straight for a long distance, then turned back to the ground, and then slowed down again and again, just to kill him. Zhang is afraid. But Zhang was afraid that he was slowing down, and the guy who had been chasing him crazily actually slowed down. If he had time, the Ghost Emperor would definitely vomit a few liters of blood first, and he was really angry. But there is no time now, and he is about to surface. He will appear on the ground earlier than Zhang Wen. In just a little time, the two of them can't hit each other. The Ghost King has no way to die with this bastard, so in a hurry It changed direction again and ran sideways, but he couldn't come out.

Hey, what on earth does the Ghost King want to do? Zhang Fing, who was chasing after him, became even more confused.

Because the Ghost King was trying to destroy the cauldron, although he didn't succeed, he was wasted on time. He was easily chased by two great monks. The two monks and two giant Buddhas were standing on the ground. The Ghost King was separated by more than ten meters underground.

Cheng Ji said coldly: "Still want to run?" He shouted: "Hey." The land under his feet suddenly became empty, revealing a boundless darkness, and the land of mountains and forests turned into an abyss of boundless darkness.

The Ghost King below was about to flee here, but the land in front suddenly changed, so he turned elsewhere and fled again. Monk Cheng Ji shouted three times, and four dark abyss appeared in the forest. There was nothing black in them, and they connected together to form an isolated island. To put it bluntly, it is like a moat surrounding a city wall, creating a stable place.

But his moat is a prison, trapping all living things in the city. The Ghost Emperor and Zhang Ai ran and chased each other underground in the city.

When things got to this point, the Ghost Emperor knew that there was no hope of escape, and he became more determined to die with Zhang Wen. If you make things difficult for me again, come with me. That world is a beautiful place. He immediately turned around and rushed towards Zhang Afraid.

what? No more running? At this moment, Zhang Ain was chasing and wondering what the Ghost Emperor wanted to do? Why does it feel a little inappropriate? The Ghost Dynasty rushed towards him, and Zhang Zhener ran away without even fighting. It is inconvenient for the Ghost King to use his techniques underground, but at least he can use some spells. Zhang is afraid that there is no chance at all. He learns earth escape and has no attack spells. It is not easy to build a few protective shields to protect him from escaping.

So the two people in the underground temporarily changed their positions. The one running away was Zhang Ai, while the one chasing was the Ghost Emperor. The more the Ghost Emperor pursues him, the more confused Zhang becomes. It's strange. At this time, the Ghost Emperor should run underground. At least run deeper and hide for a few days. Who doesn't want to live? Does the Ghost Emperor not want to live anymore?

Thinking of this, Zhang was afraid that he would react at that time and be depressed to death. This guy wants to mess with me! Then I threw my hand and threw a charm. I couldn't use spells, but I could throw the charm.

Throwing out the talisman, he rushed upwards and was close to the ground in a moment. At this time, there was an explosion behind him, and the Ghost Emperor bore the brunt of it and became the unlucky one. He felt that he was bad enough, but the bastard boy in front of him was even worse. He threw a spell mercilessly and exploded when he found out, without even giving him a chance to react. This is the disadvantage of being too close, and also the disadvantage of being too fast. Combining these two disadvantages, the Ghost Emperor was blown over without hesitation.

Because of the close distance and the short explosion time, Zhang Wen was lucky enough to be affected. He was caught in the dust and sand and flew into the sky. Several shields on his body were instantly shattered. With the help of ice crystals, he was safe and sound. He flew towards the sky at an extremely fast speed. Flying away.

The Ghost King is going crazy, I want to die as a ghost, you still bully me like this, you wouldn’t do this! In the huge explosion, the body was scattered in all directions. It was invisible in the first place, and now it is even more invisible. The soul danced with the sand and stones, and the soul was the same color as the dust, becoming traceless.

At this time, two monks flew in in a hurry. Zhang Weizheng was blown up into the sky by the spell without any effort. The Ghost King knew that the opportunity could not be missed. This was the last chance. He silently recited the syntax spell, and the scattered souls immediately gathered back, shrinking one by one. With huge power, the Ghost King retracted into a small black ball, and used this huge power to shoot towards Zhang Ai.

Cheng Ji always refines and burns Yuanying, a ghost disciple, and often devours ghosts and spirits. He realizes that the power of the black beads is extremely great, which exceeds the strength of the Ghost King himself. Knowing that it is not good, he raises his hand and a powerful barrier lies in the air. But it failed to block the black bead, which was easily penetrated and hit Zhang Aoi.

Fortunately, Chengji blocked it and gave him a little more reaction time. Zhang was afraid that he would notice something wrong in the air. The Ghost King had no good intentions from the beginning, and it was even worse now that he had turned into a little black ball! The newly broken magic shield condensed again, and the ice crystals protected the whole body with ice. At the same time, he flew up with all his strength, trying to escape the Ghost King's attack.

He was not injured when the talisman exploded just now. At this moment, he burst out with all his strength, and his body suddenly rose hundreds of meters in an attempt to avoid the black ball attack. At this moment, the black bead exploded. It was much more powerful than the talisman and had strong suction. It sucked him to the center of the explosion. Boundless darkness enveloped him. Waves of tyrannical power were like endless waves, surging and washing over his body. .

Zhang Wen was conscious and had already used his strength to fly hundreds of meters up. Although the force of the explosion pulled him in, he was held back by his strong spiritual power. His chest burst into tears like a river, and five-colored spirits surged out. The suction force of the explosion resisted. Then, Zhang Fei flew high into the sky like a ball and disappeared in a whoosh.

The Ghost King self-destructed, first gathering himself close to Zhang Wei, and then dragging him into the center of the explosion. Then under the explosion, both sides were wiped out. However, because Cheng Ji blocked him in the middle, delaying the moment, Zhang was able to escape hundreds of meters away in an instant. He added a protective shield, and had the spiritual power of the Divine Tears to resist the explosive power, allowing him to avoid the disaster. But because the power of the Divine Tears is exerted backwards, and the ensuing explosive power also spreads outwards, the two forces merge into one, and Zhang is afraid of flying like a ball without knowing where to go.

This is another top player who was forced to self-destruct by Zhang Afraid, much more powerful than Jin Si. The explosion was earth-shattering. The sand and stones in the sky that were originally stirred up by the explosion of the spell had not yet fallen. The stronger explosion directly turned them into powder. The stones that were slightly farther away were ejected by this force and turned into the most powerful cannonball in the world. Flying away in all directions, just like Zhang Wen, there was no trace in an instant.

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