The Monk

Volume One Chapter 683 Changes on the Mountain

Chapter 683 Changes on the Mountain

Pu Zhao nodded: "You should know."

The old monk's answer made Zhang Pa understand that this ghost ancestor who no one had seen was a big problem. Everyone was afraid of him, and even the Lord had to maintain this wonderful balance and endure not moving the Shengmen.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Pa was no longer embarrassed. He had originally wanted to kill the Shengmen, but he didn't know what to do. Since the two major forces of the Holy Country want to maintain this balance, we don't need to get involved, saving a lot of trouble. He bowed to Pu Zhao and said: "The safety of the oasis and the safety of the people of the world, thank you two masters for your concern, I'll take my leave."

He asked himself that he couldn't compare to the kindness of the Buddhists. Since the Buddhist sect could tolerate the existence of the Shengmen, there was no need for him to add to it. It was better to leave honestly.

He left as soon as he said so, which surprised the two monks a little. Puzhao smiled and said, "The donor is really decisive." Zhang Pa waved his hand and said, "Not really. We came to the desert for other things. We didn't want to encounter the disciples of Shengmen doing evil, so we had the chance to meet the two masters." If Zhang Tianfang hadn't suggested going to the desert, they should be on their way home at this time. It's interesting to say that several people wanted to avoid Tiexian Valley, but in the end they still went there for no reason. "The donor is a kind person." Puzhao put his hands together. Zhang Pa also bowed and said, "Goodbye." He left as soon as he said so, clean and neat. When Fang Jian found Zhang Tianfang and said he was leaving, the two brothers were also surprised. Zhang Tianfang asked, "You won't kill me?" He didn't like to start and end things. Zhang Pa asked him, "One-on-one, can you kill the Ghost Emperor?" Zhang Tianfang thought for a while and replied, "I don't know." "Where is the Ghost Ancestor?" Zhang Pa asked again. This is even more unknown, but Zhang Tianfang refused to give up: "We have to try to know."

Zhang Pa refused directly: "You can try other things, but not this. If you fail, your death is a small matter, but it is a big matter to bring disaster to the world. Let's go."

Zhang Tianfang was very unhappy. He would be unhappy as long as he was allowed to escape. He stared at Zhang Pa.

Zhang Pa said again: "Others dare not say it, but the Sky Buddha of Daxiong Temple and the Lord of Shengdu, the two top figures in the world, do you think they know about the Tiexian Valley?"

Zhang Tianfang thought about it and said nothing. Zhang Pa continued: "You were just a small and broken foundation-building cultivator. You were found by the old monk even when you were hiding in the snowy plains of the north. Do you think he would not know about the threat of Tiexian Valley? Since he knew, he tolerated this situation all the time. There must be a reason. Why should we worry about it?"

"If you know, you know. Why do you say I am broken?" Zhang Tianfang protested.

Fang Jian was also a decisive person. He made a decision in a moment and said, "I will go to say goodbye." Zhang Tianfang thought about it and followed him. He liked the little monk very much, or should I say pitiful? So we have to say goodbye.

Zhang Pa went with him, and after saying goodbye solemnly, they walked out of the oasis.

Before leaving, Zhang Tianfang asked the little monk: "Do you want pigs or cats? I'll bring you a few next time so that you can play with them."

Zhang Pa was speechless. If the little monk was lonely, you could just bring cats or dogs. Why bring a pig? Fortunately, Jingzheng was not picky and refused the job. He put his hands together and thanked him.

After the three of them walked out of the oasis and got on Feizhi, Zhang Pa couldn't help scolding him: "Are you a pig? Why do you bring a pig?"

Zhang Tianfang said stubbornly: "What do you care about me?" Then he scolded back: "Even if I am a pig, I am much better than those who start well but end badly and run away all over the world."

Zhang Pa found an excuse for himself: "This time I really didn't run away. As the old saying goes, there are ten out of ten things in the world that are not as expected. How can everything go as you wish? Besides, we haven't lost the battle."

Fang Jian ignored their quarrel, released the sand bear and sand lizard, urged Feizhi to take off, and flew east to Tianlei Mountain.

Zhang Tianfang said, "No, I can't swallow this breath."

Okay, I'll let you swallow your breath. Zhang Pa said, "Fly slowly, a little south, see if there are any wind puppets, kill a few to vent your anger."

So he flew slowly in the desert, spent some time, and found three wind puppets, all of which were destroyed.

Zhang Tianfang was in a good mood and encouraged to have fun. Zhang Pa remembered that he had told the giant that he would come to see him again, and he should keep his word, so he turned to the life gate and stopped over the sand valley. He was too lazy to go down, so he threw a lot of talismans directly, blowing up the sand valley. The magic circle in the valley automatically defended, and it took a lot of effort to protect the sand valley. When the boss of the life gate appeared, Fei Zhi had already flown away, and the giant was furious, cursing that the unlucky bastard was boring and hateful, and took the precious talisman to listen to the sound.

After the three guys made trouble, they flew east with all their strength and returned to Tianlei Mountain in more than half a year. Calculating the time, it took fourteen months from leaving to coming back, and most of it was spent on the road.

Fei Zhi stopped at the mountain gate. As soon as he landed, many people came to greet him. Rui Yuan, Nan Yun, Hei Yi and others came to pay respects one after another.

After more than a year away, the mountain gate has changed. Behind the tall archway are four rows of three-story wooden buildings, two rows on each side of the street, extending to the end of the long street. Turn right at the end, there is a large flat field, surrounded by many wooden buildings, enclosing this area. This is the place where all the disciples who want to enter the sect are assessed.

Because most of them are beginners, no one knows Zhang Pa and the other two. But they know Rui Yuan and Hei Yi. These two are the two giants on Tianlei Mountain. One manages the disciples of the sect, and 773 Jindan masters only look up to him. The other manages the disciples of the outer courtyard. Hei Zhan and Li Zhan have more than a thousand cultivators who follow orders. No one dares to underestimate them.

As for Nan Yun, he led a group of Bai Zhan to stay in the back mountain and did not come out easily. A group of former Yuanying masters, focusing on cultivation.

They came out to greet Zhang Ping. The disciples at the mountain gate immediately knew that the master was coming. Otherwise, why would the three of them show up together?

Seeing them bringing people here, Zhang was also very happy. After not seeing him for more than a year, these guys were quite obedient and had made a lot of progress in their cultivation.

When he glanced around, he didn't see Zhan Yun. Knowing that the old guy was very proud, he ignored him and talked to a group of disciples for a while. He asked them to go to the main hall to set up wine and wait. He went to the back mountain to meet Song Yunyi and Cheng Xi first. Son.

The two girls were happy to see him back, but they didn't say anything. They stepped forward and gave him a gentle salute and gazed at him, which was worth a thousand words. Zhang Ain said a few words and took out a lot of balls and four small sand lizards.

The charm of a bunch of balls is infinite. They are so cute no matter how round they look, and their small eyes and noses are so attractive. When the two girls saw each other, they couldn't put it down and hugged each other.

A bunch of balls didn't recognize each other, they kissed everyone and played together. It was a pity that the four little sand lizards, although they were cute, were not as good as the sand bears and were left out in the cold. At this time, the girls also squeezed into the house and saw the balls shouting and fighting for each other.

Zhang Ain sighed and picked up the four little sand lizards: "Let's take you out to play."

Walking back to the front mountain, I saw Zhang Tianzai shouting and four tigers lining up, big black, two black, three black and four black, yelling and cursing, and I thought of my three stupid dogs. These three bastards didn't even say they came to see me.

Release the giant sand lizard and reunite their family. Mother and son had not seen each other for a long time, and the meeting was particularly affectionate at this time. Especially the big sand lizard, it almost thought that Zhang was lying to it. Now that he saw his children, he finally gave up this idea and led the four little guys to occupy the mountain and become king.

Zhang Awei took a look and realized that this was not possible. The little pig and kitten were extremely fucked up. If they were to catch them, they might turn into fire-ash ice sculptures. He picked up the four little guys and talked to the big one: "Follow me." Eat." Walk towards Tianlei Mountain Hall.

The usually empty hall now had more than thirty banquet tables. Standing behind the banquet were more than thirty people, including Zhan Yun, Bai Zhan Nanyun, Hei Zhan, Hei Yi, and Li Zhan. He did not recognize the eight newly elected commanders. Then Ruiyuan led more than a dozen high-level disciples of the sect. When they saw him entering, they all bowed down and shouted: "I've met Master." "I've met Master, Uncle."

Zhang Ain waved for everyone to sit down, walked to Ruiyuan and sat down, and said with a smile: "Do you need to be so exaggerated?"

On the other side of him were Zhan Yun and Fang Jian. There was still room for Zhang Tianfang, who was playing tiger outside. Putting down the little sand lizard, taking out some fresh meat and putting it behind him, the big sand lizard took the four little ones over to share the spoils.

Zhang Ain raised his glass and said, "Drink." He never liked to talk in public, but he didn't expect Ruiyuan to arrange such a banquet for him. Of course, he also knew what Rui Yuan was thinking. The people in the palace were all top leaders of Tianlei Mountain and had core strength. There was nothing wrong with seeing them. What's more, if Ruiyuan wants to establish absolute power, he must have a charter. This banquet is one of the charters, which shows that the people in the palace are people whom the leader of Ruiyuan trusts and is close to.

Zhang Ain looked at everyone's expressions while drinking, and found that they were pretty good. Nanyun, Heiyi and others were very considerate to Ruiyuan, and no one showed any intention of decentralizing power. He nodded to a few people and said, "The cultivation is fast enough." Several people quickly returned the gift.

Ruiyuan was reporting to him on the changes in Tianlei Mountain over the past year, giving Zhang Ain a general understanding.

In the past fourteen months, most of the disciples in Manshan have made breakthroughs and advanced. The two teams with the most gratifying results are Bai Zhan and Hei Zhan. Especially Bai Zhan, he is worthy of being the old monster of Yuanying. The entire team has 222 Under the catalysis of a large number of advanced elixirs, people can easily re-form babies, perfectly integrating the new body with the Nascent Soul.

These guys have Yuanying in their bodies, so they can practice with half the effort. With the power of advanced pills, it is difficult not to conceive a baby. They have generally cultivated to the elementary level of Yuanying. There are twelve ruthless people who can directly go to Yuanying. Intermediate level, Zhang was shocked when he heard it. Is this still a human being?

More than 200 people in Bai Zhan were having babies one after another, and visions of babies were appearing one after another on Tianlei Mountain. There were strange flowers and strange fragrances, drums and music were singing endlessly, and the sky was filled with colorful clouds and covered the mountain with golden light. It had not stopped in recent months. It completely frightened all the disciples in the mountain, especially the more than 700 disciples of this sect who were extremely unbalanced. They had always thought that they were the authentic descendants of Tianlei Mountain and considered themselves great. However, before any of them had a baby, Bai Zhan had already made up his mind. Do you think it's scary if all the team has babies?

Fortunately, Bai Zhan only has a super-talented team. Although Black Zhan has also improved a lot, under the dazzling light of Bai Zhan, no one has noticed their achievements. The fact is that among this group of foundation-building disciples, those with the lowest level of cultivation are all successful in forming pills, and there are even stronger ones who have broken through two realms in a row and reached the intermediate level of pill-forming cultivation.

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