The Monk

Volume One, Chapter 684: Someone from the Jin Family Comes

Chapter 684 Someone from the Jin family is coming

Even including the time it took to go up the mountain in the first place, it only took just two years to reach such a state. Although there was an infinite supply of pills, the speed of this kind of cultivation was absolutely inhuman. Zhang was afraid that he had never been so fast. So, at the banquet, he sighed repeatedly, what's the difference? How can I be slower than them? In the end, I had to comfort myself that it was fate. However, such a ridiculous creation and inhuman speed of cultivation are not outstanding at all under the light of Bai Zhan's strong eyes. Those guys are even more inhuman!

Regardless of whether these guys are inhuman or not, Zhang Wen is very satisfied with Hei Zhan. With their tacit understanding of cooperation and decisiveness in killing, a group of alchemy monks who dare to risk their lives at any time is absolutely terrifying.

As for other people, such as disciples of our sect, Li Zhan and others, they have also improved a lot. In general, this year has not been in vain.

Except for the disciples in the mountain who were crazily improving their cultivation, the new disciples were also like crucian carp crossing the river. There was a constant flow of people on the road up the mountain all day long. Especially Bai Zhan, a group of perverted infant queens connected one after another, shocking the entire Yue Kingdom, and also the Song Kingdom. How can it be? In just a few months, more than 200 people gave birth to babies in a row? No joke? There is no such thing as bragging.

Although many people are skeptical and wait-and-see, the legend of more than two hundred people having babies in succession still makes countless people excited. Some casual cultivators or disciples from small sects rush here frantically, determined to sneak into Tianlei Mountain to catch this great opportunity to have babies.

As of today when Zhang Pang came back, a total of 37,000 people have climbed the mountain to worship as disciples in the past fourteen months, most of whom came in the last two months.

Not only did the number of entry-level disciples increase, there were also many people from various sects. All the sects of the Yue Kingdom came to worship one after another, because Zhang was afraid of the existence of this top-level evil god, and also because a bunch of Nascent Soul masters suddenly appeared, making it difficult for all cultivators to feel at ease. Such strength, such power, oh, how can the unified Yue Kingdom be played with them? Same. Let me ask you, which sect doesn’t want to have a good relationship with such a powerful Tianlei Mountain?

Therefore, the gate of Tianlei Mountain is now the busiest place in the entire Yue Kingdom cultivation world. The current Tianlei Mountain is also the place where all cultivators want to come. The result of Tianlei Mountain's fame is that Ruiyuan is tired and does shit all day long.

Now this guy who keeps doing shit is talking to Zhang Afraid about these shitty things. A group of high-level monks took the opportunity to complain and talk about troublesome or tiring nonsense, but there was a bit of pride in their eyes. Only Zhan Yun didn't participate. He had a special status and didn't care about anything. He was free and had nothing to complain about. The rest of the people, including Bai Zhan and Nanyun, were captured and worked as coolies for a few days after giving birth to a baby. This group of people had a hard time to deal with.

Zhang Ain laughed loudly and asked Ruiyuan: "Counting the previous ones, there are 40,000 people, right?" The question was about the disciples who wanted to get started.

Ruiyuan said: "Since Tianlei Mountain reopened its gate, as of yesterday, a total of 41,127 people have visited the gate. Among them, 136 people from the original Tianlei Mountain gate are now housed in Ziguang Pavilion. The rest are many It is placed at the gate of the mountain, and many people build houses on other peaks to use as a temporary resting place. The disciple plans to conduct an entry test in a few months, and only those with strong moral character can enter. "

Zhang Zhi didn't care, and he didn't want to care about these trivial matters, so he said casually: "You can make the decision, don't be a bastard anyway." Ruiyuan said yes, thinking in his mind: "This is difficult to distinguish, how can you tell whether you are a bastard?"

At this time, the door of Tianlei Palace suddenly opened, and Zhang Tianfang jumped in and shouted: "You are so depressed, why don't you call me "I" when drinking?" He strode to Zhang Wen and sat down next to him, picked up the wine and drank.

Zhang Ain asked: "What are you doing outside? Aren't there just four tigers doing this for so long?"

Zhang Tianfang was indignant: "I'm so angry that four idiots actually started fighting."

His voice was loud enough that everyone in the room could hear it. Hearing this, Ruiyuan was surprised and asked anxiously: "Uncle Master, who are you fighting with? Are you okay? Who can fight up the mountain without touching the formation?" He thought he was wrong. , I got up hurriedly to arrange it.

Zhang Tian let out a sigh of relief and said: "My four idiots, the two tigresses bit the two males so hard, but those two idiots didn't dare to resist. It's really embarrassing for the men."

Zhang Ain laughed loudly: "And there are ladies?"

When the people in the palace understood that it was Zhang Tianfang's demonic beasts causing internal strife, the atmosphere relaxed and they burst into laughter.

Zhang Tianfang is still angry: "You can bring more than a hundred snakes without fighting, but I can do it with only four tigers? What's the big deal?"

Fang Jian, a rare honest person, added fuel to the fire: "I said Dahei and Erhei are the same, and you still said it to me. Look, I said it right."

"Go to hell." Zhang Tianfang cursed in a low voice, lowered his head and drank sullenly.

Zhang Ain asked Ruiyuan, "Nothing happened in the past year or so, right?" This was what he wanted to ask, otherwise why would he be looking for Ruiyuan?

Ruiyuan replied: "It's not much, but someone from the Jin family is here."

"Jin family? Mangu Jin family? What's going on?" Zhang Ailian asked.

"It's Mangu's Jin family. A pill-forming monk came here. He's been staying at the foot of the mountain for twenty days. When I asked him what happened, he didn't say anything. He just said that Jin Da wanted to find his uncle." Ruiyuan quickly replied.

What can Jinda do to me? Zhang Ain thought about it and said, "Send someone to find that person."

Ruiyuan said yes, lowered his head and gave instructions to the person next to him, who got up and went out.

"Apart from the visitors from the Jin family, is there anything else?" Zhang Ain asked again.

"Others are mostly internal affairs of the sect, such as building a house in another peak."

Zhang Ping said with a smile, there were less than 20,000 people in Tianlei Mountain at the beginning, but they occupied the entire Tianlei Mountain range, and there were Tianlei Mountain disciples on almost all the mountains. Nowadays, there are more than 40,000 disciples alone. One main peak must not be accommodated. It is necessary to be assigned to live in other peaks. He asked: "Is there no difficulty?"

Ruiyuan said with a smile: "Uncle, are you kidding me? What does building a house mean? This is what the disciples think. More than 40,000 people took the exam together, trying to make a simple judgment within a month, and then the qualified ones will be selected on the other peak. Practice, wait for the next year, or the year after, to choose a time to review again, and select the outstanding ones to be admitted to the gate of Tianlei Mountain, and can enter the Ziguang Pavilion. For this, I need to ask my uncle for help and get a batch of equipment to fill the scene. I can't do it. Let the more than 700 disciples of our sect be embarrassed in front of Hei Zhanli."

This guy has always been serious, so it's really rare that he can joke with Zhang Afraid this time.

Zhang Awei chuckled: "No problem, I believe in your vision."

Ruiyuan thanked his uncle and continued: "There is also Hei Zhan. Senior Brother Hei Yi is very good at training disciples, but there are only a hundred people in the team, which is too small. We can select people from qualified disciples to supplement them, and the same goes for Li Zhan."

The eight commanders of Li Zhan stood up to thank them, but Hei Yi said: "Hei Zhan disciples must be able to endure hardship and have a certain foundation. I plan to select suitable personnel from Li Zhan to supplement them. The new disciples will have to see more."

If nothing else, just one person who is ruthless and ruthless, coupled with one person who dares to fight at any time, can make it difficult for most cultivators. They are here to cultivate themselves, not to be used as killing tools.

The eight commanders of the force battle were trained by Hei Yi's subordinates and promoted by Hei Yi. They had no objection to Hei Yi's proposal. Ruiyuan also had a very good impression of Heiyi. One of the two giants in Tianlei Mountain always obeyed him and did not do anything extraordinary. He was very considerate. Ruiyuan naturally also gave Heiyi some face and said with a smile: "That's very good. ”

After everyone chatted for a while, the monk who had just left brought the Jin family monk to the outside of the hall. Zhang didn't want to disturb everyone's drinking, so he got up and went outside to ask questions.

As soon as I left the main hall, I saw four huge black tigers lying on the square in front. Two of them had low eyebrows and eyes as honest as kittens. I chuckled secretly: "Interesting." He turned to look at the person who came, a handsome young man, and asked: "What's the matter with Jinda?" At the same time, he waved to the leading monk to enter the house.

The young man bowed respectfully and said, "See Master Zhang Ai. Master asked me to bring you a letter." As he spoke, he took out Zhang Jade Slip from his arms and gave it to him. Zhang Ai took it and looked at it carefully. It was sealed on the outside so that no one could read it. content. After breaking the seal and sending it into the consciousness, there was only a short line of words inside: "The Ghost Emperor may be in the valley, come quickly."

Zhang Ai's face froze, this unfortunate thing was on his back, why couldn't he avoid him no matter what he did? Asked: "Did anything unusual happen in the valley when you came out?"

The young man replied: "The casualties on the front line suddenly increased. By the time I went out, 100,000 compatriots had died in just three days."

With a cry, Zhang was afraid of letting out a sigh of relief. Mangu had a total population of nearly seven million. One hundred thousand people would die all of a sudden? No matter how many people there are, it's not enough to die. He said to the young man: "Go back and tell Jin Da that I will arrive as soon as possible."

The young man responded loudly, turned around and ran down the mountain quickly. He wanted to go back to the valley to help his family fight.

At this time Zhan Yun came out and asked in a low voice: "What's the matter?" Zhang Awei smiled bitterly and shook his head: "It's not a good thing." Suddenly something occurred to him and he ran after the young man of the Jin family. After stopping him, he said: "Wait a moment, I'll call someone first." I'll accompany you back, but they can't enter the valley without me." Without waiting for his reply, he turned around and shouted, "Bai Zhan, come and meet at the mountain gate."

After saying one sentence and taking only two breaths, the two hundred and twenty-two white warriors lined up in front of Zhang Aishen in high spirits. Each one is heroic and majestic.

Also coming was Hei Yi, who asked Zhang Ai: "Master, why didn't you call for a black war?" His eyes were very firm, knowing that something was happening, and of course he was not willing to lag behind others.

Zhang Ai agreed: "Okay." Hei Zhan was also a master of forming pills, so there would be no big problems if he protected them.

So one hundred and twenty-one black combatants and 222 white combatants gathered silently in front of the mountain gate. Zhang Ai ordered: "Follow him to Jin's house and wait for me outside the valley." Without saying another word, a total of 343 people responded in unison.

If the Ghost King is really hiding in Mangu, he will definitely get some helpers to come out and bring Hei Zhan and Bai Zhan to deal with those people for him. Zhang is probably a master now, so there is no need to kill some minions; at the same time, he can hone his two teams.

They made such a big fuss that many cultivators who had not yet started in front of the mountain gate turned green when they saw that all the super equipment was refined and distributed uniformly? Anyone who dares to say a word about not being jealous at this time will probably be beaten to death.

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