The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 682: Concerns

Chapter 682: Concerns

Zhang Wen recalled the Fu Shen Sword and smiled at the giant: "Big man, does it hurt?"

The giant was so angry that this bastard boy got so hateful that he slapped him horizontally again with his big palm. Zhang Ain continued to talk nonsense: "You are injured, why don't you take a rest? Why don't you bleed?" While talking nonsense, he floated like catkins, gently and without exerting any force, and he was swept across with slaps and slaps, and he only gently Dodge and dodge the attack.

The giant is very powerful. He can probably compete with Jin Da with his cultivation. His skin is harder than iron. He doesn't need magic weapons or magic weapons to fight. He can easily deal with the strongest in the world with his brute strength. enemy.

The two fought for a while, and the battlefield shifted from the mouth of the valley to the inside of the valley. Zhang was afraid that the more he fought, the more suspicious he became. Is this guy a demon cultivator? A ghost? It doesn't look like it. A clear whistle: "Big man, I won't play with you anymore, be careful, I'm going to attack."

After speaking, the figure disappeared without a trace, only the cold light of Fu Shen Sword in his hand flashed occasionally. The giant had a high level of cultivation and knew where Zhang Awei was and what he wanted to do, but it was useless to know just because he was bigger and moved slower. He could never catch Zhang Awei and was stabbed with dozens of swords one after another.

In this fight, one was invisible and attacked quickly; the other was hard and strong and could not fall under the repeated attacks of Fushen Sword. Only slight popping sounds were heard again and again, and there were dozens of cuts on the front and back of the giant, some as shallow as a knuckle long, and some as deep as a finger long.

But no matter how many wounds there were, it was useless. The powerful Fu Shen Sword could never pierce the giant's body. Zhang Ping really wanted to know what this guy was made of. His skin was as hard as gold, and he could compete with an adult Fu Shen Snake. Comparable to scales.

The fight was a bit depressing, but he was just depressed, but the giant was going crazy. Since childhood, because of his extraordinary talent, many fights have always ended in victory. He has never been as aggrieved as today, and even those who were bullied would fight back. less than the opponent. As he was beating, he suddenly raised his head and screamed wildly, and screams came from his mouth. Zhang was startled. What's wrong with him, he screamed when he couldn't beat him?

Of course, the giant cannot shout to control the enemy, but it can activate the protective array in the sand valley to control the enemy. He's just bigger and moves a little slower. He's not stupid. If an opponent can't be killed no matter how hard he tries, why should he work so hard? As he screamed wildly, wind and clouds suddenly rose in the sand valley, and a black cloud pressed above the head, making the night darker. Under the clouds are ghost flags one after another. I can’t count how many there are, and I don’t know where they come from. They are hanging gently and swaying under the black clouds, exuding evil black energy from time to time.

Seeing all this, Zhang Wen was sure that this magic circle was definitely not a good thing. Talk to the giant: "You are really evil. Listen to me and change your evil ways." As he spoke, he fell from the air and crashed directly into the sand, disappearing.

The giant was just about to use the Yingui magic circle to deal with Zhang Wei, but he didn't expect to activate the formation. Before the power of the magic circle could be revealed, the bastard had already run away, but how could he escape from the underground? The giant was so angry that he let out a long cry and yelled again to vent his anger. It was troublesome for Bala to save all his strength and wait for this punch, but there was no opponent. How could he not be depressed?

I ran to the place where Zhang was afraid of falling and checked. There were no grains of sand on the ground, but no one was there. Even if the sand lizard and sand bear escape from the sand, they still have to dig a hole in the ground. How can this bastard be more powerful than the sand-walking skills of the monsters in the desert? The giant stomped his foot hard, causing flying sand to fly all over the sky, creating a large pit as high as a person. However, there was nothing in the pit, which only proved that there was still sand underneath the sand and there were no holes.

The giant was angry for a while, then waved his hands, the dark clouds in the sky dispersed, the sand valley array returned to calm, and the stars and moon appeared in the sky again.

At this time, Zhang Aifeng was standing outside the valley, watching the dark clouds in the valley and listening to the angry roar of the giant. He felt that this creature was quite difficult to deal with. There is an extremely powerful boss with iron skin and bronze bones, and there is also a Yin spirit magic circle to help. It will definitely be a lot of trouble to deal with them. How can we get rid of them quickly? At this time, I thought of the spiritual power cannon again. That thing is perfect for this purpose.

The giant stopped the magic circle and rushed out of the valley. The two fought for a long time. Of course, he would not let Zhang Ai go easily.

Zhang was afraid of waiting for him to come out, so he circled around and stabbed behind him lightly. He was not sure of the power of the Sand Valley Array, so even when fighting outside the valley, he remained vigilant to avoid falling into the array.

The giant hated Zhang Wen so much that all the wounds on his body were made by him. Of course he wanted to take revenge, and he tried his best to catch Zhang Wen. Zhang was afraid and stopped messing around. He spread out in the night like a ghost, more like a demon than a demon cultivator, and hit the giant's head directly with his sword.

The giant protected his head with one hand and attacked Zhang Awei with the other. His big feet made it much easier to walk in the desert. Of course Zhang Afraid would not let him have any convenience, so he circled around the big man and attacked quickly, trying to lure him away from the Shagu magic circle. Only when he had no worries could he fight with peace of mind.

But the giant was not fooled and just attacked him. Whenever Zhang Ai ran a little further, the giant dug in the sand and attacked. The sky was filled with sand and rain like marbles flying towards him, forcing Zhang Ai to protect himself. The big man was very powerful, and the sand rain he hit was as powerful as a cannonball. Zhang was afraid that he would use his air shield to protect him, and it would shatter after just a few blocks. Finally, he took out a hard iron knife, come on, no matter how powerful the sand rain is, it will still be broken. Can it be stronger than hard iron?

The giant learned his lesson, and as long as Zhang Awei hid his body and attacked, he would force Zhang Awei to slow down and reveal his body with the rain of sand in the sky. What followed was the giant's huge fist that came over.

The two of them fought very hard, and no one could hurt the other. Zhang was afraid that the speed and sharp blade that Zhang was always proud of would be useless against the giant. The giant remained unchanged in response to all changes, fighting against the rain of sand and his strong body, but he did not lose.

Zhang is afraid that he is very depressed. Should he look for any magic weapon that is harder and sharper than the snake scale armor and the hard iron sword?

After fighting for a while, Zhang Wei retreated far away and stopped fighting completely this time. He wanted to set up a formation, but the giant didn't give him a chance. He wanted to use a spell to blow him up. Needless to say, the giant could easily avoid the explosion. Even if he couldn't, the power of the spell couldn't destroy him, so he simply didn't fight.

The giant didn't want to fight, and he didn't have the heavy sand in his life. He attacked with sand rain again and again, which was very tiring. Seeing that Zhang was afraid of retreating far away, he stopped moving and was thinking about how to kill this kid.

There is no point in having great strength. As long as you can't catch Zhang Awei, no matter how powerful you are, it will be in vain.

The two of them were more than a thousand meters apart, each thinking their own thoughts, and both felt that their opponent was difficult to deal with. Zhang Wen was the first to leave. Before leaving, he deliberately angered his opponent: "I'll come back another day, don't run away." After saying this, Shi Shiran walked away.

The giant could only sulk secretly. He did not dare to chase Zhang Weifang. If he was ambushed or another powerful enemy came to kill him, the disciples and grandsons in the sand valley would be fine. At worst, they would all die. The problem is that if they miss important events because of this, It would be useless to kill 10,000 Zhangs, so he reluctantly returned to Sha Valley.

Three magic cultivators in golden robes in the valley bowed to greet them. The giant waved his hand and asked them to leave. He sat down in front of the wooden house and calculated whether the big thing would be possible.

Zhang was afraid of leaving the Shengmen station and returning to the oasis in the middle of the night. Zhang Tianfang was lying on the lake out of boredom and stretched out his body. When he saw him coming back, he asked lazily: "How many of them will you kill?" He was originally very enthusiastic, but because he didn't participate, this guy became less interested.

Zhang Ping said: "Fifteen." Then asked: "Where is Fang Jian?"

"He's playing with your bear." Zhang Tianfang was still lying on the water and talking.

Zhang was afraid to look at the night sky. He went out and came back. Counting the fighting time, it only took half a day and a night. It was still dark at this time, so I sat down by the lake and watched the stars swaying on the lake, and watched Zhang Tian floating on the water. It's hard not to admire this guy who can always find something to do for himself.

After sitting for half an hour, the sky began to get brighter. If I stayed for a while, day replaced night, and it was dawn. Seeing Zhang Tianfang motionless, Zhang Weifang was a little curious and asked: "You just lie here all night?" Zhang Tianfang said: "Don't talk nonsense, I am practicing. The old monk Puzhao said that the way of heaven exists in the heart, as long as you understand it The reason why the sun rises and the moon rises and falls, there must be improvement in cultivation.”

Zhang was speechless, okay, you won again, I underestimated you. Get up and go to the thatched cottage.

Two monks in the thatched hut were chanting sutras. When they saw him coming back, Master Puzhao stood up and greeted him: "How's the investigation going?"

Zhang Awei said in an understatement: "We had a fight and killed more than a dozen people."

Puzhao said, "I guess I am used to killing people, so I didn't recite the Buddha's name and say some nonsense about being good and good."

Zhang Ain asked: "I had a fight with the Shengmen leader. It was really difficult to deal with. If I kill him, will it be possible for the Ghost Ancestor to break out of the Ghost Valley?"

This is a question that has no answer. Puzhao shook his head: "I don't know." To a certain extent, the five oasis monks and the desert disciples each performed their duties and did not interfere with each other, maintaining a wonderful balance. The basis of their balance is the Ghost Ancestor. The five monks are responsible for guarding the Iron Line Valley, but because of the possible relationship between Shengmen and the ghost ancestors, they dare not kill the killer to eliminate the danger. As long as Shengmen does not attack the Iron Line Valley, the five monks usually ignore it. The Shengmen were also wary. They wanted to invite the Ghost Ancestor, but they were afraid of interference from people from the Holy City, so they had to hide in the desert and not dare to cause trouble.

Zhang Wei said: "I want to give it a try, but I have two worries. One is that the ghost ancestors will be furious and will cause endless killings when they rush out. The other worry is that they will not be able to kill the murderers. If they escape, they will bring harm to the people of the Holy Kingdom. Endless disaster."

These two points are also things that the five monks of the Holy Kingdom consider all day long. With their cultivation and their minds, thousands of years have passed and they still dare not make a decision easily, which shows how difficult the matter is.

Puzhao only said two words: "Be careful."

Zhang Awei sighed secretly, if he was not careful, he would have broken the formation last night. I learned this trick not long ago and haven't used it yet. After thinking for a moment, he asked: "Does the capital master of the Holy City know?" He was a little doubtful. If the capital master knew the location of Iron Line Valley, why didn't he know about the existence of Shengmen? Based on his cultivation and strength, how could he not know? He must be hiding something.

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