The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 679 Entering the Ghost Valley

Chapter 679: Entering the Ghost Valley

"What's wrong with the monster? I'm not afraid of it." But he still obeyed and came ashore and asked Fang Jian: "Are you annoyed by this big-tailed wolf?"

Fang Jian smiled and pretended to be confused: "Wolf? Where is it? Be careful not to take the sand bear away." Zhang Tianfang was so angry that he cursed: "Get out of here." Fang Jian and Zhang Ping laughed. How wonderful it would be if life were just like this, with a beautiful world, a peaceful world, joy, and someone to accompany you.

Zhang was afraid that a group of little bastards would get dirtier as they played with water, so he had to grab them one by one, wash them, put them into a big bag, and continue moving forward with Fang Jian and the other two. If the map is correct, you can reach the Iron Line Valley by walking thirty miles further. But before that, we have to visit the five great monks. Those five famous Buddhists from the Holy Kingdom have been staying here for many years. When the Ghost Emperor was born, he went to kill ghost disciples for a few days, and then returned here to be in a daze. Very patient.

The lake is a thousand meters long. After crossing it, you enter the woods. There is nothing else on the oasis. There are so many trees and lakes. In the thirty-mile journey, I walked through more than a dozen large and small woods, and also walked through a dozen large and small woods. Lakes range in size from thousands of meters to tens of meters in size, and they form this oasis from far and near. Trees and water accompany each other, creating interesting contrasts. One is green, the other is clear green, which looks particularly beautiful in the yellow sand.

"The scenery here is really nice." Fang Jian sighed again.

After passing through the last forest, a thatched cottage appeared in front of me. Inside, there were two monks, one large and one young, meditating and chanting Buddha's name. The Buddha they worshiped was a three-foot-tall stone Buddha. It sat on a flat stone and was outlined with a few thick lines. OK, not very precise.

Is this what the Lord of the Holy City claimed that one person would build a temple? Alas, what big men say is sometimes inaccurate. Zhang Wen stepped forward and cupped his hands and said, "Zhang Wen has met these two masters."

The young monk opened his eyes first and said: "I am not a master, my master is." After speaking, he looked back at the three of them, then turned around and closed his eyes to chant the Buddha's name.

The young monk was very rude, Zhang Tianfang judged.

Fortunately, the great monk was polite. He muttered a few lines of Buddhist scriptures and then stood up. He turned to Zhang Ain and came towards him. He clasped his palms together and said, "Puzhao has seen three donors. I wonder why the three donors came here?"

Zhang Tianfang said: "I have nothing to do, come and see, what are you doing here?" Because when talking to the master, Zhang Tianfang was afraid that he could not take the lead, nor could he be rude and stop others from talking, so Zhang Tianfang, who had no inhibitions, took the lead.

The master chuckled: "Innocent Buddha Heart, you are destined to be a Buddha, so why haven't you taken refuge yet?"

Zhang Tianfang slapped his head: Oops, forget about this, these old monks like to accept me as their disciple. He quickly took two steps back and spoke to Zhang Afraid: "It's your turn."

Zhang was afraid that he would laugh in his heart and ask you to take the lead again, but Master Puzhao was not too presumptuous at the moment and asked respectfully: "Master, is he one of the five great virtues of the Holy Kingdom?"

"It's just a false name. A monk can even give up his skin, let alone some false names. If someone who does good things calls me this, it would be a bit pretentious and pretentious for me to excuse myself. So I don't care what others say, I am just myself."

Another eminent monk, he probably regards everything in the world as nothing. Zhang Ai bowed respectfully and asked: "I dare to ask, Master, if we go north from now on, is it the Iron Line Valley?"

Normally no one comes to the oasis. It is so far away that even if you want to get lost, you have to be able to get here alive. So whenever people come, most of them are related to the Iron Line Valley. The old monk was not surprised by what Zhang Wen said and whispered: "It would be better for the donor not to go to the evil place."

Zhang Ping said: "I didn't want to go, I just wanted to know where it was. Didn't the Ghost Emperor go out from here?"

Puzhao's eyes were kind and kind. He looked at the three of them and said to Zhang Ain: "In the ghost world, if there is a purgatory, it will only be them. In the cycle of life and death, if there is an afterlife, maybe we will be them."

Okay, I admit that I don’t understand what you said. Zhang Ain asked: "The Lord of the Holy City said that he had entered the valley. It was very scary inside. He walked around the outside and came out. I also want to go in and have a look."

"What is there to see? The Buddha's Dharma is boundless, but it cannot save all sentient beings. There are always too many people who are obsessed with delusions and find it difficult to transcend. Some are greedy or attached, or fearful or obsessed, and they become the sentient beings in the valley. But since the donor is obsessed with delusions, Jingzheng, please accompany this donor for a while," Puzhao said to the young monk.

If you are stubborn, you will be stubborn. You are not a monk anyway, Zhang Ain said in his heart. However, the monk's happy agreement made him feel a little surprised. Can he enter the valley so easily?

The young monk Jingzheng stood up in response, looked at the three of them like his master, pointed at the big bag and Fang Jian and said, "These creatures stay with this benefactor."

Fang Jian smiled and took the big bag and said, "Go back quickly. If it's late, I will go back to Tianlei Mountain by myself."

Jingzheng led the two of them out of the thatched cottage. They walked north on a small road. When they turned a corner, they suddenly saw stacks of mountains. Was there actually a mountain in the oasis? From the outside, you can only see a forest of tall trees, but there is no other world in the forest.

There is a small stone mountain with a gentle slope on the opposite side. There is a huge stone standing at the bottom of the slope, about six meters high. There is a narrow passage of about two meters between the stone mountain opposite. This must be the entrance to the Iron Line Valley mentioned by the Lord of the Holy Capital.

The three of them walked to the entrance of the valley and stopped. Jingzheng said: "What you see when you enter the valley is nothing, don't pay attention to it." They should step in first. Zhang was afraid of following, but as soon as he entered the valley, he felt a soft force brushing his body, and then he discovered that the entrance of the valley was guarded by a large Buddhist formation. It's just that this magic circle is a bit weird. It can't be seen by the naked eye, and the spiritual power fluctuations are not detected by the spiritual consciousness. You can only notice it when you bump into it.

Jingzheng said: "This is the first Buddhist formation." As for what formation it was, he didn't explain it clearly. He probably felt that there was no need to waste words with these two laymen, and they wouldn't understand it even if he told them.

The mouth of the valley was only nine meters away, and when I went out, I was brushed by a soft force again. Jingzheng said: "This is the second Buddhist formation."

Going out of the valley entrance and walking into the valley, directly opposite is a hillside. It is a wide area and full of trees. It must be the place where the iron snake monsters gathered in the capital's mouth. Jingzheng pointed to the forest and said, "There is the third Buddha formation there."

After leading the two people down to the valley, they found a green grassland with occasional insects jumping around and some weak beasts crouching in it. Jingzheng pointed to the grass and said: "Here is the fourth Buddha formation."

In just a few steps, you have already encountered four Buddhist formations? Exaggerated enough. Zhang Fei looked around, especially staring at the woods. He didn't see a legendary wire snake for a long time.

"Stop looking. If you can see me, I'm not worthy of guarding the ghost cave here." Jingzheng walked into the grassland.

Zhang was afraid of being surprised, what? Do wire snakes exist to suppress ghosts? He followed up, and after the third attack of gentle power, he walked into the grassland covered by the Buddha array.

Walking along the grass, less than a hundred meters away, a black hole appeared on the ground. It was so dark that nothing could be seen, but there were several golden swastikas flashing at the entrance of the hole. Jingzheng said: "This is the fifth Buddhist formation, and it is also the most powerful one." He stepped forward with his toes and jumped into the black hole.

Zhang was afraid that Zhang Tianfang would follow suit, and another wave of power would reach him, and he would fall into a dark world, where cold stone and cold fog would breed evil.

Jingzheng was walking inside and said as he walked: "There are five Buddhist formations outside Tiexian Valley to protect them. There have been very few incidents for tens of thousands of years. The Ghost Emperor's escape was an accident. He forced his way out. In fact, apart from the five Buddha formations, , Iron Line Valley has a greater reliance. If the five Buddhist formations cannot defend Iron Line Valley, the master will join forces with the four uncles to launch another formation. It is said to be a formation passed down from ancient times and is extremely powerful, unless If something extremely horrific happens, it won’t be broken at all.”

Zhang Tianfang asked: "How did the Ghost Emperor get out?"

"Master will talk to you after we get out." The young monk only said what he should say.

The outside of the Iron Line Valley is small, but the inside of the valley is very big. As you enter one layer after another, it seems to be blocked by several walls. They are tall and dense, and there is a passage in the wall. Zhang Aif turned his head and looked at Zhang Tianfang, who had a calm expression on his face. Zhang Ping immediately understood that there were no ghosts in this place. In terms of detecting souls, that guy's yin and yang eyes were much better than the concentration beads in his head.

After walking through eighteen walls in a row, there is another magic circle in front of it. This magic circle is different from the Buddhist formations I have seen before. It is visible to the naked eye and shines with seven-color light. There is a small arch behind the light. Maybe there is a seven-color light. In contrast, the door behind the door looks even more sinister and dark.

Jing Zheng said: "After this door, there is the Ghost Valley." Zhang Tianfang also said: "There are ghosts behind the door, boring." Jing Zheng looked at him: "Why boring?" "They are actually scaring me, it's not boring. ? "The thing Zhang Tianfang is least afraid of is ghosts.

Jingzheng chuckled and said, "You're interesting." He stepped into the archway. The colorful light did not react and allowed him to enter freely. Zhang Tianfang followed him in, turned to Zhang Ain and said, "With this arch and this seven-color magic circle, ordinary ghosts can't get out."

Zhang Ain asked: "Is this the first magic formation in Guigu?" Jingzheng said that there are five Buddhist formations and he has seen them all one by one. This magic formation is the sixth one he has seen. He doesn't know what to do. Calculate.

Jing Zheng replied: "This magic circle is of no use. It cannot attack or kill people. Its only function is to prevent ghosts from escaping. There is no other magic circle in the valley. For ghosts, ordinary magic circles are useless."

Zhang was afraid to think about this and followed the two of them into the arch.

Once he passed the arch, the world became completely different. It was an empty and vast dark world, and it was pitch black wherever he looked. It was similar to the situation he encountered when he went to the Ghost Cave.

After entering the arch, he stood still and looked around with his eyes open. Although he could not see with his eyes, the concentration beads kept reminding him that he knew that there were ghosts wandering around him. He felt a little tired of it, so he wanted to use the concentration beads to collect them. them.

Zhang Tianfang said: "A bunch of idiots." With a wave of the ghost knife, nine big skulls flashed with white light, frightening some wandering souls and running away quickly. Jingzheng was stunned for a moment, grabbed him and ran out: "Quickly go."

Zhang Tianfang's Nascent Soul cultivation was unable to withstand the young monk's grasp, and he was easily pulled out of the arch.

Zhang was afraid of being alert and jumped out. The three of them exited the ghost world, and Jingzheng let out a long sigh: "Are you uncomfortable going in?" His tone was a bit bad, but he finally didn't lose his temper, and turned around and left after speaking.

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