The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 680: Universal Illumination

Chapter 680: Universal Illumination

Zhang Tianfang asked: "Aren't you going in?" Jingzheng replied: "If you don't want to die here, just come out with me." His voice was a bit cold.

He dared to bring the two of them into the Ghost Valley because he was extremely confident in his Buddhist skills. As long as no big ghosts appeared, there should be no problem in protecting the two people. However, the ghost sword attracted a large number of ghosts, and the situation changed. He could not protect himself. question, but I don’t know whether I can protect Er Zhang’s safety. Considering this, I took the initiative to withdraw from Guigu. In order to avoid casualties and difficulty in explaining to the master.

"It's just a ghost. What immortality is worth fearing?" Zhang Tianfang said disdainfully.

Jingzheng did not explain to him, only said: "Look back." Zhang Tianfang glanced back, and at some point behind him, more than a dozen big ghosts came, some in armor and some with helmets, separated by a small Archbar bared his teeth and mouth at him.

Ghosts are intangible, and those who can cultivate human form are definitely big ghosts and evil spirits. Zhang Tianfang looked at Yile and greeted them through the arch: "Hey, here we come, have you eaten?" After asking, he felt something was wrong. What ghosts eat is ghosts, so he quickly changed his mind: "If you haven't eaten, then you haven't eaten." I wanted to say more, but was slapped by Zhang Awei: "How boring are you?"

In just one sentence, there were more and more ghosts in the arch, some with faint shadows, some with grayish colors, and there were also a lot of big ghosts like the dozen or so in front of them who appeared in human form, all of them bared their teeth and claws and screamed fiercely.

Zhang Tianfang was displeased: "What are you doing? Just saying hello, why are you so excited?"

"Just play." Zhang was afraid that he knew this guy was too playful, so he didn't bother to care. Asked Jingzheng: "Where is it inside? Why are there so many evil ghosts?"

Jingzheng said "Amitabha" and whispered: "This is another world, go out."

As soon as he spoke, the ghost generals in front of the arch rushed out with a bang, and the seven-colored light flashed, bursting out into balls of golden light, blocking the attack of the ghost generals.

Jing Zheng's expression changed, he looked a little anxious, and urged: "Let's go quickly."

Zhang Tianfang asked: "Is it so scary?" He lives and grows with the ghosts. He is a guest star of all demons, so of course he is not afraid.

Zhang Wei said, "What nonsense are you talking about? Get out." He pulled him out.

The three of them returned the same way and walked back through the high wall. There were eighteen floors of high walls in total. Every time they walked through one, Jingzheng slapped his hands on the wall. They walked past eighteen walls in a row. When they looked back, they saw eighteen floors. The passage in the high wall has been sealed by golden light. It should be some kind of magic circle.

Looking up, there is a bright light at the exit of the cave. Jing is jumping into the air and is the first to go out. Zhang Ping dragged Zhang Tianfang out with him. The soft power touched the body again, and the three of them stood outside the black hole.

Zhang Tianfang asked: "Why are you running?" Jingzheng said: "You will understand later."

The three of them stood outside the cave for a while. In about the time it takes for a normal person to take twenty breaths, crackling sounds were heard one after another in the cave. Dozens of ghost generals broke through more than a dozen blockades, rushed to the entrance of the cave at their feet, and roared up again. Heading towards the cave entrance.

Jing Zhengdao: "Except for the Five-Way Buddha Formation, the others cannot be counted as formations. They can only block some weak ghosts. There is no absolutely powerful force in the world. If the ghosts are powerful, the so-called magic formations below will lose their effect, and we have to rely on the Five-Way Paths." The Buddhist formation trapped them in the valley."

Zhang Ain nodded. No wonder the young monk only said that there were five Buddhist formations. Counting from the archway to the eighteen walls behind the cave, there are a total of nineteen so-called magic circles, which only intercepted twenty breaths.

The entrance to the cave was too small, and there were more than a dozen formed ghost generals crowded inside. Each one looked terrifying and pounced on them fiercely. The magic circle at the entrance of the cave automatically attacked, and the golden swastika flashed continuously, bursting out with golden light and easily knocking the ghost general back into the cave.

Jingzheng spoke to Zhang Tianfang: "You shouldn't show the ghost sword."

The nine ghost kings in the ghost sword can be used to scare the weak, but they are useless when encountering fierce and powerful ghosts such as ghost generals and ghost emperors. Everyone wants to catch them and eat them as delicacies. A tiger falls in Pingyang and is bullied by a dog. For high-level ghost generals, the nine ghost kings who sacrificed themselves and sealed themselves in the ghost sword are not as powerful as Pingyang tigers. That powerful Yin spirit power and top-notch divine consciousness are all great tonics for the ghost generals and ghost kings.

Zhang Tianfang said angrily: "I will protect them." The Ghost Sword has always protected him, but today he has lost his position and he wants to protect the Ghost Emperor.

Zhang Ai said helplessly: "Stop messing around, there are all fierce ghosts inside. Last time, just one ghost king escaped and caused chaos in the world. Don't you think it's not lively enough?"

Zhang Tianfang just shut up and said nothing. He can deal with ghosts, but he can't deal with ghosts' helpers, such as high-level ghost disciples.

Zhang Ain asked Jingzheng: "Is everything okay here?" Looking at the endless flash of golden light under his feet, the endless roaring sound, the black smoke and thick fog, it made people feel a little uncomfortable.

Jingzheng said: "It should be fine." He sat cross-legged and meditated, chanting the Buddhist mantra in a low voice. Thousands of lights and flowers suddenly appeared in the sky, stacked on top of the cave entrance, and a huge bouquet was squeezed out. There are various streams of light flying in the bouquet. From time to time, they will pass through the bouquet and shoot downwards, and there will be crackling and explosion sounds. Because the sound is too dense, the crackling sounds are continuous, like festive firecrackers during the New Year.

After a quarter of an hour, the crackling sound gradually stopped and became sparse, and after a while, the sound completely subsided. Jingkong recited the Buddha's name, waved his robe sleeves, the bouquets of flowers scattered and disappeared, all the light from the bouquets disappeared, the entrance of the cave calmed down, and the ghosts and monsters also left.

Jingzheng stood up and said, "Let's go." He walked towards the mouth of the valley. Zhang Tianfang asked: "Aren't you going in?" "Next time," Jing Zheng said. Zhang Tianfang was a little depressed and said bitterly: "Next time, next time."

The three of them quickly returned to the thatched hut, and Fang Jian asked: "So soon?" Zhang Tianfang said: "The young monk is not allowed to enter." Jingzheng was too lazy to argue with him, nodded to Puzhao, and went to meditate.

The relationship between the master and the apprentice was quite strange. Zhang Tianfang provoked a discord in order to retaliate for being slighted just now and said to Puzhao: "Your apprentice doesn't know how to respect the teacher at all and is rude."

Zhang Zhen really wanted to kick him. This crazy bastard who never knew what politeness was, actually said that others were not polite? He coughed and asked: "Master, what kind of existence is Guigu?"

"The donor is right. The Ghost Valley is indeed an existence, and it is an existence that should not exist in this world. Therefore, there will be a Buddhist formation to seal the valley, and there will also be five of my senior brothers to protect it." Puzhao replied.

Zhang Ain asked again: "I dare to ask Master, how did the Ghost Emperor escape? He was wreaking havoc outside. The cultivators from all over the world worked together to surround and kill him several times, but they couldn't succeed. He escaped many times, which is really a disaster for the people. ”

What he knew better was how to capture the Ghost Emperor, but judging from the current situation, the five great monks might not have a way to capture the Ghost Emperor, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Puzhao said: "The Ghost King is not the most powerful and ferocious ghost in the valley. There are ghost generals below, and ghost ancestors above, the ancestor of all ghosts. The Buddha array in the valley is set up for him, and this valley and this oasis are also for him." One person exists, including Lao Na.”

And Ghost Ancestor? Are you kidding me? Afraid that the world is not chaotic enough? A ghost emperor has already caused chaos in the world, and there will be another more powerful ghost ancestor? Is it over yet? Zhang Ain asked: "Who is the Ghost Ancestor?"

"I don't know." The old monk replied simply: "As far as I know, no one in this world has seen him."

"No one has seen it? How did you know?" Zhang Tianfang proved with facts that he just wasn't polite.

Puzhao did not feel dissatisfied: "Master told me that this valley exists for me, and the same goes for Jingzheng." A person can only stay in one place and do one thing in his whole life. Isn't it boring? Or is it a bit pitiful?

Jingzheng was called upon by his master, but he continued to meditate quietly as if he didn't hear it.

When Zhang Tianfang heard this, he felt that the little monk was even more pitiful than Bu Kong. He felt that he was just a little bit rude, so he groped around for a while, but couldn't find anything that he could get, so he couldn't give away the ghost skull beast. He leaned into Zhang Wen's ear and whispered: "Give me something good."

What is the definition of good stuff? It is estimated that Zhang Tianfang himself does not understand. Zhang Ai casually took out some elixirs, spirit wine and other items for him. Zhang Tianfang took him to find Jingzheng: "Little monk, these are for you. Do you want a monster? Ordinary animals can also be used. I can play with you. What do you like? I'll get it for you. It's so boring to be so silent."

A trace of gratitude flashed in Jingzheng's eyes, and he chuckled and said, "Thank you for your kindness, the young monk. I don't want anything." This is a bit big. Most people say that they don't need anything, which is already a big deal. The young monk said that he doesn't want anything. Is there nothing he wants in this world? This should be regarded as having no love in life, right? What are you still alive for? Zhang Tianfang almost asked, but luckily he knew something was wrong when he said it, so he held back and looked back at Zhang Ai, asking for help.

Zhang Aing smiled and said: "Having no desires does not mean that you don't need it. Looking at the great virtues in the world, even if you have great ambitions and have virtues as high as the sky, you will also find trivial things in the world to occupy your spare time, such as playing chess or making tea. You can never remain the same as a stone." Normally, I have some tea and some wine here, which I would like to give to the two masters so that they can appreciate the bitter taste of the world during their free time."

See what you say, giving gifts is beyond your realm. No matter how high you practice, you have to appreciate the joys and sorrows of the world to be worthy of the title of eminent monk. It was inconvenient for you two to go out, so you used some trivial things instead. Zhang Tianfang looked at Zhang Ai with admiration, he was awesome, he was really awesome.

Puzhao smiled and said, "Just accept it. Thank you for your kindness." The monk was not pretentious. He took a bunch of bottles and put them beside him. Continue talking about the Ghost King: "There is another world in the valley. The existence of the five of us is to guard the exit and not let them come out at will. However, there are always people in the mortal world who have selfish desires and want to let the Ghost King out. They have done some evil things. They also led troops to invade the oasis. Fortunately, the Dharma was boundless and could be easily resolved, and they did not succeed. "

What's the meaning? Is there anyone else coming to attack the oasis? Zhang Ain asked: "Who is against the masters?"

Puzhao did not answer but asked instead: "Did the donor see any strange things while walking in the desert? Or did he see anyone?"

I was about to ask this when Zhang Ain replied: "I've seen it before." He told the story about seeing the beast tide, and also talked about the weird sect in the sand valley. After hearing this, Puzhao said: "It's them."

"Master knows?" Zhang Ain asked curiously. Since the master knows, why doesn't he notify the demon cultivators from the Holy Kingdom to come together to exterminate the evil thieves?

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