The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 678 Oasis

Chapter 678 Oasis

In desperation, Zhang Wei threw out the Five Elements Sword Formation, drew the ground as a prison, and trapped the five guys with the sand formation. At this time, I thought of the heavy sand that was the destiny of Xiang Kong in the Hundred Thousand Mountains. If that sand were there, I would be the king of the desert, and all those in the Holy Religion Iron Line Valley would be destroyed.

Thinking about this, I had the idea of ​​​​looking for Xiang Kong.

Zhang Tianfang finally took the opportunity to ask: "Are these five the nineteen?" The implication was so ugly.

Zhang was afraid that he would ignore him, and his soul would focus on the sand lizard that was slowly moving forward in the distance, always feeling a little uneasy. After a while, I saw five sand lizards burrowing into the ground. I was angry, but I was still worried about them.

Put away the seven sets of sand lizard skins that you snatched back. This is a good thing. It is really good for sneak attacks and assassinations. Talk to the sand bear trapped in the sand prison: "Have a rest, you are so tired." The five guys kept roaring and struggling, and regarded Zhang Ao as the most powerful enemy in the world.

It took a while, but after half an hour, it was still dark. The little sand bear was released again, and the group of balls continued to play. Zhang Ai brought some water and fresh meat to Zhang Tianfang: "Be diligent and feed."

"Why? It's not mine." Zhang Tianfang wanted to shirk.

"Will your two tigresses eat it?" Zhang Ain asked.

"Ah, yes, if you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten that there are two tigers." The pig didn't remember anything, so he hurriedly released the two big guys, grabbed the water and food in Zhang Weifang's hand, and fed them to the tigers first, and then divided them. To a bunch of balls.

Zhang Ping took out a few more pieces of meat and threw them to the five big sand bears in the sand prison. Then he lay down and waited patiently for dawn.

Suddenly there was a scream in the distance, and Zhang Ai suddenly disappeared. When he reappeared, he was carrying the five sand lizards that had just left, one large, four small, and one small. Two of the sand lizards, one large and one small, were injured, especially the small one. Yes, one leg was torn open and bleeding.

Zhang Ping took out the Life Pill and fed them to them. It is the first miracle medicine for healing. As long as you have a breath, as long as your organs are not damaged, and as long as your limbs are not broken, it can help you recover as before.

He grabbed the little sand lizard's legs, pressed the bones together, and then fed the pill. After a quarter of an hour, the little guy became lively and energetic.

Zhang Tianfang asked: "What happened?" Zhang Ai smiled bitterly and said: "A big sand lizard ambushed them."

These guys are so hungry that they eat even their own kind. Zhang Tianfang shook his head repeatedly: "Beasts are beasts." He was stared at fiercely by the big sand lizard and five big sand bears. Zhang Tianfang glared back: "What are you looking at? Did I say something wrong? Don't be honest and eat meat."

Fang Jian was very impressed: "You and a group of dumb monsters can start a fight, I admire you."

Since you have been fed the life pill, everyone who sees it will have a share. Each of the bunch of monsters will get one pill, and each of them will get a spiritual energy pill. No matter how ignorant the monsters were, they could still tell whether the elixir was good or bad. After scrambling to swallow it, they focused their attention on Zhang Ai, waiting to continue dividing the elixir.

Zhang Han smiled and said: "No more." He lay down again. After getting along with each other for a while, the big sand lizard knew that the three of them meant no harm. He turned around to look at the endless darkness. It was better to stay with this person for safety, and led the four little guys to squeeze over and climb down. Zhang Tianzhang was so angry that he shouted: "That's my position. Hey, what about you guys? If you don't get out of the way, I'll beat you up... Forget it, I'll give it to you."

One person was so bored that he ran to Fang Jian and lay down on his side, which was closer to the sand prison. He turned sideways and angrily said to the sand bear: "Come out, let me tell you, I have helpers. Three blacks and four blacks come here." Hello. Two of my own big black guys came to scare the bears. The tiger was a fifth-grade monster, and the sand bear was a fourth-grade monster. Among beasts, strength is the most important thing, so the arrogance of the five sand bears was temporarily suppressed.

Zhang Tianfang said proudly: "I should have let you two out a long time ago." He had no memory of completely forgetting the two tigers.

Fang Jian smiled and said, "Can you use your brain and give your tiger this name? Big black, two black, three black and four black? Come on, tell me, which one is the three black?"

"This?" Zhang Tianfang turned sideways and looked at the two tigers. They looked really alike. Sit up and look again, it does look like it. Looking back at Fang Jian, he cleared his throat and said, "Which one of you two is San Hei? Give me a shout."

Such a commotion reminded Zhang Ping, how to name nineteen little guys? Haha, it will be difficult to pay the order when the time comes. He also suffered from selective amnesia, forgetting that none of his big snakes had names.

Everyone rested for a while, and there was a monster moving slowly and carefully not far away. Zhang Tianfang asked: "Is it that sand lizard?" Zhang expressed fear. Zhang Tianfang asked: "Drive away?" He had the ghost sword to remind him that no matter how good the sand lizard was at hiding himself, he could not escape the eyes of the nine ghost kings.

"If it doesn't come over, just let it stay." Zhang Ain was very kind and friendly to the monster.

The sand lizard was very big, almost twice as big as the sand lizard next to Zhang Ai. It had a fierce appearance. It was afraid of the two fifth-grade tigers and hid far away and did not dare to come over.

Fang Jian asked: "What should I do with the sand lizard?"

Yes, this is another big problem, what to do with these big and four small sand lizards? If he didn't see it, forget it. If he saw it and ignored it, well, that's not something he could do.

Zhang Tianfang said: "What's the trouble? I'll kill that guy and they can go home."

Zhang Wen ignored his crazy words and negotiated with the big sand lizard: "I'm leaving here tomorrow and I can't take you with me. If you don't worry about your four children, I will take them to a safe place to live. If you don't worry, I will take them to a safe place." Send you home."

The words are so straightforward that the big sand lizard can understand them. For monsters, survival is very important, and freedom is also very important. It depends on how you choose at the critical moment. Generally speaking, unruly high-level monsters will choose freedom and fight to the death to maintain their dignity. As for low-level monsters, those who lack blood will choose to survive. Living is better than anything else.

This question stumped the big sand lizard. Seeing the child full of reluctance, it was really difficult to make a decision.

Zhang Ping also knew that he had given it a difficult problem, and he couldn't bear it.

Soon the night passed and dawn came. Zhang Ain put away a bunch of balls and said to the five big sand bears: "You can't take care of them. I promise not to kill them." Removed the small five-element knife array.

The five big sand bears were hesitant. The ones in front of them were a little different from those they had seen before. They were not beaten or killed, and they were given spiritual energy pills to eat. There should be no ill intentions. And they still had two fifth-level monsters as their subordinates. They knew they couldn't resist, so they just bowed their heads and hid in the sand to leave.

Zhang Ain asked the big sand lizard: "Send you back?"

Those five sand bears are not related by blood to the little sand bear and are not considered close, so they can give up and leave. The big sand lizard was reluctant to leave its children and nodded firmly, not wanting to be separated from the children.

Zhang was afraid to think of the red wolf who hung out with three stupid dogs all day long, and asked the big sand lizard: "Are you willing to leave the desert? If you are willing, sign a contract with me, and I will take you away while the four of them stay with the little sand bears." Together, I will do my best to keep them safe.”

Whether it is good or evil, as long as you put more thought into it, there will be many things.

After some hesitation, the big sand lizard finally agreed, so he signed the agreement and put it in the big walnut on his chest. Two small mice, one hundred and twenty-eight God-destroying snakes, and a imprisoned middle-aged man temporarily lived in it. Rank Nascent Soul, now there are multiple fourth-level monsters, sand lizards.

Then he stuffed four little sand lizards into the bear's pocket, and the two little guys formed their own gangs inside and started to rebel on the top of the mountain. They are both fourth-level monsters. The sand lizard is a little bigger than the sand bear, and the sand bears are more numerous than the sand lizard. The two gangs are young and have no attack power. No matter how hard they fight, they can't hurt each other. The only result of the struggle is to increase Zhang Ain's strength. trouble.

At daybreak, we continue to look for Tiexian Valley. I compared it with the sun and the map, and flew for another day, but still didn't find it. Continue to spend the night in the desert. Nothing was discovered until noon on the third day.

In the boundless desert, a piece of green suddenly appears, the green is thrilling, the green is stunningly beautiful, and a large area of ​​unnamed tall trees surrounds the entire oasis, lush and vibrant.

These days, I am used to seeing yellow sand all over the sky and raging sandstorms. It seems that there are deserts of different colors such as dark, dry, yellow, gray, and yellow. Suddenly, a patch of green appears in front of my eyes, which looks particularly beautiful. This oasis makes people know what green is.

He urged the flying bird to fly over and stopped five hundred meters away to watch. I took out the jade slips, compared them with the map, and finally confirmed that the Iron Line Valley was on this oasis.

Fall down and fly, put it away and enter on foot. With Zhang Wei's powerful spiritual consciousness and Zhang Tianfang's ghost knife prompting them, there was really nothing to worry about. Countless creatures in a forest could not escape their detection.

The oasis is so big that there is absolutely no problem in building two cities.

Not long after entering the woods, I saw a small stream, about the width of a hand, winding around the woods and flowing towards the edge of the desert. It had already disappeared before leaving the woods.

The three of them walked along the stream, and the straight-line distance was only about 500 meters. A lake appeared, which was thousands of meters in length and width. It was clear and transparent, and its veins flowed as gently as a lover's eyes.

There are monsters in the oasis, in the woods, and in the water. But these monsters seemed to be very peaceful. Even when the three of them walked to the lake, no monsters came out to attack them.

Zhang Tianfang was overjoyed when he saw the lake. He jumped in with a splash and washed his face, shouting that it felt good. As he fluttered, the water in the lake overflowed outwards, and more water flowed into the shallow creek.

I scanned this area with my spiritual sense and found that there were no powerful monsters or cultivators in this area. I felt strange in my heart. Why were there no cultivators stopping in such a beautiful place? Suddenly thinking that there is a ghost valley here, he laughed that he was almost as good as Zhang Tianfang and didn't need to use his brain.

Release the sand bear and lizard, raise some water from the lake and drop it into the creek, so that a bunch of little guys can play with the water. Sand bears are the most troublesome, rolling in the stream and muddying the clear stream. The stream was not as wide as their bodies, so it could not endure such a torment.

Zhang Awei smiled and scolded: "Troublemaking." He took the water from the lake and poured it down head-on to give them a bath.

Fang Jian walked to the lake to look at the scenery and said softly: "It's so beautiful."

"Contrast creates beauty. If you see it every day, you will get tired of it. When you see the grassland, you will be amazed at the majestic vastness of the sky and the distance." Zhang Ain pretended to be very knowledgeable. Zhang Tianfang despised him and said, "Just pretend." When water from the lake was poured over, Zhang Awei raised his hand to block it and said, "Come up, there are monsters under the water, don't disturb others' peace."

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