The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 677 Sand Bear

Chapter 677 Sand Bear

As soon as they took off, a rain of sand exploded on the ground beneath their feet. Five huge balls of sand shot up from the ground, attacking the three of them in a wide range like rapid arrows. Zhang Ai waved his hand and condensed a wall of energy. The sand ball hit him as if it hit the stone wall, making a canopy sound one after another and scattering in all directions. When the sand fell, five long and thin monsters, gray or black, were revealed, which vaguely resembled small sand bears.

The attack of the five demonic beasts was thwarted, but their ferocity remained unabated. They roared fiercely at Zhang Ai, and they only targeted him and pounced on him without risking their lives.

No need to ask, you all know that these five guys are big sand bears. They smelled the scent of cubs and strangers, thought that their kind was being robbed, and came with all their might.

The big sand bear is about twice the size of the small sand bear. It has a thin body and four hard and sharp claws. Apart from the vague and honest appearance of a child, other changes are really big. It is more like a skinny otter rat than a bear. like.

Zhang Tianfang asked: "Why are you so ugly?" Zhang Ping sighed secretly and didn't reply. If you want to survive in such a terrifying environment like the desert, what's the use of being beautiful? Pushing lightly with the palm of his hand, another soft wall of air formed to block them.

The five sand bears were blocked from attacking twice, but their ferocious nature became more and more fierce the more they were blocked. Fourth-level monsters always have some abilities. One sand bear leaped into the air and bit Zhang Wei, while two sand bears burrowed into the ground and scurried under Zhang Wei's feet. Come out and pounce upward. There were also two sand bears biting Zhang Awei in a roundabout way. It looked like they were not finished until they died.

As usual, Zhang was afraid that he would not fight back, and his figure dispersed like smoke, running away from the attacks of the five sand bears. At the same time, he said: "I won't hurt you, and I won't hurt them either."

A fourth-level monster can understand human language, but it's not certain whether you can understand or believe what he says.

Facts have proved that the five sand bears did not believe him. After their first attempt failed, they turned around and continued to chase him. Zhang Tianfang looked at them and laughed: "Young man, don't run away if you can, just fight them."

Zhang Ai was helpless, holding his big bag to avoid the sand bear attacks, thinking about returning the little sand bears to them? At this moment, a fierce murderous aura came from all directions, targeting the three Zhang Ai and the five sand bears in the attack.

He was startled, what kind of skill is this? How could he hide it from his own divine consciousness and only find out when he is around him? He yelled: "Be careful." He reminded Fang Jian, then took out the hard iron knife and slashed it across the ground in front of him, blocking all attacks. At the same time, he quickly grabbed it with his other hand, suppressed the five fierce sand bears like lightning, and struck directly. He fainted and then stared forward.

Zhang Tianfang was alerted by the ghost sword and easily discovered the problem. The figure circled in front of Fang Jian. The ghost sword stood quietly in the night sky, like a dividing line. Anyone who dared to cross the boundary would be killed.

Powerful murderous intent came from all around, with countless flying knives and arrows coming at them, targeting the three of them. What attacked the sand bear was several layers of wire mesh, stretched out horizontally and horizontally.

With the help of two black knives, Zhang Afraid and Zhang Tianfang easily blocked the rain of swords and arrows. Zhang Tianfang shouted angrily: "Which bastard dares to sneak attack me? Get out of here."

He didn't need to say this. After Zhang Weizhi restrained the sand bear, the Fushen Sword flew in the air, stabbing at the source of the murderous intention, and easily forced out seven demonic cultivators in black clothes and black pants.

After sending Yuan Shen over, the seven of them were high-level and top-level pill-forming monks, not even a Nascent Soul master. But why would you find them only after you sneak up on them? After careful scanning with his spiritual consciousness, he found that the problem was with his clothes. The seven people's clothes are made of unrefined animal skins. They are simply cut and sewn and put on. It is unknown what kind of monster they come from. They can block the leakage of spiritual energy and isolate the detection of spiritual consciousness. No wonder they were not found after a long time. No wonder they have such strength. He also dared to sneak attack Zhang Ai and three others.

After the seven beast-skin demon cultivators were forced out, they were extremely shocked. Relying on the magic weapon in this suit, the seven of them had killed several Nascent Soul masters before, and they did not want to hit the iron plate today. The seven people showed their figures and retreated. It was such a dark and windy night, and they were wearing black animal skins. As long as they ran some distance and blended in with the night, it would be absolutely difficult to find them again.

Zhang was afraid that they would not be able to escape easily, so he stabbed straight into the wind with his Fushen Sword, killing the person running at the front across the neck, causing his head to fall off. Since you want to kill me, don't blame me for being cruel, just shout: "Death to those who run away!"

There were six people left, and some found that the strongest member of the team had been killed by a sword. They felt scrupulous and stopped slowly. Some of the rest of the people didn't believe what Zhang Awei said, and some were focused on escaping and didn't care what Zhang Awei said, so a few people continued to run away desperately.

Zhang was afraid that they would not listen to him, so he chased after the escapees with a big cloth bag on his back. He slashed one with the hard iron sword, and at the same time used the Fu Shen Sword to kill the other. However, in a flash of thought, four more of the attackers died, and the remaining The two of them looked at Zhang Ping with fear and trepidation, wondering who this person was? Why is it so powerful? He glanced at Fang Jian and the others.

Zhang was afraid of killing someone, so he came back with a few corpses, threw them somewhere, and asked the two demon cultivators who didn't dare to escape: "Why did you kill me?"

The two demon cultivators did not dare to answer, fearing that they would offend each other by saying the wrong thing. Zhang Ai put away his sword, looked at the two of them with cold eyes, turned around and spoke to Zhang Tianfang: "Their clothes are good, take them off." He pointed at the pile of corpses and said.

Zhang Tianfang was not happy: "Why should I be a coolie?" Fang Jian smiled softly and stepped forward to take off his clothes. Zhang Tianfang felt embarrassed and moved over to work together. He quickly took off five sets of animal skin clothes and picked up another five. Storage bag and five animal control bags.

Zhang Tianfang grabbed it and threw it in front of Zhang Ai: "Do it yourself from now on." He always looks for opportunities to express his dissatisfaction.

Zhang Aoi smiled slightly and looked at the two demon cultivators: "The same goes for you."

How dare the two demon cultivators not listen? Quickly take off the animal skin, and also take the initiative to hand over the storage bag and animal control bag.

Zhang Ao pointed at the animal skin clothes and asked, "What kind of monster is this?"

"Sand lizard, a fourth-level monster with hard skin, can also block spiritual power and soul." In order to survive, the demon cultivator replied quickly.

There were still such treasures in the desert, so Zhang Fei put them all away and opened the storage bag to look. Apart from the spiritual stones and mineral materials, the most numerous ones were the organs of monsters and beasts, some inner elixirs, skins and claws. There are also several bottles of elixirs.

"You've been killing a lot. How many years have you been doing this?" Zhang Ping said as he checked the storage bag.

"Fifty years." The demon cultivator replied honestly.

Zhang Ping looked at the beast control bag again. There were seven bags with more than ten different types of monsters unconscious in them. Most of them were third- and fourth-grade monsters. There was only one fifth-grade monster. It seemed that the monsters in the desert were not easy to deal with. What interested him was that there were five sand lizards among them, one big and four small. They must have been served in one pot.

For cultivators, there are only two types of monsters: useful and useless. The useful ones will be kept alive for future trade or use; the useless ones will be killed on the spot, and their inner elixir, armor, etc. will be taken back. The use of refining tools. These dozen unconscious monsters should be worth more alive, so they will stay alive.

Zhang Ping said: "Wake them up." It's easy to make the monsters unconscious. You can knock them out or use medicine to stun them. After they faint, you can put them in the beast control bag and take them away. Generally speaking, the monsters are stupefied by using drugs such as magic pills, which can control the time of coma and prevent them from making a big fuss after suddenly waking up, thereby destroying the beast control bag.

Speaking of which, we have to go back to the pharmacists of the Lu State. The pharmacists founded the world with poison. There are endless levels of various intoxicating drugs and poisons. However, the monsters they need would rather spend a lot of money to bring them back from Monster Mountain, which takes time and effort. I don't want to save trouble by drugging them to death. Medicine masters conduct experiments on monsters. In order to ensure the accuracy of the effectiveness of various elixirs, they are not allowed to use medicine to subdue monsters.

However, these monster dealers in the Holy Kingdom are not. They are selling money anyway, and various intoxicating drugs can be used, as long as the monsters are awake when they are sold.

The demon cultivator hesitated a little after hearing the order, and one of them spoke boldly: "Sir, the antidote is with you."

Zhang Ai made a sound and threw several pill bottles over. The demon cultivator poured the antidote from one of the bottles and fed it to the monsters. After more than ten breaths, more than a dozen monsters woke up one after another. They looked around confusedly at first, shook their heads vigorously, and when they woke up, they let out a cry and backed away with angry eyes. Be alert, and then run away. No matter what kind of monster, this is the reaction after waking up.

Zhang Ping just stood and watched. These monsters lived in the desert. The desert was their home. No matter how much he wanted to, he couldn't kidnap them and leave. But the two demon cultivators had expressions of regret. They suffered a lot when they captured the monsters, and now they were let go in vain. Naturally, they felt unwilling to do so. However, no matter how unwilling they were, they did not dare to react. Even their own lives were someone else's. Yes, it's better to be honest.

In just a moment, all the dozen monster beasts ran away, especially the sand lizard. The four little guys were clumsy in movement and lacked the ability to protect themselves, which made the big sand lizard really nervous for a while, for fear of being attacked. Seeing the four little guys walking slowly and clumsily with the big sand lizard, Zhang Ai almost couldn't help but want to keep them.

This side of the sand lizard walked slowly, while the other side was afraid of kicking a pile of storage bags and beast control bags back to the two demon cultivators: "Let's go, don't do this again." The monster materials and spiritual stones inside were what Everything is there, and he doesn’t take away any bit of it.

"What?" The two demon cultivators thought they heard wrongly.

Zhang Ao pointed to several corpses and said: "They wanted to kill me first, but they didn't listen to me last, so they killed you. Since you two are obedient, I don't want to kill indiscriminately, so let's go."

The two demon cultivators still couldn't believe it. Zhang Wen said helplessly: "Let you run as far as you can. If you don't run, I will kill you." The last four words were more effective than anything else. As soon as he finished speaking, the two demon cultivators had already appeared. A thousand meters away, he ducked a few more times and disappeared.

Zhang was afraid that he didn't like killing, so the seven demon cultivators challenged him. After killing five of them, he felt angry, so he let two of them go. As for the monster, his compassion suddenly aroused, and he decided to save it easily.

The relationship between cultivators and monsters is really difficult to explain clearly. Whenever the two meet, most of the time there will be life and death battles. Sometimes the cultivators are not strong enough and run away; sometimes the monsters are incompetent and run away. If the strength is close, it will be a fight to the death.

From this point of view, it is normal behavior for demon cultivators to hunt beasts. The mistake of these seven people was to attack Zhang Ai.

At this time, the five sand bears woke up one after another. After waking up, they did not hesitate to attack Zhang Awei again. They identified the person who robbed the little sand bear.

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