The Monk

Volume One Chapter 669 Someone Comes to the Door

Chapter 669: Someone comes to the door

Zhang Tianfang played for a while and said, "You don't want to eat them, do you?" "Are you crazy? When have you ever seen me bully a weakling?" Zhang was afraid of giving him a blank look. Zhang Tianfang nodded: "Well, I understand you, and I think you can't be so cold-blooded. But I can tell you, if you dare to abuse them, I will never end it with you."

Well, you know me, Zhang Zhen didn’t answer. Zhang Tianfang then said: "If you haven't signed the contract yet, when do you plan to wait?"

Zhang Awei shook his head and said, "No need." The Five Spirits Blessed Land is a big secret. Except for Song Yunyi, no one else knows about the existence of that place, and neither does Zhang Tianfang. If he dared to tell the secrets of a group of fat babies, Zhang Tianfang would definitely be furious and would definitely ask him: We have such a good relationship, how dare you hide it from me?

In order to save trouble, I simply said nothing and continued to hide it.

When Zhang Tianfang saw that he said no, he smiled and said: "It's so cute. Give it to us. I'll sign a heart-to-heart agreement to raise her slowly."

Zhang Ping said: "Go and play with your four tigers, these sand bears have owners."

"You're so stingy." Zhang Tianfang took out a few rags he bought today and showed off, "The auction is really interesting. I'll come back next time." He then talked to Fang Jian: "Okay, I bought a fan for 40 million. I gave it to you as soon as I got it, so you don’t have to be too moved. Which one of us will follow the other?"

Fang Jian took out the fan and looked around, thinking that if he gave it back to Zhang Tianfang, he would definitely lose his temper with him, so he had to endure it and accept such an expensive gift.

Zhang Ai played with the cubs wholeheartedly. Each one was honest and cute, and he couldn't put it down. He sighed in his heart: How could those demon cultivators be willing to kill such cute creatures?

Zhang Tianfang had finished playing with his own rags, and then came to play with the bear again, and said what Zhang Ain was thinking: "A bunch of bastards, kill all such cute creatures, let's go to the desert tomorrow, and kill anyone who catches a sand bear! What a bunch of bastards." "

Zhang Ping smiled and said: "Tomorrow? As long as we dare to leave the city, I can guarantee that within fifty meters, someone will definitely come to cause trouble."

"Are you afraid of him? Back then, I, a Foundation Establishment disciple, dared to despise Aotian. Now that I have a baby, why bother them? I will leave the city tomorrow and see who dares to stop me." Zhang Tianfang made the decision for the two of them.

Zhang was afraid but still smiled: "When will you stop being impulsive?" Then he said softly: "You don't have to leave the city, trouble will come to your door."

Fang Jian agreed: "That fat man has a problem." Zhang Tianfang didn't understand: "What's the problem?"

Zhang Ai explained: "Have you ever seen any restaurant owner who dared to stop Nascent Soul cultivator on the street? Have you ever seen any restaurant owner who dared to mention the name of the Lord on the street?"

Fang Jian added: "Feng Sanniang's sister is the Commander-in-Chief of Fengying Wei. She can be said to be extremely powerful in the Holy Kingdom, but that fat man dared to follow her and mess with us. This is because of the Commander-in-Chief of Fengying Wei. Face, what would you do if you were the commander-in-chief and someone followed you to grab the business and disrupt the situation? "

Zhang Tianfang understood and asked, "Will the fat man come tomorrow?"

"If he doesn't come, someone else will come. He has ruined the reputation of the Commander-in-Chief of Feng Ying Wei, and he is using the banner of Deputy Capital Master Aotian. This is not an ordinary person. I guess he did not expect that nineteen sand beasts will appear today. Xiong, you didn’t bring enough spirit stones to let me succeed, otherwise the auction would have been even more lively,” Zhang Ain said with a smile.

"Come here, are you afraid of him?" Zhang Tianfang raised a bear paw and said to it, "Don't be afraid, I will help you fight tomorrow."

The night passed very quickly, and it was already midnight when I came back. After two hours, the sky was bright. Zhang Ai took out a piece of spiritual silk and worked hard to make a large backpack. He refined it layer by layer and made it extremely strong.

Zhang Tianfang asked: "What are you doing?" Zhang Ping said: "Pretending to be a bear." "You are just pretending to be a bear, why are you talking about me?" Zhang Tianfang was distracted.

Zhang Ai pointed at the sand bear and laughed loudly. Zhang Tianfang knew that he had misunderstood, but he still said stubbornly: "Will you die if you say two more words?"

At this time, Fang Jian said: "Someone is coming." Zhang Ping said: "Let them wait." He continued to toss the big backpack.

You want people to wait, but they don't want to wait. Footsteps were heard in the corridor of the inn. They walked to Zhang Wen's house and stopped. Someone knocked on the door and asked, "Are the three distinguished guests here? My master invites you."

"Not here!" Zhang Tianfang said loudly. He hates all people who have a stronger sense of superiority than him. This person actually sent a servant, damn it!

The people outside the house were not angry and said softly: "The distinguished guests are joking. My master has prepared morning tea in the Banished Immortal Pavilion and invites the three distinguished guests to come and taste it."

"We don't drink tea." Zhang Tianfang's answer made people outside the room unable to answer. I wonder if the people inside the room really don't understand, or are they just pretending not to understand? After hesitating, he said: "Your distinguished guest is really good at joking. My master has been waiting for me at the Banished Immortal Pavilion for a long time. Please be considerate of me and accompany me for a while so that I can take care of my business." If you are too soft, please be merciful. But after he said such pitiful words, there was no sound in the room. Could it be that the pitiful one couldn't do it? Does it have to be hard?

Zhang Ain devoted himself to making a big backpack to hold nineteen cubs. Each one was bigger and fatter than a baby. Imagine how big it would be with nineteen cubs hanging on his body. He was sewing a large bag that could hold nineteen sand bears.

After finally making the big bag, he stuffed the little bear into it, carried it on his back, looked at it for a while, and then asked Zhang Tianfang: "How are you holding the big iron cage?" Zhang Tianfang was stunned at first, looked at the strange-looking Zhang Ping, and hurriedly Shaking his head: "It's pretty, really. If you don't believe me, just ask Fang Jian." The stupid guy finally became smart for once.

Fang Jian laughed: "How can you be so smart?" Zhang Tianfang said: "Nonsense, only idiots would work as laborers for him, just carry them." The latter sentence was said to Zhang Pa.

So Zhang Pa went to meet the guests with a huge wide and flat backpack on his back. There were 19 balls in the bag, which were squeezed together and were restless in the bag. You could see the white bag sticking out from time to time, and occasionally there were angry little guys humming and groaning.

Zhang Tianfang followed behind and clapped his hands: "This is more interesting, so lively."

A man in green stood outside the house. He was stunned when he saw Zhang Pa come out, and then he bowed and greeted him: "Dear guest, please come in."

Zhang Pa said indifferently: "What do you mean by please? I didn't say I was going. Who is your host?"

The man in green seemed a little embarrassed and replied: "You will know when the distinguished guest goes."

Zhang Pa said: "I'm too lazy to know. If he wants to see me, come quickly. We will leave in a while." He patted the big bag a few times and shouted softly: "Be honest." How could a bunch of balls listen to him? They rolled even harder. Zhang Pa suddenly realized that he was hungry? Thinking that he should feed them, he looked up and said: "Why don't you leave?" Then he closed the door, let out a bunch of balls, and took out some very tender meat to feed them one by one.

After feeding two sand bears, the door was knocked again. Zhang Pa said, "Tianfang, go open the door." Zhang Tianfang walked over and opened the door. It was the same man in green. He leaned forward slightly and said respectfully, "Dear guest, please don't embarrass me. My master asked me to invite you all over. If you don't go, the master will be angry and blame me..." This man was also a cultivator, with a high-level foundation-building cultivation. It was a pity that he could only serve as a servant for others. Zhang Pa didn't want to argue with low-level cultivators, but wanted to see who was so honored, so he said, "Leave someone to lead the way. You go back and tell your master that you will be there soon." The man in green wanted to persuade him again, but then he thought, what if he persuaded someone not to go? Wouldn't it be his bad luck? So he thanked him and left, leaving a servant at the door. Zhang Pa concentrated on feeding the bears. The guys didn't have big stomachs, but they were very good at eating. It had been two quarters of an hour since they were all fed. They were all lying comfortably with their full stomachs. Zhang Pa forced them into the big bag. It was really a big bag, much bigger than his body, bulging together.

Zhang Pa asked Zhang Tianfang: "You said you wanted two yesterday?"

Zhang Tianfang jumped up and shouted: "Nonsense, when did I say that?" He opened the door and ran out. Being lazy is his strong point, and he is smarter by the way. Fang Jian laughed: "It's inconvenient to carry it alone. Why not make another bag and I'll take a few."

Zhang Pa laughed: "You're kidding him, let's go." He put the big bag on his back. Alas, it was bloated, ugly, uncoordinated, and weird. Anyway, it was uncomfortable to look at.

The three of them left the inn, and Fang Jian went to check the account. The servant rushed to say: "It's already checked." Fang Jian ignored him and asked the shopkeeper how many spirit stones. The shopkeeper also said that it was checked. Fang Jian asked with a cold face: "I only ask how many spirit stones." The shopkeeper glanced at the servant, and seeing that he didn't react, he boldly said a price. Fang Jian threw out a few second-grade spirit stones and chased out the door.

Zhang Pa was treated like an animal outside the inn. Because he concealed his aura and cultivation and dressed up as a low-level cultivator, pedestrians on the street laughed at him for being brave. Zhang Pa was not annoyed. He looked around with his big bag. When Fang Jian came out, he said to the servant who was traveling with him, "Lead the way." Fang Jian came out and saw only him. He looked around and saw Zhang Tianfang hiding in the crowd and laughing at them. He cursed with a smile, "This idiot is hurting others and not benefiting himself." He followed the servant on the road. The Exiled Immortal Pavilion is the most luxurious hotel in the Holy City. It is expensive. The three-story wooden building, from the steps to the walls to the roof, is all top-grade fragrant wood. Not to mention anything else, just the value of the fragrant wood on this floor can make ordinary cultivators stay away. At this time, there were two rows of serving servants standing in front of the main entrance downstairs, and two others kept looking in the direction they came from. The two men were one fat and one thin. The fat man scolded the thin man: "What did that kid say? Did he lie to you?"

The thin man replied: "That's impossible. There are people taking care of him along the way. If he left, the news would have been reported long ago."

One of the two men was the fat man I met at midnight yesterday, and the other was the man in green who went to the inn in the morning. The two were waiting anxiously.

At this time, Zhang Pa was walking slowly. The bag was made of spiritual silk. Those who knew the goods knew that it was expensive, but more people were completely attracted by the sand bears in the bag. There were cultivators all over the city. Anyone could tell that there were 19 sand bears in the bag without looking. It was daytime, and there were many people on the street, so there were many restless people who were secretly thinking about various things.

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