The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 668 A bunch of balls

Chapter 668 A bunch of balls

The thin man's price was like gummy candy, which was very annoying. Zhang was afraid of directly raising the price to 300 million.

After this bidding, the market finally fell silent. No one competed with him anymore. The thin man stopped bidding. The buyers who originally had a wait-and-see attitude also decided to let go. Zhang Wen succeeded in buying nineteen sand bears. When the disciple came to trade the spiritual stones, Zhang Ao whispered in a low voice. After a while, the auctioneer said loudly: "Always sell, today I buy once, there is a distinguished guest who buys Iron Thread Valley with five million spiritual stones." If you know the detailed location, please inform me as soon as possible. It’s first come first served. This is only a one-time opportunity. If you miss it, it’s gone.”

The wish is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. Among the tens of thousands of people present, no one knows the exact location of Iron Line Valley, and most people have never even heard of the name. So the auction plan failed.

When no one responded, the auctioneer laughed and said, "It's really hard to buy something. Now let's continue the auction. The next item is..."

Time flew by like water, and soon it was night. At midnight, the auction ended. Fang Jian didn't buy anything. Zhang Tianfang bought a few rags besides two tigers and a broken fan. He thought spending money was a good idea. pleasure. Zhang Ping bought nineteen sand bears and took photos of several precious materials. Three people came out with a lot of stuff.

Zhang Ping's sand bear was a gift to Fu Ling. Because it was too young, breaking the pact would cause great harm, so the pact was not concluded and he could not put it into the big walnut. He could only carry the cage away. Zhang Tianfang signed a heart-to-heart agreement with the two tigresses and put them away. He waved the white jade folding fan and said angrily, "It would be nice to have a fan."

Zhang Ai held the big iron cage with one hand and mocked: "Have you ever seen anyone with a knife on his waist and a fan in his hand?"

Zhang Tianfang's ghost sword couldn't be put into his body, and he didn't want to hold it all day long, so he made a scabbard and hung it on his waist. When paired with a fan, it looked nondescript. Looking at himself up and down, he felt a little out of place and uncomfortable. When he looked up, he saw Fang Jian smiling. He waved his hand and threw the fan over: "Here you go."

Zhang was so angry that he was afraid of kicking him: "Forty million spiritual stones, you just took it for a while?"

Zhang Tianfang was very happy to be so angry that he was afraid, and said triumphantly: "I am happy, I am happy, I am happy, you can't control it, it will happen again next time."

The three of them were messing around, and a beautiful woman walked up in front of them. She gave the three of them a small blessing and said softly: "Well, you three gentlemen."

"Are you okay? What's good for you?" Zhang Tianfang was disturbed before he was happy enough, and he replied loudly and unhappily.

The beautiful woman didn't expect someone to speak to her like this. She was startled for a moment, then smiled softly, her eyes moved, and she looked at Zhang Tianfang: "It's a little girl who is rude. She asked for a meeting in the middle of the night. I didn't expect to surprise the young master. I apologize here." "If the three young masters have time to let the little girl serve wine to calm the young master's shock, I would also like to ask you to show your respect."

"What's the point of being alarmed? Talk about something if you have something to say." A single-minded person is good, and Zhang Tianfang has no beauty in his eyes.

The beauty has beautiful eyebrows and a slight frown. Why did she meet such a reckless man? But he still relaxed his brows and spoke with a smile: "The three young masters have made a bold move and bought so many precious magic weapons and monsters. The little girl has a merciless request, and I hope that the young master will fulfill it." At the end of the sentence, he turned his gaze to Zhang is afraid of him.

"Perfect?" Zhang Ain laughed: "What can I fulfill for you?"

The woman moved her eyes to the huge iron cage in his hand and said softly: "The sand bears are delicious, and the cubs are delicious. The nineteen sand bears in the master's hands are at their most delicious. I don't know what the master is going to do." Cooking? You must know that poor cooks or insufficient ingredients will not only reduce the deliciousness of the meat, but also lose part of the spiritual power. If the three young masters don't dislike it, the little girl can find a master who is very good at cooking sand bears. I don't know what the young master wants. how?"

"You're helping me, what's an unkind request?" Zhang Ain said casually while looking at a pile of pom-poms.

When the woman saw that there was a door, her smile became sweeter: "I worked hard so that I can talk to the young master. Three streets ahead is my home. If the young master doesn't mind, you can leave it here tonight."

Zhang Awei shook his head: "No, we have a place to live, you just talk about it."

The woman thought about it and said, "In that case, the little girl said, my name is Feng Sanniang, and my sister is the commander-in-chief of the Fengying Guards in the Eighth Camp of the Holy City. These days, my sister is out conquering the ghosts, so Sanniang wants to I bought a sand bear and waited for my sister to come back to replenish her body. However, the young master was very generous. Sanniang's family was relatively weak and she had never competed with the young master, so she took the liberty to block the way and asked the young master to let me have two sand bears. The price was based on the young master's auction price. ." She heard Zhang Ping's refusal, so she stated her request directly and pressed him with the name of Commander Feng Yingwei to see if you knew the truth.

Feng Yingwei? Zhang Ai secretly thought what a coincidence. He once killed a commander of the Feng Camp Guards and snatched his bones. The guy's surname was also Feng. Couldn't they be related? He shook his head slightly and said, "I won't sell it." He refused directly.

Are you not afraid of Commander Feng Yingwei? Feng Sanniang continued: "Two are not enough, what about one? Just one."

Zhang Wei still shook his head: "If Miss Feng has nothing else to do, I'll leave soon." After saying that, he turned sideways and left.

Feng Sanniang was anxious: "This young master must have cultivated to the Yuanying stage. The little girl will also cultivate to the Yuanying stage. I also asked the three young masters to give their names. Even if they can't buy the sand bear, they can still be friends with each other in the future." Wouldn't it be nice if we had the opportunity to compare skills and experience with each other?" She spoke to Zhang Tianfang, because from her eyes, he was the highest among the three, at the first level of Nascent Soul, and the other two had not yet formed elixirs. Isn't it just a Nascent Soul cultivator who dares to speak like this and nakedly threaten Zhang Ai and three other people? If you don't sell the bear, don't even think about leaving, otherwise don't blame me for using force.

Zhang Tianfang was stunned for a moment, knowing that the woman had no good intentions, but he was too lazy to guess what was going on. He pointed at Zhang Weifang and said directly, "Look for him! Don't tell me, I didn't buy a bear."

Zhang Ai and Fang Jian used methods to hide their spiritual energy to control their cultivation to the foundation building stage. It was normal that Feng Sanniang couldn't detect it. Hearing Zhang Tianfang speak like this, he thought that the only Nascent Soul master had given in. He ignored the matter and spoke to Zhang Awei with a smile: "Two sand bears will not lose your spiritual stone. Sell it to me."

Like Feng Sanniang, there is a big fat man who bids in the auction hall who has no eye for price. He also doesn't want to leave the sand bear. He has been following Zhang Wen out of the auction hall, intending to persuade and persuade a few of them, so he doesn't want to be snatched away by Feng Sanniang. First, he stood still, but he could hear the conversation clearly. He also thought that Zhang was afraid that the three of them would give in, so he strode over and said with a smile: "I have met all the fellow Taoists. To be honest, I am a banished person." The owner of Xiange has been troubled by ghosts in recent years, and no one has gone into the desert to catch bears. It has been three years since he held a sand bear feast. Today, he saw many sand bears. It would be a lie to say that he is not interested. This little brother "How about giving me two?"

He was straightforward and asked for it, but because of Feng Yingwei's relationship, the fat man didn't have the nerve to ask for more, and he didn't want to steal the limelight from others.

Zhang Ai looked around and saw that three of the four people who bid the most aggressively for the sand bear in the auction appeared here. Apart from Feng Sanniang and Fatty, there was a young man standing across the street, sneering at a few people.

Is sand bear meat so delicious? Could it be better than the spirit animals of Wulingfu Real Estate? Zhang was afraid to refuse again: "I won't sell it." After saying that, he crossed Feng Sanniang and walked towards the inn.

Feng Sanniang is completely anxious. If I buy you a bear, I won't give you the spirit stone. Are you going to refute my face like this? He yelled: "Stop, kid, I'm telling you, today you have to sell whether you want to sell or not!"

Zhang Ain laughed, looked up at the sky, and said casually: "It's midnight, if you want to dream, go home and do it, don't make trouble outside."

One sentence made Feng Sanniang so angry that she wanted to take action. Zhang was afraid but left without looking at her. Shengdu ordered that any form of fighting was prohibited in the city and violators would be killed. He didn't believe that this woman dared to take action.

The woman didn't make a move, but the fat man chased after him and said, "Fellow Taoist, stay here. I'll introduce you to Banxian Pavilion. It's the largest and most luxurious restaurant in the city. Vice-captain Aotian will come and sit down if he has nothing to do. Master Ao also likes to eat sand." Xiong, if you give me two, I can introduce you to the adults."

Commander Feng Yingwei can't suppress you. I'll replace you with someone else, Aotian. I don't believe you are not afraid.

It's okay not to mention Aotian, but when he mentioned Aotian, Zhang Tianfang lost his temper and said first: "If you don't sell it, you can go to whoever you like." He pulled Zhang Wen away from here.

The woman and the fat man failed one after another. Although they were unwilling to use force, they could not use force. They were each worried. The young man across the street swayed and approached Zhang Wei and said coldly: "I don't want two, I want ten. If you don't sell it, , I guarantee you won’t be able to leave the Holy City.”

Of the three buyers, this guy is the most arrogant. Zhang Tianfang replied directly: "Get out of here, make me angry, and I will tear your house apart."

Zhang Ai looked at him curiously: "Do you know him? Do you know his family?" Zhang Tianfang said: "I don't know him." "How can you tell me if you don't know me?" Zhang Ai shook his head. When will this lunatic become normal?

"We'll ask you when we dismantle it," Zhang Tianfang said matter-of-factly.

The two of them spoke like this, and successfully angered the young master. He sneered darkly: "Don't believe me? We'll see." After speaking, he turned and walked away.

"Just take a look." Zhang Tianfang didn't care at all, and the three of them strolled towards the inn. The woman and the fat man were left, looking at each other and leaving. Both of them had anger in their hearts, but they tried not to let it out, saying the same thing in their hearts: We'll see.

That night, the three of them went back to the inn to have a rest, which meant playing with the nineteen little sand bears. They were all cute, a little bigger than a baby, but they had short hands and short legs, and were plump and round. Open the cage and let them out. The little guy is not afraid of strangers and climbs up holding his lap. Because not long after he was born, his legs and feet were not flexible. After climbing twice, he fell into a ball and rolled around like a ball.

Zhang Tianfang crawled on the ground and teased them: "Roll around, roll around." Fang Jian also rarely played with the Gun Guns for a while. He rarely came into contact with monsters.

Zhang Ai was the happiest. He bought these meat balls to give to Fu Ling and save their lives. He killed two birds with one stone. He grabbed one to look at and then picked up the other to look at. He thought to himself: better than piglets and kittens. Much cuter.

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