The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 670: Lord of the Holy City

Chapter 670: Lord of the Holy City

Zhang Ping had no intention of hiding anything. At least four people were targeting him yesterday. It doesn't matter if there are more people today. Fighting is forbidden in the city anyway, and no one dares to make random moves.

Walking leisurely all the way, he led many onlookers to the Immortal's Pavilion. The man in Tsing Yi hurriedly ran to greet him: "Dear guest, you are here, please let my master wait."

Zhang Ping smiled and looked at the big fat man: "Who is your master?" The thin man and the fat man all shook their heads, especially the fat man who ran over in fear: "You can't talk nonsense. My master is waiting for you on the third floor. Please come upstairs."

Zhang Awei nodded, turned around and spoke to the crowd who had followed him: "Are you going upstairs to drink tea? Or are you drinking tea downstairs?"

A group of people were confused by what he said. They looked around to guess who he was talking to. Zhang Tianfang laughed and squeezed out of the crowd: "Drinking tea, why do you need to ask?"

In order to find an opportunity to make fun of Zhang Afraid, this idiot refused to go with him. The fat man had already noticed that one of them was missing, but the man in Tsing Yi did not remind him, and he consciously did not ask. At this time, Zhang Tianfang appeared and said with a smile: "Dear guest, please come upstairs."

The first and second floors were empty and there were no guests. Zhang Ai and the others went up to the third floor. In the huge place, they saw only one table, four chairs, and a man in white. The man in white stood at the window and looked down, as if he didn't know they were coming.

Due to his limited status, Zhike's fat man had already stopped on the second floor, so there were only four of them and a bunch of bears upstairs.

Zhang Tianfang hated others pretending to be cool with him the most, so he shouted at the man's back: "Where's the tea? Aren't you inviting me to tea?"

The man chuckled softly and turned around. He was a middle-aged man with a kind face, but he could see nothing but kindness. There was no sense of sinisterness, strength or ferocity at all. He gave the impression that he was just one person. An ordinary amiable person.

Zhang Ai put down the bag, raised his hands to the middle-aged man and said, "Zhang Ai has met the capital master." The kindness in other people's eyes was completely different to him. It was top strength plus absolute power. There was only one such person in the entire Holy Kingdom. , even the lord of the Holy City, Aotian, can't do it.

Capital lord? Is this person the Lord of the Holy City? The first person in the entire Holy Kingdom? Zhang Tianfang looked at it for a while and said: "It doesn't look like it."

The master was not annoyed. He smiled softly, took two steps back and said, "Sit down."

There was only a round table in the middle of the third floor, with four chairs placed around it. However, the table was empty and there was nothing.

Zhang Tianfang walked over and sat down: "Where's the tea?"

The master of the capital also sat down, raised his finger and tapped lightly on the table. Immediately, several beautiful women in white came out, like bees attracting honey and butterflies falling in love with flowers, fluttering past the four of them. After a while, the women disappeared. The house is filled with fragrance and a table of complete dishes is left.

It’s so majestic and beautiful, even the serving of food is as beautiful as dancing.

The host said: "I'm sorry, please." He picked up the green vegetables with his chopsticks and chewed them gently.

Zhang Tianfang wanted to investigate the issue of lack of tea, but Fang Jian stopped him and gave him chopsticks to eat. Zhang Tianfang looked at the food, it was quite rich, okay, I gave in, and the heartless guy started stuffing the food.

Zhang Wen poured himself a glass of wine and took a sip before speaking: "The Lord invited me to come here, just for something as simple as a meal?"

The capital master said quietly: "It's as simple as that. I'll give you some news for free by the way." Without waiting for Zhang Afraid to speak, he turned around and asked Zhang Tianfang: "If I keep you here as deputy capital master, can you not leave?"

Zhang Tianfang lowered his head and ate vigorously, and replied by the way: "I won't do it if you show courtesy for nothing, rape or steal." Although he looks very stupid and stupid, and he is too lazy to think about things, he has lived in the demon-conquering bowl for many years and is used to seeing ghosts. Fight and kill, let him remember one thing firmly, if someone gets close to you for no reason, there must be something wrong with it.

The Capital Master said: "You are considered a member of the Holy Kingdom. I'm just asking, don't think too much about it. But when you escaped from Aotian, you made him so angry. It's really difficult to see him angry."

Then he turned his head and spoke to Fang Jian: "There is a sword in my heart, but it's a pity that the sharp edge is too exposed. With your qualifications, you should still make some progress, but who can say for sure when it comes to cultivation."

He spoke to everyone, and then turned to Zhang Ai: "I will know as soon as you enter the city."

Zhang Ai nodded: "I know you know, but I didn't expect you to meet me."

"Why not? With your cultivation and your actions, everything is worth asking for in person. It's just that I am limited by my status, so I made this decision. I hope my fellow Taoists won't be surprised." The capital master said with a smile.

"The master is saying that he fought with me yesterday to buy a sand bear just to find an excuse to see me?" Zhang Ain asked.

"Absolutely. I didn't expect you to buy a sand bear. It just so happens that my fat guy also wants to buy a sand bear. He is also smart and knows how to handle things. If he sees that it is what you want, he will give it up first, and then ask for it after going to the auction. This is a good starting point, so we have the opportunity to invite Taoist friends to come to the door in person." The Lord said a few words and explained what was going on.

Neither he nor Fang Jian could tell that this game was good, and others couldn't even think about it. The move of the capital master is easy to understand. He is the first person in the Holy Kingdom. Of course, he cannot come to see a foreigner. Burdened by his status and reputation, he has to go around in a long circle to meet him. It is also a kind of helplessness. When others saw it, they just thought that the two parties were at odds with each other and would never think of anything else.

Zhang Wei said: "Thank you for your trouble." According to common sense, if two people are talking politely, and one party says that they have to go around a long way to see you, you should humbly say, "That's very polite. If you want to see me, , just tell the servants, and I will come to visit you." In fact, this is not the case. Others can say this, but Zhang is afraid that he must not say it. He is a top-level monk and must have the consciousness that a top-level monk should have. Even if you are the Lord of the Holy Kingdom, you cannot see me whenever you want. Therefore, Zhang was afraid that he would reply indifferently, which was not considered rude.

The master understood this, took the jug, poured himself a glass of wine, raised the glass and said: "The last time I had wine was more than ten years ago, and I have forgotten what it tasted like. Having said that, I should thank you for coming. ." After that, it was all done.

Zhang Ain drank with him, put down his glass and asked, "Why did the Lord call me here?"

The capital owner said slowly: "Yesterday you asked for the location of the Iron Wire Valley at the auction. I happen to know it and can tell you."

Zhang Ain smiled and said: "I told this matter during the auction, and the master decided to see me before the auction. Does the master have foresight? Does he know what I want?"

The capital master chuckled: "That's not true. I originally met you because I wanted to see what the most popular master in the world looks like today and how he could break through to the top level in a short period of time. Last time you came to the holy capital to cause trouble and kill my camp guards. I haven’t had a baby since I was in charge, how long has it been since I last saw you? The speed of your cultivation is really scary.”

"Just for this?" Zhang Weijie didn't believe it.

"This is one reason, and the other reason is that I don't want you to misunderstand the Holy City. Feng Mian will kill you and be killed, and Aotian will kill you and fail. These are things in the past and I won't take them to heart. , I hope you don’t take it to heart. The ghosts in the four directions are causing chaos, and I can’t let the Holy City be in chaos. With your cultivation, it’s just a joke to ban the Holy City. Fellow Taoist, you should be able to understand my painstaking efforts.” Explain slowly. The implication is that even though you have become more powerful, you cannot come to the Holy City to avenge and kill people randomly. I came to see you, not to ask you to be noble, but to warn you that if you persist in your own way, I will fight you to the death.

He said it euphemistically, and Zhang Weijing knew clearly that he had become a top-level master, so the Lord would come and talk nonsense, otherwise he would still treat himself like an ant. Although it was a warning, it was not a sign of strength. Agreeing, he smiled and said, "So, the ruler doesn't want the sand bear?"

The owner chuckled, knowing that Zhang Ping had promised him, and looked at the big bag on the ground: "If you want to give me a few, I can keep them."

Zhang Awei quickly refused: "This is impossible." He had no intention of killing. Since the boss of the Holy Kingdom had offered him wine and excused himself, he agreed and then made it a little difficult for the boss with the Sand Bear incident. It was a good time. .

The capital owner did not expect Zhang Weisheng to be so easy to talk to. He knew countless masters, and the first thing everyone did after becoming an artist was revenge. Zhang Weisheng was an exception. Face is given to each other, and the owner said: "If you like sand bears, I can have someone catch a few more and bring them back to you."

"Stop catching them, let them live a good life, and talk about Tiexian Valley." Zhang Ain refused.

These words surprised the boss of the Holy Kingdom again. A cultivator goes against the will of heaven. It is always about all things and me. How can he care about other things? But since he doesn’t want it, he saves himself trouble. He takes out the Zhang Yu Jian and puts it on the table: "There is a map inside. , but let me tell you more, it’s not a good place, try not to go there if it’s not necessary.”

"Is Tiexian Valley dangerous?" Zhang Ain asked as he put away the jade slips.

"It's very dangerous." The captain nodded.

For the boss of the Holy Kingdom to say that it is dangerous, it must be really dangerous. Zhang was afraid and asked out of curiosity: "Have you been there?"

"I've been there, but I didn't go in depth. I wandered around the outside and then came back. Anyway, I don't like it there. If it were a Buddhist practice, it might be better." The master of the capital spoke frankly, without caring about his own face.

‘What’s in it?’ It never hurts to know a little more.

"Of course the Ghost King's lair is filled with ghosts. That place used to be called Ghost Valley because the Holy Sect once had disciples who practiced the way of ghost cultivation and reached the top level of cultivation. They were in the limelight for a while and achieved a generation of hegemony. To avoid taboos, Ghost Valley was It was renamed Iron Wire Valley. The entrance to the valley is not big. There is a cave after entering. On one side of the mountain are wire snakes, which are quite scary monsters. Further in, there is a cave, and it is pitch black below, which is where the real Ghost Valley is. "

"Ghost cultivator?" Zhang was afraid of looking at the capital master.

The capital master explained: "This ghost cultivator is not the other ghost cultivator. The two are not the same thing, and they do not harm the lives of the people."

Zhang Ai nodded. He is not interested in the magic sect skills. Does he care how you practice them? After listening to what the master said, a new question arises: "The Iron Line Valley is full of ghosts, why don't the Buddhists get rid of the demons?"

"How do you know that the Buddhist monks didn't go? How do you think the names of the five monks of the Holy Kingdom came from?" the master asked softly.

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