The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 665 Bukong wakes up

Chapter 665 Bu Kong wakes up

Fang Jian stayed outside and didn't know what was going on. He only saw Zhang Awei flying out like a ball. He knew what was happening in the quiet room and thought about whether to go and see how Zhang Awei was doing, but he heard the whole wall of the quiet room rattle. There was a clicking sound. What does it mean? The house is going to collapse?

Immediately, without hesitation, I rushed into the house to check on Bu Kong.

Following him were Zhang Tianfang and a dozen Buddhists. The Buddhists just looked around after leaving the house, not understanding what was going on and did not move rashly. However, Zhang Tianfang rushed out of the Buddhist hall like crazy and was about to collapse. rushed into the house.

The house didn't fall down, the bricks collapsed, the walls fell down, the house didn't fall down. A soft force of energy held up the roof, and then another force of energy waved out, sweeping away the broken bricks, soil and splashed smoke, revealing the situation inside the house.

A big, white lotus blooms in its most beautiful posture. The petals and sepals are gently rolled up, exuding fragrance. On the lotus platform in the middle of the petals, there is a little monk lying flat on the lotus platform. There is a white stem on the chest connected to the lotus platform.

Standing beside the lotus is the Sky Buddha, with his eyes slightly lowered and one palm stretched forward. A white air ball flows out from his right hand and is sent into the Stepping Lotus Buddha Treasure.

Zhang Tianfang wanted to rush into the house, but Master Sky Buddha brushed him away with his sleeve, along with sand, gravel, mud, and a large Fang Jian. There were only Master Sky and the Lotus Buddha in the room.

Zhang Tianfang looked in with confusion, where is Zhang Afraid? I wanted to ask Fang Jian, but Fang Jian was more unlucky than him. He fell directly from the house and fell into the courtyard, mixed with the dust. Zhang Tianfang came a step late and took advantage of it.

The Sky Buddhists watch over the sky wholeheartedly, and will never tolerate the collapse of the house, nor allow the house to be filled with dust. In a hurry, he is not in the mood to distinguish who is who, and sweeps them all out of the house to end the trouble.

Zhang Tianfang turned around and looked left and right, and became more and more curious when he saw the courtyard wall smashed by Zhang Awei. Then he turned around and looked at the bearish view. After confirming that the old monk could handle it alone, but that he could not help, he turned around and walked towards the damaged courtyard wall.

The wall is broken, jump out of the wall. There were broken walls and broken trees to guide the way. After a while, I arrived a thousand meters away and saw Zhang Wen lying on the ground, covered in blood, with blood at the corners of his mouth and nostrils, and almost bleeding from all his orifices.

Zhang Tianda was frightened and hurriedly helped Zhang Awei up. Seeing that his eyes were closed tightly, he hurriedly called out: "Zhang Awei, Zhang Awei?"

Zhang was afraid that he was also unconscious and did not answer. Zhang Tianxin felt anxious and didn't know what to do, so he hugged him and ran back. They jumped back to Daxiong Temple and whispered: "Fang Jian."

Fang Jian knew that he was back, and he also knew that he and Zhang Awei were back together, but he never thought that Zhang Awei was seriously injured and was brought back unconscious. He hurriedly took out the Life Pill and stuffed it into Zhang Awei's mouth, along with various other elixirs. , stuffed them all in. While he was stuffing them, Zhang woke up with a cough and whispered: "Are you feeding the pigs?"

"Huh, are you okay?" Fang Jian sighed. "What's wrong with you?" This was Zhang Tianfang's question. Zhang Awei sat up and said, "It's okay, I just fainted."

The top-level master fainted. What kind of terrifying strength is needed to do this? But now is not the time to ask this, Fang Jian asked: "Is everything okay?" He sent his spiritual sense to search, but unfortunately his cultivation level was lower than that of Zhang Weijing, so nothing could be found.

Zhang Wei said: "It's okay, just take a rest." "Then take a rest." Zhang Tianfang said. Zhang Ain smiled gently at him: "Thank you." "Thank you for your head." Zhang Tianfang actually blushed a little.

Then there was one person inside the house and one person outside the house, and the two of them recuperated together. Zhang Ai was the first to wake up, but Bu Kong was the first to get up. After half an hour passed, Fu Kongshua stood up and said, "It's suffocating me to death."

He stood up suddenly, which shocked Zhang Tianfang and Fang Jian, and then shouted happily: "I'm alive, I'm fine, it's okay."

Unexpectedly, Fu Kong stood up for a moment and then suddenly lay down again. His heart was healed, but other organs were still damaged and needed to be replaced before he could fully recover.

He stood up and fell down again, but the Sky Buddha kept supporting the Buddha with all his strength. In just half an hour, Sky Buddha's face turned pale from exhaustion, and there was a slight sweat on his forehead.

Fu Kong lay down, startled Zhang Tianfang again, and shouted: "What's wrong? Get up!" Fu Kong lay down and smiled at him: "I'm fine, just take care of yourself." A cultivator only needs a heart and a brain If the soul is fine, it will not die, so from the current situation, Fu Kong is basically alive.

"Get up if nothing's wrong." Zhang Tianfang was still yelling, but Fang Jian shut him up: "Let them have a good rest." It took them only one of them to make Zhang Tianfang understand that there were now three patients. Sighing and shaking his head, he looked at Tian Tian, ​​Fu Kong and Zhang Ai as they healed their wounds.

Fang Jian pulled him again: "Stop looking, come with me." Dragging Zhang Tianfang into the quiet room, the two of them used their magic to gently hold up the roof, sharing the old monk's worries.

At this time, Zhang was afraid of recovery. His fainting was an accident, because he was looking after him with all his heart, and the two spirits in his mind were nervous and cautious. Unexpectedly, when he cut the wound with a knife, the Buddha's treasure would automatically protect him and attack him. In an emergency, he relied on ice crystals to save his life. However, because of the huge power of the Buddha's treasure and the power of ice crystals, the two forces collided violently, causing two mental states in his brain. The soul also collided together, and then lost consciousness.

His injury does not require treatment. He will wake up after a short rest. In comparison, the injuries to his body are more serious. The sepals of the Buddha's lotus swept directly towards his chest. Although it was fully protected by ice crystals, it still broke three ribs. He was currently regulating his breathing and checking whether there were any injuries.

Although the Life Pill cannot regenerate a broken arm, it can still connect the broken bones together without any problem, so after a short recuperation, Zhang Wu was the first to recover.

After getting up, he asked Zhang Tianfang: "How is Bu Kong?" Zhang Tianfang told him again what happened when Fu Kong stood up and fell down. Zhang was afraid that he could not help but smile bitterly. He knew that Fu Kong was dragged down by other damaged organs and had not fully recovered. But if these remaining organs want to recover, the young monk should do it himself. He doesn't want to fall into a coma again.

After a while, the Sky Buddhist got up and saw that Bu Kong woke up, with some joy in his eyes. Then he turned to Zhang Ping and asked, "Are you okay?"

Zhang Awei shook his head: "Okay, master, go and rest."

Master Tianfang chuckled and nodded, raised his hands flat, held up the entire huge lotus, carried it out of the collapsed wall, placed the lotus on the ground, and told Zhang Tianfang and Fang Jian: "You two, come out." The two of them followed the instructions. Then, when he regained his energy, he saw a quiet room, which in a moment turned into a pile of bricks, stones and dust.

In this emergency, no one cared about what would happen to the house. They all gathered around Bu Kong to watch. Zhang Tianfang said to him: "Little monk, please be honest. You can't do it without my protection." Knowing that Bu Kong could recover, he dared to just kidding.

Fu Kong just smiled and didn't speak. He felt quite comfortable in his heart. He made a few friends, and everyone was very kind to him, which made him a little touched.

Zhang was afraid of recovering from his injuries and regaining his strength, so he kicked Zhang Tianfang: "Stop talking nonsense, it's not empty yet." He transferred the grievance of being bullied by Buddha to Zhang Tianfang.

Only then did Zhang Tianfang remember what happened just now, and asked him instead: "What happened to you just now?"

Zhang Wen shook his head and said nothing. It was not easy to publicize such an embarrassing event. He changed the subject and asked Sky Buddhist: "How should I dispose of Fu Kong? I can't just leave him in the courtyard."

Sky Buddhist looked at him and said: "There is no problem in placing him. The problem is who will repair my house and walls?"

Zhang Ping pretended that he didn't hear it and made an attentive expression: "Master's treatment of Fu Kong is really a lot of effort. It's better to meditate for a while to recover. Fu Kong still needs Master's help."

Sky Buddhist was right when he thought about it. Failure to save Kong was the first priority, so he went back to his room to meditate and restore his strength.

The old monk left, and the Buddhists who were watching the excitement gradually left. The four of them were left in the Daxiong Temple. At this time, Fu Kong smiled and said: "Do you think I should act cool when I first wake up? What do you mean by saying that when I achieve Bodhi in the next life, my body will be like glass, and my inside and outside will be clear?" After thinking about it for a moment, he said, "Then he must be very handsome!"

Zhang Ai looked distressed and cried: "It's over, you were led astray by Zhang Tianfang."

The four of them joked randomly, and Zhang Wen took the time to tell him, "Take good care of yourself, and then you can do the rest yourself." He was frightened by the Buddha.

"Why did he come by himself?" Zhang Tianfang asked. Zhang was afraid of not answering, and only said: "Fu Kong knows." Of course, the one who came by himself was to let Fu Kong harm himself. With such a fierce Buddha, no one wants to die.

In the evening, several people stayed in the courtyard, dazing with Fu Kong. Zhang Tianfang suddenly remembered something and said loudly: "The Yuantong who hurt you is dead, the Ghost Emperor was also seriously injured, and all his disciples have finished playing."

Fu Kong was surprised and said: "So powerful?" Zhang Tianfang said smugly: "That's right." Fu Kong blinked his eyes and said: "It's not that you are powerful, I'm talking about Zhang Wei." Zhang Tianfang was angry and defended: " It’s not that I’m not good, it’s that that idiot didn’t dare to take me there for fear of stealing his spotlight.”

As they were talking, Zhang was afraid that he had not told Master Sky about what happened in the North. Tomorrow, let’s talk about the news about the Ghost King and ask Master for an idea on how to eradicate it.

That night, the four of them looked at the sky and saw the stars. Zhang Tianfang kept talking nonsense: "Hey, I heard people say that stars can blink, but I looked for a long time and couldn't find a star that blinks. What's going on?"

Fu Kong said softly: "I remember the days when we used to ride around in carriages."

Zhang Tianfang came out to disrupt the situation: "You are obviously being hunted, why are you running around?"

Fang Jian was silent for a long time, then suddenly spoke: "Am I the worst among the four of us?"

It is a great skill for a group of people to speak their own words and still talk together. Zhang Awei asked Bu Kong: "Xin, are you okay?" Fu Kong nodded: "Okay." Zhang Awei said: "I almost died when I tried to treat you. It was too dangerous. You can do it yourself tomorrow. "Once again he escapes responsibility.

Zhang Tianfang came over and asked again: "What are you doing here?"

Fu Kong said helplessly: "You can do it by yourself. In ancient times, meat was cut out to feed eagles. Let's learn from Buddha and pick the meat for ourselves."

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