The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 664: Heart-ripping

Chapter 664: Gouging out the heart

Zhang Tianfang lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling with his eyes wide open, but didn't say anything when he saw the two people coming in. Zhang Ain asked him: "When your heart was destroyed in the last fight, the heart was completely destroyed, but the soul was not damaged, right? No other parts were injured either?"

Zhang Tianfang lay still and said, "Nonsense, you still want me to die?" Zhang Wenwen went over and kicked him: "Be more serious and answer properly. It has something to do with Bu Kong."

The word "Bu Kong" is as useful as a magic spell. Zhang Tianfang sat up immediately and asked anxiously: "Have you thought of a way?"

"Speak carefully first." Zhang Ain said, and then asked the next question: "At that time, when you were on the verge of death, did the lotus Buddha seal the blood in your body and only retain your conscious soul?"

"Probably." Zhang Tianfang thought for a while but was not sure. He vaguely remembered that it seemed like this. He was a typical person who healed his scars and forgot the pain.

After hearing this, Zhang Wen nodded and did not ask any more questions. Zhang Tianfang asked anxiously: "What's going on? Can you save the little monk?"

Zhang Ai pondered for a moment and said: "I have studied the Five Elements Array. According to the Five Elements theory, which corresponds to the body, the heart belongs to fire. This was only changed in recent years. I don't know why. But from the jade slips and scriptures I have seen that in ancient times, among the five elements, the heart belonged to earth, and earth was the earth, the beginning of all things and the source of life.”

"Say what you want to say quickly. Don't leave any ink marks. Why are you talking about the Five Elements and Six Elements?" Zhang Tianfang couldn't bear to hear this.

"The five elements are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other. One creates the other, and one restrains the other. I'm thinking..." Zhang was interrupted again by Zhang Tianfang before he could finish his sentence: "Stop thinking about it, keep it simple!"

"Let me tell you simply, I suspect Fu Kong's heart is broken! Master Tian said that the violent collision of the two Buddha treasures dispersed the breath of the whole body and broke the meridians of the whole body. I think the organs in the whole body were also damaged. Later, the Buddha treasures Only the damaged meridians were repaired, but the various lung organs were not repaired.”

Zhang Weijing's words shocked Zhang Tianfang: "Really? How is it possible? How can it not be repaired?"

"I think it is very possible. The master said that the lotus Buddha treasure protects the blood vessels of his whole body and stimulates the blood flow. But the problem is that these blood are also regenerated by the Buddha treasure, not produced by Bu Kong's body. So no matter how the blood flows, It's just a flow. The internal organs that pass through it, including the lungs and the heart, are all bad, but the meridians are completely repaired. To put it more simply, the channels are good, and the blood and internal energy can pass through, but they cannot be retained. ." Zhang was afraid of making a bold guess.

"What do you mean? What if I don't keep it?" Zhang Tianfang was frightened by his words. If the organs were bad, they would have to be replaced with new ones. Xiang Xiang shouted loudly: "Don't tell me you want to cut open the abdomen and remove the heart?"

"I have this plan. I think the Buddha protects only the body, but it has no ability to discern. It doesn't know what is good and what is bad. It can only simply repair the damaged parts. What it protects more is that trace of Buddha consciousness; in fact, he is not empty, because the Buddha treasure exists, turning his body into a box, barely containing the Buddha consciousness, and protecting him from death. "

After hearing his remarks, Zhang Tianfang thought for a long time before asking: "How do you know the heart is bad? How do you guarantee that what you said is right?"

"The heart is not bad, the blood will flow, and it can bring life to other organs, instead of being a living dead like now. As for whether the guess is correct, I have to ask Master Sky to see if he can give a chance to prove it." Zhang Afraid replied.

"How do you prove it? Isn't it just heart-cutting?" Zhang Tianfang was a little anxious. Although Zhang Ying said it tactfully, he still understood. Zhang Ping said calmly: "You will know after you try it." "No!" Zhang Tianfang shouted. He was worried that the person would die after the heart was cut out.

Fang Jian pondered for a long time, then raised his head and said, "I'll ask the master." After saying that, he went out. There was a calm-looking Zhang Ping and a scratching Zhang Tianfang left in the room.

A quarter of an hour later, Fang Jian and Sky Buddhist Master came back. When they met, Zhang Tianfang shouted: "Master, be careful." He was crazy all day long, and he actually advised others to be careful, which shows how much he cares.

Tian Tian said: "Care leads to chaos. Donor Zhang said it. I never thought before that I was wrong." He has a habitual thinking. The Buddha has saved many people, and they all recovered completely after just a few twists. . Fu Kong was the only exception. The internal organs were damaged by the shock, but they were still intact. When the Buddha was repaired, he just filled in the damaged parts like a mason and restored them to their original state. But how can human organs be like brick walls, which can be used after repairing the appearance? The physiological functions completely disappeared, and the little monk naturally could not wake up.

But Sky Buddhist would not think of this, especially if Fu Kong still had a trace of Buddha consciousness that was not destroyed, so he turned his attention to how to protect that weak Buddha consciousness, let alone whether the internal organs in the body were intact. When he heard Fang Jian say that his organs might be damaged, he thought about it and realized that it was very possible, so he came to discuss it with Zhang Wen.

Zhang Ain asked, "Master, do you know what I'm thinking?" It's a bit embarrassing to talk about poaching the hearts of other people's disciples in front of their masters.

Sky Buddhist said: "I know." However, he knew that he was also worried that Fu Kong would be seriously injured when digging out the heart, causing the remaining trace of Buddha consciousness to dissipate, and he couldn't help feeling a little uneasy.

Zhang Ai is also worried about what the master is worried about. If the entire body of Fu Kong's organs is replaced with new ones, but the Buddhist consciousness is dissipated, then it will be worse than what it is now, at least it will be a living person. But if you don't try, Fu Kong is likely to lie like this for the rest of his life. So he made up his mind and said, "Master, please protect me."

Tian Tian nodded and said: "We must first lift Fu Kong out of the Buddha treasure, and then..." He sighed in his heart. After living for more than a thousand years, he never thought that one day, he would have to watch his disciples' hearts being gouged out.

The whole process is considered simple. The only difficult thing is how to protect the immortal Buddha consciousness. If there is a slight mistake, the consequences will be needless to say. Zhang Tianfang was extremely nervous and kept asking: "Is it possible?"

He didn't expect that after the old monk came and said a few words to Zhang Ai, he dared to make the decision to gouge out his heart!

Now that we have decided to take action, the only thing left is to discuss how to take action. Everyone had always recommended Zhang to be afraid of going under the knife, but invisible pressure was put on him, and he became uneasy.

Sky Buddhist comforted him: "Life and death are destined, don't think too much, just go ahead." Zhang Ai looked at the old monk in surprise, who did he learn this from? A mouthful of Jianghu flavor. Sky Buddhist saw him in a daze and smiled slightly: "Just kidding, but this sentence is correct. The departure of the six paths of reincarnation is just a new beginning. The Buddha said: All actions are impermanent and are the law of birth and death."

Zhang Tianfang asked: "What do you mean?"

Zhang Awei explained: "Based on your IQ, you will eventually die, so you don't need to be too afraid or sad."

Zhang Tianfang didn't believe it and asked the Buddhist monk in the sky: "Master, is this what you mean?"

"Absolutely." Sky Buddhist said, and then asked Zhang Ai: "Is it possible tomorrow?"

Zhang was afraid that he would agree, so everyone dispersed and prepared individually. The Buddhist monk in the sky solemnly burned incense, cleansed his body and clothes, knelt in front of the niche and worshiped the Buddha, and did not get up until noon on the second day.

Zhang Ai is also preparing, adjusting his breath and luck to adjust himself to the best condition. Compared with the seriousness and busyness of the two of them, Fang Jian was much simpler. All he had to prepare was to keep an eye on Zhang Tianfang and not let him harass others. This is actually too much to worry about. Since yesterday, Zhang Tianfang has been kneeling in front of the Buddhist hall without saying a word. He is more pious than the most pious Buddhists. By noon the next day, when everyone went to the quiet room, Zhang Tianfang was still motionless. He wanted to pray until his wounds were healed before he got up.

Sky Buddha, Zhang Ai, and Fang Jian came to the quiet room and looked at Bu Kong for a long time. Zhang was afraid that he was so bold that he even thought of gouging out his heart to heal his wounds. Speaking of it would scare people to death. But if you don't do this, Fu Kong will always be just a pile of white meat. Since you are determined to take a risk, you must not make any mistakes. Any mistake can make the little monk never come back.

The three of them stood for a while, and then Fang Jian asked, "Am I in the house or am I going out?"

Zhang Ping said: "Go to the door, there is enough room for two people." Fang Jian nodded and went out. Zhang Ai took out two bottles of spiritual energy pills and handed them to the master. The Buddha treasures needed to be controlled by his Buddha power to save people, which would cause great losses. Sky Buddhist took it and whispered: "Start." Zhang Ain immediately focused his attention on Bu Kong, waiting to make a move.

The sky Buddhist chanted the Buddha's name, thrust his palms forward, and then raised them flatly upwards. He lifted Fu Kong from the lotus platform through the air. At the same time, a white Buddha's light and shadow emitted outside his body, shining with holy brilliance and exuding a peaceful atmosphere. , To appease the Buddha, lotuses grow step by step.

Then he slowly retracted his hands, and Fu Kong floated in front of him from the air. The old monk took out one hand and condensed a white wall of energy with one hand, like an invisible bed, with the young monk Fu Kong lying flat on it.

He took out his other hand to undress the young monk and exposed his upper body. Tian Tian asked: "Just take out the heart? Or take out all of it?"

According to previous estimates, all of Fu Kong's organs were damaged. If only his heart was taken out, it was unclear whether he could be saved. After all, no one had done this before. Zhang Weijing said cautiously: "Take out the heart first." He was worried that there would be an accident if all the organs were taken out, so he planned to take out one piece first to see the effect, so that if an accident happened, he would be rescued in time.

Sky Buddha fully understood his worries. He looked at the little monk again and said softly: "Let's get started." Following the words, groups of Buddha lights appeared in the room one after another. Zhang Wen took out the moon shadow knife in the bright Buddha light. , Chong Bu Kong whispered: "Let's see how lucky we are." His right hand was faster than lightning, a light and shadow flashed, a hole appeared in Bu Kong's chest, and his heart was taken away by Zhang Wen.

Zhang was afraid before waving his hand. He already knew in his heart that it was not good, but he had no choice but to force himself to continue. At the same time, with a thought, the ice crystals immediately turned into ice shields in front of him. Then he cut off Fu Kong's heart with a knife, and then a ball of white shadow came over. Zhang was afraid that all his attention would be focused on Fu Kong, so he didn't dare to be distracted for the first time, so he didn't know what was attacking him. He only knew that a huge force smashed him directly into the wall, and then broke out of the wall. Fell thousands of meters away. As he passed, he bumped into walls and trees, and he smashed his way out.

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