The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 666 Return to the Holy City

Chapter 666: Return to the Holy Capital

Zhang Wei asked again: "Is the head okay?" Other parts can be replaced, but how can the brain be replaced? He couldn't imagine it.

Fu Kong said: "There is nothing wrong with my head. I have used all my strength to protect it. I am lucky enough to have a trace of Buddha consciousness left. Otherwise, I would have died a long time ago. No matter what I do, I will not be able to save it."

Zhang was afraid of letting out a long breath: "That's good."

The four of them greeted the morning with chatter. The Sky Buddhist came out of the house early in the morning and greeted everyone with a smile. The three of them hurriedly got up and greeted them respectfully. Tian Tian smiled and said: "No need to be restrained." He asked Fu Kong: "How is it?"

The beloved disciple woke up and was recovering from his serious injuries. The old monk was very happy. Fu Kong sat up and replied: "I will recover today." This guy planned to play hard and clean out the contents of his stomach.

Tian Tian nodded and asked, "Start now?" He was even more anxious than Bu Kong. Fu Kong said yes. So in the Buddhist Pure Land, two monks, an old man and a young man, played a game of disemboweling. This was so bloody and cruel.

The Buddha seems to know the owner's mind. When Fu Kong uses the knife, many bright white roots appear to support his body and provide strength to protect the meridians of the whole body and protect his clear mind. After all the internal organs in the body were hollowed out, the Sky Buddhist took over and repeated yesterday's process, using his powerful cultivation to control the Buddha's treasure to rebuild Fu Kong's body.

The whole process took less than half an hour, and the rest of the time was for rest. The one who deserved the most rest was the Sky Buddhist. He spent his cultivation twice in two days to heal his disciple's injuries. He probably didn't have a cultivation level of ten or eight years. Can't come back.

Zhang was afraid that he was a wealthy person, so he took out a few bottles of various elixirs and asked the master to take care of them.

After a while, Fu Kong woke up and strolled down from the lotus platform, feeling fresh and fresh, like a child free from the worldly world. Looking at Zhang Awei, the three of them smiled and whispered: "Thank you." Zhang Tianfang despised him: "It's just a joke." They rushed over and hugged him, shouting: "Welcome back."

Seeing that his disciple had fully recovered from his injuries, Master Sky Buddhist planned to go back to his room for meditation. Zhang Ping stopped him and said, "Master, I met a Buddhist monk named Chengji in Beidi a few days ago. He said that he was a disciple of Daxiong Temple. Is there such a thing?" people?"

"Chengji? How did you meet him?" Sky Buddhist asked.

Zhang Ping told the past events in full, including the Ghost Emperor, his disciples, and many things about Yuantong. Sky Buddhist was shocked after hearing this and killed Yuantong? Destroy all the ghosts? The Ghost King was seriously injured and escaped again? He nodded and sighed: "You are so lucky."

Zhang Tianfang was unhappy: "What is luck? This is called strength, absolute strength!"

Tian Tianfang ignored Zhang Tianfang's rudeness, and after Zhang Wen finished speaking, he said: "Cheng Ji is the first disciple I accepted, but I have already expelled him from the mountain."

"Why?" Several people asked at the same time. Daxiong Temple also has such stories.

Tiankong said: "Chengji has too much desire to kill. Whenever he sees someone who does evil, what he wants is not to enlighten and educate, not to save people with a kind heart, but to kill! He believes that good and evil have their own destiny, and those who do evil will be evil forever and stay there. They are a nuisance to others, so they must be eliminated.”

Zhang said fearfully: "That's a bit too absolute. Do you deserve to die if you steal a piece of dry food?"

Tian Tian said: "That's not the case. Cheng Ji has his own standards of conduct. When he was at Daxiong Temple, although his hands were stained with blood, he did not kill anyone by mistake."

"If you haven't killed the wrong person, you are a good person. Why did you drive him out?" Zhang Tianfang didn't understand. According to his theory, there are endless people who deserve to die, so just kill him.

"It goes against the harmony of nature. Buddhism helps the world with generosity and love. It is said to put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately. The world is confused. There must always be a chance for people to correct their evil ways and return to the right path." The old monk explained why he gave up on becoming a monk.

Zhang Tianfang is still disdainful: "According to your Buddhist scriptures, if someone beats me and asks me to endure it, I still have to tell him that what I did was wrong and persuade him to correct it. This is nonsense! Can a bad person change for the better? In the face of powerful interests. , kindness is nothing.”

"Amitabha." The old monk whispered the Buddha's name. He was very troubled by this Buddha killing. If someone else had said this, he might have argued a few words, but it was Zhang Tianfang who said this. The old monk could only endure it and continued. Ji: "He has Buddha in his heart, but he also has murderous intentions in his heart. He will never show mercy. In order to calm the Buddha's heart and for his own good, he is expelled from the temple and allowed to travel around the world to realize the benevolence and love of heaven. But according to what the donor said, he It seems that the perception is wrong.”

Either he seems to have a wrong perception, or he must have a wrong perception. However, in terms of the method of killing, Zhang Aoi looked at Zhang Tianfang and said: "He is more like a Buddha killer than you."

"Get out of here, don't make me angry!" Zhang Tianfang shouted.

Sky Buddhist monk said: "If he is driven out of the temple, he will no longer be a member of my Buddhist sect. What he does must be based on justice and ethics. If he does something wrong, some people will come to him to argue with him, and he will no longer have anything to do with our Daxiong Temple." "

This is extremely irresponsible. You train a Buddhist and then ignore it? Who can beat him? Zhang was a little speechless. Fortunately, Chengji only killed bad people. There was no need to embarrass him. He thought about it and said: "Buddhas also have Buddhas to kill. They use the anger of all things as anger. As long as they don't kill the wrong people, there will be fewer bad people." "Something is always a good thing." This sentence was a plea to Chengji.

Tian Tian didn't want to discuss this issue with him, so he chanted again: "Amitabha."

What needs to be said has been said, so Cheng Ji doesn’t have to worry about it. It’s not like he’s killing innocent people indiscriminately, so what does he care about? As for the Ghost King, Master Sky has nothing to do with him. If he wants to hide it, no one can find it.

The other thing is about Fu Kong. Although his injuries have healed, his cultivation level has dropped a lot. He needs to practice harder. Zhang was afraid that he didn’t want to disturb their cultivation, so he said goodbye: "Master and Fu Kong need to rest. The three of us will come back to disturb them in the future."

Sky Buddhist knew that he needed time to regain his strength, and he did not say any false words to persuade him to stay. He raised his hands and said: "Thank you for the kindness of the almsgiver, I will send it to you soon." After saying that, he turned around and returned to the house, leaving the young monk and the three of them behind. Say goodbye. The little monk was a little reluctant to give up, and said with a forced smile: "I won't see you off either." Zhang Tianfang patted him on the shoulder and said, "Take good care of your injuries, and when you get better, come back and continue to be my bodyguard." He was kicked away by Zhang Weifang: "Injury After that, come to Tianlei Mountain to find us, or we will come see you after a while."

Fu Kong said: "Definitely." No more words could be said, and although his thoughts were heavy, his words were hard to express.

The three people waved and left, taking off into the sky. A young monk bowed his head and put his hands together at the gate of the temple to say goodbye. Away away, Zhang Tianfang asked Zhang Ai: "Did you do it on purpose?" Zhang Ai was confused when he said: "What did you do on purpose?" "You made the old monk's house a mess, and the walls fell down several times. You clapped your hands and ran away. "It's high, it's really high, there's no need to build a wall," Zhang Tianfang said with certainty.

"You have a pig brain, can you think about some human affairs?" What is this guy thinking about all day long?

Fang Jian asked: "Go back?" Although the Holy Kingdom was big, except for Fu Kong, there was no one he knew well, and he didn't know what to do if he stayed here.

Zhang Ping said: "I want to go to Tiexian Valley to see the place where the Ghost King made his fortune."

"Do you know where it is?" Fang Jian asked.

Zhang Awei shook his head: "Ask and see. If you can find it, go and have a look. If you can't find it, go back."

Zhang Tianfang said dissatisfied: "I didn't ask the old monk just now? He might know."

Zhang Ping said: "Master Tian Kong and Fu Kong need to meditate. I don't want to disturb them anymore." If he knew that they were going to the Ghost King's lair and thought of the kindness of rescuing Fu Kong, the old monk Tian Kong would definitely go with them.

"Then ask." Zhang Tianfang said casually. Then Fei Gua flew slowly in the sky.

The master said that there were ghosts and disciples making trouble in thirty-two places. The three brothers were slowly flying in the sky to search, thinking that they would always bump into a few demon cultivators. However, in broad daylight, not a single cultivator was found. They couldn't find the way even if they asked for directions. to people.

Zhang Tianfang muttered in dissatisfaction: "Damn it, are all the demon cultivators dead?"

"Go to the Holy Capital." Instead of slowly flying around looking here and there, it would be better to go to the place with the most demonic cultivators and ask. Urge Fei'e to head east at full speed.

The Holy City has the largest number of cultivators in the world, and the people in the entire city are demon cultivators. It is the headquarters of the Demon Sect of the Holy Kingdom and has the largest auction in the world. Zhang Ping's idea was to go to the auction to buy information and the location of Tiexian Valley.

This kind of thing has been done once before, and the news of purchasing the Hongguang Inn was faked at the auction. In fact, it was to reveal the news to Longhushan and divert Longhushan's attention to pursue Hongguang Inn. But that time it was a fake purchase, this time it was real.

Arriving at the Holy Capital two days later, it was still the same as before, a very beautiful city. There were tall trees outside the tall city walls. There were trees as neighbors in the huge city. There was an endless stream of pedestrians. The city was green and full of magic. Everywhere you looked, you could see everything. beauty. Occasionally, low-ranking battalion guards patrolled the streets, and there were some shops and businesses on both sides of the road.

Zhang Tianfang likes to be lively, so he had a good time in the city, and finally chose a restaurant to sit down. There were many guests, it was a bit chaotic, and there was a lot of buzzing and buzzing, but he just liked such chaos, looking around with excitement, listening to the table Gossip, look at the food and wine on the table.

Zhang Tianfang was used to being arrogant and had never known how to restrain his aura and hide his cultivation. He believed that a man should stand upright and upright and should not act like a villain. So even though he was arrogant and concerned about Yuanying's cultivation, no one dared to express dissatisfaction.

Zhang Afraid knew that he couldn't persuade this stubborn idiot, and he was too lazy to talk nonsense, so he let him do whatever he wanted. He asked the waiter to order food and asked about the date of the auction. The waiter responded with a smile: "What a coincidence, tomorrow is January. It’s a big auction, and it’s better to come early than to come by chance. If you are so lucky, you will definitely be able to buy the magical elixir you wish for.”

Although the clerk is a cultivator, he has not yet established the foundation. It is also necessary to please the guests. Whether you are just making a living, you have to pay something. Zhang Ain gave him a third-grade spiritual stone and said, "Arrange some food and drinks as you like. There's no need to look for them." He took care of the man's face and didn't say anything about rewarding you. Anyway, that's what he meant. The waiter thanked him profusely and left to prepare the food and drinks.

Zhang Tianfang became interested and reached out to Zhang Awei: "Give me 50 million spiritual stones." Zhang Awei was startled by him: "What for?" "I'm going to the auction to buy something. If I don't have enough, I'll ask you again." Zhang Tianfang said.

Zhang Wen threw him a storage bag: "Are you too lazy to even say borrowed words?"

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