The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 663: Going to find the young monk

Chapter 663: Go find the young monk

These are the Ghost Emperor's affairs. He has deliberately hidden them so that no one can find him. The warlocks turned the entire North Land upside down and found nothing. Soon, half a year passed without any large-scale casualties or bizarre incidents. The warlocks' pursuit slowly slowed down, and the crisis was finally resolved.

During the past six months, Zhang Wen was in a hurry.

After Master Wuwu left, Zhang Ai shouted to see the young monk, and Zhang Ai agreed.

He carefully counted his former enemies, including those from the Hu family and the Jin family, the medicine masters, and he no longer dared to fight against him. Hongguang Inn and Longhu Mountain? Not to mention that they were far away, there were a hundred thousand mountains to help him contain them, so it was really nothing to worry about. To say the least, even if they were to fight, they would be protected by the Tianlei Mountain Formation, the top master Zhan Yun would be there, and there would be two terrifying spirit beasts to help. Anyone who eats too much would be asking for trouble. So instead of going back to the mountains, we went directly across the desert from the north to the Holy Kingdom. As for the Ghost King, let the Buddhists worry about it.

The three of them agreed and let Gua go west. Zhang Tianfang was the most excited, talking about what would happen after meeting the young monk, and wanted to tell him that we helped you take revenge.

Daxiong Temple is really far away, and with Zhang Ai's cultivation level, it would take half a year to control the middle-grade Feiya. To show respect, Fei Gu landed a thousand meters away from Daxiong Temple, but the old monk Sky came out early to greet him.

Zhang Weijing and the other two people hurried over to greet him. Old monk Tian Tian clasped his hands and said, "The almsgiver is concerned about my apprentice's injury. Please come in."

The Sky Buddhists knew the purpose of their visit, so they did not say any polite words and led directly into a quiet room in the inner hall. After opening the door, white light appeared frequently in the room. A huge white lotus bloomed with beautiful white petals, and the lotus platform in the center lay flat. There was a young monk with his eyes closed, his face was as pale as gold, and his energy was like gossamer. He was the most capable young monk in Daxiong Temple. Zhang was afraid that Bu Kong would be the one in the four-man gang.

Zhang Tianfang suddenly became anxious and rushed into the house. Just as he was about to speak, the calyx petals of the huge lotus gently stretched and flicked and swept towards Zhang Tianfang, telling him to come out as he entered.

Tian Tian said: "The Buddha protects him and he is alive today." This is his favorite disciple and the most outstanding disciple.

Zhang Tianfang knew that he was reckless. He rarely got angry after being beaten. He stood up and walked back to the door, bowing to the lotus flowers in the room: "Disciple is reckless." He actually called himself a disciple? Fang Jianzhang looked at each other in surprise, somewhat disbelieving.

After Zhang Tianfang finished speaking, he stood up and slowly approached the lotus. This time the Buddha did not pop it out. The Buddha does not have spiritual consciousness, but only automatically protects its owner and will actively defend against all possible dangers.

Zhang was afraid that several people would come close to him, so he lowered his head and measured it, and sent his spiritual consciousness into his body. There was no life in his body. Only a trace of Buddhist consciousness on the spiritual platform was immortal, and with the spiritual power provided by the step-by-step lotus Buddha treasure, the young monk was able to Survive.

Zhang Tianfang watched for a while and then said to Zhang Afraid: "You can save him, right?"

How can I save it? Zhang was afraid that he had no medical skills and had never saved anyone. His so-called saving of lives was just to throw away a bunch of elixirs. He didn't do anything. It was the elixirs that were so powerful. But if you say you can’t save yourself, it’s not in vain?

Zhang Tianfang looked at him with burning eyes, full of desire. Zhang was afraid that he could not refuse, so he only nodded lightly.

After a while, the four of them came out of the house. Tian Tian apologized to Zhang Wei: "I know that the Ghost Emperor and his ghost disciples came to your place to cause trouble, but I really had no time to spare. Because of the Ghost Emperor's matter, the Holy Kingdom ghost disciples took the opportunity to increase their momentum. Three Twelve places have started a rebellion together. From the time the Ghost King was injured to now, the ghost disciples have never been wiped out. I sent out eighteen golden Arhats and they haven't come back yet. Alas, this is a disaster for all the people in the world. "

The old monk always calls himself Lao Na, but now he also calls himself me, which makes Zhang afraid a little uncomfortable. Shaking his head slightly, he didn't want to talk about the Ghost Emperor and asked: "Counting the time, Fu Kong has been in coma for more than three years. Has it always been like this? Is there really no way to save him? Doesn't it mean that as long as the person is not dead, a lotus will be born every step of the way? Save?"

Last time Zhang Tianfang's heart was destroyed, another Lotus Buddha came out to let him survive. Why can't the little monk?

Tian Tian said: "Bu Kong was sneak attacked by the Buddha Treasure Demon Suppressing Tower and was smashed down hard. The force was extremely powerful. The Lotus Buddha Treasure automatically defended itself and was also very powerful. The two huge forces collided, scattering Bu Kong's whole body's aura and breaking all his blood vessels. Only a trace of Buddha consciousness remains on the spiritual platform, but he has become a useless person. If the lotus Buddha treasure hadn't renewed his pulse, he would have died long ago. "

So miserable? Zhang Tianfang asked anxiously: "Is there no other way?"

Sky Buddhist said: "Fu Kong's body was completely repaired by Buddha treasures, but there was no inner breath, and only a trace of Buddha consciousness remained. His power was too weak to carry the whole body, so he was in a coma, but he should be awake. , so the Buddha will always protect the Lord. If you come to see him, he must know it and he must be very happy."

Zhang Ping said: "No inner breath? I can give it!" Zhang Tianfang and Fang Jian also said to give it.

Sky Buddhist shook his head: "If it were so simple, I would have done it a long time ago. When Fu Kong was injured, all the energy in his body was shattered. To put it bluntly, his power was broken, crippled, and his whole body's power was gone. It was the same as ordinary people. Just like a human being, when the Buddha repairs his body, he will be restored to an ordinary person. Ordinary people's bodies cannot withstand the spiritual power, otherwise their whole bodies will explode and die." Speaking of this, he said to Zhang Tianfang: "You should understand this. , when the Buddha repairs your body, your inner breath is chaotic, but it still exists, and the soul is not injured, and is always awake and controlling the body, so the injuries can be fully healed; if it is not empty, it will not work, and only a trace of awake Buddha consciousness is left. It is not easy to survive without eating or drinking with an ordinary body without the ability to control the body. "

Zhang Tianfang felt depressed when he heard this. Why can he save me but not the little monk?

Sky Buddhist continued: "If he is an ordinary person who is awake, he can be saved, but he is unconscious. All we can do is wait, waiting for the Buddha consciousness to regain control of the body, and then we can cut his marrow after he wakes up." Refining the body to help him recover his cultivation."

Zhang Ain interrupted and said, "I have the Medullary Pill." Last time, Fang Jian was asked to bring the medicine. He didn't know that this would happen, so he didn't bring the Marrow Pill.

Sky Buddhist said: "You can give it a try, but it is useless just to improve your body. The main thing is to rely on yourself."

At this point, everyone understands that if Fukong wants to stand up again, he can only rely on himself. Others want to help, unless they can guide his Buddha consciousness to control the body, but that Buddha consciousness is too weak, and no one dares to take the risk. What to do once he is eliminated? So I can only keep waiting.

Zhang Tianfang walked back to the quiet room again. The sepals of the big lotus hung lightly and slowly scattered, and the room was filled with the fragrance of the flowers. When we came in just now, everyone was anxiously looking around, and no one noticed whether the lotus flowers looked good or not. When he came in again at this time, Zhang Tianfang stared at the big lotus and was stunned, said thank you in a low voice, and then looked away.

She still had the same shaved head and delicate appearance as before, her lips were tightly closed, as if she didn't want to speak, and she was wearing a white robe and bare feet, as if she was sleeping.

Seeing Fu Kong motionless, he felt a little sad and mumbled in a low voice. The voice was so low that even if you put your ear to his mouth, you couldn't hear what he was saying. Anyway, it was just mumbling. He talked nonsense for a long time that no one could hear clearly. Turn around and leave the house.

Zhang Ai and the other three were still standing outside the house, discussing with the old monk: "Try using Marrow Cutting Pill first?"

Sky Buddhist thought for a long time and asked: "Just change the constitution?" He was a little worried. After changing the constitution, will the empty meridians be beneficial to future practice?

Zhang was afraid to think about it, and the lotus magic weapon would provide Fu Kong with spiritual power. The problem was that Fu Kong was in a coma and could not retain the spiritual power, so his body was always empty and he could only barely maintain life. Asked: "How can you survive without eating?"

Tian Tian said: "I once fed him rice soup, but he couldn't move or eat. I had to use spiritual power to guide the food into his stomach, but it was useless. Fortunately, there was a Buddha who looked after him and stimulated the blood at all times. The flow in the body also sends spiritual power to circulate in the meridians. Unfortunately, the blood flow can temporarily protect him from death, but the spiritual power cannot last long. "

Zhang Awei listened to some understanding and some confusion. What he understood was that Fu Kong was dead and his own blood could not flow. What else was he if he wasn't dead? Because there is a Buddha treasure to protect him, he is forced to keep him, and he lives on the last trace of Buddha consciousness.

What I don’t understand is that everything in Bu Kong’s body is maintained by the Buddha, including the blood flow, which means that his own blood cannot flow. But the Lotus Buddha rebuilt his body and it should be completely new and usable. Why can’t it flow? Unless those organs are bad.

Thinking of this, I asked one more question: "Master, is the blood on Fu Kong's body newly created by the Buddha?"

Sky Buddha nodded: "Everything in Fu Kong's body is protected by Buddha treasures."

Hearing this, Zhang Weijing had a flash of inspiration in his mind, as if he had discovered something, but after thinking about it again and again, he couldn't come up with a clue. Fu Kong's injury was so serious that even the well-informed Sky Buddhist monk was helpless, let alone himself. If you don’t understand anything, what can you do? Thinking back to what I just thought, how could it be possible unless the organs were bad? Will the Buddha's treasure create bad organs?

The four of them chatted for a while in the courtyard, and the Sky Buddhist invited them to rest in the guest room. Daxiong Temple is known as the best temple in the world, and there are always Buddhist monks coming to the temple to register, so there are many rooms. After Zhang Ping thanked her, he only went into the room for a while and then came out again. He didn't have time to go to the quiet room to accompany her.

I have lived with the little monk for many years. The little monk has always been good at fighting and never thought that he would be injured. Now lying quietly, Zhang Ping looked at him quietly without speaking, just watching silently. Maybe the little monk knew that he was coming?

A quarter of an hour later, Fang Jian also came in, nodded to Zhang Afraid, and went to stand on the other side. After a while, Zhang Tianfang also came in. The three of them did not speak, and stood quietly to keep company.

After a long time, Zhang Tianfang said softly: "The four of us are together again."

With just this word and no other words, the three of them stood in silence all night. At daybreak, they each went back to their rooms. Zhang Wei was thinking hard about how to treat her, and Fang Jian was thinking about it too. Zhang Ain kept thinking about that sentence, unless the organs were bad, unless the organs were bad, he felt a little doubtful, could it really be bad? They went to find Fang Jian. After a brief explanation, they both went to find Zhang Tianfang.

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