The Monk

Volume One Chapter 662 Disappointing Results

Chapter 662: Disappointing Results

But the ghost disciple's attacks were not limited to skulls. When he turned his wrist, blood poured down from a wall, as if he wanted to give him a bloody bath. There was a hard iron sword in front of him to resist the enemy's attack, but at this moment he quickly put away the sword and stepped back. Although he was in the black smoke, the bloody smell could not be hidden, making him feel something was wrong.

Sure enough, just as he retreated, blood suddenly appeared in the black smoke and spewed down. Even the black smoke was covered up, and he didn't know where it came from. This river of blood fell to the ground, splashing red in all directions, and ignited fierce flames with a bang, and even the black smoke was burned. Fortunately, the flames did not last long. After three breaths, the flames went out, burning the earth into a flat pit a palm deep. , as the black smoke covered the sky again, covering up the blood-red murderous intent, it looked as dark as before.

I'm afraid Zhang is angry. A little black smoke wants to trap me? The Jindan Yuanshen transformed into the shape of a tiger, merged with his own Yuanying, increased his speed to the fastest, and flew in the black smoke.

As he used this technique more and more times, he became more and more proficient. Unlike the first time he used it, he was almost exhausted. The external use of spiritual energy pills, which contain divine tears, can help him recover easily.

Zhang was afraid to walk through the black smoke, looking for the enemy's qi, carefully identifying which qi was the ghost disciple himself and which was illusory. Because the speed was too fast, a storm was created in the black smoke. Wherever he passed, the black smoke was swept away, revealing a brief period of clear sky.

He was wandering around in the smoke. Fang Jian followed Zhang Tianfang and entered the Golden Buddha for protection. At this time, he could see the powerful effect of Buddhist techniques on ghost cultivation. The swastika light in the sky dispersed the black smoke like melting snow in the summer sun. , as the swastika got bigger, the golden light became brighter, and the longer it stayed, more and more black smoke was purified into the air. However, Zhang was afraid of being trapped in the black smoke, and he had not encountered them in a short period of time. at.

As soon as Fang Jian was safe for a while, he shouted to Zhang Awei: "Come here." The Golden Buddha was really good, and its ability to restrain demons was miraculous. The ghost disciples failed to disperse the Buddha even after several powerful attacks.

Zhang was afraid that he had not passed. After flying like a shadow, he finally found the exact location of the enemy with the help of the concentration beads. He raised the Fu Shen Sword in his hand and followed the sword, piercing the heart of the ghost disciple. Then he followed up and grabbed it. Another top-level Nascent Soul was locked up.

The ghost disciple died, and the black smoke disappeared. Just like its sudden appearance, it also left suddenly. Today is the sky again, and the earth is the earth again. Zhang Afraid is still Zhang Afraid, but the ghost disciple is gone. Even Da Dan, the remaining fifteen ghost disciples disappeared without a trace, exactly the same as the last time they broke through the ghost array in the valley.

As long as Big Egg is around, the ghost disciples can't run far. Zhang Ain asked Master Wuwu: "Where can they go?"

Wuwang dispersed his powerful Buddha consciousness and searched carefully for a quarter of an hour but could not find the exact location. He shook his head and said: "I know they are nearby, but I can't find them."

"We have to dig three feet into the ground to find him, search!" Zhang Ying said fiercely.

Wuwang turned the big Buddha back into a Buddhist bead and hung it back on his neck. Zhang Tianfang and Fang Jian began to look for enemies along the road. They walked a long way and found nothing, nor did they find the golden swastika spinning in the air. Zhang Tianfang muttered: "Even if it turns into air, I can also find him, but what’s going on now?”

"Wait." In order to avoid being run away by the ghost disciples, Zhang Ai decided to wait and see.

He suspected that the ghost disciples might be able to escape from the earth, so he sent two rats into the ground to check. However, the underground was vast and there was no chance of exploration. Even though the two rats had the ability to escape from the earth, they could only slowly search every inch of the land. .

They were searching for the Ghost Emperor, and a warlock arrived. Big-headed Toutuo Tongmu came with a dozen high-level warlocks to chase the ghost disciples. After greeting a few people, he asked about the ghost disciples. He also received the news from his disciples and came to check. A few people arrived a step later than Zhang Ai.

Zhang was afraid of explaining the matter simply, so Tongmu thanked him again and left, asking his subordinates to send out manpower to search the area carefully.

So the two parties searched together, but the fifteen living people were just missing and could not be found. Two days later, the little mouse sent back a message, and Zhang Wen immediately ran away to investigate.

After a while, he surfaced ten miles away. Zhang Tianfang chased him and asked, "Have you found him?"

Zhang Ao whispered: "He ran away." With a wave of his right hand, several large eggshells and a pile of black robes appeared on the ground. He picked up the two mice.

"Run away?" Zhang Tianfang took a look and saw that the eggshell was the eggshell he had seen a few days ago, and the clothes were also the clothes worn by the ghost disciples a few days ago. He couldn't figure out what was going on.

Zhang Jing said: "These things are three meters underground. It's a pity that the ghost skills are so wonderful that the four of us living people can't find them." In one sentence, Wuwu blushed a little, the Buddha's skills are ghost skills, and they are three meters away I can't find the aura of ghost disciples within a distance of three meters, which is really a bit incompetent.

Zhang Tianfang was thick-skinned and not as sensitive as Master Wuwu, so he asked: "Where is it?"

Zhang Ai rolled up his long sleeves, stretched out his hand like a shovel, dug a big hole one meter in front of his feet, and said softly: "It's right here."

The four people gathered around to take a look. Apart from the three-meter-deep soil layer, there was also a three-meter-high hole underneath. Some strange runes could be vaguely seen, but there was nothing else.

Zhang Tianfang couldn't believe it: "He just ran away like that? Even if the Ghost Emperor is a ground rat, those fifteen ghost disciples can still burrow into the ground?"

"The Ghost Emperor can travel underground, but the ghost disciples cannot, otherwise the hole would not be only three meters deep, it should be deeper underground." Zhang Ai said. I have fought against ghost disciples too many times before, and I have never seen them escape. If they cannot escape, they will die.

There is an essential difference between the Ghost Emperor and the Ghost Apprentice. The Ghost Apprentice is a real thing, while the Ghost Emperor is a virtual object, condensed from countless ghosts. To put it bluntly, it is almost like smoke. If there is a gap, it can get through, so the Ghost Emperor will escape.

"Ghosts can't escape? Then where did they go?" Zhang Tianfang continued to ask.

Zhang was afraid that he would not reply, so he asked Wuwu first: "Master, is the ghost emperor contained in the big egg?"

Wuwu nodded: "The poor monk guessed this." Not only did he guess so, but everyone in the venue thought so.

Zhang Ai then explained to Zhang Tianfang: "I have seen people running away, but I have never seen people leaving their clothes behind when running away, let alone something wrapped in their clothes." As he spoke, he tapped his toes on the ground, and a force came from From the feet to the clothes, a large pile of clothes were spread out. There were fifteen pieces in total, which was exactly the number of top-level ghost disciples who survived the war.

Following the exertion of the foot, there was a sudden pause, and fifteen black robes unfolded in unison. Inside each piece of clothing were thirteen tiny bones that were as long as a hand and as thick as a thumb.

Zhang Tianfang knelt down and looked at it for a long time, then raised his head and said, "Don't tell me that all the ghost disciples are dead. They were killed by the Ghost King." There were clothes and bones, the number was right, and with the broken eggshells, it was really unbelievable. There are other possibilities.

Zhang Awei smiled helplessly: "You have already guessed it, how can you be wrong?"

The thirteen bones together with the clothes had no breath at all, nothing evil, strange, or vital or dead, no breath at all. They were just like a piece of stone.

Wuwang said: "It should be that the Ghost King broke out of the egg, refined fifteen ghost disciples, and then escaped and ran away."

Zhang Ai nodded: "I think so too." But he didn't expect that Xiao Ao Zongheng's nearly invincible top-level ghost disciple was just thirteen small bones, not even a head. Wuwu asked one more question: "Master, is there any way to track down the Ghost Emperor?"

Wuwu shook his head: "No."

After many days of tossing and tossing, we came up with such a disappointing result. However, the good news is that all the ghost disciples are dead, no matter high or low-level. Another good news is that the ghost emperor is seriously injured. Even if the ghost disciples' essence is completely absorbed, Blood Soul is still seriously injured, and it's much worse than last time. The last time he was injured, there were ghost disciples for him to drive. This time, he is left alone and needs to recover slowly.

Zhang Tianfang said: "The ghost disciple is dead and the ghost emperor has escaped. Let's retreat too."

Zhang Ao said softly: "There is also Cheng Ji."

"Then look for it." Zhang Tianfang said. No matter the Ghost Emperor or Cheng Ji, they must always find someone to vent their anger, so as not to go all the way just to be a supporting character and just watch the fun without doing anything.

But Cheng Ji was even harder to find than the Ghost Emperor. The Ghost Emperor had 200,000 warlocks to help him search, but Cheng Ji only had a few of them. They wandered around Lieshan, the Ghost Emperor's lair, for more than half a month without finding anything. . Wuwang said: "Forget it, we can't keep looking like this. Let's go back."

Zhang Wen thought of Cheng Ji's reluctance to look at the ghost disciples and said, "Maybe I can return to the Holy Kingdom." There are no ghost disciples in the Eastern Continent. Cheng Ji had no choice but to return to the Holy Kingdom if he wanted to kill the ghost disciples.

Without claiming it in vain, he saluted the three of them and said goodbye. The three of them returned the salute and said goodbye respectfully.

At this point, a vigorous campaign to kill the ghost disciples came to an end. The Ghost Emperor was seriously injured and used all his elites to snatch Zhang Tianfang's Ghost Sword. As a result, he lost his troops and his family's fortune, and fled alone. It can be said that it is not tragic and desolate.

He came to seize the Ghost Sword and killed eleven of his men in Tianlei Mountain. He was beaten away by Zhang Awei, and then he bumped into Miaofa and Monk Xianglin. After a fight, all three were injured, and he had no choice but to escape back to his lair. Then he revealed his last wealth, killed countless people to collect their blood, built a blood pool in the land of evil spirits, and used blood refining spells to restore his own strength.

The Ghost King had no choice. He didn't want to be exposed in front of others, but he was seriously injured and couldn't think about anything else. As a result, Zhang Wei was attracted by the Valley Array again. This guy broke the formation, killed people, and destroyed the blood pool. He once again forced the Ghost Emperor away. It was not the end of the process. He had to continue to pursue him. The Ghost Emperor was still on the run and had nothing to do. In the case of escaping, he had no choice but to damage his cultivation again, break out of the egg in advance, refine the ghost disciples he prepared for the future tribulation in advance, regain some strength and continue to escape.

With his current strength, not to mention the Ghost Sword, even if he encounters Zhang Tianfang, it will be a dead end, so he has to calm down and hide in the Changyin Cemetery, starting from scratch, absorbing the ghosts bit by bit, and slowly increasing his strength.

The whole process must be extremely slow. How many people can be buried in a cemetery no matter how big it is? And he is still an ordinary person. The Ghost King can only endure it slowly, for a hundred or so years, his strength will become slightly stronger, and then he can continue to absorb it in another place, such as going to the battlefield.

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