The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 661 Black Smoke

Chapter 661 Black Smoke

The four of them came together to look for the Ghost Emperor, but Wuwu left angrily when he found a sea of ​​blood. Zhang Ai and the other three never knew what happened and had no chance to ask. Now it seems that it must be related to Chengji.

Wuwang asked: "Do you understand?" He was asking about the corpse. Zhang Ai and Fang Jian nodded, and Zhang Tianfang asked, "What do you understand?"

Wuwang did not explain to Zhang Tianfang. He was quiet for a while and said slowly: "That sea of ​​blood was not a trick of ghosts."

"What sea of ​​blood?" Zhang Tianfang asked again, saying that it didn't touch anywhere, the great monk was possessed by demons?

He didn't understand, but the other two did. Zhang Ain asked, "Isn't it a trick of a ghost?"

"It looks very similar on the surface. If you don't look carefully, you won't find anything wrong, just like this corpse." The great monk returned to the corpse. Zhang Tianfang still didn't understand and shouted: "What on earth are you talking about?"

Fang Jian tugged at him: "Don't make trouble, I will explain to you later."

Wuwang looked at Zhang Tianfang and whispered: "Ghost disciples use the sea of ​​blood to refine souls to increase their strength and absorb all the blood. After the blood loses its vitality, it will turn into dead blood, leaving only the smell of death and no use at all. But you and me The sea of ​​blood I saw was not made by ghosts. On the surface, it seemed that all the blood energy had been absorbed, leaving only the life energy. Even the grass covered by the blood sea withered away. In fact, there is a slight difference. If you have seen it, You will find the difference if you really go to the sea of ​​blood.”

The monk returned to the sea of ​​​​blood, but he couldn't understand it anymore. Zhang Tianfang simply squatted down and looked at the corpse, ignoring what they said.

Wuwu said slowly: "The sea of ​​blood we have seen stretches for more than six thousand meters. The blood is soaked with countless withered and yellowing grass blades. The real sea of ​​blood is not like that. It is the sea of ​​blood after the blood has been refined. There is nothing in it, not even a blade of grass. All life will be refined along with the blood, leaving only a piece of red dead blood that will not disappear for a long time. "

"Master, are you saying that the sea of ​​blood we saw last time was fake?" Zhang Ain asked.

"It's a real sea of ​​blood, and it's really been refined, but the technique is different. The ghost disciples will refine the life of the blades of grass together with the attack, while the sea of ​​blood is just for refining the vitality of the blood, and there is no other damage. , so that sea of ​​blood was not caused by ghosts," Wuwu explained.

"Is there anyone else who is proficient in blood refining magic?" Zhang Ain asked, thinking of several corpses related to Cheng Ji, he couldn't help but feel suspicious.

Wuwang didn't answer the question, and after a long moment of silence asked him, "Who do you think did it?"

"I don't know." Zhang Ai shook his head slowly. Yuantong had already appeared, could there be another Chengji?

"You don't need to know. Please find Chengji and ask for clarification." Wuwu concluded.

They all suspected Cheng Ji, but their starting points were different. Wu Wu was suspicious because he saw the sea of ​​blood. He doubted all Buddhist practices, including Cheng Ji; Zhang Weizhi was suspicious after seeing the body that had been separated from the Nascent Soul. After Wuwang combined the two reasons, he was sure that it was Chengji who did it, but he couldn't believe it in his heart. Could it be that there is another scum in Buddhism?

But he could see clues from the sea of ​​blood. Zhang was afraid that the three of them could not find the reason. Fang Jian listened to the conversation for a long time and kept scheming in his mind. Master Wuwu told them about the sea of ​​blood they saw and the ghost disciple Blood Refining Queen. The remaining sea of ​​blood was different. If it was just different, why did the master leave in anger? Unless it is definitely related to Buddhism or even Chengji. So he interrupted and asked: "Master, what is in the sea of ​​blood?"

Wuwang pondered for a moment and then said: "You are not Buddhists, so you don't understand. There is a lotus Buddha seal hidden in the sea of ​​blood. It was printed unconsciously by a master who has practiced Buddhist skills for a long time when he performed it. It seems like you are fiddling with it every day." Sword, when you pull out the sword, several moves will show up. It's like when you write every day, you always write certain words. When you pick up the pen again, you will subconsciously draw those words when your mind is not thinking. Then The same is true for Buddha Lotus. That person must have been meditating when refining the sea of ​​blood. The first step in Buddhist meditation is to observe the mind with the nose and mouth, with the five senses facing the sky, and at the same time fixing the lower body with the lotus seal, which is a habitual action , after the blood refining, the lotus seal remained in the sea of ​​blood. In order to avoid humiliation and the reputation of the Buddha, I purified the sea of ​​blood."

Zhang Wei thought about it and realized that it was possible. Recently, he always liked to slap his palms with a black folding fan. In fact, it was often a subconscious action.

Master Wuwu continued: "I thought it was a Buddhist cultivator who had done such a scandal, so I left angrily and went to seek help from the Buddhist cultivators in the north. However, after searching, I only saw a few Buddhist disciples and not a single Buddhist monk. When I saw it, I had no choice but to come back and see this body following you."

Needless to say what follows, after Zhang Ain’s explanation and his own judgment, Wuwang has identified Cheng Ji as the target of his greatest suspicion.

Zhang Wen thought about it and said, "Cheng Ji can let it go first. Finding the Ghost Emperor is the most important thing." Then he told Miao Fa and Xiang Lin's injuries.

Wuwang said: "No wonder we can't find Senior Brother Xianglin. Let's go. I'll accompany you to kill the Ghost Emperor first, and then we can find Chengji."

So the four of them came together again and searched frantically for the Ghost King.

Acting with them were more than 200,000 warlocks in the North. Especially Master Hantian, he felt relieved after hearing that the ghost array in the valley was broken, finally avoiding huge casualties. Regardless, most Northland warlocks have something to do with her. So I sent the order to continue tracing the whereabouts of the Ghost King.

Then the five top level warlocks sent orders, search! I don't believe that sixteen ghost disciples can come out in a big formation again.

This time, it was easier to find the ghost disciples. The lair at the bottom of the lake was destroyed, the ghost formation in the valley was destroyed, and the ghost emperor was seriously injured. In order to protect the ghost emperor from death, the sixteen ghost disciples could only hide with him.

Seeing the intensive search by the warlocks, Zhang Ai was a little worried. What if the situation got desperate and the ghost disciples and the ghost emperor were forced to the south? The strength of Yue and Song is simply not enough. So I work harder to track and search.

After all, it was easy to get things done when there were so many people. Starting from the next day, news about the Ghost Emperor came one after another, at the cost of the death of one warlock after another. When those people discover ghost disciples, they are about to die. The strength of top-level ghost disciples cannot be underestimated.

But the low-level warlock did not die in vain. The overall search of warlocks is very intensive. If the number of warlocks in a certain place is reduced, there is a problem in that place, so it is easy to track the Ghost King.

As soon as they got the news, Zhang Weijing and the other four ran towards the accident area and successfully intercepted the ghost disciple on the evening of the third day. Sixteen ghost disciples were fleeing north while guarding a huge white egg. Perhaps they were worried about hurting the big egg, so their flying speed was very slow. No wonder they were discovered by low-level warlocks.

When the sixteen top-level warlocks saw Zhang Afraid, their originally blood-red eyes were now so red that they were about to burst into flames. Without this bastard, how could they have escaped in despair? Six people immediately flew to attack him. Four other ghost disciples attacked Master Wuwu, Zhang Tianfang, and Fang Jian.

Zhang was afraid that he was not in a hurry to attack, so he ducked and chased him near the big egg. He wanted to see what the thing that a group of ghost disciples were guarding nervously was. Was it the Ghost Emperor?

When the ghost disciples found him lying in front of his body, a man immediately came to fight with him. The whole place suddenly became dark, and black smoke enveloped the ground, making it impossible to see his fingers. Zhang was afraid to scan with his spiritual sense and found that the black smoke was full of ghost disciples' auras, and they were all the auras of top-level ghost disciples. There were even countless such auras around him.

Zhang was afraid that something was wrong and had no time to look at the big egg, so he jumped back, but at his speed he couldn't fly out of the black smoke. He thought: "What kind of weird thing is this again?" With a thought, layers of protective shields protected his body, and a huge hard iron knife stood in front of him. This mountain-breaking weapon was much stronger than the shield.

At the same time, the Concentration Pearl is released, which is the most useful thing to restrain ghosts.

As the black smoke filled the ground, Wuwang shouted: "Monster." The beads on his chest jumped out, and a tall golden Buddha appeared, protecting his whole body as he walked into the black smoke. Two ghost disciples originally attacked him, but the great monk was so powerful that he regarded the two as nothing and focused on the big egg. While observing the big egg, he circled around to avoid the attacks of the two. When black smoke appeared, he stopped hiding and released the Buddha to attack actively.

Zhang Tianfang has seen Wuwu use this giant Buddha and knows that it is very strong. However, he is now in danger of being killed by ghost disciples. Fortunately, there is only one person chasing him, and fortunately there is a ghost sword to protect the master, otherwise he would have died long ago. Seeing the appearance of the giant Buddha, he plunged into it and complained: "Why don't you take out this treasure earlier?" Then he rubbed his palms together, and two golden swastikas flew away from his palms. One circled around his body, and the other flew to Get bigger in the air. The directions of the two swastika prefixes are in opposite directions and echo each other, much like two spinning tops, except that this top will become larger.

The swastika in the sky turned faster and bigger, like a sun rising in the black smoke. Although it could not spread light everywhere, wherever the golden light hit, it would be illuminated.

Among the four, Fang Jian was the most embarrassed. He thought of defeat before he could win, and thought of retreat before he attacked. His cultivation was really not enough, and he had no magic weapon to defeat the heavens, so he was unable to compete with the powerful enemy. From the time when the ghost disciples attacked, he Just trying to escape.

Zhang was afraid that he would know his situation, and of course he would not let him be bullied. He released the weapon spirit black bird early and ordered it to fly over to help.

Fang Jian was a smart man and knew that he would encounter endless masters of all kinds with Zhang Wen. He didn't want to be a drag or die, so he kept practicing hard. Years of hard training finally came into use at this moment. It was barely useful, and with the help of the black bird, although I escaped in a panic, I was able to save my life and even fight back appropriately.

Ten ghost disciples were killed, one attacked Zhang Tianfang, one attacked Fang Jian, two attacked Wu Wu, and the other six chased Zhang to avoid beating him. Zhang was afraid that he could not see in the black smoke, and his spiritual consciousness searched for powerful enemies everywhere. Just when he was guessing and distinguishing them, a bright white skull came towards him with his mouth wide open.

He couldn't see what it was, but he only knew that something was attacking him. He stabbed forward with his right hand, and the Fu Shen Sword suddenly appeared. He then heard a clang, and the Fu Shen Sword was bitten by the skull.

In the darkness, the Fushen Sword was restrained. Zhang Ho turned his wrist, the blade stood up, and a series of cracking sounds were heard, and all the teeth in the skull were cut out.

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