The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 654: Execute all enemies

Chapter 654: Kill all enemies

He took out a kit from his body, took out the eagle-decorated spiritual weapon, sent it to Yuanshen, and released the black bird Suzaku, the weapon spirit. A big black eagle suddenly appeared above his head, looking north with cold eyes, just waiting for Zhang Afraid to give an order. I rushed over and fought hard.

Zhang Wen said to Chen Letian: "Go and tell Master Han Tian that Zhang Wen wants to see him." Then he slowly lifted into the sky with the Fu Shen Sword. Accompanying him were Zhang Tianfang, Fang Jian and eight shadow tigers. The blackbird slowly rose into the air after him, landing just above his head.

Seeing what Zhang Wen did, Chen Letian thought to himself: "I've always heard that this person is very powerful. Let's take a look at the situation first."

Hantianmen's camp is in the north, but there are enemy prisoners, and they are the first to engage with the enemy. From this point, we can see how arrogant Hantianmen is. The visitor quickly approached the camp. There were exactly thirty ghost disciples, six in a team, divided into five teams and marched together. They were a little surprised to find that Zhang Ai and the other three were a little surprised. Several spiritual consciousnesses came over and they knew that their opponents were two Yuanying junior monks and one Yuanying mid-level monk. They sneered disapprovingly, someone was sent to die again.

Zhang was afraid of luring the enemy, so he controlled his cultivation to the primary level of Nascent Soul. Unless he was a master of the same level, he would not be able to find out that he was cheating.

The thirty ghost disciples were high-level Nascent Soul cultivators. Thinking that their opponents had low cultivation levels, a small team flew over to deal with them, while the rest attacked the nine monsters.

Zhang Awei stood at the front of the team and glanced at everyone. Thirty people, without exception, had red eyes. One pair of eyes was already their biggest mistake. No need to ask anymore, they decided to commit the death penalty in their hearts.

He handed the Fushen Sword to his left hand and snapped his fingers on his right hand, revealing five thin knives of different colors, which were suspended in the air like a five-pointed star.

The ghost disciples didn't pay attention when they saw the five knives, and each of them rushed at them fiercely with a bone sword. The first to bear the brunt was the six-man team that attacked Zhang Ai and the others first.

Zhang Aifeng handed the sword back to his right hand, smiled sinisterly, and said, "Here you are?" It was as relaxed and comfortable as a neighbor saying hello. But the sword in his hand was not comfortable at all. If the sword was pointed, Zhang would be afraid of disappearing into thin air.

The six-man ghost disciple team at the front divided three people to deal with the three Zhang Ai. They thought that dealing with the low-level monks could be easily dealt with by dispatching three people. But in a blink of an eye, no one was in sight, and then he saw the three people rushing at the front exploded almost at the same time.

The three people who were lagging behind saw the change, and when they first became vigilant, they felt a tyrannical force coming towards them at almost the same moment. The three people hurriedly dodged, but they were still a step too slow, and their bodies also exploded. Due to carelessness, the six-man team was wiped out in an instant. Both were stabbed in the heart, and their bodies were shattered by the immense power of the sword.

After the six people died, six black Nascent Souls flew out immediately, with blood-red eyes, and they hurriedly ran away in different directions. At this time, Zhang Awei appeared, with a cold smile on his lips. He flicked his fingers with his left hand, and five knives moved instantly in the air, forming a knife array. Six Nascent Souls who were trying to escape were trapped in the array.

When this unexpected incident occurred, the other ghost disciples immediately stopped moving forward. The four teams stood in a wild goose wing formation to respond to the enemy. Each person raised their physical strength to the extreme and did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

They set up an attack formation, and Zhang Aing made a decision after some careful consideration. He had just taken advantage of the opponent's carelessness to kill six people in an instant, but after all, they were Nascent Soul high-level ghost disciples. There were twenty-four of them, and he didn't want to let any of them escape!

The ghost disciples were very fierce, six of them were killed, and the others not only refused to retreat, but also wanted to kill Zhang Awei. The small team at the front of the Yanchi formation dispersed in a whoosh, and the six ghost disciples attacked Zhang Ai from six directions. The second team dispersed and rushed over, but their targets were Zhang Tianfang, Fang Jian and the monster beasts.

Then came the third and fourth squads, twelve people gathered together, like two sharp swords stabbing at Zhang Afraid.

The enemy rushed over to fight with all his strength. A cruel smile appeared at the corner of Zhang's mouth. With a wave of his hand, white shadows flashed across the sky. One hundred and twenty-eight snakes filled the sky. Then they rushed towards the ghost disciple and killed him for him. All he did was activate the Five Elements Sword Formation to expand the scope of control.

The whole process was very short, and there was no time to even talk. I only saw thirty ghost disciples flying in, and then six of them exploded. A sword array appeared in the sky to trap Yuanying. The other ghost disciples attacked fiercely, and were finally terminated by a bunch of big snakes. .

Zhang Ping has the best fighting partner, Fushen Snake. Every time he advanced, he would fight against the big snake. Anyway, those guys were very powerful and wouldn't hurt him. From the beginning of the foundation building to the birth of the baby, he had never been able to hurt the Fushen Snake, and he had never been able to gain a slight advantage, until Kohei gave him all his power.

Zhang Ping's Yuanying merged with Tiger's Jindan Yuanshen, exerting his strongest strength, and had the power to fight against the God-Suppressing Snake. However, these God-defying snakes were not yet fully grown up, so he finally believed that the God-defying snakes could indeed subdue gods.

Because I'm worried that the snakes will be injured, I don't let them come out easily when fighting with top-level masters. If the opponent commits a vicious suicide attack, the God-Destroying Snake may not be able to save its life. But there is no need to worry when dealing with these high-level ghost disciples of Nascent Soul. The difference in strength is too big. Even if they want to self-destruct, they still have to be able to hurt the Fushen Snake, so they dare to dispatch the War Snake Legion.

Twenty-four of the thirty ghost disciples were left. When Zhang was afraid of killing someone, they did not run away at the first moment. After the God-destroying snake flew out, they had no choice but to run away. The sky was filled with white light, which was the sunlight shining down. The reflected light behind the snake scales, and then the white light stopped, and all the ghost disciples in black were dead. There are more than a hundred divine snakes, Zhang Weizong's number one killer weapon in the world.

After the person died, thirty Nascent Souls were left, trapped within the Five Elements Sword Formation. I don’t know how these guys were made, and they still haven’t changed their arrogant and cruel attitude. Thirty Nascent Souls gathered together and chanted spells at the same time. Judging from their intentions, it seemed that they planned to merge together and continue to fight.

Of course Zhang Weijing would not give them this opportunity. With a flick of his hand, a tall tree grew in the sky, and a wooden cage transformed into the Five Elements Sword Formation to separate the Nascent Souls. Then capture them one by one, collect them one by one, and seal them all into the Jindan Yuanshen. Afterwards, find an opportunity to slowly refine them to strengthen the Jindan Yuanshen.

Because of Hu Ping, he learned the method of merging Yuanshen. He knew that this method was very evil, but it was very effective and could quickly improve his cultivation. It was not difficult to understand why the ghost disciples would kill repeatedly. The temptation was too great.

However, these temptations have nothing to do with his own Nascent Soul. He gave all the evil Nascent Soul to the Tiger Soul for refining. What increased was the power of the Golden Core Soul. His own Soul was like a bystander.

Seeing him take the Nascent Soul, Zhang Tianfang was unhappy: "You won't even leave me a chance to practice."

Zhang Wen had already learned to ignore some of Zhang Tianfang's bullshit remarks. He sealed the thirty Nascent Souls into the Golden Core Yuanshen one by one, put away the Five Elements Sword Array, leaving a large number of snakes and a few black beasts in the sky.

Seeing him so easily take down thirty high-level ghost disciples, the warlocks in the battle camp below were astonished, especially the low-level warlocks. They looked up with their mouths open and stared blankly. Even if they were killed, they couldn't believe it. That group of fierce ones Incomparably, the black-clothed ghost disciples who had caused them countless casualties were killed as soon as they met? Not even Nascent Soul ran away?

In the fight just now, no one could see how the six people in front died. All they knew was that there was an explosion. The next twenty-four people died instantly. All they could see were white snakes flying in the sky, and the Five Elements Sword Array trapping Yuanying. They knew that the ghost disciple was indeed dead.

Chen Letian of Hantianmen was extremely shocked. How could this be possible? how so? A few powerful masters in the sect may be able to defeat high-level ghost disciples, but can they defeat thirty people at once? Even if they can be defeated, can they all be killed? It is precisely because of the existence of this difficult group of high-level ghost disciples that the entire Northland warlocks have to defend their camps and set up formations. More than 200,000 people can do nothing against these dozens of people, but Zhang is afraid that one person can eliminate them instantly. And just now, I was shouting at him.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel a little frightened. Remembering Zhang Wei's request, I hurried towards the depths of the camp. The innermost part was Master Hantian's tent.

Yu Yuan was also shocked. The crazy boy from the time of the monster beast reappeared in front of him, and his strength increased to an unimaginable level! I sighed in my heart. They are both cultivators, but the difference is too big. Immediately, he walked out of the formation, flew to Zhang Wen's side, stopped beside him, and said with cupped hands: "My fellow Taoist has improved so much. I really admire him very much."

Zhang Ain smiled and said: "There is no effort." She was thinking about Master Hantian's injury. She didn't notice such a big movement just now. It seems that the serious injury has never healed.

A group of big cold snakes floated lazily in the sky, with fierce eyes looming, which made Yu Yuan feel a little frightened. He coughed and said, "How about we go down and talk?" Zhang Ai then brought a bunch of monsters to the ground.

He landed, and many warlocks came out of the battle formation to thank him. Everyone understands that we don't ask to get acquainted with such a terrifying master, at least we can't offend him.

At this time, another Ku Han scholar came, it was Han Tianmen Yang Jin. He came late. He didn't know what happened. He only knew that the horn sounded, the battle formation was opened, and a powerful enemy was coming to kill. I wonder which friend would choose this unlucky time to come see me? Seeing Yu Yuan and Zhang Afraid at a glance, he hesitated and said, "I have met fellow Taoist Zhang, and I have met senior brother Yu Yuan." I was wondering, why didn't I see the enemy? I saw only a pile of flesh and blood corpses in front of me, not even a complete corpse. Then there was a group of terrifying monsters, which really shocked him.

Zhang Ai laughed and said, "I have met fellow Taoist Yang Jin." Fang Jian and Zhang Tianfang also came to see him.

Yang Jin asked: "Are these yours?" He pointed at a pile of monsters dozens of meters away. Yu Yuan smiled bitterly and said first: "It's scary, I was shocked too."

After killing the ghost disciples, I have to go to see Master Hantian. It is a bit inconvenient to have a lot of monsters around me, so I should put them in my chest. His spiritual consciousness swept over and found that Chen Letian was not there. He probably went to send a message to Master Han Tian, ​​so he was here to talk to Yang Jin Yuyuan for a while.

Not long after, Chen Letian came back, cupped his hands and said, "The master of the sect invites you." He led Zhang Awei and the others to the center of the battle camp. Yang Jin and Yu Yuan cupped their hands and said goodbye.

There were many tents, vast and far-reaching. After walking for a quarter of an hour, a solitary white tent appeared in front of them, a thousand meters away from the other tents. There were more than a dozen women in palace attire standing outside. Chen Letian went over to speak: "Senior Zhang is here, please let me know, senior sister." Zhang was afraid that he would be so aggressive, so there was always no harm in addressing him as a senior.

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