The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 653: Enemies are invading

Chapter 653: Enemies are invading

Seeing that the expressions of the three people were sincere and there was absolutely no way they could fake it, and they confirmed that they were friends and not enemies, Yu Yuan felt relieved and said: "Please tell me something in the account, so that you don't get picked on by you southerners and say that northerners are rude and don't know how to treat guests. "He dared to joke.

Zhang Wei said: "That's fine, I just have something to ask."

Yu Yuan's tent house is surrounded by layers of people. He is a high-level warlock and lives alone. There were dozens or dozens of people living in many huts on the periphery. Zhang feared and said: "The cultivation level of these people is too low. If a murderer comes to them, blood and flesh will fly everywhere."

The four of them entered the room. Yu Yuan asked the three of them to sit down. He took out a few porcelain bowls and a jar of wine. After filling them, he said, "You southerners like to serve tea to guests. It's too troublesome, so it's better to drink." Yu Yuan Dressed like a scholar, he talks and acts like a reckless man.

Zhang Ping said: "I thought only Hantian Clan was chasing ghost disciples, but I didn't expect that Shuiyue Clan was also involved." As he spoke, he raised his bowl to signal and took a sip. Zhang Tianfang gradually learned from others.

Yu Yuan drained the wine in the bowl in one gulp, and his tone became more relaxed, no longer restrained, and he sighed: "We really can't let anything happen. Once something happens, it's a big deal. You were the one who eradicated those two ghost cultivators, right?"

Zhang Ping didn't want to hide it from him: "Yes." The fact cannot be hidden. Who among the cultivators in the North doesn't know about this, and who doesn't know his name?

"Fellow Taoist is too arrogant, which has aroused the dissatisfaction of some old people in the North. If it weren't for the fierceness of the ghost disciples, someone would have come to trouble you." Yu Yuan advised kindly.

Zhang Ai laughed, someone had already caused trouble, but he didn't tell Yu Yuan and asked, "Is there a ghost disciple here?"

Yu Yuan nodded: "Hantian Clan took the lead, and Shuiyue Clan certainly couldn't lag behind. Together with the Barbarian Sect, all the masters of the sect finally found the ghost disciples' lair and stationed troops here, hoping to defeat those evil thieves in one fell swoop."

"Is this the lair?" Zhang was a little confused. What was going on in the cave at the bottom of the lake?

"I don't know either. Sixteen factions have issued orders together, and more than 200,000 cultivators have gathered here. If your southern country launches a war at this time, the northern country will definitely lose." Yu Yuan expressed his worries.

Zhang Awei shook his head: "What are you thinking about? Aren't you just worried about fighting with the Song State? I can guarantee that the Song State will never send troops. If he dares to send troops, I will help you fight back." Then he asked: "The one you mentioned What’s going on in the lair?”

"I heard from Uncle Master that there is a valley thousands of miles to the north. There is some kind of ghost formation, formed by sixty-four top-level ghost disciples. What a terrifying power! We can only use the entire power of the North to fight against it, alas. , This battle is very dangerous, there are only a few top-level warlocks in the whole Northland? Everyone knows that they will die, but they have to come," Yu Yuan sighed again and again.

There are sixty-four more? Zhang Ai frowned, what did those guys from the Holy Kingdom do after decades of hunting? Just force the Ghost Emperor to the Eastern Continent and ignore it? What a bunch of bastards!

Only then did he know why Yu Yuan mentioned the war between the two countries. He really had to worry! If they fight with the top-level ghost disciples, more than 200,000 warlocks will just be like ants filling their lives. Maybe a dozen or twenty top-level ghost disciples can be killed under the human sea tactic, but the entire Northland will be in chaos from now on. Wither.

Yu Yuan saw him silently and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Zhang Awei shook his head: "Why are there so many ghost disciples? What do you want to do to protect the valley?"

Yu Yuan smiled bitterly and said: "Who knows? We sent eighteen death squads in succession, with a total of one thousand and fifty people. They were all masters of high-level pill formation and above. However, no one came back after entering the valley, so the sixteen gates The Lord has ordered all disciples who are at the level of alchemy and above to report here, intending to mobilize the entire strength of the North to fight against him."

What a big scene, Zhang Ain asked again: "There are only sixty-four top-level ghost disciples?"

Yu Yuan replied: "No way, there are more than forty high-level ghost disciples of Yuanying patrolling outside the valley all day long. Most of the death squads died in their hands."

There are so many disasters! Zhang Ai released eight shadow tigers. These eight guys moved so fast that he couldn't catch up without using all his strength. He said to Yu Yuan: "Please inform me and I will let them explore the bottom."

Yu Yuan said, "Wait a moment." He wanted to go out. Zhang Ping stopped him and said, "No, no one can catch them anyway." He ordered the eight shadow tigers to go to the northern valley to explore the situation. They were not allowed to enter the valley. They would attack and kill lone ghosts when they saw them, but they were not to fight head-on.

The eight shadow tigers disappeared instantly after receiving the order. Yu Yuan was shocked: "So fast?"

Zhang Jing said: "Where is Hantianmen's camp? I want to see Master Hantian." That cold and cruel mad woman has not recovered from her serious injuries. She came to fight to die, but with her arrogant personality, how could she not come? I would rather die than be a coward! The problem is that she is no better than ordinary people and is the number one person in the North. If she dies in battle, it will definitely affect morale, and Zhang is afraid that he will have to think more.

Yu Yuan replied: "The first tents in the north and south of the valley belong to them. Yang Jin and Lu Youliang are both there."

These two people also met during the Monster Beast Disaster. At that time, one was at the high level of pill formation and the other was at the intermediate level of pill formation. I don’t know what their current cultivation levels are. Zhang Ai nodded and said, "I'll go find them." After saying that, he stood up and left the house. Yu Yuan stood up and said, "I'll go with you."

Zhang Ping wanted to say no, but he thought that the camp was full of warlocks and it would be more convenient for Yu Yuan to be at the side. At least no one would question him, so he agreed, and the four of them left the tent and headed north.

Exit the camp first, then turn north. There were many patrolling disciples on the road. Yu Yuan revealed his identity as a member of the Shuiyue Sect and passed Wuji all the way.

There are more than 200,000 warlocks, ** sects, hundreds of small sects, and the camps stretch for more than a hundred miles. Zhang Tianfang chattered as he walked: "There are so many people." Yu Yuan smiled bitterly and said: "There are a lot of people, but if we really fight, ugh." Anyone with a discerning eye can see that they are just a bunch of low-level cultivators. No matter how many people there are, How to compete with the top masters. Chong Zhang was afraid to say thank you. If something happened in Beidi, it would be a huge favor for him to come and help, even though he was not helping Yu Yuan personally.

Zhang Ping said: "I originally had a grudge against the Ghost Emperor, so we couldn't thank you. But you all came together here, didn't you waste your time?" The barbarian land is larger than the combined territory of several countries in the south, and each sect defends one place. , it is really difficult to gather them.

Yu Yuan nodded, but before he spoke, Zhang Ain's expression changed slightly and he said, "I'll go there first." After saying these four words, the man turned into air and disappeared. Yu Yuan was surprised and said: "How advanced is Zhang Daoyou's cultivation? He is worthy of being at the top level."

Zhang Tianfang muttered: "Show off, let's hurry up." After saying that, he speeded up and Yu Yuan had to work hard to keep up.

Their wild run attracted the attention of many warlocks. A group of low-level disciples could not catch up, so high-level warlocks came out to intercept them. Yu Yuan worked hard and revealed his identity to the interceptors while flying.

Cultivators should be cautious. Although they knew that Yu Yuan was a warlock, they were not accompanied by two unidentified cultivators, so many people followed them as they flew north, trying to figure out what was going on.

Not long after, a group of people arrived outside the northernmost camp and saw more than a hundred alchemy masters surrounding a young man. Beside the young man lay eight black tigers the size of hunting dogs. Two of them had wounds on their waists and deep wounds. The deep blood red wound revealed white flesh.

More than a hundred pill-forming masters were disciples of the Hantian Sect. They asked Zhang Ao: "What are you doing here, monk from the South?"

Zhang was afraid that he would not care about them, so he just fed the life pills to the two injured tigers, and then checked their injuries. Fortunately, they were just flesh wounds, nothing serious. But with Shadow Tiger's speed, he really wanted to know who was so powerful that he could hurt them.

At this time, Yu Yuan and others arrived and said loudly to everyone in Hantianmen: "Yu Yuan of Shuiyue Sect has met all the fellow Taoists. This fellow Taoist Zhang is my friend. He is also an old acquaintance with Yang Jin and Lu Youliang of your noble sect. I don't know. Are Taoist friends Yang and Lu here?"

Yu Yuan also had some reputation. With his presence, everyone in Hantianmen relaxed a little, and one person replied: "It's fellow Taoist Yu Yuan. Haha, we haven't seen each other for a long time. How are you lately? That guy Yang Jin is refining elixirs in the back, while Xiao Luzi is No." The man who spoke seemed to be of high rank and asked the person next to him: "Where is Xiao Luzi?"

The warlock on the side responded respectfully: "Uncle Lu, along with Elder Fang, are receiving Hantianmen who belong to different sects."

The senior man nodded: "Oh, how many sects are here this time?" After asking, he felt that these words were not suitable to mention now, and then said: "Go and see if Yang Jin is done? If he is done practicing, tell me He has an old friend coming to see him." The warlock beside him left in response. Then he asked Zhang Ai: "I wonder what I call this fellow Taoist? I am Chen Letian of Hantianmen Sword Pavilion."

After confirming that the two tigers were fine, Zhang Ping felt relieved and said to Chen Letian, "My name is Zhang Ping, and I want to see your sect leader."

Chen Letian is at the top level of Dan Jie, and he has a high position in the sect, but he is far away from Master Hantian. Hearing the young man in front of him speak like this, I feel slightly unhappy. You are the master of the sect. Can you see me if you want? Just as he was about to scold him, he suddenly heard an exclamation from someone beside him. After thinking about it for a moment, he immediately realized and asked in surprise: "Are you Zhang Pang?"

Zhang Weijing's name was so loud that many people couldn't associate it with him. The group of warlocks chasing Yu Yuan also looked unbelievable. The boy in front of them was the famous disciple of Tianlei Mountain? "

At this time, a high-pitched horn sound suddenly sounded in the camp. The faces of all the warlocks in the field changed. Chen Letian shouted: "Enter the formation."

Hundreds of warlocks outside immediately flew into the battle camp. Yu Yuan said to Zhang Ai and the others: "Enter the formation."

Enter the battle? Zhang Ain raised his eyes and looked north, and saw thirty powerful auras flying towards this side. He shook his head and said: "No." The moment Yu Yuan asked him to enter the formation, many warlocks either had cold eyes or were cautious. In short, they showed an attitude that they did not want him to enter. Maybe they all knew that he was an unstable factor. Of course he won't take offense.

Yu Yuan urged: "Come on quickly, it's a high-level ghost disciple." As he spoke, he rushed into the Changchang War Camp. Zhang Ping smiled proudly: "What about high-level ghost disciples?"

There are magic formations everywhere in the camp for more than a hundred miles. Zhang Ping has long discovered that the ghost disciples are not restless at all and come to kill people when nothing happens, so the warlocks will defend themselves with battle formations. But what about high-level warlocks? Seeing the ghosts being arrogant and doing nothing? Also, who injured Shadow Tiger?

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