The Monk

Volume One Chapter 655 Temptation

Chapter 655: Testing

A woman said to him coldly: "Go ahead." Then she walked into the tent and came out after a while to speak: "Master Zhang, please come in." At this time, Chen Letian had already left, and Zhang Wen turned around and said to Zhang Tianfang and Zhang Tianfang. : "You two wait for me here."

Zhang Tianfang is not happy, but he has to stay outside even if he is not happy. Zhang was afraid of entering the tent alone.

The room was not big, and there was nothing else except a few futons. Master Hantian asked with a cold face: "What are you doing here?"

Zhang Wen sent his spiritual consciousness over to check. Master Han Tian was still seriously injured, so he remembered that Fu Kong was more seriously injured and it was even more difficult to imagine. Talking to the woman: "Just looking at you."

Master Hantian looked slightly angry: "Did I show it to you?"

Zhang Ai said helplessly: "I was afraid that you would be impulsive and fight against the ghost disciples, so I came here to help you fight, okay." The number one man in the barbarian land must not allow anything to happen at this time. Not only did he not allow anything to happen, but he also had to take care of his face. To make Master Hantian look good, he didn't let Zhang Tianfang and the others in.

"In that case, do I still want to thank you?" Master Hantian said in a cold, mean and disdainful tone.

Zhang Weizhen was really convinced by this woman: "You are thinking too much, I just came to tell you, I will fight, you can reduce casualties." After a pause, he said: "Also, you can't die, at least not now die."

There is no need for him to tell this matter. Master Hantian himself also understands that the number one man in the barbarian land must maintain a strong image no matter what, and look down on the enemy with an undefeated attitude. If it is known that he has been seriously injured and has not recovered, it will definitely be a disaster for tens of thousands of warlocks. Not a good thing. So she stayed in seclusion to recuperate, but the injury was too serious and there was no progress.

The discovery of the Ghost King's lair this time alerted the five top-level warlocks in the barbarian land. They wanted to find Master Hantian to combine the power of six people to build a magic circle to fight against dozens of ghost disciples. Master Hantian could only refuse and did not even see those masters. The five top-level warlocks had no choice but to form a five-person magic circle, which was located in the north of the camp, far opposite the magic circle formed by the top-level ghost disciples.

Master Hantian has always been aloof and arrogant, and it feels aggrieved to be unable to participate in a life-and-death showdown between top-level masters. But just like that, Zhang was afraid that he would add insult to injury and said that you couldn't die. The woman snorted coldly: "You don't need to talk nonsense."

Zhang Ai replied nonchalantly: "I'm just talking nonsense. I'm done talking and let's go." Before leaving the house, he had a kind heart and asked more questions: "Is there no good healing elixir? Have you finished the last one? Are you a northerner?" The number one person in the world is in such a miserable state." He muttered, "I'm in trouble." Shi Shiran left the house after leaving two Ten Thousand Years of Herbs and a bottle of Spiritual Energy Pill.

He is doing good deeds but talking nonsense is annoying. Master Hantian looked at the precious spiritual grass and wanted to get up and beat him up.

Zhang was afraid that he was here to persuade Master Hantian not to be impulsive. Such words could not be passed on to others, otherwise it would be humiliating and might force her to death. Now that we have done what we need to do, we have to go see the battle formation formed by the top-level ghost disciples.

After going out, he and Fang Jian went out to the battle camp and continued northward. Fifty miles away, I saw a battle formation set up by five top-level warlocks. A cloud of mist was swaying, vaguely locking the energy of the sky and the earth. It was quite scary.

The three of them flew high and crossed the magic circle from the air. He came to help the warlock fight. There was no need to have conflicts with them over some shabby things. The five masters in the formation also saw the three of them, but they also did not take action.

After flying over the magic circle, I flew forward fifty miles and saw a valley, which was like a big pit dug out of the ground. It was more than ten thousand meters long and wide. There was a circle of ghost disciples sitting on the edge of the valley, sixty-four people in total, all of them. Top level cultivation.

Zhang Awei secretly made up his mind that he must destroy the Ghost Emperor. He must kill him with one blow while he is seriously injured, otherwise the harm will be unimaginable when he recovers.

Slowly falling to the ground, step by step closer to the valley. The ghost disciple directly opposite sat motionless. He opened his eyes and looked at the three of them, then closed his eyes again, as if he didn't care at all.

Zhang was afraid that after sending his spiritual consciousness in front of the ghost disciple, he could no longer move forward and was blocked by a barrier.

Xiaoxiao withdrew his consciousness and casually threw a seven-star talisman. A moment later, a huge explosion covered the ghost disciple, and the explosion shook the mountain. However, when the explosion stopped and the smoke dissipated, the ghost disciple still closed his eyes and meditated. Nothing happened. He didn't even have a child, and there was a slight sneer of disdain on the corner of his mouth.

Zhang was afraid but also laughed, how dare you show disdain to me? He took out a bunch of talismans and like throwing darts, one by one the talismans were blasted towards the same point. Water droplets can penetrate stone. This is a spell that is many, many times more powerful than water droplets. If the explosion continues like this, maybe even the sky can be exploded.

Huge explosions sounded all over the sky. When the third spell was thrown, the colorless and invisible protective array took shape, and streams of light flashed over the valley. Throwing out the fifth talisman, ten top-level ghost disciples flew towards this side and stopped a hundred meters away. They were inside the formation, and the power of the talisman's explosion could not hurt them, but they did not fight back, as if there was no way to fight back. Everyone just let the explosions ring out all over the place.

Zhang Weifan continued to throw spells, and when he threw the seventh spell, the protective circle made a clicking sound, as if a huge porcelain was broken. It is estimated that if a few more talismans are exploded, the magic circle will definitely be broken.

But at this moment, Zhang Awei suddenly stopped, replaced the talisman in his right hand with the Fushen Sword, and stabbed lightly to the right, and saw the air fluttering, and a man in black retreated quickly. Zhang was afraid that he was not pursuing the enemy, so he stabbed the Fu Shen Sword back to the left, then turned his body around and shifted to the side. Three more men in black appeared on the empty ground. One was retreating and two were attacking. However, the two attacking bone swords were thrust into the empty space.

Zhang Ai smiled sinisterly: "Things that don't know how to die." Just as he was waiting for the Baojin Dan Yuan Shen, the protective formation in front of him suddenly stretched forward a hundred meters, and a team of a thousand people poured out, all wearing black clothes and black armor, holding black knives. Black Sword rushed over.

The soul swept over and saw a batch of dead objects. He thought that the Ghost King was really capable of tossing around. He threw two talismans with his left hand, but after an explosion, no one in the thousand-man team was damaged. However, the protective formation above the valley completely showed its signs. Strange shapes, either square, round or triangular, crowded the sky above the valley, densely covering the valley. Even the thousands of people who were fighting in the formation were also covered by a triangle. No wonder the talisman was Couldn't blow them up.

Since I have protection, I won't touch you. Zhang was afraid to retreat, pointing his sword at the two top-level ghost disciples who failed in their sneak attack. Masters who have cultivated to their level, to a certain extent, fight for judgment and fight for the upper hand. After the two ghost disciples thrust their bone swords into the air, they didn't even pause. They took advantage of the sword's momentum and passed by Zhang Awei. When Zhang Awei lost the charm and tried to stab the two again, the two had already exchanged positions in the air and turned back. Stab again. Following them were two ghost disciples who were forced back by Zhang Afraid.

Zhang Wen looked at it and realized that he couldn't do anything without fighting. His whole body shook and disappeared, and he tried his best to fight back against the four people.

The four ghost disciples were not fools. Seeing that Zhang Wen suddenly disappeared, they knew that their strength was superior to theirs. They didn't even need time to react. Four black lights shot at the magic circle at the same time, blending in with the thousands of people, and then He stopped and held his sword on guard.

Zhang was afraid that his intention to attack secretly would fail, so he slowly appeared and continued what he had just done, throwing spells one after another.

He was fighting here, with Zhang Tianfang and Fang Jian standing behind. Zhang Tianfang wanted to rush to help several times, but was blocked by Fang Jian. He was worried that Zhang Tianfang would become more troublesome as he helped.

The two of them stood here, unable to escape the eyes of the top-level ghost disciples. The three ghost disciples suddenly disappeared into the magic circle and disappeared. When they reappeared, they were already beside them, with three bone swords piercing their heads.

Zhang Tianfang has a ghost sword, which flies out automatically and draws a black line in the air to block the two bone swords. However, the enemy he faces is a top-level ghost disciple. Although Zhang Tianfang's strength continues to increase, the nine ghost kings in the sword are exhausted. He could only block it with all his strength, but a bone sword stabbed Fang Jian smoothly.

Fang Jian's cultivation level is two levels lower than that of a ghost disciple, but he is smart and knows what to do when. When the ghost disciple made a sudden move, he had already taken the initiative to dodge it. When the bone sword struck, Fang Jian had already retreated from that position in advance, and even dragged Zhang Tianfang back together, successfully avoiding the sneak attack.

Zhang Wen knew that the opponent's formation was difficult to break, and he had to lure the enemy out if he wanted to kill him, so he activated the Divine Comedy technique, split his soul into two, and constantly monitored the surrounding situation. The moment the three ghost disciples disappeared from the magic circle, he judged that the three of them were going to sneak attack Zhang Tianfang and the two of them. He continued to throw the talisman in his hand to bombard the magic circle, but he was already on full alert, and the two gods merged into one, ready to attack. Just wait for the ghost disciples to come out and kill them with all your strength. He believed that with his speed, Zhang Tianfang and Zhang Tianfang would never be injured.

So when the three ghost disciples sneak attacked Zhang Tianfang, the ghost sword could only withstand the two bone swords. Zhang Fang had turned into air and was so fast that he disappeared and killed them. Then there was a scream. The two top-level ghost disciples looked down at their chests in disbelief. A blood hole the size of a fist appeared on one person's chest. The speed was so fast that the blood could not even flow out. All they could see was the bloody hole in the wound. Red blood and white flesh.

Top-level masters fight for speed, but the two of them had an accident. The third attacker immediately realized that something was wrong, and gradually stopped pursuing him, retreating back into the flying formation. Also activated at the same time were the five top-level ghost disciples in the formation. They locked Zhang Ai's position with their souls and threw out the bone swords in their hands. The five-handled swords struck down fiercely like handleless sledgehammers.

The place where the bone sword attacked was a void, with no people, just air, but the five ghost disciples all determined that Zhang Ping was there.

Top-level ghost disciples are much harder to deal with than high-level ghost disciples. Killing thirty high-level ghost disciples just now is like playing a game. Now, when dealing with three ghost disciples, let one of them escape. In frustration, increase the speed to the extreme. , quietly stepped back two steps, and summoned the huge hard iron sword.

At this time, the enemy's five bone swords were stabbed. Zhang Weijing lightly stepped aside to let the bone sword open. He held the hard iron sword with both hands and swung it up to chop. He cut off one sword with a crack, and when he tried to chop at the next one, the remaining The bone sword had turned around and stabbed Zhang Tianfang and Fang Jian.

The four swords stabbed the two of them rapidly. Zhang Tianfang and Fang Jianxiu could not even see him, let alone react. The two of them were still confused and just escaped the last round of attacks. The second wave of attacks had already arrived, and four bone swords were thrust forward. The ghost disciples had a good idea. Since you are together, kill the two low-cultivation masters first, forcing the only master to become angry, excited and panicked, so that you can take the opportunity to take his life.

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