The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 646 Annoying

Chapter 646: Annoying

The two monks were also stunned. They lowered their heads and looked at each other. The Buddha cultivates the precept against greed, but this pile of things was so good that there was a hint of enthusiasm in their eyes.

Zhang Aing picked at random and muttered: "Buddha, Buddha, Buddha, Buddha, what is this?" He picked out four Buddhist treasures and threw them aside, holding up an eagle-shaped ornament in his hand and asked. Thinking about what I just saw, could it be the spiritual weapon of the big black bird?

The so-called spiritual weapon is a magic weapon that seals the spirit of the monster and turns it into a weapon spirit for your use. The whole process was cruel and required the killing of living beings. Xiang Lin looked at it with disgust and said, "Evil thing."

Zhang was afraid of everything: "Okay, the evil thing belongs to me." After saying that, he pretended to pick up a white flocculent object. Looking left and right, it looked like a cloud. When he turned around, he saw Master Han Tian heading here. He looked at it and said with a smile: "Is it yours? Be careful in the future and don't lose it again." He threw it away casually.

His words almost made the beautiful woman vomit blood. Did I accidentally lose it? Why is this bastard so hateful? After taking back the Yunduo magic weapon, he glared at Zhang Afraid and weakly said thank you. Zhang was afraid that it was not difficult for her to be a favor, giving him the elixir was a second favor, and returning the magic weapon was a third favor. He should be thanked both emotionally and rationally. If someone else takes it away and doesn't give it back to you, you won't have the temper to take it back yourself if you have the ability.

Zhang Ain continued to divide the spoils, and Miaofa said: "Wait a moment, what should they do?" There were nine things lying on the ground, a weak little fire man, eight weak little black tigers, they should have signed a contract with Yuantong As promised, after the master dies, they will bite back and be seriously injured until death. If he is not rescued in time, he will definitely die.

Zhang Fing said: "What should I do? I'll be a good person." While the nine guys were weak, he forcibly signed a heart-to-heart agreement with them, and then threw them the Spiritual Energy Pill and Life Pill. A quarter of an hour later, the nine guys recovered a little. Strength, with timidity in his eyes, he looked at Zhang Afraid carefully. Especially the eight little black tigers who had attacked him were even more uneasy.

Zhang Ping laughed and said, "If you hang out with me from now on, I'll make sure you enjoy the food and drink. Go and be happy." Then he continued to divide the spoils.

The two great monks were really good. They didn't take anything except Buddhist treasures, and left everything to Zhang Wen. Zhang Ai laughed and put on a simple and honest expression: "How can this be so embarrassing? How can this be so embarrassing?" Master Hantian was so angry that he wanted to come over and kick him. He was a typical example of being obedient after getting an advantage. The two great monks were even more angry at that time. Just turned around and left.

Zhang Ai shouted from behind: "Next time if something like this happens, come to me." After thinking for a while, he shouted: "Great monk, don't rush back to the Holy Kingdom, the Ghost Emperor hasn't been killed yet." The two monks didn't take it seriously at all. He didn't hear it and walked away without looking back. Zhang Ain muttered: "No grace." He continued to play with the pile of things.

He is not interested in magic weapons, and he is not interested in other materials such as spiritual stones. The only thing he is interested in is the little fire man. He has seen a lot of monsters, but he has never seen one like Little Fire Man. He turned his head and asked Master Hantian: "I said, do you know what these nine guys are?"

Master Han Tian temporarily turned into a storyteller and explained the knowledge of monsters to Zhang Ain: "The eight black tigers are shadow tigers. They are extremely fast and have relatively low attack and defense power. Huo Ren, if I guessed correctly, they should be They are fire infant elves whose souls were forcibly taken away and refined into spiritual pets.”

It's okay for Shadow Tiger to say that the relationship between monsters and cultivators has always been like this. Either you kill me or I kill you, but the Fire Infant Elf? Aren't they just like kittens and pigs? They are natural creatures. It is a kind of spiritual beast, extremely proud and extremely powerful. Zhang is afraid to think of the Hai Ling in the Refining Temple. If that little fat man is refined, will the same thing happen to him? He raised his hand to summon the little fire man. Counting the flames that continued to spread out from his body, he was only one arm tall, very small.

Zhang Awei said softly: "Put away the flames, I won't hurt you." The voice was very low and deep, but as soon as he said this, the little fire man believed it, put away the flames all over his body, stood in Zhang Awei's palm, and looked timidly Hold him.

He has red skin, red hair, big eyes, and is extremely thin. Zhang Ain asked Master Han Tian: "Can I break the promise and return his soul?"

Master Hantian looked at him like a monster: "I don't want to talk about whether it can be lifted. I just say that if you lift the shackles that control him, if he makes trouble, who can control him? Can you do it?"

The creatures nurtured by heaven and earth are the most powerful and terrifying, and they do things based on their intentions. For example, the little kitten killed countless cultivators or monsters who had designs on him. If it hadn't been for its love of home, it would have harmed many innocent people.

Zhang was afraid that Master Han Tian was right, so he forcibly signed a contract before rescuing them, and whispered to the little fire man: "I will protect you from now on." He put him on top of his head. Then he took out an eagle-shaped ornament and asked, "What is the big black bird?"

Master Hantian continued his story: "It should be the sacred bird Suzaku. My guess is not necessarily correct. This monk is really powerful. Not one of his magic weapons is defective." He didn't say a word after that. He didn't know how many powerful masters he had killed before. Grab this bunch of stuff.

Zhang Ai was stunned. The soul of the sacred bird Suzaku was refined into a weapon spirit? This is not a joke, right? When he was learning formations, he knew about the four great divine objects, the green dragon, the white tiger, the red bird, and the basalt. I used to think it was a legend and there was no way such a powerful thing could exist. Then when I saw the kitten, I vaguely felt that this guy was the white tiger, but the white tiger bullied him all day long, so he forcibly denied the possibility that the kitten was the white tiger.

But no matter how much he denies it, he still knows that the kitten is powerful and terrifying. At least he can't handle it. But Suzaku, who is equally powerful as him, was actually separated from his soul and used to refine weapons? How can this be? Who has such great strength?

Overall, Zhang probably couldn't believe it.

Poor storyteller Master Hantian had to comfort Zhang Awei: "I'm not sure, it's just a guess, but you can fight the Buddhists with your soul alone. What else can it be if it's not a divine bird?"

Well, no matter what kind of bird he was, Zhang was afraid to ask him the question he was more concerned about: "Can you let it go?"

His question once again shocked Master Hantian. Is this guy in front of him an idiot? How could there be such kind people in the world? Jubao didn't think about greed in front of them, but wanted to let them go. He coughed lightly and said, "I'm not sure about the Fire Man, but I'm sure about the weapon spirit. As long as this eagle-shaped ornament is damaged, the black bird inside will definitely die, unless we learn the method of seizing the body to separate the soul again. , placed in another monster without consciousness."

"What do you mean?" Zhang was a little confused.

"Let the black bird learn the method of seizing the body. It's useless if you know it. Then you want the body of a monster beast that has just died. It's the body that has just closed its breath and the soul of the monster beast has just dispersed. It won't work sooner or later. I understand. Are you done yet?" The female storyteller explained angrily.

"Let it learn? Oh my God, let's tell you some reliable methods." Zhang was afraid of continuing to harass the beauty. Obviously, his words were more likely to make the beauty angry. Master Hantian said angrily: "You learn how to seize a body. Then find a demonic beast that is about to die, protect the Blackbird's soul and enter the body, and then wipe out the demonic beast's soul. It's basically done, but there is only one thing, let the Blackbird listen to you honestly, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, what will happen?" Zhang was very studious.

"Otherwise, I don't know." Master Hantian laughed happily, finally taking his revenge, and then said another sentence to take his second revenge: "According to your kind heart, you are willing to kill a life. Save another life?" The words were extremely sarcastic, especially the word "kindness", which was highlighted and had a rhetorical tone.

Now it was Zhang Awei's turn to cough lightly: "Okay, I guess you're right." He put the eagle ornaments away close to his body. After thinking about it for a while, he still felt uneasy. He took it out again, added one protective formation after another, and then took out another spiritual weapon. The bag of tips made of silkworm cloth must be put away carefully before it is really put away.

Master Hantian watched him busy and smiled contemptuously: "Idiot, the spiritual weapon is so hard that it can't be broken even by smashing it. You are just doing it in vain." Zhang Aoi stiffened his neck and replied: "I'm happy to do it."

Master Hantian was very depressed. This guy was better with spiritual weapons than he was. He said bitterly: "I think you are better with animals than people."

Zhang was afraid of not admitting it: "Don't talk nonsense, I am a living Buddha in thousands of families." He wanted to brag about his glorious career, but Master Hantian didn't want to hear it and asked him: "Is there anything else?"

Zhang Ai lowered his head and looked again. Although there were many magic weapons, they were all dead objects. There were no spiritual weapons or monsters. He shook his head and said, "No more. How are you?"

Master Hantian had to get used to Zhang Awei's way of speaking: "Will you die if you tell me everything? It's my injury, not my condition!"

"I mean, how's it going? I'll leave if nothing happens." Zhang said fearfully.

Although Master Hantian only managed to resume his actions, he was so proud that of course he said everything was fine.

Zhang was afraid of looking at her, so he put away the newly robbed items, put the eight shadow tigers and the little fire people into the big walnut on his chest, and separated several areas inside to prevent them from causing any trouble with the God-Fighting Snake. . Released Fei'a and said: "I will send you back. You are a seriously injured woman. If you bump into the Ghost King's ghost disciples or something, no one will know if you die."

Zhang was afraid that he was too talented and could always say good things to the same effect as bad words. He was so angry that Master Hantian wanted to kick him. He kept reciting the Awakening Technique in his heart. He restrained his impulse, climbed into Fei'er and sat down and said: "Let's go."

Zhang Ai said "oh" but made no move. Master Hantian raised his voice and said again: "Let's go."

"Okay." Fei'a rose into the air this time, but still didn't move forward. Master Hantian glared at Zhang Ping: "Are you leaving or not?"

Zhang Awei replied with an innocent expression: "I don't know the road. If you don't tell me where to go, how can I go?"

Master Hantian finally got angry. Because he was slightly confused after being injured, he couldn't control himself and shouted: "Go north." The voice was high, sharp, and a bit harsh. Zhang Ain picked at his ears and muttered: "I'm not deaf, why are you so loud?"

After saying this, I saw a drop of blood suddenly rising up under the clear sky. Master Hantian was so angry that he vomited blood.

Zhang Ai was very obedient and took the initiative to take out a handful of elixirs and send them over: "The injury is not healed, so don't be angry."

If he hadn't been seriously injured, Master Hantian would have definitely fought against Zhang Ai, and secretly said in his heart: "Just wait." With the thought of not wanting it for nothing, he grabbed the elixir, swallowed it, meditated, and made up his mind. Don't say another word to this bastard.

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