The Monk

Volume One Chapter 647: Send You Home

Chapter 647: Send you home

But it was not enough for her not to speak. After a while, Zhang Weijing would ask: "Where to fly?" Master Hantian had no choice but to keep telling himself that this is training, training, training! But when will this training end?

Poor, dignified leader in the North, he was able to compete with the Jin family, but was vomited blood by someone who was afraid of torture. Who should I tell this misery to?

After more than three days of flying around, Zhang took many detours mainly because he was afraid of flying around, and finally returned to Hantianmen. Although they were far away, Zhang Ping chatted with Master Hantian: "No wonder it's called Hantianmen, it's quite cold."

Flying through woods, black soil and other places, we flew into a snowfield. The snowfield here was different from the place where Zhang Ain once lived. There were many people living there, raising tall moose, living in white snow houses, and there were villages and markets. It was very It is peaceful.

Five miles north of Xuecun is an iceberg, more than 2,000 meters high. The foot of the mountain is okay, there is thick snow accumulation, a snow path has been built artificially, and the snow stairs are extended up to the top of the mountain. When we reach more than 1,500 meters, the snow gradually disappears, revealing pieces of ice, which emit a cold light under the sunlight. The snow ladder also turned into an ice ladder.

Zhang Ain continued to talk nonsense: "Ice ladder? What if it slips down? Who built it? They are not responsible at all."

Master Hantian has learned his lesson a long time ago. My injury has not healed yet, so you can talk nonsense. I will ignore you and wait until I recover from my injury. We are not done yet.

There are several buildings on the iceberg. There are some on the mountainside, some at the height of 1,500 meters, and some at 1,800 meters. There is also a small igloo on the top of the peak. Zhang Aing looked at the iceberg carefully and said, "You live up there? It's too small. Is it usually cold?" He thought to himself: If I ask you to go to Tianlei Mountain to go crazy again, I will torture you to death.

Master Hantian was indeed about to be tortured to death. He opened his eyes with a cry and stared angrily at Zhang Weizhen. He was thinking about whether to activate the mountain protection formation and kill this bastard. However, this bastard had saved him at least. If he did this, would he be able to repay his kindness with enmity? Suspect?

Just when one person was talking nonsense and the other was thinking wildly, six alchemy magicians flew in front, and the leader shouted: "Visitors, stop! The Hantian Gate Forbidden Area prohibits the passage of unrelated people. Please leave, fellow Taoists." They were flying away from each other. It was too far away, and I didn't know Master Hantian was sitting on it.

Zhang Weijing ignored the six people and laughed at Master Hantian: "They asked me to leave, so I left? Do you think I could take you back to Tianlei Mountain?"

Master Hantian was so angry that he stood up and was about to fly away from Feiya. However, he was so seriously injured that he could not breathe continuously, and his body was shaking with anger.

Only then did Zhang Ai stop talking nonsense and shouted to the six warlocks in front of him: "I am Zhang Ai, a monk from the south. I met your master on the road. I felt that he was profound in cultivation and wanted to ask for advice, so I went with your master shamelessly. Mr. Meng Don’t give up, take it with me and go back together. If some of my Taoist friends don’t believe it, please ask your family members to tell you.”

When the six warlocks heard this, my lord? Which adult in my family? Flying closer and looking again, my God, it's Master Hantian. The six people stopped two miles away and all clasped their fists and bowed: "I've met the master."

Master Hantian thought he was going to be embarrassed this time and let his disciples laugh at him, but he didn't expect that Zhang Ain would talk like this, put himself down to a very low level, and instead elevate her position. You must know that Zhang Ain today is not an ordinary person. Unconsciously, his eyes softened slightly, and he waved to the six warlocks in the distance, ordering them to get out of the way.

The six warlocks hurriedly followed the order and flew back, splitting into two teams. One team went to the front to notify their fellow disciples, and the other team opened the way in front. This saved Zhang Afraid, so he turned around and continued talking nonsense: "They call you Master, You’re not old either?”

It was easy for Master Hantian to build up some good impression of him in his heart, but it suddenly collapsed. He snorted and said nothing, and his face became extremely cold.

Not long after flying to the iceberg, the warlock team leading the way stopped at an altitude of 1,600 meters, holding their fists in the air and sending them flying over. Zhang Weijing understood that these people could not go to the place behind. Smiling at them and waving his hands, he urged Fei'e to continue rising. Taking the time to ask Master Hantian in a low voice: "Where will we stop?"

Master Hantian pointed with his jade finger to the front, where two groups of female disciples were waiting to greet them, leaving an open space in front. Zhang was afraid and stopped Feiya. Feijia are generally not high, the highest is two meters, and the common ones are about 1.5 meters, you can sit inside. If it were normal, a cultivator would be able to land lightly and gracefully, but Master Hantian can't do it now. There are disciples below watching, so should he ask the disciples to come up and help him? If this news spread, and he was seriously injured and was sent back by a man, all kinds of speculations and rumors would be unimaginable.

Just when he was in a dilemma, Zhang Weifan quietly threw over a spiritual energy pill. After taking it, he could temporarily boost his energy with the help of the medicine. He thought to himself that this guy is not very hateful. After taking the medicine, he stood up. At this time, Fei Gu happened to be parked in the open space. Master Hantian stepped lightly on the ice with a misty cloud appearance, and said in a cold voice: "You guys go back, I want to stay by myself for a while. Daoyou Zhang arranges a place to live.”

All the disciples responded with a crisp voice and respectfully sent Master Hantian off. Another person came to pick up Zhang Awei. Zhang Awei laughed and turned over. He put away his flying clothes and asked, "Where do you live?"

He was quite familiar with him, and a group of female disciples didn't say anything. They guided him like ice men to stay in a courtyard two hundred meters away. The sorceress said crisply: "Senior, I will stay here for the time being. If you have anything to do, just ask me." Although the voice was crisp, it was cold and crisp. Zhang Ping said secretly: What kind of master teaches what kind of disciple? He said thank you and walked into the yard.

What you see is a world of ice and snow. There are all kinds of furnishings in the yard. Various tables, chairs and benches are made of ice, and they are also decorated with some beautiful patterns, or ice trees, ice flowers, and ice animals. In short, the yard is very crowded. Zhang Ai was just embarrassed when he looked at the stool made of ice cubes. What if I have such a high level of cultivation that the stool melted when I sat on it?

Seeing the women walking away, he opened the door and entered the room. The room was much better than the outside. At least it had a wooden table and a wooden bed. Zhang Fei jumped up and found that it was quite comfortable and began to sleep.

In the evening, a female disciple called him and said that Master Hantian was hosting a banquet in honor of him. Zhang Ain thought there was a ghost here, tortured her like this all the way, and invited me to dinner? There is no guarantee that there will be no good feast. But no matter how bad the banquet is, if someone invites you, you have to go. Zhang was afraid of going to the banquet happily.

Master Hantian's house is about four times bigger than the one Zhang Wen lives in, but it is just big. There is nothing in it, just a futon like the ascetic monk. The room was so cold that Zhang feared that if he stepped in, he would think he was entering an ice cellar.

Today, there are two more tables in the ice cellar than usual. There are several fruits and a jug of wine on them. Zhang Wen was very worried after sitting down. Is this a treat for dinner? Just eat this stuff? Which god drinks from apples?

He wanted to make some comments, but there were two female disciples on his left and one on his right, and there were two people beside Master Hantian. With so many people present, it was too embarrassing not to give Lady Bing face, so he kept silent.

Zhang Awei looked at this strong woman carefully and realized that her internal injuries were not healed at all, but she could barely control them with pills. It was not because she had any bad intentions when she invited her to drink, but because she wanted to save some face in front of her disciples. She couldn't bring a guest back. He ignored the uproar, thinking that something had happened.

Master Hantian never brings anyone back. Not only did he bring someone back this time, he was also a man, and he was also a master. If he had been indifferent all this time, he had some hidden intentions, so he simply held a banquet with a few low-ranking people. The first-level disciples were waiting on both sides. Their cultivation level was low and they could not find out whether they had any injuries on their bodies, so they could conceal the past easily.

Zhang Awei sighed secretly, is life tiring? As the first person, you also have to consider the issue of face. As soon as he sat down behind the desk, he said, "I have a grudging request. I wonder if the master can let the disciples go out temporarily. I have a few words to say."

Master Hantian stared at Zhang Awei's eyes, wondering what the bastard wanted to do, and said softly: "Go down." The four female disciples answered yes at the same time and filed out.

After the four people left, Zhang Weifeng casually drew a barrier to separate the inside and outside, then relaxed and talked nonsense: "Are you tired?" He grabbed the wine bottle and took a sip, nodded and said: "Not bad, this wine is good, Fan It’s definitely the best wine.”

Master Hantian frowned: "You asked me to push back the left and right people just to talk nonsense?"

Zhang Fei didn't even look at her, so he took out a bottle of Spiritual Energy Pill and threw it over: "I'm making up for being angry with you all the way. It's much better than what you practiced on your own." Master Hantian also had pills, but in the ice and snow, snow lotus and other herbs were removed. There are no other spiritual herbs, not to mention that even if there are snow lotus and other things, it is extremely difficult to find, so the elixir she refined has very average power and will not have much effect on her serious injury. Some of Zhang Ping's spiritual energy pills are even made from ten thousand-year-old spiritual grass. They are top-notch in terms of their rarity and potency. Of course, the two pills have different effects after being taken.

Master Hantian said with a cold face: "What for? I don't want it!"

Zhang Awei stood up with a wine bottle and said, "Do you want love? I'm leaving. Let's recuperate." He removed the barrier and pushed the door out. Four female disciples were guarding outside. When they saw the door open, they asked respectfully. Zhang Ai asked: "Senior, what are your orders?" The other two people quickly entered the room to see if Master Hantian was okay.

Zhang Jing said: "I didn't tell you, but if you adults want to beat me, I have to run away quickly." After saying this, he took a weak step and flew to the high sky, sliding into the distance like flowing clouds.

In the room, Master Hantian was holding a bottle of spiritual energy pills, and he was cursing bastards in a low voice. Two disciples happened to come in. Hearing her words, he was startled. Master Hantian waved his hand and said: "Get out, don't bother me." The two disciples. He carried out the case and closed the door tightly, leaving this strong and cold beautiful woman to heal alone.

Zhang was afraid of leaving the iceberg and slowly flew south, thinking that since he came to the barbaric land, he must look for the five ghost cultivating sects, so he let go of his consciousness and walked around randomly. As the old saying goes, people who are destined to meet will always meet, and he saw Monk Chengji again.

The clean barefooted monk was blowing around in the north like the wind. When he saw Zhang Awei, he was a little surprised and stopped and asked, "Why are you here?"

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