The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 645 Killing the Evil Monk

Chapter 645: Killing the Evil Monk

Fo cultivated his defense heavily, and the two monks fought desperately. The momentum was astonishing, but neither could hurt the other, leaving Zhang Awei stunned. He suddenly felt that it was not surprising that he was so fast when fighting Jin Da. Look at this great monk, protected by layers of Buddhist treasures, standing and letting you fight. Can you hit him? Can you hit him?

He waited and refused to join the battle, leaving the two monks in the sky to have their own thoughts. No one knew what Zhang Ai's position was, and his men were even more desperate, eager to kill their opponent. Because Monk Yuantong has many magic weapons, he would have the upper hand if he waited for three against one, so he didn't rush to escape after seeing Zhang Afraid's arrival. I have countless magic weapons, who can hurt me? After seeing Zhang Weijing give out two pills easily, his mind became excited. Does this man know that woman? Why not help in the fight? If you don't know me, why would you give me medicine so easily? But whether he knows him or not, this kid is rich and must have good things. It seems that he is lucky today and can kill three people in a row.

Zhang was afraid that no matter what Yuantong thought, he just stood patiently. He was waiting for the magic method, hoping that the fat monk would come over quickly. If three bullies one, they should be able to clean up the bad monk.

It's really scary how hard the Buddhists work. The wind and clouds in the sky are changing, the grass and leaves are flying on the ground, and all the cold and cloudy people come to join in the fun as if they don't need money. This is not the Buddha's light helping the world, it is clearly the Buddha's power in troubled times. The two great monks kept tossing for nearly half an hour. Zhang Wen suddenly thought and knew that the magic method was coming. He showed the Fushen Sword and floated towards Yuantong like a wandering spirit.

This half hour was becoming more and more beneficial to Yuantong. Several magic weapons knocked Xianglin's two Buddha palms away from his body. It was estimated that in a while, as long as the Buddha's palms were broken, Xianglin would definitely be suspicious, but at this moment , Zhang was afraid of taking action. Yuantong dodges back. He knows that Zhang is a top-level master, but he didn't expect that this top-level master is different from what he has seen before. At least it is much more powerful. The figure slid around in the air, and a black bag flew out of his sleeve towards Zhang Ping, and then threw a dozen golden lights around him.

Zhang Ai took a look and realized that this was the Duobao boy. No, it was the Duobao monk. Oh my god, one good thing after another. The black bag was called the Sky Swallowing Bag, and the golden light was the fairy rope. They were not ordinary things. .

He stabbed the mouth of the sky-swallowing bag with his sword, and a huge suction force came from inside, pulling him in. Zhang was afraid that he would move too quickly, so he dodged and was greeted by more than a dozen fairy-tying ropes, bright and eye-catching, trying to tie him up. Zhang Ain secretly cursed: "Bastard." He flew down, activated his Nascent Soul power, and passed through a pile of ropes like the wind. The bright sword tip in his hand pointed at Monk Yuantong's back.

The bad monk did not expect that Zhang Ai could speed up his movements. The power was beyond his imagination. However, he had many magic weapons and did not dodge. He flicked his sleeves again and a dark tower fell down. At the same time, the monk's robe on his back turned into a piece of golden light. The shield means to stab you. If you can't stab me to death, the pagoda will smash you to death.

This is so weird. How many treasures does the bad monk have? Zhang was afraid that for the first time in his life, he would find someone with more magic weapons than him, so he stepped back a hundred meters to avoid the pagoda, flew around, and then stabbed Monk Yuantong from the side.

Yuantong released four magic weapons in succession but failed to deal with Zhang Awei. Knowing that this guy was difficult to deal with, and that Xiang Lin was struggling in front of him, he began to give up. At this moment, the sky suddenly turned dark, and it was pitch black. There was no trace of light, Yuantong screamed in secret, raised his hand to call back a few magic weapons, and pushed out another magic weapon with his backhand. A small fire man whirring and flashing flames appeared among the three of them, red and jumping, in the darkness. It shines a bright orange.

As soon as the little fire man appeared, he opened his mouth and sprayed out a line of fire, which was so thin and soft that it seemed that it could be broken and extinguished at any time. Xiang Lin was unwilling to take risks, so he waved the Buddha's palm and swept the line of fire aside, but the line of fire did not go out and flew around again. Seeing that Xiang Lin could not be burned to death with one line of fire, the little fire man spit out another line of fire to go around it, and controlled the two lines of fire to attack and kill Xiang Lin.

Yuantong was fighting with Xiang Lin, and Zhang was afraid that he should feel fine, but the Jindan Yuanshen in his head trembled suddenly, and he immediately knew something was wrong, so he hurriedly added several layers of protective shields to his back, and he fell down with all his strength. He reacted very quickly. In terms of speed alone, if his Nascent Soul and Jindan Yuanshen merged into one, no one in the world would be able to outrun him. But now that the two gods have not merged into one, they did not run away. A blast from behind He hit the ground and was hit by something unknown. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and protected him with a few shields without being injured. As the whole person continued to fall, he heard seven things flying past his head.

He said it was something, because Zhang was too afraid to confirm what it was. The surrounding area was pitch dark, except for a little light near the burning man, nothing could be seen elsewhere. After being hit, the breath in his body started to circulate automatically. After a check to confirm that there was nothing wrong with him, he thought to himself: "Fat monk, fat monk, you just arrest people, why did you bring me in too? I'm so desperate."

This darkness was caused by the fat monk's precious golden bowl. After it left his hand, it grew larger and covered this area of ​​the world. As long as it was covered by the golden bowl, it would always take some effort to get out.

A rolling voice came from the darkness: "Yutong, you still don't admit your guilt?"

Yuantong was always careful, but he didn't expect to be covered by someone else's Buddha treasure just by accident. He snorted and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? Come and catch me if you can."

Zhang Ai was fast, Xiang Lin attacked fiercely, and the two of them held Yuantong in hand; the magic method was even more amazing. When one person chased and killed two top-level ghost disciples, he was already very capable. After deliberately ambushing them, the three of them worked together to trap them. It's really not that difficult to be tactful.

But trapping him is easy, but the hard part is how to kill him. If he directly used the golden bowl to refine the gods and kill them, not only Yuantong would not be able to escape, but Zhang Afraid and Xiang Lin would not be able to escape either.

Zhang was afraid of hearing Yuantong's arrogant words and smiled coldly: "You really don't know how to die." He raised his head and let out a tiger's roar, and the golden elixir soul in his mind instantly melted away and merged with his own Yuanying. The two powers became one, and his skill level continued to increase. Several times, the whole person disappeared out of thin air, making it even more weird in the darkness.

Yuantong had been focusing on Zhang Wei with his Buddha consciousness. At this moment, he suddenly found that he had become blurry, as if he was in the east or west. He was undecided. He quickly took out a golden bell magic weapon to protect himself, and at the same time, he called back the magic weapon he had just seen. The objects that attacked Zhang Wei were clearly visible in Little Fireman's peripheral vision as eight black tigers. They looked like tigers. They were all pitch black without a trace of color. Even their eyes were black. They were only the size of an ordinary adult hunting dog, but The power of the king of beasts is extremely fierce. Just standing quietly, a ferocious aura exudes in the darkness, which is definitely not what other beasts can have.

Zhang is a little angry. Is this unlucky monk still a monk? Those who set fire and play with monsters have not only Buddha treasures, but also magic weapons from other sects. I am so angry that I will definitely kill you! If I kill you, these things will all be mine. The stronger the fire in your heart, the faster you move. As long as you can't escape from this big basin in the sky, just wait for death! A sword stabbed out like rain. With his astonishing cultivation, he could pierce Yuantong's protective golden bell with just five swords.

Yuantong was shocked and quickly took out three shields of different colors and styles in front of him, and at the same time flew away into the distance. Zhang Ai sneered and said: "Can you still outrun me?" With the power of the soul and the cultivation of the whole body of the big tiger in the Valley of Refining Gods, I dare not say anything else. Running is quite fast, and the whole person hangs on the ground without revealing his whereabouts. Behind Yuantong, he raised his hand to pierce a shield and urged: "Keep running."

The great monk Miaofa outside was not happy and urged him: "Hurry up and settle the business."

Only then did Zhang put away his joking intentions, put his palms together and grasped the hilt of the sword tightly, and said softly: "I'll give you a hard play." He stabbed Yuantong's back heart with the tip of the sword, and exerted all his strength behind the sword to stab. It penetrated the opponent's entire body, and even his own body passed through Yuantong's body. In the darkness, only a scream could be heard, and a figure fell to the ground, followed by several consecutive black shadows falling at the same time, and there were also A faint red shadow.

Zhang was afraid that he would not be careless, so he locked Yuantong's soul tightly and stabbed out the sword in his hand again, stabbing Yuantong into pulp after a moment. At this time, the sky suddenly brightened up, and the fat monk grabbed the golden bowl and came closer and said: "Stop stabbing him, he is dead."

Zhang Wen searched around with his Yuanshen, but did not find Yuanshen or Yuanying escaping, so he asked: "You monks don't have Yuanying?" Xianglin put away two huge Buddha palms and came to a puddle of meat to recite Amitabha, and followed Explained: "What Buddha cultivates is the body, and what he cultivates is the mind. What is the use of Yuanshen Yuanying?"

Zhang Ping said: "Can you explain it more clearly?" He slandered: Monks like to pretend to be gods and ghosts.

The Fat Monk Miaofa explained: "What the monk cultivates is a stinky thing. The thing we want to give up the most is the thing we must cultivate. Even if it is too deep, you will not understand. Thank you so much for the help of Donor Zhang this time, we can kill this big thief."

Zhang was afraid that he would be looked down upon by the fat monk, so he looked at him gloomily and asked casually: "Why is he so difficult to kill? Are you monks so difficult to kill?"

The fat monk stared: "What are you doing? Killing one person is not enough? Are you addicted to killing?"

Zhang was afraid of deliberately making the monk fat: "May I ask? If there is another chance in the future, I won't be as inexperienced as this time."

The fat monk ignored him and walked to stand in front of the minced meat. A pile of red and white minced meat bones were mixed with the green grass on the earth. He said softly: "Sacrifice yourself for a living. I hope you can devote yourself to doing good in your next life."

The monk emphasized the theory of reincarnation, and Zhang Weijing snorted: "Hypocrisy." The fat monk pretended not to hear, and continued to mutter some nonsense before saying to him: "Just kill people, why break their flesh and blood? It's a bit cruel." Zhang Afraid casually replied: "Nonsense, I killed the person, of course I am cruel, but you are naturally merciful if you didn't kill the person." Then he shouted: "Divide the spoils."

He made the two great monks angry with his random talk, and asked Miaofa: "Why do the good words turn ugly in your mouth?" Zhang Ao retorted: "Have you forgotten Zhang Tianfang? His words are much more unpleasant than mine." Move, grab Yuantong's storage bag.

His consciousness swept away, followed by a long sigh: "It opened my eyes. I killed countless people and robbed countless people's things. Only today did I know what a rich man is." As he spoke, he turned his hand over, and all kinds of spiritual stones, jade, charms, and pills were revealed. Not to mention the medicine, and not to mention the cast tents, and not to mention the magic weapons alone, it is easy to pile up a small mountain. More than a hundred pieces are all magic weapons, and there are no inferior magic weapons at all.

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