The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 644 The Evil Monk

Chapter 644 The Evil Monk

The disciple who sent the message stayed in Tianlei Hall for a while, but the words the two masters talked for a long time were all flattering words, and Yunshan Mist Cover was full of nonsense. It was equivalent to saying nothing. He didn't understand, so he replied: "Disciple doesn't know."

Fang Jian knew about the conflict between the six major sects and Zhang Ai, so he interjected: "Let Ruiyuan receive the reception. Can the world's best master be able to meet him whenever he wants?"

The disciple who heard the message secretly glanced at Zhang Wen's expression and saw that he had no intention of refuting, so he responded and left.

Fang Jian said: "He has been notified that ghost disciples are in danger. Instead of being prepared to deal with it, he is using this to gain relationships. He is really desperate."

Zhang Wei said: "I don't care whether they live or die, I'm worried about that person. Do you think if we offer a reward to the whole world to search for the ghost emperor's traces, can we find anything?" He was worried because Zhang Tianfang didn't know about it yet and couldn't say it clearly; but the most important thing is that What he did was to get rid of the Ghost King.

Fang Jian thought about it and said, "You can give it a try, but it's not necessary." Zhang Ping thought about it and found that it was not necessary. With the strength of the Ghost Emperor and his top-level ghost disciples, no matter how high or low their cultivation level is, anyone who encounters them will be in trouble. A disaster.

Zhang Tianfang stopped his power and sneered: "It's just a few ghosts, how dare you act arrogant in front of me?" Fosha Tiansheng can restrain ghosts, but it also depends on the opponent's strength. With Zhang Tianfang's cultivation level, he is basically unbeatable against the Ghost Emperor and top-level ghost disciples. To good.

Zhang was afraid that his bragging would be ignored and asked, "How is it?"

"It's just a broken sword, so what?" As he spoke, he pointed his hand, and a bright silver sword appeared out of thin air, coming towards Zhang Wenzai at an extremely fast speed, and stopped in front of his eyes, just a few meters away from his eyes. An inch away.

Fang Jian asked Zhang Aing: "How long has he been practicing?" Zhang Aing said helplessly: "One year." Fang Jian said, "One year, then let's practice again." After saying that, he turned around and left, Zhang Aing rushed Zhang Tianfang laughed: "Did you hear that? Practice again." After saying that, he left, leaving the angry Zhang Tianfang behind, and shouted: "Shit, you are only at my level."

Zhang was afraid of following Fang Jian and wanted to ask him to go have a drink. All kinds of bad things happened all day long and he was worried endlessly, which made him very depressed. Just as he was about to speak, Fang Jian asked him: "What do you want to do in the future?"

"Still thinking about it? Just kill me. Whatever you do with love, tell Ruiyuan tomorrow. From now on, if he can't take charge of all matters concerning Tianlei Mountain, he will come to you. If it doesn't work, you have to tell him now. In case something happens tomorrow I forgot something because of the delay..." Zhang Ain turned around and went to the main hall to look for Ruiyuan.

Fang Jian smiled and said, "He is with Sima Ang. Besides, isn't there Senior Zhan?"

Zhang was afraid to stop and cursed in a low voice: "That bastard boy Jingmen ruined my business, and Zhan Yun, who doesn't care about anything, hangs around like an uncle every day, and says that I always bully him. Tell me, how can I do it?" Such a guest?"

Zhang Wen kept nagging like a frustrated little daughter-in-law. At this moment, a powerful aura flew past five thousand miles west of Tianlei Mountain. Although it was strong, it was soft and disappeared in a flash. Zhang Ping said: "It's a wonderful method." After speaking, he rose into the air and left three words: "You take care of the house." He chased the breath and left.

If it were someone else passing by the mountain, he wouldn't care at all, but Miaofa is different. The purpose of Miaofa's trip is to find Yuantong, and Yuantong will be seriously injured. Zhang is afraid that he will vent his anger on Bu Kong, so he has to chase after any clues.

The magic method did not restrain its aura, and just flew past the sky majestically, surprising many high-level monks and wondering what was going on. Zhang was afraid that the always low-key great monk was acting arrogant, so he acted arrogantly once, releasing the tyrannical aura of a top-level master, and chased after the magic method. This aroused more people's suspicion, had something happened to the north? Could there be a strange treasure appearing?

They guessed that Zhang Ai was in a hurry to pursue the magic method. Miaofa noticed that Zhang was afraid of chasing him, so he slowed down slightly and waited for him to catch up with him. Then he asked with a smile: "Why are you going?"

Zhang was afraid and said: "Look at your great monk flying around, follow him around."

The two of them were joking, taking it as a greeting, and were speechless the whole way. Seeing that he was flying close to the barbarian land, Miaofa said again: "Senior brother Xianglin sent a message saying that he saw Yuantong. If he finds anything later, I hope donor Zhang can help." Xianglin was a Buddhist monk in the barbarian land, and Miaofa had visited him before.

Zhang was afraid that he would get excited when he heard this, and he guessed it! If it was related to Yuantong, he immediately agreed and said: "I want to see how powerful this monk Yuantong is and how powerful he can be to injure the top thug of Daxiong Temple."

Miao Fa was a little helpless by his title. He shook his head slightly and accelerated forward.

The two of them were extremely fast. They traveled from the Yue Kingdom to the Song Kingdom to the Barbarian Land in less than a day and a half. This shows how crazy the two of them were. Zhang was especially afraid. He wished he could appear in front of Yuantong right away and beat him to a cripple before taking him back. Go vent your anger on Fuku.

Entering the barbaric land, patches of mountains and forests began to appear, including valleys, valleys, and high rock peaks. Finally, we came to a village with more than thirty households. The magic technique stopped suddenly without any warning, as abruptly as a shooting star from the horizon suddenly stopped in front of my eyes. Then it fell to the ground, and with a move of my hand, some transparent gas slowly floated from all directions, and landed on the monk's hand, revealing his appearance, vaguely. Transparent beads, Miaofa said: "Senior Brother Xianglin crush the Buddha's music beads here." He turned to look at a withered temple outside the village: "That's his meditation hall, you said Brother Xianglin would run there where?"

Monk Miaofa suddenly stopped. Zhang was afraid that his cultivation was not weaker than him, so he stopped easily. After listening to the monk's question, his consciousness relaxed, and there was no breath of cultivators within three thousand miles, so he asked: "Are you late?"

Miaofa said: "You go here and there. If you find anything, inform the other party immediately." He showed a communication charm in his hand: "I have this, you use the Buddha's sound beads." After saying that, he flew east.

Zhang was afraid of running away to the west, praying as he flew, making sure that he would meet the unlucky monk.

The barbarian territory is huge. I don’t know how many tens of thousands of miles I have traveled during this flight. I just didn’t find anything. I thought to myself: Could it be that I went astray? The communication charm did not sound, and the magical method was also not discovered.

He was flying around here, alarming countless Hantianmen warlocks. Everyone was trying hard to search for traces of ghost disciples. Suddenly, a master appeared in the sky. It was difficult not to pay attention. A group of experts also wanted to track him down, but before they even took off, Zhang was afraid that he had gone far away, so he had to report the news back to Hantianmen.

Zhang Ai walked around this place twice but didn't find it. After thinking about it for a while, he decided to go north instead. Just a quarter of an hour after walking out, I suddenly noticed two powerful auras fighting each other, and immediately flew with all my strength. A quarter of an hour later, across the vast grassland, there were two monks fighting in the sky, and a woman sitting on the ground.

There are two monks in the sky, one is a skinny middle-aged monk with a frown, and the other is a powerful, tall and strong monk. They should be Yuantong and Xianglin. The Buddha sound bead ball in his hand was crushed into pieces, and then flew towards the woman on the ground.

He knew this woman, Master Hantian, who had been shouting and killing her more than a year ago. Now her face was pale gold, her lips were dark purple, and her eyes were closed tightly to heal her wounds. She knew that a master was approaching, but her skills were almost useless and she was unable to resist or dodge. She could only barely open her eyes to see who it was.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he screamed inwardly, "Unlucky, why is it him?" She and Zhang were afraid that if they got a good beating and he got the chance, if they didn't add insult to injury, it would mean that this person was sick. The fact is that Zhang was afraid that he was really sick, so he said softly: "Don't think about it, I don't mean any harm to you." He raised his hand and popped out two pills, one life pill and one spiritual energy pill. He should replenish them first. It's not that he doesn't want to beat this woman, it's just that she's already injured, so there's no need to take the opportunity to bully her. And his goal is Yuantong, so we must keep him today!

No matter how powerful Master Han Tian was, she was just a woman. How could she guess so clearly that Zhang was so unpredictable that he took the elixirs in surprise, and the spiritual power contained in the two elixirs flowed out without any need to identify them. It’s a good thing to know. He stuffed it into his mouth without hesitation, no matter what his intentions were, it was important to recover from his injuries.

The two monks fighting in the sky also found Zhang Ping, but they didn't recognize him and didn't know where he came from. Monk Yuantong originally wanted to run away, but when he saw that Zhang was afraid of going towards the woman, he thought he was a slut, so he endured it and continued to fight the monk opposite. No wonder he thought so, Master Hantian was so beautiful that even the monk was tempted by it.

Another monk is Xiang Lin, who has been following Yuantong since he discovered his whereabouts. When I saw Master Yuantong and Master Hantian walking together, I was unsure about their relationship, so I didn't act rashly.

Buddhist cultivators have a natural exclusivity towards other cultivators. Except for wanderers who can get a little close to them, Buddhist cultivators are very disgusted with other cultivators who have ulterior motives. Xiang Lin was also like this. He had lived in the barbaric land for a long time and had seen many things. He thought that the warlocks were not good people. However, Master Hantian and the bad monk walked together, which made him unsure of his stance, so he had to inform Miaofa and follow him.

He gathered his energy and followed secretly along the way. Unexpectedly, he saw Yuantong suddenly kill the warlock. Only then did Xianglin realize that he had guessed wrong. A distant Buddha's roar startled Yuantong, thus saving Master Hantian's life. Then came the fight, with the two monks fighting frantically without risking their lives.

With the sudden appearance of Xiang Lin, although Master Hantian was seriously injured, it was not as serious as Fu Kong. His mind was clear, his Yuan Ying was still there, but his breath was messy, and his body's spiritual energy was exhausted. It was a great blessing among misfortunes.

Zhang Weijing did not intervene easily after he arrived. It was the first time he saw the Buddhist monk working hard, and he was extremely shocked. No wonder Bu Kong was seriously injured by a sneak attack, and no wonder Master Hantian was so virtuous by a sneak attack. It was really terrible.

Xianglin from the sky brought out two huge Buddha palms, shimmering with golden light, and slapped Yuantong with one palm. The monk had murderous intentions. On the other hand, Yuantong, despite his skinny and frowning appearance, was actually protected by a powerful magic weapon. A black raptor, completely formed by his soul, could easily block the attack of the Buddha's palm, and he didn't know where it came from. In addition to the raptors, there is also a Angry Eyebrow Vajra standing in front of him, holding a demon-subduing pestle. After resisting attacks from the Buddha's palm, he can also counterattack a few times. Because Yuantong was protected by two ** treasures, he looked relatively relaxed. He held a black iron wheel in his hand and rushed left and right to kill Xiang Lin from time to time.

The two monks are really risking their lives. One is an evil monk who is murderous and will never show mercy; the other is a good monk. Because a murderous monk appears in Buddhist practice, he wants to defend the Buddha, and he is also desperate.

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