The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 627 Reminiscing

Chapter 627 Reminiscing about the past

Zhang Tianzhuang yelled: "You bastard, you're back! I've been imprisoning me for more than twenty years..." Fang Jian grabbed his throat, smiled at Zhang Awei and said, "I'm back." Zhang Awei also said Smiling: "Back." Fang Jian nodded, took the piglet and kitten, and dragged Zhang Tian back to the house. There were only two pretty girls left in the snow-white courtyard, who were whiter than snow.

The two girls' faces were slightly pink, and Song Yunyi said softly: "I'm back." Cheng Xi'er said: "It's been a long time since I've been here." Zhang Ai was silly and happy: "I'm sorry, there are some things... Well, are you okay? ?" He thought of Tie Mou's infatuation with Yao Mei'er, shouldn't he express it too?

"It's okay, how about you?" the two women asked at the same time. Zhang Pinghanhan replied: "It's okay." This idiot was really not good at dealing with women and couldn't speak at all, so the courtyard fell into silence.

After a while, Cheng Xier said, "Go back to the room and sit down." The other two people quickly agreed and returned to Zhang Ping's room. He hadn't lived in this house for decades, but someone had always tidied it up and it was still very clean. The furniture in the house was simple, with a bed, a futon, and nothing else. After the three of them entered the room, they didn't even have a place to sit, which made them even more embarrassed. Zhang Pingzhong asked again: "Are you okay?"

The two girls burst into laughter, and Song Yunyi glanced at him and said, "You're so silly." Dafang went to sit down by the bed, and Cheng Xi'er also smiled sweetly and sat down side by side, leaving only a silly Zhang Ai and Hei Hei Si Le. He felt very happy, he couldn't help feeling happy from the bottom of his heart, and his facial muscles showed an uncontrollable smile. The corners of his eyes and mouth rose together, and there was joy and tenderness in his eyes.

He didn't know what to say, he wanted to continue this joy and sweetness. Song Yunyi and Cheng Xi'er also had a sweet look on their faces, looking at him with a smile. Suddenly Cheng Xier frowned slightly and shouted softly: "Go back."

Footsteps suddenly sounded outside the house, and dozens of girls ran swarm into the inner courtyard. As they ran, someone complained: "I told you not to get so close, but you didn't listen." "Nonsense, you can't hear it even if you are so close, but you can hear ghosts if you are far away." Ah." "Maybe they didn't say anything." "Why don't you say anything and stay in the house?" "Shut up. If you want to be punished, just ask us." "We don't want to know. "Loyalty!" "What are you doing in the house?" "Shut up!" Many girls shouted at the same time.

Zhang was afraid that he had discovered that the girls were sneaking up on him, but it was difficult to tell them, and it would be even more embarrassing to tell them. He could only let the two girls be the bad guys.

The girls ran away, and the room became silent again. Zhang Awei mustered up the courage and struggled to say: "Actually, sometimes, I miss you very much." The two girls' faces turned red again, and Cheng Xi'er said hurriedly. : "Who do you miss more?"

Zhang was afraid that he couldn't answer, so he left behind: "I'm going to find Zhang Tianfang." He rushed out of the house, leaving the two girls behind who were laughing happily. Zhang Zhi is just a blockhead, and it is not easy to say what he misses.

Zhang Tianfang was in the room and glared at Fang Jian: "Force me again? If you force me again, I will stop practicing." Fang Jian said leisurely: "You can't practice if you love it." The little pig and kitten stopped in the air and watched them arguing leisurely. At this time, Zhang Weifang arrived, and Zhang Tianzhang said happily: "When are you leaving? I'll come with you." Zhang Weifang really wanted to scare him: "You let me go just after I came back?" "Oh, then you stay for two more days. God, let’s leave the day after tomorrow.” I don’t know how he survived twenty-four years, and he obviously doesn’t want to survive anymore.

Zhang Ain glanced at him: "You haven't given birth yet? If you go out with me now, you will die." "I have a ghost knife." Zhang Tianfang said.

In the past, Zhang would have thought that the Ghost Sword was barely able to protect itself, but after three battles, the first time outside Shangji, one against six, defeated six people; the second time, the Jin family had one against seven, killing them. The two of them; fought Jin Da for the third time for nine days, and Jin Er joined the battle group, and the two sides barely managed a draw. After these three battles, he definitely knew how terrifying top-level masters were, and it was really difficult to fight against them with a ghost sword. So he said: "You have to have a baby first and then talk about it."

Looking back at Fang Jian, he had reached the peak of the first level of Nascent Soul and could break through to the advanced level at any time. He asked with a smile: "Have you eaten all the advanced pills?" Fang Jian said: "How can you? Those pills are enough for me. In the next life.”

Zhang Ain took out some food and wine: "Stop talking nonsense, let's drink."

At this time, Ruiyuan arrived with several disciples, and Zhang was afraid to leave them behind: "Let's have some food together." They said something at the wine table: "I have accepted another group of disciples, the total number is more than 1,500 "I'll stay on Tianlei Mountain and let you see me later." Ruiyuan stood up and said, "Yes." Zhang Ain smiled and said, "Don't be so reserved."

He was considering whether to take the disciples back to Tianlei Mountain. There is no end to this practice. If you keep hiding in a deserted place to practice, well, you will continue to practice until you die. What is the difference between that and already dead? With his current level of cultivation and the Heavenly Thunder Mountain Formation, who dares to stroke the tiger's beard lightly? Of course, a master like Jin Da always has to make calculations.

After thinking about it, he asked, "How about staying here?" Ruiyuan and the others hurriedly replied respectfully: "Thank you, Uncle Master, for taking care of me, for giving me pills, medicines, and all kinds of help..." Zhang Ai smiled and said, "Don't say that. It's useless to stay in the snowy fields for decades, isn't it?" Ruiyuan said: "Practice is a lonely road, how can you cultivate a great path if you can't bear the loneliness?"

This guy kept singing a high-pitched tune, Zhang was a little speechless and said directly: "Do you want to go back to Tianlei Mountain?"

When Zhang Tianfang heard this, he shouted: "Get back!" Fang Jian glared at him: "Get back to you! As promised, no ghost sword is needed. When will you be able to withstand my ten moves and when will you be able to leave the snowy field?" Zhang Tianfang is cheating. : "Old Zhang asked me to leave, you ask him to go." Zhang was afraid of kicking him away: "Stop slandering me, when did I say that?"

Ruiyuan and several junior brothers looked at each other, pondered for a moment and said: "Although I am the master, I cannot make the decision for all the junior brothers. I will reply to my uncle after I ask all the junior brothers for their opinions in the evening."

Zhang Weijing was completely speechless and said no, I just want to ask you, do you want to go back to Tianlei Mountain, and you have to hold a conference for more than 700 people? With this kind of material, if you don’t want to be the master of the door, who should?

A few people chatted for a while and then dispersed. There was another party in the evening. The girls and Zhang Wen hadn't seen each other for twenty-four years, and the disciples of Tianlei Mountain for even longer, so of course they had to join in the fun. Zhang Ai felt a little embarrassed, so he distributed a bottle of spiritual wine and some spiritual energy pills and life pills to each person. Anyway, these two pills were of no use to him, so he might as well make everyone happy.

Ruiyuan asked on the spot if he was willing to return to Tianlei Mountain, and the disciples shouted even louder. It was rare for decades to have such a wild day, and they also had fun. As for Huitian Leishan, everyone wants to show off their skills in front of others after learning their skills. With the supply of countless advanced elixirs from Zhang Wen, the lowest cultivation level of the seven hundred and seventy-three disciples is the middle level of elixir formation, and they are generally high-level monks. There are several disciples who have reached the top level of Dan Jie. Such a team can scare people to death no matter where they are. Everyone has become more powerful. Naturally, they want to seek revenge on their enemies, want to go back to worship their ancestors, and want to restore the reputation of Tianlei Mountain.

Therefore, the opinion of most disciples is to return to Tianlei Mountain.

Zhang Ai was a little hesitant at first, because the Jin Da issue had not been resolved yet, and he did not want his disciples and girls to be involved in danger, but then he thought about it, he had grown up from countless battles, well, in fact, from countless escapes Yes, everyone should be given a chance, so he asked Ruiyuan: "What do you think?"

Ruiyuan simply replied: "My thoughts are not important. I just listen to my uncle's teachings."

Zhang Awei sighed secretly, this Ruiyuan is good at everything, he is loyal, hard-working and serious, but he is a little too honest, so he wanted to talk. A group of girls ran over and said: "Go back, see the heavy snow every day, and your eyes will turn white." "Okay." Zhang Ain smiled and said, "Okay, go back and pack your things tomorrow."

Zhang Wen said it all, and the girls cheered wildly. Cheng Xier and Song Yunyi just sat not far away and watched him. No matter what decision he made, they just obeyed and accepted it without comment.

Because Zhang was afraid of coming back, and because he had to go back to Tianlei Mountain, everyone stopped practicing. They just played in the snow for a few days and ran around like crazy. It was Ruiyuan who had the sense of responsibility to ask about Tianlei Mountain's revenge. In his opinion, the disciples were considered to have learned a lot now, so they should destroy the four demon sects and go to Lu Yao Family and Mangu Jin Family to take revenge.

Zhang Wen thought about it, called everyone together again, and briefly talked about going to the Jin family to seek revenge. When he told him about killing three top-level masters, all the disciples didn't believe it at all. Only Fang Jian was smart and laughed. He said with a smile: "No wonder you felt a little different as soon as you came back. It turns out you are already a top-level master." The smile was a little lonely and a little desolate. He has always been the number one genius and has been working hard. Why can't he catch up with this silly Zhang Ai?

When Zhang Tianfang heard this, he immediately shouted: "Have you reached the top level? Have you cultivated to the top level? Get up and show me what a top-level master looks like." Song Yunyi, Cheng Xi'er and the two girls looked at each other and smiled. Awesome, in their hearts he will always be that silly boy who likes to do good things.

Zhang was afraid of hiding it, but Fang Jian guessed it, and said with a smile: "What is the top master? If you practice hard, one day like this will eventually happen." Then he continued to tell the story, talking about Jin Da's provocation at Tianlei Mountain.

After briefly describing the matter, he told the disciples: "The four sects of magic have been completely disabled. The country of Yue is now dominated by the six major sects. If you want to seek revenge, you can't find anyone. Most of them are dead. As for the medicine families of Lu, Compared to the Four Sects of Demonic Dao and the Mangu Jin Family, they don’t have much blood on their hands. I once killed some Yao Family disciples and barely got some revenge. Our biggest enemy is the Jin Family, the ten members of the Jia Hall. After killing three people, there are still seven people left, but Jin Da, the top master of the Jin family, will definitely not sit idly by, so our enemy should be the entire Jin family. After returning to Tianlei Mountain, the primary enemy is the Jin family. Everyone must do Be prepared.”

When he talks about being prepared, he is talking about being prepared to die. I hope all the disciples can understand.

Three days later, everyone packed up and prepared to set off. More than 800 people stood on the snowfield and looked back at the courtyard. There were three big characters on the lintel, Snow Mountain School. Zhang Ai smiled softly, waving his sleeves and robes, blowing up the snow in the snowfield, and then it fell again, covering the entire courtyard. From a distance, it looked like a huge snow bag, with no houses visible.

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