The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 628 Jin Da is back

Chapter 628 Jin Da Returns

Release the middle-grade flying chariot, 40 people in a chariot, and fly back into the air.

There are more people going back, so the speed is slower. They arrive at Tianlei Mountain two months later. Just after landing on the main peak, Zhang Pa simply ordered: "Disband." and walked down the mountain.

The buildings on Tianlei Mountain have been repaired several times. The first time was simply handled by Zhang Pa, the second time was built by Zhang Pa and his disciples together, the third time was done by the monks of other sects who occupied this place, and the fourth time was the joint efforts of more than a thousand people from the Black and White Wars. Therefore, most of the buildings on the main peak are complete and new, with many houses, and more than 700 disciples do not have to worry about having no place to live.

The disciples went back to their rooms. Song Yunyi and Cheng Xier were curious about Zhang Pa's going down the mountain and guessed what happened. Zhang Tianfang was even more curious. He chased him and was about to go down, but was pulled by Fang Jian: "Go back." He and Song Yunyi Cheng Xier took the maids to clean up the room.

Zhang Pa walked past the entrance archway and continued down. Many of the steps that were destroyed during the war had been replaced. Zhang Pa walked along the steps to the place where he had fought with Jin Da the last time and stopped. There stood a young man in a white robe and barefoot. Zhang Pa asked, "Alone?"

Jin Da nodded gently, "I'll take you to a place."

Zhang Pa said, "No, I just want those seven bodies." He pointed directly to the target and must kill those seven people.

Strangely, Jin Da had no expression on his face when he heard his provocative words, and said softly, "Let's go and have a look."

Zhang Pa thought about it and asked, "How many days have you been here?"

"Thirteen days." Jin Da looked up and said, "The formation is okay, it can't stop me." It means to tell you that I came a long time ago, but I didn't go up the mountain to kill people, you have to accept my favor.

Zhang Pa asked this question for exactly the same reason. He was wondering why Jin Da didn't attack the mountain? He asked, "Where to go?"

"Jin family, the Barbarian Valley Jin family, the most mysterious and powerful Jin family on the continent for thousands of years." Jin Da said lightly to praise his family, but there was no trace of joy and boasting, but a hint of sadness.

"What if I don't go?" Zhang Pa asked again.

"If you don't go, I can't do anything to you, but if you go to the Jin family again, I'm talking about killing people. As long as you hurt cousin Jia, I will definitely fight with my life and drag you to the entire Tianlei Mountain to be buried with me." Jin Da's tone was always very light, but you could always hear different flavors, such as this sentence now, you can hear the determination in it.

"You want to force me to stop? Can you do it?" Zhang Pa was crazy enough.

"Who knows if it works? I don't care, what do you think?" Jin Da's eyes swept over Zhang Pa: "The formation is mainly the Five Elements Formation, supplemented by the Eight Diagrams Mystery. There are 2,378 cultivators on the mountain. If I want to die, none of them can survive."

Zhang Pa's anger rose: "You came here just to say some nonsense? Want to threaten me?"

"You are wrong, I, Jin Da, have never threatened anyone in my life. I am telling the facts, and this fact depends on your attitude." Jin Da said in a calm voice.

Zhang Pa got even angrier: "Isn't this a threat?"

Jin Da thought seriously and said: "You are the best master I have ever seen. Do you think I would threaten a master? I only told you the facts and the abilities I have."

Zhang Pa sneered: "Okay, it's the facts, not a threat. Go back after you've finished talking. I'll come to you in a few days." He meant that the revenge of Tianlei Mountain must be avenged and he would attack the mountain gate again.

Hearing him say this, Jin Yi suddenly laughed: "You have many enemies in your life. If you want to take revenge, can you take revenge? How many people do you need to kill?" He continued with a sigh: "I have never been to Shiwan Mountain, so I don't know how powerful the mountain god and Zuo Shi are. Fortunately, you have no hatred with them, which can save me some trouble. But for others, if you want, I can help you deal with them. Qi State Longhu Mountain can help you kill King He and Lao Niu. The Warring States Yunlongmen does not have a deep hatred for you. It is up to you whether to kill them or not. Although the Yao Family and Hu Family in Lu State are not a concern, there are several masters who can help you solve them. I can also make Tianlei Mountain the number one sect in the world, provided that you are willing." "If threats fail, you are tempting again?" Zhang Pa sneered again. "This is not a temptation. With your cultivation, any of the above problems can be easily solved. I just want to help you a little." Jin Da confessed. "What do you want to do?" Zhang Pa ignored his excuses. "Come with me to the Jin family, I guarantee with my personality that I will never hurt a hair on your head." Jin Da said solemnly.

Zhang Pa pouted: "Am I afraid that you will hurt me?"

"Since you are not afraid, why not accompany me?" Jin Da pressed on step by step.

Zhang Pa snorted coldly: "Okay, wait." After saying that, he turned and went up the mountain. No matter who you are, wait a few days first.

Jin Da looked at his back and sighed softly. He had been proud of the world all his life, and had never been so wronged?

Zhang Pa walked back to the Tianlei Mountain Hall. There were two people standing in the room, Hei Yi and Zhan Yun. They came to ask about Rui Yuan. Rui Yuan was the head of Tianlei Mountain. They didn't want to be governed by this so-called head. Zhang Pa said: "Let's mark out a place, the side of Ziguang Pavilion? Or the residence of the Qi Refining disciples in the west? It's better for everyone to live together."

He didn't want to manage such trivial matters. When Hei Zhan and Bai Zhan chose their residence before, he didn't even ask a question. Anyway, there were many empty rooms on the mountain, so they could live wherever they wanted. But now it's different, the Tianlei Mountain's authentic disciples have returned, especially with the existence of a headmaster. Both publicly and privately, Zhang Pa hopes that this headmaster can hold up the front, and doesn't want to see them in conflict with Bai Zhan and Hei Zhan, so he has to think about more things.

Zhan Yun said: "Give up the Ziguang Pavilion, let's live with Li Zhan." Hei Yi also said: "Let's go and live with Li Zhan." The room with the worst environment and the most remote location on the main peak is the room of the Qi Refining Stage disciples. The two people rushed to live there so that Zhang Ain could save some troubles. He nodded and said yes, and said: "Let them quickly improve their cultivation, including fighting. I don't want my disciples to be a bunch of trash."

In order to maintain the image of the head of Ruiyuan and to keep a low profile, Zhang Ai took the initiative to move out of the Tianlei Mountain Hall and went home alone to take a look. His home was a small wooden house built under a big rock to the west of the main peak. The doors and windows were closed. Zhang was afraid that he would sit on a chair in the courtyard for a while and not go back to the house before returning to the main peak.

The girls, including Song Yunyi, had Cheng Xi'er's room near the main hall. After they had simply packed up, they went down the mountain to play. When they saw Zhang Awei coming back, Song Yunyi asked, "Is something wrong?" She asked why Zhang Awei came back. Just go down the mountain.

Zhang Ain shook his head: "Someone comes and talks nonsense to me. He will make endless troubles. I am not willing to pay attention to him." Song Yunyi stopped talking and left with the girls.

Fang Jian came to him and asked, "What are you going to do with those people under your command?" "What are you going to do with them?" Zhang was afraid that he didn't understand. I had to deal with them just because I had some of my men? Fang Jian said: "I'm talking about their relationship with Ruiyuan and other disciples of our sect. After a quick look, except for the two hundred or so mountain patrol disciples who wear ordinary rags, the others, regardless of their level of cultivation, are all dressed in extremely beautiful clothes." Good equipment, what do you think the disciples of our sect will think when they see it?"

Ordinary? The magical weapons of those patrolling disciples are also not ordinary, okay? Because the black and white battles were a collective change of clothes, more than 200 people could choose from the eliminated items. In addition, Zhang was afraid that he also had many unused magic weapons. It was a fun choice for more than 200 people. How could it be ordinary? Moreover, the equipment of the more than 700 disciples of this sect is not bad. Each of them has a God-defying snake robe and a God-defying snake sword. In other words, he has so many live snakes that are endlessly shedding their skins. No one else can buy them. Such powerful equipment.

The only difference was that the refining techniques of that batch of magic weapons were worse than now, but he didn't say anything. He looked at them and said, "It's just a missing shield."

Of course Fang Jian knew this difference, but he didn't make it clear. He said quietly: "I just want to remind you."

Zhang Ai was a little depressed: "Can you remind me of some good things?" He was thinking about when to go back to Nitian Cave again. There are seven hundred and seventy-three sets of magic weapons. Alas, even if you want to be lazy, you can't.

Fang Jian said: "There are also good things. The piglets and kittens are rebelling and occupying the hall. No one is allowed to enter."

"Is this a good thing?" Zhang Weijing became more and more speechless. He turned around and took a look at Gaogao Tianlei Palace. In such a short time, the two little guys have become the kings of the mountain? There were more than a dozen disciples of our sect standing at the door with embarrassed expressions. They just saw that they didn't care, and their emotions were blocked outside the door.

Striding into the Tianlei Hall, the pigs and kittens were marking the ground and dividing the chairs. It was very lively when you took one in your mouth and I bitten the other. Zhang Weing went over and grabbed one with each hand, put it under his ribs and came out. He said to a group of disciples of his sect, "It's okay." The group of disciples hurriedly thanked them and went into the hall to clean up.

The two little guys were very angry, so they were caught by Zhang Afraid? The two brothers were unwilling to give in and struggled to break free. But at this time, Zhang Zhi was much more powerful than before. The two little guys swayed but did not rush out. It seemed that they could not escape without using ice and fire spells.

For the next seven days, Zhang Ping was dealing with endless trivial matters. For example, Rui Yuan comes to ask for advanced elixirs, for example, the girls want to go down the mountain to play, for example, piglets and kittens fight every day, for example, the disciples of our sect do not like the third team of Hei Zhan, for example, Hei Zhan sees that Bai Zhan has better equipment than them, etc. etc.

Some things can be seen on the surface, and some things are hidden deep in the heart and are difficult to deal with. You can't punish someone just because they despise you, right? Zhang Ao called Hei Yi, Zhan Yun, Nan Yun, and Rui Yuan and asked them to manage their subordinates well. Among them, Hei Yi was the worst. He managed more than a thousand people who fought hard. He complained to Zhang Ao: "I can't kill them." ”

Zhang Ai was very irresponsible: "It's your business how you want to take care of it. I'm just telling you to take care of the people below." Zhan Yun added: "Who can take care of you two beasts?" As soon as he finished speaking, he said: Before it was closed, the piglet and kitten had arrived. The two brothers would not let go of anyone who dared to say bad things about them behind their backs, and would butt heads with each other.

Zhang Awei grabbed them both, strangled them and said, "If there is anything you need to discuss and solve, if you can't solve it, go to Fang Jian. I'm leaving." He went to find Song Yunyi, but these two little bastards only listened to Song Yunyi and Cheng Xi'er. of.

He threw the piglet and kitten to the two girls, and secretly sent a message that he was going out to do something. He hurriedly fled down the mountain to avoid being followed by the two brothers, and also to avoid being followed by Zhang Tianfang. That crazy guy kept pestering him all day long to try to get into the world with two black knives. With Zhang Wen's cultivation at this time, if he really went out to get into the world, it would probably turn the world upside down.

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