The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 626 Return to the Snow Mountain

Chapter 626 Return to the Snow Mountain

He thought about getting a few mid-grade ones for Hei Zhan and Bai Zhan. As for the powerful ones, he just grabbed a bunch of low-grade ones and divided them up. So I casually made twelve flying swords, planning to keep two as spares and distribute the rest.

Then he made swords for each of Hei Yi and Zhan Yun, which were better than the standard equipment of Hei Zhan and Bai Zhan. They were considered as extra gifts. Only then was the refining completed.

He went out to stay with Fu Ling for two days. He had three drinks every morning, lunch and dinner, and Lin Sen got drunk time and time again. After drinking on the third day, Zhang said goodbye and left, fearing that he would take back the evil snake and other monsters.

It took another three days to fly back to Tianlei Mountain. He first went to find Wang Miao and Sun Ziqi. He took out four sets of blue magic swords and blue shields and said, "These are for the children." Wang Miao said thank you, but Zhang was afraid that he would take out the fire again. Wang Miao thanked him profusely for giving him the snake whip. He also gave his grandson his black sword, and then went to look for Zhan Yun.

The guy pretended to be practicing in the house, but Zhang Wen didn't care about that, so he started shouting from a distance: "Stop pretending, come out quickly." Zhan Yun cursed: "If it weren't for the sake of that pill, I would I will definitely kill you." Zhang Ain threw a white sword at him: "It will be faster to kill you."

Zhan Yun is a top-level monk, how can he not know the goods? He grabbed the sword and beamed with joy: "Good thing, good thing, is this for me?" Zhang Ain never forgot his arduous responsibility: "What are you thinking about? I'm just lending it to you, and then return it to me after you die, ah , No need to pay it back, I’ll get it myself, you won’t know anything about it anyway.”

Zhan Yun roared: "Get out."

Zhang was afraid and put down a storage bag: "Two hundred and twenty-two Bai Zhan, there are two hundred and twenty-three sets of equipment here, including you, one set for each person, but do you still want it? Do you really Or? You don’t need it?”

"Why not?" Zhan Yun took the storage bag and shouted: "Nanyun."

Poor Nan Yun was once a master, but now he just answered the call like a waiter in a shop. He raised his hands and asked, "Why is Uncle Zhan calling for a disciple?" Zhang Ain was curious: "When did he become your uncle?" Nan Yun didn't answer yet. Zhan Yun interrupted: "It's none of your business, get out of here." He knew that no matter what he said, his life was not in danger, so he simply fought back bravely.

Zhang Ain laughed and pretended not to hear, and said to Nan Yun: "You have to thank me. I worked hard for a long time to equip each of you with a set of equipment. They are all good things. Tell me, how should you thank me?"

At this time, Zhan Yun pushed the storage bag to Nan Yun: "Take it and divide it, and give the rest to me." He was also generous and let his men pick first. According to common sense, there will be slight differences in refining anything. No matter how skilled the weapon refiner is, it is impossible to make two magic weapons exactly the same. However, Zhan Yun didn't even look at it and just let others pick it first. His magnanimity was so great. First of all, it deserves appreciation.

Nan Yun said yes and went out with the bag. He thought that it had only been more than half a year since his group had seized the body, and Zhang Awei had produced a lot of equipment in less than a year, so it would definitely not be much better. He even thought that Zhang Awei was sending them away. However, it is better to throw it away randomly than nothing. Since the seizure of the body, no one has a magic weapon.

Not long after, the Bai Zhan team members gathered together, and when they took out the magic weapon, Nanyun was stunned on the spot. He has a foundation-building cultivation level, but his knowledge is at the level of a Nascent Soul master. He can tell the quality of these things at a glance. I absolutely can’t believe that the hundreds of pieces of equipment in this bag are all top-notch magic weapons! No, it should be called a magic weapon. He touched them one by one with trembling hands, and was so excited that he couldn't speak.

When he took it out, he thought it was an ordinary item, so he poured it out casually. Little did he know that a bunch of treasures would be poured out. Liu Li and four people were standing beside them, and more than two hundred Bai Zhan were standing below. Suddenly, they saw a bunch of dazzling lights flashing, and hundreds of magic weapons were just thrown on the ground. Everyone was stunned. So many good things? These things were so good that even when I was a master of Yuanying, I had never seen them before, and I couldn't help but want to pick a few and own them.

Zhang Ai's brutal training was very effective. Of the two hundred and twenty-two people, except for Nan Yun who was holding a storage bag and touched the pile of things, the others just looked at it without saying a word.

Nanyun knew that he was a little bit out of control, mainly because it was too unexpected, and he coughed and said: "Master saw that we don't have any magic weapons, so we refined a set of magic weapons for each person. Now come forward to receive them according to the team ranking, starting from the first The team starts, the captain comes forward."

He called Zhang Ai his master because he really admired this person in his heart! They are a group of babies with more than 200 yuan. They can improve their skills by refining them. If they don't do it, let us go. They can also be used to refine weapons, but they still don't do it and let us go. Then he helped everyone seize the bodies and distributed magic weapons. Tell me, why are they so nice to us? Anyway, he has become a disciple of Zhang Ai, so there is no shame in calling him Master.

Three pieces for each person, including clothes, shields and magic swords, they received them with shock and joy. There is another person in another place who is shocked and happy, Hei Yi. He was overjoyed to get the extra refined sword. When he took the storage bag and opened it and saw more than a hundred sets of equipment, his eyes immediately widened. He had always wanted to equip the entire Black War with the best magic weapon, but it was impossible. No matter how long he worked and how many people he killed, it was impossible. But he didn't expect that it would be possible now.

He was even more excited than Nan Yun. He held the storage bag and asked tremblingly: "These, these are for us?" He really didn't want to ask this question, let alone hear the answer. He was afraid that Zhang would say no.

Zhang Ping said: "There are one hundred and thirty sets in total. You can keep the remaining nine sets. If anyone else is suitable to join Hei Zhan, you can directly make the decision." Hei Zhan includes a Nascent Soul master, twenty pill-forming monks, and one One hundred foundation-building monks were indeed not a large number, so Zhang was afraid to allow him to recruit additional people.

Hei Yi happily answered yes and ran out with the storage bag. Zhang Ai was stunned, he hasn't let you go yet, and the equipment for a thousand warriors has not been distributed yet, but seeing Hei Yi looking impatient, he smiled secretly and said: Let you be happy for a while first.

That night, most people on Tianlei Mountain were extremely happy. Except for the more than 200 mountain patrol disciples who were eliminated, the remaining disciples each had a set of equipment, and it was excellent equipment. Zhang Ai simply wanted to make everyone happy again, so everyone in the black and white wars was given a spiritual energy pill, and the mountain patrol disciples who were defeated and eliminated were each given a marrow-cutting pill. This time, happiness spread all over the mountains and plains.

They were happy, but they didn't dare to make any noise, so Wang Miao and Sun Ziqi didn't know all this. The next day, when I saw thousands of Li Zhan members dressed in uniform, I was very surprised. I ran to Zhang Afraid and asked, "You gave it all to me?"

Zhang Wen smiled and said nothing, and took out ten marrow-breaking pills and two bottles of spiritual energy pills and gave them to the two of them. Wang Miao was not polite and took it over: "You even equip all the captives you snatched. We have been friends for many years, so we can't treat me badly." He and his grandson each had a bottle of Spiritual Energy Pill, and the Marrow Cutting Pill was given to the child. We use.

Then they drank and chatted. A few days later, Wang Miao and the two of them said goodbye. Zhang Wen immediately went into seclusion after saying goodbye to the two of them. It’s not about cultivating, it’s about thinking about what to do in the future. Danger is always present in Jinda, and the first priority is to ensure the safety of Tianlei Mountain, so that it can no longer be massacred like before.

He was in seclusion for half a month, just to set up a formation. He wanted to set up another formation within the Five Elements and Bagua formation. It had no other purpose than to be strong and resist beatings, and to protect everyone in times of crisis no matter what. After repeated deliberation and testing, changes were made on the basis of the original Xuanwu Formation, and its function was thousands of times better than that of the Xuanwu Formation.

For this reason, ten main formation flags were re-refined, and the formation flags were used instead of people to form a simple ten-directional formation, and a protective array was arranged within the formation. This formation is not too big, almost the same size as the Shifang Formation, and is located on a low and gentle slope behind the main peak. It is close to the Five Elements and Bagua formation and is the lowest place in the formation.

Zhang was afraid that this formation was just for strength, so it must be grounded and closely connected with the earth. The formation method emphasizes taking advantage of the momentum. This turtle formation uses the momentum of the earth to fix the main peak through the formation, just like the Dingshan sacred pillar that penetrates from the peak to the ground, firmly fixing the entire mountain peak and becoming very strong. In this way, it is perfectly integrated with the Five Elements and Bagua array on the main peak.

After trying it several times, the newly figured out turtle formation was solid, so he called Zhan Yun and taught him all the techniques of the Five Elements Bagua formation and the turtle formation. This time, he was not angry and said cautiously: "This is owned by Tianlei Mountain. You must take good care of it as a person’s final protection.” And give him ten bottles of spiritual energy pills to prevent accidents and insufficient spiritual energy when maintaining the magic circle.

Zhan Yun was a little touched that this bastard who was always angry with him actually trusted him so much. He took the ten pill bottles and nodded and walked away. He wanted to figure out how to control the magic circle.

After doing all this, Zhang Weijing dared to leave with peace of mind. He had to go back to the snow mountain no matter what. He had been away for too long. He calculated in his mind that it had been twenty-four years. I don't know how Song Yunyi was doing.

Returning like an arrow, this is the time. From the Yue State to the Song State, we passed through barbaric lands, flew straight into the vast snowfields, and arrived at the snowy mountains fifteen days later. I don’t know when it snowed heavily, turning all the buildings on the snow-capped mountains white, making them look very holy and solemn.

Zhang Ao stood at the foot of the mountain and looked up. The snow-capped mountain is not high. To put it bluntly, it is just a big mountain. The houses on it were built by Zhang Ao and his people. At this time, the courtyard door was closed tightly, and there were more than 800 monks with varying levels of cultivation inside the courtyard meditating. Zhang Weijing was curious. Zhang Tianfang was actually meditating? This, well, is very abnormal.

Just then he thought that something was not normal, and something normal happened. The piglet and kitten rushed towards him and pushed him down in the snow. They played for a while, holding Zhang in their mouths and refusing to let him go. Zhang Ping smiled and looked at the two little guys. He hadn't seen them in decades and hadn't seen them grow up. They still had the same temperament and liked to make trouble.

One person and two beasts struggled for a while, then Zhang Ai carried the two guys up and walked to the courtyard door, paused for a moment, then gently pushed the courtyard door open, there was a creaking sound, and several voices sounded in the courtyard at the same time asking: "Who is it?" More people quickly approached the courtyard gate without making a sound. Zhang Awei chuckled: "Me." A loud voice sounded, and four people flew out of the courtyard, two men and two women. The man was Zhang Tianfang Fangjian, and the woman was Song Yunyi Cheng Xi'er. Others learned that it was Zhang Awei. After coming back, they paused for a while, and then immediately went back to their respective houses. The girls lived in the inner courtyard, and some wanted to come out to join in the fun, but were grabbed by others. There were only five people left, Zhang Ai, in such a big courtyard.

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