The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 625 Standard Equipment

Chapter 625 Standard Equipment

Fu Ling stopped, tilted his little head and looked back: "Seriously?"

"Take it seriously, absolutely take it seriously. When have I ever lied to you? And the time I went out this time was a little short. I was just busy fighting..." Zhang was afraid that before he could finish his words, a group of fat boys from Fu'er Sho'er ran over and said, "Fight? Come on, tell me? Are you being hunted again? Who did you offend this time?"

Zhang was afraid that he was a little depressed. This was the virtue he felt in the eyes of a group of fat boys. He coughed and said, "I didn't run away this time. I am the best in the world."

"Bragging!" Counting Fu Ling, none of the fifteen fat boys believed him. Zhang was afraid that he would be hurt, so he took the initiative to go to Lin Sen and said, "Drink."

After this fuss, Fu Ling's anger was finally calmed down. Everyone gathered around in a lively place, watching Zhang Awei drink and listening to his stories.

Zhang Ai came back several times to tell stories, but this time he told them the most happily. It was so hearty that he even admired himself. Am I so good? While talking, he smiled coquettishly and used all kinds of beautiful words to praise himself. In the end, he successfully deceived himself into thinking that he was the best in the world.

Lin Sen was very moved when he heard this: "Are you so powerful now?" He looked Zhang Awei up and down. He didn't look like a master. He didn't have any master's virtues. No, that's called master's demeanor.

When he was a little brat, because he caught Fu'er and got to know him, he was already cultivating his foundation at that time. He could kill him with just one finger. If it weren't for Fu Shen Snake's help, this arrogant master would have become a Bones are the right thing. Thinking of this, Lin Sen smiled. It was fun to see a peerless master slowly grow up. This master used to be stupid, well, now he doesn't seem to be very smart. He would run away from a fight, and he would always cause trouble without thinking. Such a silly boy can become a top expert.

Zhang Awei boasted: "Who am I? The best master in the world." Looking at the world, he could only speak like this in front of Lin Sen, not even Song Yunyi. He owed Lin Sen a lot, but he said that everything he got at this time was all given by Lin Sen. Lin Sen was like a father and son to him, and the relationship was closer than that between father and son.

The Fuers didn't want to hear him brag about himself, so they interrupted his complacency and urged: "Then, what next?"

Zhang Ping continued to tell the whole story, from the victory over six against six to the killing of three members of the Jin family, until Jin Dajin Er came to the door. After telling the whole story, he continued to brag about himself. Little Fatty Fu'er got up in annoyance: "I thought You can go out to play, and another Jin Da comes out. Are you not good at it? Come to us after killing Jin Da." He led a bunch of fat babies away. For them, Zhang was afraid of this. A master is not as interesting as a little pig, so Fu Ling followed him. Before leaving, he turned around and said, "Don't forget it next time."

Fortunately, there was Lin Sen, who raised his glass and said, "Have a drink, the number one master." This could barely soothe his heart that was stabbed by the dolls.

After drinking, Zhang Fei went into the Heaven-defying Cave and released monster beasts such as the God-Suppressing Snake. The rich spiritual energy here was beneficial to their growth, and then went to the Five Spirit Pond to refine weapons.

Pour out all the materials in the storage bag and sort them from best to worst into small mountains. There were so many things he wanted to refine, so he had to think carefully. Song Yunyi and Zhang Tianfang did not need any additional refining weapons, as they had already replaced them all last time. I need some clothes and a shield for emergencies. There is no need to replace other equipment unless the hundreds of little snakes are fully grown, then the skins they shed will be of great use.

He came back this time mainly to refine weapons for his men. Bai Zhan had to change his clothes. When those Yuanying masters died, only one Yuanying escaped. All the magic weapons and magic weapon storage bags were discarded and collected in the dust in the Valley of Refining Gods.

Then came the black war, and they also had to change their costumes. The two teams together need more than 300 sets of equipment, which is really, really, alas, a bit troublesome.

Magic weapons are very depressing. When your cultivation level is low, you like to choose magic weapons that are used in conjunction with magic techniques. They are powerful and can easily subdue the enemy. When your cultivation level becomes higher, this type of magic weapon will almost lose its effect. Experts prefer to use magic weapons that do not require magic control. Of course, except for magic weapons such as the measuring ruler.

The trouble Zhang is afraid of has nothing to do with what kind of magic weapon he chooses. His trouble is that he needs to temper the protective magic shield over and over again. Hei Zhan's cultivation level is not high, and due to qualification restrictions, he should not develop much. This requires extremely strong magic weapons to protect them. There are one hundred and twenty-one people in total, and one hundred and twenty-one hard shields need to be built. This kind of trouble is terrifying to think about.

But no matter how troublesome it is, you have to do it. Last time, five huge pieces of ore were dug in the Valley of the Gods. After years of waste, only two and a half stones were used. This time, two more pieces of ore were taken and thrown into the Fire Spirit Pond for extraction. He returned to Nitian Cave with two items.

Fifteen fat children were making trouble in the cave, daring to bully the God-Fighting Snake. Zhang was afraid of calling Fu Ling. Fuling pouted and said, "What are you doing?" Zhang Ping handed him the thing in his hand, which was a set of magic weapons, including a white God-Fu snakeskin robe, a white magic sword, and a black shield. When he first refined this set of things, he made a total of fifty-five sets, and Lin Sen added fourteen dolls to divide the fifteen sets. The thirty-four girls each had one set. Song Yunying, Cheng Xier, and Zhang Tianfang gradually divided into four sets, leaving one set for himself and one set left. He never understood why he had to refine an extra set, but luckily he had an extra set and could pay the order.

Fu Ling was overjoyed when he took it, but he suppressed his smile and snorted: "I thought you didn't have mine." Each of the dolls had a set, but he was the only one who didn't have one, so it was a lie to say he didn't want it. It has nothing to do with whether the thing is good or bad, but whether Zhang Ping cares about him.

Zhang Ping said: "It's always been there. I forgot it some time ago and you didn't tell me." He had indeed forgotten it. If he hadn't been rummaging through the materials, he probably wouldn't have been able to remember it.

Fu Ling said with a cold face: "Why did you say that?" He ran away with the things in his arms, but there was a smile in his eyes. The little guy is very stubborn. I want it to be my business. If you don’t give it, don’t force it. Anyway, it’s normal to grow up alone and have no one to love you.

Seeing him running away, Zhang Ain secretly said: "We must find two good monsters to come back."

Then he returned to the Wuling Pond, dug out a dark iron stone from a pile of materials, and refined it with a golden spirit to refine it into four sets of magic weapons. The blue shield and the blue magic sword were given to Wang Miao's four children. Their cultivation level is too low, and a magic weapon that is too good may cause death.

As for Wang Miao, Zhang Ain wanted to give him the fire snake whip. That thing was made from the skeleton fire snake in the ghost cave, and the handle was inlaid with the fire snake inner elixir, which was amazingly powerful when used together. Fang Jian spent some time and then concentrated on sword training. He returned the fire snake whip and just threw it in the storage bag without use.

At this time, he took out the fire snake whip, refined it again and put it away, and then used the extremely hard ore of Lian Shen Valley to refine the black sword with a handle, which was given to Sun Tzu Qi. After tinkering with what you have given to others, start playing with your own magic weapon. In the last battle with the Jin family, two protective magic weapons were exposed, and now they need to get another one. I took out the black shield that had just been refined in Tianlei Mountain and re-refined it. After strengthening it, I felt dissatisfied, so I simply re-refined it.

Two months later, the black shield and the gray robe of the Subduing God Snake were completed. Now that my cultivation level is high, I can use the same materials to make better equipment than before. After doing all this, Zhang Ain went out to find Lin Sen for a drink, teased the fat babies again, and walked into the Five Spirit Pond again. Now the main purpose of coming back this time was to refine magic weapons for his subordinates.

Thanks to his cultivation to the top level, the refining speed has been greatly improved, otherwise he doesn't know how long he would have been struggling. Two hundred years later, a shrill cry came from the Wuling Pond: "Don't do this job anymore!"

The standard equipment of the White War, the white shirt, is made from the skin of the God-Fu Shen Snake for the fourth time; the white magic sword is made from the scales of the God-Fu God Snake for the fifth time; the black shield is made from the hard black color in the God-Refining Valley. Ore refining.

The standard equipment for black warfare is a black battle robe, a black sword, and a black shield. The latter two are made from the black ore in the God Refining Valley as the main material. The battle robe is made of Fushen snake skin, sky silk, and some special minerals to make the battle robe softer and tougher. The shield has been tempered countless times, so much so that Zhang is afraid of feeling uncomfortable just looking at the shield. At the same time, each person is equipped with a small knife, which is made from the scales of the snake.

Standard equipment for fighting, gray battle robe, the second molt of the Fushen snake is refined with heavenly silk, a white sword, the scales of the Fushen snake are mixed with the black ore of the God Refining Valley, and the black shield is refined with black ore.

There was a reason why Zhang was afraid of shouting madly. Five hundred sets of white war and black war equipment were refined each, and two thousand sets of force war equipment were refined. The combined three thousand sets of equipment almost tortured him crazy. In order to ensure the quality of all magic weapons, Only fifteen sets are made in a year, especially the shield, which needs to be made again and again for fear that it will not be strong.

This refining operation used up all the ores he had taken from the God Refining Valley, and the leather armor of the God-Fighting Snake before shedding its skin four times was basically used up. However, with these equipment, Zhang Weijing directly had a terrifying army.

There was no sun or moon in the cave, and two hundred years passed by in a flash. Zhang Ain came out of the cave to meet Lin Sen for a drink. Lin Sen said, "Are you leaving? It happens every time." Zhang Ain smiled and said, "Wait until I take care of the Jin family." , take you out." Lin Sen said: "Forget it, it's safer to deal with the Jin family's other enemies."

Zhang Wen smiled and said nothing. He helped Lin Sen set the table and made up his mind to take them out.

The two of them had a drink, and Lin Sen asked him: "According to what you said, you have recruited many subordinates. Do you want to prepare some Fei'a tent houses or something?" Zhang Ping said: "I can get a few of the middle-grade Fei'a. There is no need for tents, there are plenty of them." He killed countless masters, robbed and cleaned up the rags, and there were hundreds of tents at least. Even if there were, they were of low quality and not fast enough.

Lin Sen said: "I'm going to train a few later, and why don't I bring some monsters back to protect the mountain?" He pointed at a bunch of big guys in the garden and said, a bunch of pigs and cows had their marrow cut, and then passed by various places. With the nourishment of such good things, he can easily reach the initial level of pill formation. He has nothing to do in the Five Spirits Blessed Land all day long. He just sleeps and wanders around in a daze.

Zhang Ai refused and said, "No, it's fine for them to stay here." Lin Sen didn't try to persuade him anymore. After drinking, he took some Wuxiangmu to him and went to bed. Zhang was afraid of going back to Wuling Pond to practice things.

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