The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 624 Three Teams

Chapter 624 Three Teams

Then Zhang Weifang appeared a hundred meters away, smiled at the two of them and asked, "No fight?" Then he looked at the big man Angzang and said, "Jin Er?"

Jin Er originally didn't believe that Zhang Afraid could force Jin Si to death, but after this battle, he even believed that he could force him to death if they were one-on-one. He nodded at Zhang Aaren and said nothing.

Jin Da sighed and said, "I'm old." He flicked down his white robe and asked in silence for a while, "Is there no other solution?"

Zhang was afraid and didn't speak. Jin Sidao: "You have Tianlei Mountain, and I can destroy Tianlei Mountain again, so are you going to kill me?" Zhang Fing still didn't speak. Jin Da seemed to be telling a story alone: ​​"It is better to dissolve enemies than to marry them. If you kill them, I will kill your disciples. When will this killing come to an end?" Dumb, in fact, he knew in his heart that Jin Da had no choice, otherwise he and Jin Er would definitely attack him.

For the first time since he was born, Jin Dada realized what it means to compromise. After thinking about it, he continued: "They didn't dare to lie to me. Jin San said that he had to risk his own serious injuries to break through the Tianlei Mountain protective circle, and then killed Jie Dan and others who were blocking the action. There are probably hundreds of Nascent Soul masters. More people were not killed directly, but because they couldn't find you, and because Jin San was injured, a group of people vented their anger, destroyed houses and buildings, smashed them to death, or crushed them to death. There were about more than 3,000 people. , and then left. As for the greater damage suffered by Tianlei Mountain, it was caused by the crazy pursuit of the four demon sects of the Yue Kingdom and the Yao Family of the Lu Kingdom. Their five sects killed nearly 8,000 people, and there were about 5,000 Tianlei Mountain disciples left. "

Having said this, he breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Jin Er, who had an angry expression on his face. Jin Daqing shook his head and continued: "Your main enemies are those five sects. As long as you no longer go against the Jin family, I will kill the five sects." Kill all the cultivators to vent your anger."

Zhang Ain said suddenly: "Is it time to think about whether it is better to dissolve or marry enemies?" It was a bit mocking, and he felt sad for his fellow disciples. It was a great tragedy that a dignified cultivator was killed by mud and stones, but he believed that the Jin family had this With their strength, they went crazy, and the disciples of Tianlei Mountain really couldn't escape.

Jin Daodao: "There is nothing we can do about it. People are selfish. Compared with the lives of the Jin family, I would rather sacrifice them."

Zhang Ai sneered and stopped talking, leaving Jin Da temporarily speechless. He knew his own cultivation, and originally wanted to exhaust Zhang Ai's strength and let Jin Er sneak attack him. However, his spiritual power was almost exhausted, but Zhang Ai was still so weak. The dragon and the tiger were so fierce that they had to stop attacking and discuss a solution with their enemies.

The two of them didn't speak, and Jin Er was even more speechless. For a while, the three of them fell into a strange silence. In the end, it was Jin Da who spoke first. For the sake of the entire Jin family, he was almost embarrassed. When had he ever done such a thing in his life? The tone was a little relaxed: "After nine and a half days of fighting, aren't you hungry?"

Zhang Awei shook his head and asked: "After resting for a while, have you recovered?"

Jin Da knew that his every move was under the control of the other party, so Da Fangfang used the opportunity of speaking to regain his strength, shook his head and said: "Even if I fully recover, I don't want to fight you."

Zhang Ping said: "Then you go." With Jin Er present, it was impossible for him to kill Jin Da quickly, so he let him go quickly.

Jin refused to give up: "You want to go again?"

Zhang was afraid to answer in the affirmative: "Those seven people will die." He had already endured his hatred for the four demon sects and the Lu Yao family. If he let the Jin family, the culprit, go, he really didn't know if he would have the face to see them when he died. He's in charge very well.

Jin Da nodded lightly when he heard the words: "Then I'll go back and wait for you, but you have to remember, forget about the three people who died. If you kill any one of the other seven people, I will slaughter Tianlei Mountain with my own blood."

Zhang Ai smiled slightly: "There is no one on the mountain, who are you going to kill? Those piles of foundation-building disciples? They are the coolies I captured from the barbaric land. If you want to kill them, you can go now. I won't stop you. As for the top-level master ? You see, his right hand was blown off by me."

Jin Da knew that it would be useless to continue talking, so he turned around and walked away. His bare feet stepped on the sand and gravel, as light as stepping on a blanket, and his white clothes slowly floated into the distance and disappeared. Jin Er glared at Zhang Afraid and followed him away, and the battle ended again.

Until they were completely gone, Zhang Ai still stood still. At this time, everyone on the mountain dared to go down the mountain. Heiyi, Nanyun and others ran over and asked: "Are you injured?"

Zhang was afraid of being hurt, so he shook his head and said, "It's okay."

He was thinking about something just now. He originally thought of going to the snow to pick up Song Yunyi and more than 700 Tianleishan disciples. With the addition of Black War, White War and more than a thousand coolies, it would be considered a strong sect. But what Jin Da said before leaving made him hesitate. It seemed that if he didn't kill Jin Da Jin Er, the disciples of Tianlei Mountain would be really in danger.

He called everyone: "Go back."

After returning to the mountain, he first rested for a few days, and then renamed the coolie team Li Zhan according to the name Black War. So far, he had three direct teams, Black War, White War, and Li Zhan. The number of people is 121, 222, and 1,000 respectively. As for the more than 200 coolies, they can only do real coolies. Without qualifications, it is unlikely that they will be able to practice. There was room for improvement, so they were directly transformed into a convoy, patrolling along Tianlei Mountain all day long, and firing arrows or signaling symbols to warn of any situation.

No one in Black Zhan or Bai Zhan was eliminated because they were the remaining qualified players after the elimination, especially the 222 members of Bai Zhan. Zhang Wen was confident that everyone could be rebuilt into a Nascent Soul master.

Li Zhan continues to be trained by Hei Zhan, and they will only be allowed to practice the exercises when they are trained to behave consistently.

Bai Zhan is not idle either. Zhang is afraid of torturing these thorny gangsters all day long to make them be honest and obedient. Zhan Yun has seen them for a few days. He is afraid that Bai Zhan is a bastard and does not respect the masters.

Zhang was very innocent: "What did I do to me? I just made them obey my orders."

Zhan Yun continued to scold: "You trained them to become zombies, and you practiced nonsense."

Zhang Ping pointed at him and said, "You said dirty words again."

Although Zhan Yun is not satisfied and Team Bai is not satisfied either, Zhang is afraid that no matter what, any of these guys can live for seven or eight hundred years at least. They are very individual and very smart. We must smooth them down and make them obedient. Just fine.

Because they had the blood oath in hand, Bai Zhan's team members cooperated with him very much. After more than ten days of pain, Zhang was happy to call Zhan Yun: "Didn't you say that I tortured them? From now on, it is your responsibility." After clapped his hands, Zhan Yun walked away by himself regardless of whether he wanted to or not. He hummed a strange voice and angrily said to Zhan Yun: "It's so easy to have nothing to do."

Zhan Yun was very depressed and blamed himself: Can't you just stay alone? He had to imitate others and chased and killed Zhang Awei, but he failed to kill him. Instead, he turned himself into a servant of others. Not only did he cut off his hand, he was often offended, and he yelled in anger: "Just wait!"

Zhang Ai pretended not to hear, hummed a tune and walked away. At this time, he has his own foundation. Others dare not say that Hei Yi and more than 200 Bai Zhan will definitely be loyal to him. Life is at risk if he is not loyal. Therefore, he has to buy and buy equipment for these guys. , being in rags is definitely not enough, and even if you don’t mention the person who humiliated you, you won’t be able to use your strength in a fight.

Enter the main hall of Tianlei Mountain, close the door and start refining the weapon. There used to be an Alchemy Room and a Cauldron Room in Tianlei Mountain, but unfortunately it was destroyed, so he could only make do here.

Take out the fine stove, which is the size of a wine jar, place it securely, and light the fire to refine the weapon. First, get yourself a big shield. The last one was destroyed when he fought against the Jin family. Ordinarily, with his current level of cultivation, he no longer needs this thing, but he had to get one for fun.

The essence furnace is no better than the fire spirit pool, and it takes more than a month to refine a shield. During this period, Wang Miao and his grandson came several times. Seeing that he was refining weapons, they were too embarrassed to disturb him, so they went back to their rooms to practice separately.

After the shield was refined, Zhang Wen thought it was a waste of time, so he put away the fine furnace and went to find Wang Miao. Wang Miao and Wang Miao were meditating. The mountain was thousands of feet high and there was no one they knew, so they could only meditate and practice. Seeing that Zhang was afraid of coming to look for him, he hurriedly got up to pay his respects. Zhang Fing said: "I have been neglecting you two Taoist friends these days, but I have to be neglected for a few more days. You two will stay here first, and I will go out to do some errands. It may take three months at a time, or I will be back in more than a month at a time." ”

When Wang Miao heard this, he replied: "Brother, I'm busy with something, so I can't disturb you, so I'll take my leave." Anyone else would have said this. The other party was a top-level monk. Who hasn't paid attention to it yet?

Zhang Ping smiled and said, "You just stay here if I tell you to. You are not allowed to leave until I come back." After saying this, he flew north and returned to the Five Spirits Blessed Land.

His silent departure made Zhan Yun, who was meditating, even more angry. What did this bastard think of me? You didn't even tell me when you were leaving? After all, he is a top-level monk, so you should show some respect.

Zhang Ai spread his wings and flew directly to the Five Spirits Blessed Land. With his cultivation at this time, he no longer had to be careful to hide. He arrived at the boundless grassland three days later. After landing, he scanned the area with his spiritual consciousness and activated his magic to enter the Five Spirits Blessed Land.

Seeing him coming back, Lin Sen smiled and said, "You've been coming back a lot recently, and you want to refine weapons again?" Then he looked carefully at Xing Xing, and guessed, "You seem to have become stronger again."

Zhang Ping smiled and said, "A little bit stronger."

After getting along day and night, the relationship between Fu Ling, Fu'er and others was getting better and better. At this time, they were running towards him. Zhang Awei picked him up and said with a smile: "I'm fat again." Fu Ling was unhappy: "You It's so fat." He broke away from Zhang Wei's hands and stretched his fleshy hand forward: "Bring it here."

Zhang was afraid that when he saw it, it was broken and he had forgotten about it. He didn't expect that he would be back after only going out for a few days. He scratched his head and said, "This, this..." He didn't do what he promised. This was the first time for him, and he didn't know how to explain it.

"Humph, big bad guy!" Fu Ling ran away angrily. Looking at Zhang Wen's expression, he knew he didn't come back with the monster eggs, and the little guy felt very depressed. He thought he was the closest to Zhang Ai, the closest person in the world, but the person he was closest to left him to someone else, and failed to do what he promised, and the little guy was heartbroken.

Zhang Awei hurriedly chased after him and said, "Actually, I haven't forgotten. I bought a big lion. Boss, boss, come to me." He gestured to his ribs and continued: "But that guy didn't obey, so I bled him twice. , it didn’t obey, so I had to send it away and fly all the way to Monster Mountain. Do you think it was easy for me? I did nothing but wasted time. "

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