The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 613 Jin Da

Chapter 613 Jin Da

It was precisely because of their stunned look that Zhang was afraid of escaping safely. After they came to their senses, Zhang was afraid that all the energy had disappeared.

Jin San is going crazy! If he hadn't been accidentally tricked, Jin Si wouldn't have rushed over to die, and wouldn't he have self-destructed? He looked up to the sky and screamed loudly, his eyes seemed to be bleeding from tears, but his body was really bloody, his hands were not working, his clothes were in tatters, there were wounds one after another, and his kind face now turned into a ferocious and terrifying one. .

He raised his head and roared, and found Shura hiding dozens of miles away watching the excitement. He became angry and threw the crescent knife directly at Shura regardless of his injuries.

Following them were the other four members of the Jin family, all of whom had blood-red eyes and were extremely violent. Their only goal was to kill Shura. Don't you want to kill Jin Si to vent your hatred? Aren't you going to fight to the death? We will let you go to the underworld to look for Jin Si. You go and accompany him.

The only audience in that battle just now was Shura, and even with his high level of cultivation, he was dumbfounded. I believe that anyone in the world would be dumbfounded if he saw this fight. Of course, the premise is that he has the strength to see every move clearly.

Shura just watched stupidly, starting from Jin San, Jin Si and Zhang Ai trying their best to watch, and then the talisman exploded, but the explosion of the talisman had not stopped, the whole battle was over, two people from the Jin family died, one of them was luckier, You Yuan The baby can survive. The other one, Jin Si, the main thug of the Jin family, the dignified Jin Si who he wanted to kill but couldn't, actually blew himself up and died.

It’s so unexpected. What kind of strength does Zhang Ai have? A master of one fight against seven managed to escape safely after killing two of them, while the remaining five opponents were all injured!

Just as he was sighing, Jin San rushed towards him with a murderous look on his face. Shura understood that he was taking out his anger on him, so he turned around and ran away without saying a word. It was a joke. It was only at this time that a fool and an idiot were fighting with the Jin family.

Their cultivation levels were almost the same, and they were dozens of miles apart. When Shura saw the opportunity, he ran away quickly, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. Jin San chased for a while, then suddenly stopped and said softly: "I won't chase anymore."

It was only then that the explosion of spells gradually stopped. The smoke slowly dissipated, the light disappeared, and the world returned to a pure world. The fighting and killing just now seemed as if it had never existed.

After a while, Jin San and others came back, landed on the ground and searched carefully. Except for a storage bag and a golden sword, Jin Si didn't leave anything behind. His bones, flesh, flesh, and Nascent Soul were all shattered into nothingness.

Jin Sanku stood for a long time, then suddenly looked up to the sky and roared: "Zhang Ping, I must kill you!" The voice was sad and sad, but full of resentment. It spread far away and startled countless birds and beasts.

The five members of the Jin family all had sad faces as they slowly walked into Man Valley. As soon as they entered the valley, they saw the two Jia Tang masters who were left to take care of Jin Wu looking at them with sad faces. No need to ask, Jin Wu is also dead.

In this battle, Jin Si, Jin Wu and Jin Jiu, a master of Jiatang, died in the battle. Among them, the Nascent Souls of Jin Wu and Jin Jiu are still there, but the bones of Jin Si are gone.

Two monks in the valley whispered: "Fourth brother has gone too?" It seemed like he was saying it, but also like he was asking. In fact, he already knew the ending in his heart, but he couldn't believe it, so he had to ask one more question.

Although they were taking care of Jin Wu in the valley and didn't know what was going on outside, the deacons from the inner hall came to deliver reports and information. Three people died, and three natal trees withered instantly. It doesn't matter if it is someone else's tree, but these three natal trees belong to the masters of Jiatang. God allows their talents to be unfavorable. What kind of opponent will they encounter that will kill three people in one day?

The Deacon Hall is responsible for miscellaneous matters, such as taking care of spiritual stones, medicinal materials, and natal trees. The disciples in the hall are very popular in the valley, and most of them are related to certain powerful people. These people are well-informed and talkative, and sometimes they will leak certain information. But this time no one dared to say anything. Everyone stared at the three withered trees with pale faces. No one dared to report the news. Everyone was scared to death. Three people died in Jiatang at the same time? Even if he was beaten to death, he couldn't believe it. In the end, the deputy hall leader fought to the death to avenge him.

There are twelve masters of the Jia Hall, and Jin Dajin and the other two ignore common things, which means there are still ten people left. In the fight just now, eight people went out first, one died and seven came back. Then Jin San and Jin Ba rushed over and gathered ten masters. Jin San and Jin Si went out to fight, and five masters followed. There were only two people left in the entire Jiatang in the valley.

When the deputy hall master of the Deacon Hall reported the news, the two first-class masters in the valley didn't believe it at all. How could it be possible? Two people, three and four, joined forces, and there were five masters watching. Not only could they not kill the enemy, but two of them were killed? What is the logic. But looking at the frightened look on the deputy hall master's face, who would dare to lie about such a big matter?

At this moment Jin Wu died and Nascent Soul floated out of the body. The two Jiatang monks couldn't stay still any longer and wanted to go out to see the situation. They happened to be across from Jin San and others, so they asked more questions with a sense of luck.

Jin San had injuries on his face, his hair was messy, and he was wearing tattered clothes. He looked as embarrassed as possible. Mumu looked at the two of them and nodded gently, then walked around them and walked away. My mind is filled with what just happened, what on earth is going on? Why did it get to this point today?

In total, a total of eight Jiatang masters were dispatched, but they resulted in three deaths and five injuries, and the opponent was only one person. With such strength, even Jin Da could not do it.

He stayed in the valley for a quarter of an hour, cleaned his face, changed his clothes, and simply treated his wounds. Then he left the valley and continued walking northward. Under his feet was a hill of unknown length, stretching into the distance. Jin San moved forward quickly on the hill. After four hours, he reached the end, the hill disappeared, and the flat land returned. After walking another hundred miles, a small lake appeared, about a kilometer square, with two simple wooden houses on the left and right of the lake.

Jin San walked to the wooden house on the left, stopped when he was a kilometer away, bowed deeply to the wooden house, and said nothing. After a while, a voice came from the wooden house, soft and pleasant, very pleasant to the ear: "Speak."

Jin San couldn't stand up, bowed his head and said: "Jin Si is dead."

After saying this, a tall and strong man flew out of the wooden house on the right, appeared in front of Jin San and asked coldly: "What did you say?"

Before Jin San answered, the soft voice in the wooden house on the left sounded again: "Are you deaf?"

The strong man ignored the voice in the wooden house on the left and asked Jin San: "What's going on?"

Jin San honestly told how he had an enemy with Zhang Pa and the years of grievances. When he said that Jin Si's self-explosion did not leave his opponent behind, and two people on his side died, the strong man said angrily: "A bunch of trash!"

At this time, the door of the wooden house on the left was gently pushed open, and a barefoot young man in a white robe walked out. He looked young and his expression was more gentle than Jin San. He slowly walked to Jin San and said: "Go back." Walk towards the entrance of the Savage Valley.

When he spoke, Jin San and the strong man did not dare to disobey, and followed the barefoot young man and walked back slowly. It's just that the young man walked very slowly, just like an ordinary person.

These two people are the top masters among the top masters of the Jin family, Jin Da and Jin Er, let's not talk about what they will do for now, let's talk about Zhang Pa, first he was injured repeatedly in the fierce fight, and then he was injured by Jin Si's self-explosion. Bing Jing and Tiger's Jindan Yuanshen tried their best but couldn't block the explosion. In this case, it's normal to get injured. As long as you don't die, it's good luck.

Escape underground and take spiritual energy pills and life pills to charge up, and then run again until it's safe to stop. At this time, he is most concerned about Bing Jing and Jindan Yuanshen, especially Bing Jing, who can't be injured again. After a detailed examination, he breathed a sigh of relief. There was no problem with Bing Jing and Jindan Yuanshen, but the spiritual power was empty, so he was at ease to practice and recuperate.

The injury this time was not serious, and it was intact after two months. Bing Jing and Jindan Yuanshen had divine tears to replenish spiritual power, so of course there was nothing wrong. Zhang Pa gave the two guys a detailed examination, and after confirming that they were intact, he returned to the ground.

This place is the territory of the barbarians. He wanted to go back and continue to embarrass the Jin family, but when he thought about it, he hadn't seen Song Yunyi for many years. He remembered the story of Song Zhi and Lu Wan, and Tiemou's unrequited love for Yao Meier. Others were loyal and righteous, and he should go back to see Yunyi.

Since he was going back, he should buy some things to bring back. The snowfield was icy and there was nothing.

When he got out of the ground and looked north, there was a village ten miles away, and a city thirty miles north.

He took out an ordinary green shirt from the storage bag and put it on, and flew into the city. His Fu Shen Snake robe and hard black shield were all destroyed, and he needed to refine another set in the future.

The cities in the north are different from the cities of the Han people. Most of them are built with a circle of high walls made of loess. The city is not as prosperous as the Han city, and there are fewer people, but it is a city after all, and there are always people from all over the world coming here to buy and sell things.

Zhang was afraid of being left behind outside the city, so he went to the restaurant to sit for a while after entering the city. He needed to rest after running around all day. After dinner, he went to the market and bought more than a dozen carts of goods, and then went to the next city to continue shopping.

The Northland is not like the Han cities. Except for meat, there are not many commodities, especially salt and rice. If he buys a lot of things in one city for the sake of saving trouble, the unlucky ones will be the people in the city. They will either not be able to buy anything, or the things they buy will be more expensive. For the sake of the people, he can't waste in one place.

It took more than ten days to walk through more than a dozen cities in the Northland and buy as many goods as a mountain. This day, when he came out of the last city and was thinking about returning to Feixueyuan, he suddenly found a team coming from outside the city. There were monks, sorcerers, and some ordinary people. He was curious. Sorcerers and monks have always been at odds. How could they get together? He scanned with his spiritual sense and couldn't help but get furious.

He hadn't seen the situation of arresting people for a long time, and he didn't expect to see it again in the barbarian land.

There were more than a dozen carts in total, most of which were filled with live pigs, cows, fish and other living creatures that could not be stored in the storage bags, probably for meat. There were four other carts with people imprisoned, some of them were young girls, including a few female monks, but their cultivation was not high. The two sorcerers and eight monks were pressing the carts, and the more than a dozen Qi Refining disciples were driving the carts.

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