The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 612 Jin Si Explodes

Chapter 612 Jin Si Self-explosion

So the unlucky Jin San was stabbed by the bone spur, and when he wanted to withdraw his hand, Zhang Pa leaned back again and bullied him, and more bone spurs stabbed at him at the same time.

Jin San was so angry. The kinder people are, the more proud they are. When has he ever suffered such a loss in his life? All his strength gathered in his hands, and he wanted to break the bone spur. But the bone spur actually moved, it was alive, and it bent and buckled, locking his hands, and then more bone spurs stabbed into his body.

All these actions were completed in an instant, in a flash, and the speed was unimaginable. When the rest of the Jin family rushed over, Jin San had already started bleeding. What does it matter if you have a top-level cultivation? As long as the knife is fast enough, you will bleed if you are cut.

When Zhang Pa was bullying, the Fushen Sword automatically flew back, along with Jin Si and six other people. Each of them stabbed at his vitals with a golden sword. Zhang Pa didn't want to hide and wanted to take the opportunity to kill Jin San, but the opponent was a top-level master, and he came with great momentum. The six swords stabbed with a kind of earth-shattering momentum. Zhang Pa had to retract the bone spurs and sink his body to temporarily avoid the attack. But he didn't let Jin San have it too easy. The moment he retracted the bone spurs, he threw ten talismans.

These ten talismans exploded as soon as they left his hands under his control. Zhang Pa was protected by ice crystals and Fushen robes, and his own protective wall became extremely strong. Layers of protection reduced the damage to a minimum. But Jin San and the six brothers of the Jin family who rushed over all became live targets of the talisman explosion. Thunderbolts shook the sky, and thousands of psychedelic lights appeared. When the explosion stopped, it was found that there was no one left, and everyone was missing.

Everyone was injured in the explosion. Ten seven-star talismans had the power to explode a small mountain. Even if the seven masters were powerful, they were caught in Zhang Pa's trap because they were too hasty to prepare. Among them, Jin San was the most unlucky. The white jade bone spur was tough and difficult to get rid of. Just when he tried his best, the bone spur was gone. Before Jin San understood what was going on, the talisman exploded and he was blown to pieces. Although he didn't die or get seriously injured, he was bleeding for sure. There were several cuts on his face and body, and his clothes were torn.

The other six masters were willing to come and get bombed. Zhang Pa's talisman left his hand, but he stayed not far below the talisman. Because the time was too short, the six masters were worried that Zhang Pa would harm Jin San, so they risked being injured and resisted the explosion to rescue Jin San. Because they were on guard, they concentrated their whole body's magic power to protect the vital parts. As for other parts, it didn't matter if they got injured.

The explosion just started, Jin Si had already rushed to Jin San, grabbed him and took him out. Jin San wanted to say I'm fine, but before he could say it, someone beside him suddenly shouted and rushed up.

Jin San knew something was wrong, and Jin Si also felt something was wrong at this time. He pushed Jin San away with all his strength, locked his consciousness on Zhang Pa, and found that he was behind him. He hurriedly used his strength on his back, and at the same time condensed several protective shields, and rushed forward to avoid it.

But no matter how fast he was, he couldn't be faster than Zhang Pa. First, he was stronger than them, and second, he came prepared. He calculated everything clearly, and all the actions were closely connected. This is why he had to stay under the talisman even if he was injured. If it weren't for his high cultivation, it would be suicide to a certain extent, and he would die together with the enemy.

After he threw out the spell, he sank down, only two meters below, and didn't dare to go too far, fearing that the Jin family would not be fooled. When the explosion started, once the biggest wave of power had passed, he rushed into the explosion, holding a shield in one hand and holding the flying Fushen Sword in the other, stabbing into the Jin brothers like a ghost, and then stabbing the Fushen Sword with all his strength. His target was Jin Si, but someone blocked the way, and he didn't care who it was, and stabbed him in the chest with a sword. The man immediately followed Jin Wu's footsteps, his heart shattered directly, and he fled in a hurry with his tyrannical strength.

Hearing the screams of his fellow disciples, Jin Si realized the danger, and after Zhang Pa killed this man, his figure did not stop and continued to get close to Jin Si, and the Fushen Sword gently broke through the layers of magic shields protecting Jin Si and came out from the front of his chest.

Jin Si felt a chill in his chest and immediately knew it was over. He hated Zhang Pa so much that he refused to die like this. He even gave up his Nascent Soul. He pinched his hands together and made a spell. The essence of his body reversed and gathered in the Nascent Soul in an instant. After being stabbed by Zhang Pa, he held the Fushen Sword with both hands and refused to let go, wanting to drag Zhang Pa to die with him.

Jin Si reversed his internal breath and gathered all his strength in the Nascent Soul, producing strong fluctuations. Zhang Pa immediately sensed it and knew that Jin Si wanted to fight to the death. He didn't want to die with him. Now he was very powerful, and the Fushen Sword was also a rare treasure. The sword and the man became one, and it was unimaginable. The spiritual power filled the Fushen Sword. With a slight shake and turn of his wrist, all the fingers of Jin Si's hands were broken from the root of the fingers. Zhang Pa drew his sword and retreated quickly.

But behind him was Jin San, who had the highest cultivation among the seven people in the Jin family. After being pushed out by Jin Si, he immediately felt that Jin Si's spiritual power fluctuated violently and his internal breath was disordered. He knew that things were going to be bad, and the whole person suddenly recoiled and rushed back into the explosion.

The speed of the fight was so fast that they could not even blink their eyes. The ten spells were still exploding, and Zhang Pa had already stabbed two people. When Jin San rushed in, he used a magic shield to protect himself. A thin and transparent crescent knife appeared in his hand. After locking Zhang Pa with his soul, the crescent knife slashed at his throat.

It was not only Jin San who locked Zhang Pa with his soul. Each of the Jin brothers locked him tightly. However, it was precisely because they locked him that they knew they were close to Jin San that they rushed to rescue him and fell into the trap. At this time, they found something wrong, and the other four masters chased Zhang Pa with red eyes.

At this time, Zhang Aigan had just cut off Jin Si's hands, pulled out the Fushen Sword and was about to retreat, when four golden swords appeared out of thin air with four points of golden light, and stabbed heavily at four vital points on his chest, back and back. Zhang was afraid of being struck by lightning. To be honest, it was more terrifying than being struck by lightning. His whole body was pierced by the four swords, and a ball of dazzling light erupted. If he was not still in the explosion of the spell, the ball of light would definitely be frightening.

One of the four swords was blocked by a black shield, creating a flash of lightning. The shield shattered, and the opponent's golden sword also broke, blocking the attack. The other three swords completely penetrated Zhang Ao's body, five layers of five-element protective magic shield, a layer of protective air shield, the tempered God-subduing robe, and a thin ice wall condensed from the strongest and strongest ice crystals, layers of shields Almost shattered at the same time, the three swords stabbed into the ribs, lungs, and middle of the back.

Zhang Wei completely subconsciously protected his chest with a shield to block the most critical sword, thus saving his life.

All three swords pierced Zhang Wei's body and came out through his body. Zhang Wei reacted quickly, and at the moment when the four swords were about to hit his body, white jade bone spurs surged out, turning him into a white hedgehog. So while the four of them stabbed Zhang Awei, they were immediately stabbed by white jade bone spurs. The problem is that the bone spurs are not only sharp, but also numerous, and some of them pierce their chests.

Cultivators are very powerful and can withstand all kinds of explosions, but there are two places that can never be refined, one is the soul in the mind, and the other is the heart. As long as one of these two places is destroyed, the person will definitely die. When the four Jin family masters saw the bone spurs coming, they quickly retreated and escaped faster than the bone spurs came, leaving only many wounds on their bodies.

They couldn't figure out what this unfortunate bone spur was made of? Why can't all the layers of magic shields stop me?

They stepped back and withdrew the golden sword from Zhang Ao's body. Six blood holes in front and behind him opened at the same time, spurting blood outward. It was really spurting out blood. I don’t know how many meridians were cut off, and the blood flowed like a stream without stopping. Then Jin San's crescent knife arrived and slashed towards his neck.

At the critical moment, the Fu Shen Sword took the initiative to fly up again and blocked the Crescent Saber for a moment, but he did not have much strength. How could he compete with Jin San with only a trace of his soul? All the Fu Shen Sword could do was resist the Crescent Saber for a small amount of time. Down.

Fortunately, it resisted for a moment, and Zhang Wen quickly summoned the big black knife like a door panel, and stood it directly in front of him. He hid behind the knife, and the crescent knife scratched on the hard iron knife, and he scurried away in the same way. There was lightning, but the hard iron sword was fine. Zhang was afraid of escaping the most dangerous attack.

He knew he couldn't fight anymore, and if he did, he would explain himself here. The man flew towards Fushenjian, preparing to call him back and flee far away. And at the moment when he wanted to fly away, Jin Si self-destructed. In the huge explosion of ten spells, Jin Si self-destructed, and all his power was directed at Zhang Awei. Even if he died, he would drag Zhang Awei to die with him. , the remaining trace of consciousness locked Zhang Afraid, and a lifetime of cultivation was sent out at once, blasting towards Zhang Afraid.

Just as Zhang Aing was about to chase the Divine Sword, a huge force hit him crazily. As long as it hit him, he would definitely be seriously injured even if he didn't die. The rest of the outcome would be to be dismembered by the Jin family.

Fortunately, he flew forward with the hard iron knife trailing behind him, blocking part of the self-destruction power. At the same time, the golden elixir soul and ice crystals in his body sensed danger. The golden elixir transformed into a tiger again, and the power of the soul protected important parts of the body. The ice crystal relies on its instinct to condense thin ice one after another. It can only use this to protect Zhang Wei.

With the protection of these two divine objects, Jin Si could only die with hatred. The powerful explosive force first shook off the hard iron knife and tore into pieces the entire Fu Shen robe, and then began to break the ice, breaking through layers of thin ice one after another. When the ice crystals could no longer condense into thin ice, they blasted towards Zhang Ai. The body, at this time, most of its power was consumed, and the tiger's powerful soul continued to resist the powerful force of the consumption explosion. When the force finally exploded to Zhang Ai's physical body, the power was almost exhausted.

His explosion was more like a farewell to Zhang Ao. Zhang Ao used this power to quickly move forward to call back the Fu Shen Sword. After putting it away with the hard iron sword, he vomited out a huge mouthful of blood and then burrowed into the ground. Run away.

At this time, the spell explosion is not over yet, but the battle is over. This is a battle between masters, the competition is who is faster.

The four masters of the Jin family were forced to leave by bone spurs, but their consciousness was firmly locked on Zhang Awei, and they were very familiar with the fight in the field. They knew that Jin's three-month fang knife was slashing at Zhang Awei's throat. They went to take care of Jin Si, while the other three continued to chase Zhang Ai. But at this moment, Jin Si blew himself up. Even Jin San, the remaining five masters in the field were all dumbfounded. They never imagined that the cold and stoic Jin Si would choose such a way to die.

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