The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 614: Chance of Survival

Chapter 614: Chance of Survival

Withdrawing his consciousness, Zhang Ain smiled coldly. He wanted to die. Among the arrested female monks, he happened to know who one was. She was the one who married into the Song family of the Wuliang sect and married the eldest brother, but had a child with the second brother. The woman Lu Wan. She thought to herself, "This woman has had an exciting life, she has experienced everything."

Although the eight cultivators and two warlocks who pressed the car could not find out their cultivation level, what cultivation level was Zhang afraid of? After a brief glance, I knew that the two of them were at the top level of the foundation building stage. One of the six monks is at the beginning of Dan Formation, and the remaining five are at the top level of Foundation Establishment. Moreover, the aura of the pill-forming monk gave him a familiar feeling, as if he had seen such a person before. After thinking for a moment, I remembered that the ghost disciples of the Holy Kingdom, those demon cultivators who captured people alive for cultivation, had this kind of aura.

Zhang Wen's face darkened and he concluded that this man would definitely die. After a few steps, he walked to the middle of the road, turned around and said, "Don't leave."

The carriage did not stop. A foundation-building monk checked Zhang Ain's inner aura and found no spiritual energy fluctuations. He thought he was an ordinary person and whipped him with a whip, shouting: "Get out."

Zhang Awei took out a black folding fan and pointed it at the whip. With a snap, the entire whip broke from the tip to the handle and scattered on the ground. The hand of the monk holding the whip was also shattered, with blood flowing out, revealing the white bones.

At this time, all the cultivators knew that the other party was a master. The alchemy cultivator walked to the front of the convoy and clasped his fists at Zhang Awei: "I dare to ask any master to block my way. If there is any offense, please make it clear. I will definitely make a decision for you." Satisfactory compensation.”

Zhang Awei said expressionlessly: "You didn't offend me."

The alchemy cultivator raised his eyebrows: "Then what are you doing?"

The monk's eyes were red, which was the symptom of a ghost disciple practicing with a living person. Zhang Ao stared at his eyes and asked: "How many people have been killed?" His voice was very light and floating, as if he was not talking to him.

The alchemy monk was stunned: "Senior, why are you asking this?" He realized something was wrong and immediately changed his name to Zhang Ai.

Zhang Awei asked again: "How many people have you killed? In other words, how many innocent people have you killed just for your practice?"

The Danjie monk's face suddenly changed and he looked at Zhang Afraid in fear. How did he know the secret of my cultivation technique? He said in a stiff voice: "I'm sorry for being blunt, but I don't understand what the senior said."

Zhang Awei nodded: "You don't know, okay." Suddenly he floated forward like a ghost, grabbed a foundation-building monk and floated back to where he was, asking the monk: "Where are you going?"

The monk had always been cautious and fearful, but he didn't expect that no matter how careful he was, it would be useless. In front of him, he felt as powerless as a young child, and he screamed: "Senior, spare your life."

As soon as he made a move, even the monks and warlocks gathered around him. Only the Qi Refining Stage disciple who was driving the carriage hid far away.

Zhang was afraid that he would just treat them as dead people, so he asked the monk in his hand: "Listen carefully, don't talk nonsense, I will only ask once, where is your sect's headquarters?"

The monk was nervous and scared. He turned around and looked back. Most of the masters in the sect were cruel and cold-blooded. It didn't matter what he said. What mattered was whether the masters in the sect would let him go.

Zhang was afraid that he would not speak, so he smiled softly, threw him away, and grabbed another foundation-building monk. There were a total of eight people on the other side. One person was lost and another person was caught. There were still six people left, one of whom had an arm injury. They surrounded Zhang Awei, hoping to take advantage of the chance and try to bully the few. However, when they saw Zhang Awei's tactics, they were all shocked. When they scanned their consciousness, they found that the monk who had been thrown away had died of anger. No one dares to hesitate anymore and runs away immediately.

Zhang Ai said softly: "Stop." Of course the other six people would not listen. Zhang was afraid that without even asking, he crushed the monk in his hand, threw it away, and chased after the six of them. Although the six monks fled in all directions, Zhang Zhi was extremely fast and could easily kill them all. He has always been merciless to those who harm innocent people, whether they are ruffians or cultivators.

After killing all the cultivators, he slowly walked towards the carriage. More than a dozen Qi Refining disciples were already too frightened to speak and looked at him timidly. Zhang Ain said coldly: "Drive the carriage, let's go back to the sect's headquarters." Just then he Dare to kill because of the presence of these Qi Refining disciples who are driving the carriage, so they will not know the way.

A dozen qi refining disciples looked at each other, nervously climbed into their respective carriages, and drove forward. However, there were too many cars and the movement was a bit slow. Zhang Ping said: "Let the pigs, cattle and sheep be released." How dare the dozen or so Qi Refining disciples disobey and obediently let out a lot of live pigs and sheep. They are running around all over the mountains and plains.

At this time there were only two fish carts and four human carriages left. Zhang Ai ordered: "Let's go." As for the four cars of women who were captured, he would not release them for the time being, and he would naturally make arrangements accordingly.

The car traveled north for more than 40 miles and walked for more than two hours. It came to a forest with lush branches and leaves. When he got closer, Zhang Ping discovered that there was a magic circle in the woods, but it was the same as the aura in the woods. It was difficult to distinguish it without careful identification. No wonder he couldn't be spotted forty miles away.

Seeing this magic circle, Zhang Ping knew he was in the right place and said softly: "Stop." How dare more than a dozen Qi Refining disciples disobey? The masters in the sect who are so powerful that they are so powerful cannot even block a move from others, let alone yourself? So be extra obedient.

Zhang Ping said: "Do you know what you are doing?" His voice was very calm and without any emotion.

More than a dozen Qi Refining disciples had their own thoughts, and most of them were silent. Only one person said: "I know." Zhang Awei said "Oh" and asked: "Do you know?" The man couldn't stand Zhang Awei's gaze, and lowered his head and said: " I know." Then he raised his head and said, "I know." His voice became louder and he said, "We are killing people, but if we don't kill people, I will be killed. I have no choice!"

Zhang Ain looked at the person who spoke for a while, then thought about it and asked the others: "What about you?"

Those people were as cautious as ever and did not speak nonsense. Zhang Ain smiled coldly: "Some things are wrong if they are wrong. No matter what reasons you can find, it is still wrong."

More than a dozen Qi Refining disciples all looked up at him, wondering what Zhang Ai meant. Zhang Ping said: "I ask you one last time. If you think you have done something wrong, raise your hands. Remember, you only have one chance."

The words were cold and the threat was self-evident. More than a dozen Qi Refining disciples were unable to make a decision for a moment, and looked at each other, hoping who could be the first to make the decision for them, but the result was obvious. Except for the person who just spoke, no one raised their hand.

Zhang Wen looked at them without speaking, raised his hands and counted five numbers, and then their decision was final.

Seeing Zhang Wa raise his fourth finger, more than a dozen qi refining disciples felt the pressure doubled. Although Zhang Wa didn't say anything or when the flexion would end, no one dared to take the risk. Seeing the one who raised his hand The friends thought for a moment and raised their hands one after another.

Zhang Weijing sneered disdainfully, human nature is just to survive, there is no right or wrong. Looking at a dozen arms, he said: "If you are willing to raise your hands, you know that what you are doing is wrong. Very good. I will give you a chance to correct your mistakes now. Take me to the station and help me kill your division commander and destroy Of course, your master will not force you. If you are willing to stay, I will not force you to stay. If you are not willing to help me, I will not force you to stay. You can decide for yourself and give me the answer after a few seconds. "

After finishing speaking, close your eyes, raise three fingers, then slowly bend one finger, then two fingers, then open your eyes after bending three fingers. Zhang is afraid of giving these people a chance to survive. He has always been kind, and he is a kind of paranoid kind. He hopes that bad people can also abandon evil and do good.

People have a kind of blind obedience. Most people don't like changes and like to follow what others say. Even in the face of certain big issues, they just go with the flow and let others make decisions for them. Zhang Wen said that those who have ideas can leave, which means that those without ideas should stay here. In fact, he has made a choice for more than a dozen Qi Refining disciples. You don’t need to change. You can continue to survive as long as you stand still. He gave These people have a greater chance of survival.

It's a pity that there was a mistake in the prediction. Obviously, the dozen or so Qi Refining disciples didn't know how powerful he was. In comparison, they were more willing to believe in the masters of their own sect, thinking that Zhang was no match. No matter how powerful you are, you are just one person, but the sect has many There were dozens of masters and Nascent Soul cultivators, so except for the one who spoke at the beginning, there were two more young people who hesitated to stay. The other Qi Refining disciples all thought that Zhang Ai was not enough, so two of them took the lead. Run into the forest to inform the sect.

Zhang Fei remained motionless and allowed them to leave freely. It was precisely because of his indulgence that the others saw hope and ran into the woods. In the end, only three of the dozen or so Qi Refining disciples were left, and these three were still uneasy.

Now, Zhang was afraid that he would become murderous, and without any hesitation, he threw out one hundred and twenty-eight formation flags, protected the four carriages containing people, and the three so-called Qi Refining disciples who had turned from darkness to light, and then said : "Don't come out."

At this time, there was a burst of noise in the woods, the sound of shuttles, the sound of clothes, the sound of wind, and shouts. Many sounds joined together and rushed out. Zhang Ping just stood still, and suddenly he felt a sense of sadness. He was sad for the world.

He has wandered around and met countless people in his life, but he found that the less capable people are, the kinder they are. And when a person has power that ordinary people cannot grasp, such as being an official, such as cultivating, the selfish nature will be magnified and magnified. , and then it would easily go bad, and he couldn't figure out why. But the good thing is that ordinary people will always make up the majority, that is to say, good people will always make up the majority.

Of course, this sentence is not absolute. There are also good people among powerful people. For example, Song Yunyi's father, the Emperor of the Song Dynasty is a good person, and Zhang Wei is also a good person. The so-called good and bad are just one side of Zhang Wei's personal perception and cannot be based on Full coverage.

But for him, this partiality is enough to make him kill certain people without hesitation, just like what he is going to do now.

At the same time as there was a noise in the woods, more than thirty cultivators had appeared in front of the forest, including monks and warlocks. All of them were alchemy-forming or above. The highest one was a top-level alchemy-forming monk. Unfortunately, this cultivator's eyes were red. Aroused Zhang's fear of killing.

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