The Monk

Volume One Chapter 604 The War Begins

Chapter 604 The war begins

He put the lion beast outside in a grand manner, exuding the aura of the beast, attracting some unwilling masters who wanted to ambush and rob it. But seeing that Zhang was afraid of torturing a lion as easily as he was torturing a kitten, most people knew that he was no match and did not dare to have any more ideas. Only a dozen or so so-called talented and bold alchemy masters still have the illusion that the fat cow not only contains monsters, but also hundreds of millions of spiritual stones, even if it is a little bit oily. As a result, they saw Lang Wuyi and Fei Niu leaving angrily after meeting, and then Song Yinglong arrived, which made everyone wait and see.

Song Yinglong was speechless. He was able to cultivate to the top level of elixir formation. Apart from his own hard work, his greatest luck came from the advanced elixir given by Zhang Aijie. Unexpectedly, after more than a hundred years of hard work, he still couldn't catch up with this troublemaker. He stood silently for a while, cupped his fists and said, "Goodbye."

After Song Yinglong left, no one came. Zhang was afraid that he would release three dogs and one wolf, and let four stupid guys bully and discipline the lion beasts for him. The four guys were originally three ordinary dogs and a third-grade monster. After years of eating and drinking and destroying countless Tianbao ground materials, they easily turned into super-grade monsters. They released tyrannical beast breaths as soon as they showed up. The cultivators nearby were so frightened that they quickly packed up and left.

Especially those cultivators who are good at controlling beasts, such as the disciples of the Soul Control Sect. Weiyi inquired and found that none of the four ferocious beasts had signed a heart-to-heart agreement, and the fear in his heart began to double. There was no one to restrain these monster beasts, who knows what they could do. Whatever happens, running away is the best option.

After the four demonic beasts' torment, Song Shang Market was closed early. Most of the people wandering around in the market were monks in the foundation-building and alchemy-formation stages. Even if they wanted to make themselves uncomfortable, there was no need to risk their lives.

For a short while, Zhang Zhen's surroundings became empty, leaving only Liu Zhu and the four fools who dared to leave and neither stay nor sit still. Even if others wanted to watch the excitement, they did not dare to get too close and retreated to the far distance to look down.

Four masterless super-grade monsters, who wouldn’t be greedy? They don't have the strength to capture them, but there are always those who do. A group of incompetent people wait patiently for the moment when the war breaks out.

However, no matter how long they waited, they didn't get the expected scene. The Nascent Soul masters who participated in the auction seemed to have disappeared en masse, and no one was interested in these monsters. Everyone felt more and more strange.

Zhang was afraid of letting go of his spiritual consciousness and was very aware of the surrounding environment. He was thinking about how to lure out the three members of the Jin family. Others could be let go, but what about the Jin family? Debts must be repaid with blood.

Like him, the Jin family is also thinking about how to kill him. Jin Si is so proud of his strength that he has few enemies in the world. The only time he was injured was in a battle with the demonic Shura in the country of Yue. I used to look down on Zhang Ping, but now I don't dare to have such thoughts anymore, my face is heavy and my brows are furrowed.

After Lang Wuyi came back, he talked about the conversation with Zhang Ai. Song Yinglong also spoke when he came back. His complete narration angered *** and he cursed: "I'm going to kill that bastard now."

Song Yinglong didn't care what the police did, so he found an opportunity to secretly tell the elder Kuwu inside the door what Zhang Ping was saying, saying that he wanted us to withdraw.

Ku Wu said thoughtfully: "Just wait and see what happens." To be honest, he didn't want to offend Zhang Awei. That kid had no other skills. His ability to torment people was second to none. The Qing family was bullied and forced to hand over two middle-level Nascent Souls. Monk, what a loss of face this is. It has made the Qingmen unable to recover, and the reputation inside and outside is no longer what it used to be. Even so, Qingmen didn't say anything about killing his enemies to vent his hatred, which shows that the kid always has some powerful tricks that no one knows about.

Song Yinglong added another sentence: "When the disciple successfully advanced, he got the advancement pill from him."

They are all smart people who speak to the point and reveal a lot of meaning. Ku Wu pondered again, and still said the four words above: "Just wait and see what happens."

It's not that the three elders of the Qing family don't want to take action, it's that the location was chosen wrong. Are you afraid of being embarrassed in your own territory? Regardless of whether this kid holds a grudge or not, if he misses again, will the nine top masters join forces to kill one person? The news was even worse than last time. That time, thanks to the threat of several spiritual cannons and the coercion of the Ten Directions Formation, which was harmful to others and not beneficial to oneself, more than a dozen top-level monks were involved. I barely found an excuse. But what about this time? What other excuses are there?

A group of people were thinking about it randomly, using four words to describe it as suspicious.

Twenty-four stars were dissatisfied and said: "Don't be fooled by that kid. The bastard kid is always full of tricks. How can anyone become a top-level monk in decades?" This sentence was recognized by the other masters, and any one of the nine people present here Didn’t he practice for three hundred and five hundred years before he was lucky enough to break through from the high level to the top level?

**Believing this sentence, he killed Zhang Ai head-on at night.

He is the head of the Hu family, and every action, word and deed represents the entire family. He wanted to avenge his father, and he couldn't sneak around like a villain, so the sun set and he grew into a handsome young man. He wore a lavender battle suit and walked towards Zhang Ping's house with a ruler in hand. He stopped a thousand meters away and said loudly: "Thief, please give my father his life back."

Zhang Awei knew what he was doing, but he really didn't want to face him. In Zhang Awei's heart, ** was a good person.

But he had to face it even if he didn't want to. Zhang was afraid to lift the curtain and come out, with four stupid guys and the unlucky lion beast running beside him. Liu Zhu and the others followed behind anxiously, guessing what kind of outcome would be waiting for them.

Zhang Ping said: "Let's talk about something before we fight."

** gritted his teeth and said, "You tell me."

Zhang Ao pointed at Liu Zhu and the other four and said, "They have nothing to do with the matter. I only believe in you. Can you send them away?"

** swept over the four people and said in a cold voice, a disciple in the middle stage of foundation building: "I will investigate. If it really has nothing to do with you, I guarantee the honor of the Hu family and will send them back."

Zhang Awei nodded and said: "Very good." He turned around and said to the four of them: "Go over and tell what you know. They won't embarrass you." As he spoke, he put away the tent, the three dogs and the wolf, leaving only Get off that lion beast.

Yan Gang and others' expressions changed, and they didn't know what to say. Liu Zhu said: "How about that? You want to fight, we will help you."

Zhang Awei chuckled: "Let's go, I'll make sure they won't touch you." He turned around and said a few more words to the policeman: "I believe you, but I don't believe them. Please tell me something. If anyone dares to If you cause trouble to these four people, I will kill forty of the disciples of that sect!"

** said coldly: "You are going to die, who can you threaten?" The measuring ruler in his hand shone slightly, and there was a strange movement in the darkness.

Zhang Awei chuckled: "Neither of us will die, do you believe it or not?"

** His eyes were fixed and he was about to take action. Zhang Ping said: "Wait a minute." He turned sideways and urged Liu Zhu and the others: "Let's go quickly."

** didn't want to embarrass a few low-level disciples, so he said coldly: "Go straight for five hundred miles. If you meet anyone, tell me your name and explain the matter clearly. Someone will send you away."

After several hesitations, Liu Zhu and the others finally said goodbye to Zhang Afraid and strode away. No matter what happens to them in the future, what they encountered in these few days is enough to last a lifetime.

Zhang Ai asked again: "What should I do with the big lion?" He said coldly: "Do I care about you?" Zhang Ai had no choice but to use the trick of trapping the Nascent Soul, and a cloud of rain and mist firmly locked the lion beast, killing him Send a big walnut to your chest. Because unlike Nascent Soul, the rain and mist magic circle did not disperse and still locked the lion beast. If Zhang is afraid of death, the lion beast will be chained for life.

At this moment, Liu Zhu and the others walked into the dark night, and threw out the measuring ruler. It turned into a hill after leaving their hands, and hit Zhang Afraid directly. Zhang Awei smiled slightly, waved the hard iron knife with his backhand, and stopped it from sinking with a clang. At the same time, he rushed forward, rushing in front of the woman.

Another magic weapon has appeared in **'s hand, the scale, which is magnified several times, and a large round shield stands between the two of them. Zhang was afraid that his toes would touch the scale, so he used his strength to turn over. However, at this moment, several points of gold stars on the scale beam shot towards him, covering him from front to back, left and right.

As usual, Zhang Wen defended himself with a hard iron sword. With one swing and another, he knocked away the Venus in front of him. He had already jumped high into the sky and smiled at me: "You can't kill me."

** said coldly: "Not necessarily." When the magic trick was activated, the brightest gold star on the scale jumped into the sky, twinkling and trembling slightly, as if a real star was hanging in the night sky. The star beat lightly for a few times, and suddenly the sky shook. The stars in the sky seemed to be affected by this star, and they surged towards this side, quickly hitting Zhang Ain.

It was this move again that Zhang Wen had seen before. At that time, he and Zhang Tianfang joined forces to defend against the enemy, but were forced to do nothing by these stars. But it's different now. The cultivation level has increased to an unimaginable level. In an instant, the person flashes with the stars and gently escapes. When you look outside the attack range, you can see that there are still those stars in the sky. What you saw just now is just an illusion, it is the attack method of Venus incarnating into thousands of stars.

Zhang Ao said softly: "I have no grudge against you and don't want to fight with you."

"I have a grudge against you!" He yelled wildly, and the measuring ruler grew bigger again, and smashed it towards Zhang Afraid.

Zhang Wen had fought with the Heaven Measuring Ruler before and knew that this thing was very strange. He must not measure it, otherwise he would have to wait to die. He flashed slightly and said, "I really don't want to fight you?"

"I think!" ** made a move with one hand, and the measuring ruler chased him without saying a word. The scale mark on the mending scale flew away from the scale beam, turning into more than forty long and short golden swords, forming a sword in the air. The formation was like a rain of colorful swords, pouring towards Zhang Afraid.

Zhang was afraid that he could only hide, he didn't want to kill the woman. No matter what, he killed his father with his own hands, not to mention that he had done other things to the Hu family, such as arresting the Hu family, maiming a Nascent Soul master of the Hu family, and seriously injuring the acting sect leader. These many old enemies Adding hatred together, it's normal for people to want to kill him, but it's strange that they don't want to kill him.

The Hu family's magic weapons, the Heavenly Measurement Ruler and the Heaven-Bending Scale, are rumored to be the magic weapons left behind by the ancient gods when they mended the sky, and are very powerful. But no matter how big he is, he has to be able to hit Zhang Fei. This guy is like a loach. He who turns left and right can always escape before the two weapons attack.

** was so angry that he thought Zhang Awei was playing a trick on him, so he activated the five gold stars on the scale beam to hang high in the night sky, and the scale flew upside down, magnifying it countless times and covering the area. He wanted to control Zhang Awei.

Zhang was afraid that of course he would not get what he wanted, so he shot into the night like light smoke, trying to escape from the control of the scale. At this moment, a cold and harsh wind struck, and a man in golden clothes with a high hat appeared in front of him. His bright golden index finger pointed at his forehead at an unimaginable speed.

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