The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 603 Temptation

Chapter 603: Testing

But it seemed that his words had little effect. The lion looked at him sideways with an expression of contempt, not knowing what he was thinking.

You damn god, how dare you despise me? Zhang Ai pulled open the iron cage with his hands and said, "Come out." He took two steps back.

At this time, Yan Gang and others had not yet entered the room. They wanted to see how Zhang Wen was taming the beast or making a pact. Unexpectedly, he did not do anything but destroyed the cage first. They were so frightened that Liu Zhu screamed urgently. Said: "Run quickly."

Of course Zhang Wen wouldn't run away, so he raised his fingers at the lion beast to let him out. The lion beast carefully looked at the cage to confirm that the exit was large enough and that there was no danger of an ambush, so he jumped out. When I got out of the trap, I felt very energetic. I roared to the sky, bit and was afraid.

Zhang Weijing didn't even look at him and spoke to Liu Zhu: "That cage is mixed with some ore. It has not been refined and can still be used. If you don't worry about trouble, just take it away and make a hammer." While speaking, he pointed a finger. , held down the lion beast firmly, and waited until he finished speaking before letting go, and said the second sentence to the lion beast: "Let me let you go this time, and let you know what it is again..." Before he finished speaking, the lion beast Pounced again, Zhang Ping slapped him away, and then uttered two words to complete the sentence just now: "Pain."

As soon as he said the word "pain", the lion beast was really in great pain, roaring in a low voice, but its eyes were full of anger.

Zhang Ai looked down and saw that this guy was not in enough pain. He took out his shadowless knife, came to the front of the lion and lightly slashed it, and saw a stream of blood splashing from its shoulder. Zhang was afraid of using a jade bottle to catch the blood, so he said: "It can't be wasted."

The monster has a strong ability to heal itself. It stopped bleeding after a while and looked at Zhang Awei with anger. If it could kill Zhang Awei, it would definitely kill him eight hundred times in the first place.

Zhang Dawei said: "What are you looking at? Just wait and continue bleeding." If you encounter a thorn, you have to clean it up first.

The lion beast was unwilling to admit defeat, grinding its teeth in its mouth and staring at him with its eyes.

Zhang Jing said: "Hey, you still don't accept it? Let's bleed some more?" He gestured twice with the knife.

At this time, Liu Zhu and the others knew that Zhang Ping was definitely not a foundation-building monk. The lion beast was a fifth-level monster, which was equivalent to a human junior alchemy-building monk, but much more powerful than a human monk. And Zhang Weijing can suppress it easily, which means that it is at least two realms higher, that is, high-level cultivation of pill formation, which is much more powerful than their master. The four of them did not dare to speak any more and stood aside cautiously.

Zhang was afraid that they would become nervous, so he smiled and said: "It's okay, it's just a lion. Just pack it up and be obedient. You can go in and have a rest."

The four of them wanted to obey the order and go in, but Zhang was afraid that they would not get in. They did not dare to lose their etiquette and hesitated not knowing what to do.

Zhang was afraid that they would not go in, thinking that they wanted to stay outside for a while, so he ignored them and continued to fight with the lion and beast: "I won't kill you, but you have to be honest. If I have time, I will take you home. Where is your home? Monster Forest? It’s really troublesome that you can’t speak.”

I bought the lion beast on impulse. I never thought about treating it like this. I just released it until the sky. After thinking about it, Song State is not too far from the monster forest. It's nothing to take a trip by the way. It's just that this guy doesn't It must be obedient and cannot be put into the animal control bag. It is a bit troublesome to carry around, so I deliberately tortured it to make it more honest.

The lion beast didn't believe what Zhang Awei said at all. His eyes were filled with hatred but contempt. Anyway, what could he do if he didn't deal with it? Zhang Awei had no choice but to stab him again, took some blood from the monster beast, and said angrily to it: "You still don't accept it? It's a bit bloody. , just let it shine, right?"

While he was fussing around here, a familiar person walked up from a distance. He was really familiar. He was a wolf without wings. Since his visit to the small valley to see Zhang Wei failed, he has raised the security alert of the entire mall to the highest level, doing everything personally to avoid any accidents.

A few days ago, Zhang Weijing displayed hundreds of millions of spirit stones in the market, and the news quickly reached Lang Wuyi's ears. Naturally, Lang Wuyi came to investigate. In the past few days, Zhang Weijing and Liu Zhu and the four of them spent a lot of money shopping in the market. They could see it alone. Lang Wuyi was not blind, so of course he could also see it. He had a big feud with Zhang Wei, and the entire Qing sect also had a big hatred with Zhang Wei. Of course he wanted to kill the enemy to vent his hatred, but he knew that he couldn't defeat this kid, so he reported the news to the sect leader Qing Wuyou, and Qing Wuyou You were at the same level of cultivation as him and knew that he couldn't handle it either, so he reported the news to the three elders of the Qing family.

When the three elders of the Qing family got the news, they were so angry that the boy who didn't know how to die was here again? Working against Qingmen all day long? I can't wait to kill someone right away. However, considering the influence of the entire Song Shangji, he suppressed his anger and did not seek revenge.

This trade fair is jointly organized by three factions, and it is difficult to arbitrarily clear the door. If something happened to the trade fair co-organized by the three sects, the three sects would be in trouble, so they contacted the Yuling Sect and the Wuliang Sect to spread the news that an enemy of the Qing Sect had appeared at the trade fair and asked how to deal with it.

Needless to say? Of course they share the same hatred. The twenty-four stars of the Yuling Sect appeared, Ku Wu, the top-level Nascent Soul monk from the Wuliang Sect, and the Qing Sect, headed by Qingliu, all came out. The elders of the three sects sat down to discuss the matter and endured it until the end of the auction. They decided to take action only after most of the cultivators left.

What made them even more happy was that the Hu family of Lu and the Jin family of Mangu, who happened to be meeting each other, also had enemies, and they were sworn enemies. The two families sent back the news separately. Just this morning, Jin Si of the Jin family and ** of the Hu family arrived at the shopping mall. The Jin family was led by Jin Si, who brought Jin Wujinliu over; the Hu family was led by the head of the family, accompanied by a gray-haired old man.

Almost everyone has fought with Zhang Pa, especially the Twenty-Four Stars and others who have figured out Zhang Pa thoroughly and know that he has a powerful and strange ice water spell, so they decided to keep Zhang Pa on the flat ground and never let him leave.

Many top-level masters came to Shangji. With Zhang Pa's cultivation, he would have discovered it long ago. In the past, he would have run away early, but now it is different. After melting Hu Ping's Yuanshen, his strength has increased greatly, and he has strong confidence in himself. Moreover, he originally wanted to go to the Jin family to cause trouble. Since Jin Si took the initiative to come, he must welcome him well.

When Lang Wuyi came closer, Zhang Pa turned around and smiled: "Is the advanced pill useful? It's advanced." This is a naked slap in the face. The pill was given by Fang Jian. The two sides are enemies. If you have the ability, don't eat it.

Lang Wuyi snorted coldly, his face remained unchanged, and then he said: "If you know what's good for you, give up your cultivation and come back to Qingmen with me to apologize. I will ensure that you will not die."

Zhang Pa liked to play more and more. He stared at Lang Wuyi for a long time, and suddenly laughed: "Are you not sick?"

Liu Zhu and the other four were already panicking, thinking, it's over, it's over, how did they get involved in such a bad thing? People can kill themselves with just a fart, God, please don't torture us like this, okay?

Lang Wuyi was laughed at, but he still didn't change his face, and said coldly: "That's all, goodbye." He turned and walked away.

Not long after he left, another acquaintance came, who was more familiar than Lang Wuyi. It was Wuliang Sect's Song Yinglong. He had just solved the problem of his granddaughter-in-law giving birth and came to Shangji to solve the conflict between him and Zhang Pa. He was really busy and hard. He walked closer and coughed, saying, "We are old acquaintances. I have been unkind to you once before. Today, I want to tell you something. The elder of my sect said that as long as you are willing to disperse your cultivation, he will ensure that you will not die." Zhang Pa laughed and asked, "What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of me?" He was right. The Qing Sect was indeed afraid of Zhang Pa. When a group of masters arrived, they instinctively wanted to understand the details of their opponents. Several divine senses brushed Zhang Pa like a brush. Zhang Pa was different from before. He knew their little tricks clearly, but he did not hide his own cultivation. He was frank and told you that I am like this. If you have the ability, come. If the elders of the Wuliang Sect, Ku Wu and the elders of the Hu family, did not know Zhang Pa, then the others knew Zhang Pa to the bone. It was because they knew him very well that they felt a little uneasy. Decades ago, this guy was just a mid-level Yuanying cultivator. How come after decades, he actually cultivated to the top level of Yuanying? His cultivation is definitely not inferior to his own. Apart from this cultivation, he also felt that there was a powerful force hidden in him, which seemed very scary. In addition, there were a bunch of Fu Shen snakes helping him. He once killed one person with a hundred snakes and easily killed a top-level Yuanying master. These things made everyone think more about it.

When they came, they wanted to take advantage of Zhang Pa when he was not by the river. As long as someone led away the Fu Shen snakes, even if there was only one person left, Zhang Pa could be killed. But after coming, they found that they had made a wrong calculation. This guy has become powerful. What should they do?

So they sent Lang Wuyi and Song Yinglong to test and see what this guy wanted to do. Is he staying here to rely on? Or does he want to do something bad.

Song Yinglong heard the mockery in the words and snorted coldly: "No matter how powerful you are, can you beat more than ten top-level masters?" Zhang Pa laughed at him: "Don't bluff me, there are a total of nine top-level masters, plus a mid-level Yuanying cultivator."

Song Yinglong was a little surprised. How did he know? In my impression, Zhang Pa has always been that confused and kind-hearted silly boy, but I didn't expect him to become so shrewd.

For a cultivator, every fellow cultivator who has dealt with him will never forget the other person's aura as long as he wants to remember. Of the ten people Zhang Pa pointed out, except for Ku Wu of Wuliang Sect and the white-haired old man of Hu Family of Lu State, all the other people have been seen before. What particularly interested him was the head of Hu Family, **. Because his father's revenge was difficult to avenge, the little guy had survived from the foundation-building stage to the middle stage of Yuanying in just over a hundred years. This kind of strength improvement can only be described as terrifying.

Zhang Pa likes him very much. Knowing that his cultivation has improved to such a level, he admires him by the way. It's a pity that he must kill himself.

Seeing that Song Yinglong was a little surprised, Zhang Pa smiled and said, "Go back and tell ** that I don't want to go against him." Xiang Xiang added, "And you, you Wuliang Sect, there is no need to get involved."

Then he grabbed the lion beast and said fiercely, "If you don't behave, I will eat you."

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