The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 605 The Battle

Chapter 605: Battle

Dare to sneak attack me? Zhang was afraid of being angry. He didn't dodge, and he hit Jin Si's index finger. However, a white jade bone spur protruded from his forehead in an instant. This was also a trophy he had snatched from the fight. Since the fusion of Hu Ping's Jindan Yuanshen and Zhang Wei, this bone spur has become the possession of Jindan Yuanshen. After many fusion trials, it has become many, many times more powerful than before. Not to mention anything else, it is only one degree of hardness. beyond imagination. The most terrifying thing is his sharpness. With a little point and a slight thrust, it can basically break anything.

At this time, this small pointed white jade bone spur met Jin's fourth index finger without making any sound. It lightly pierced Jin's fourth index finger and pushed the nail back. Thanks to Jin Si's superb skills, he immediately ran away when he realized something was wrong.

He was very capable, but Zhang Ai was also very capable. Jin Si stepped back and tried to pull out his fingers, but Zhang Ai kept up with him. The bone spur on his forehead extended forward again and was still stuck in Jin Si's hand. Moreover, his speed was no slower than Jin Si's. The distance between the two was Two feet, one in front and one in back, both flying vertically.

But Jin Si and ** were not the only masters who wanted to kill Zhang Awei, there were also eight others. No one took action the day before. Apart from the fact that the three major sects of the Song Dynasty wanted to protect the face of Song Shangji, the main reason was that no one wanted to be the first. With Zhang Weijing's cultivation at this time, whoever attacks him first will bear the greatest risk, and no one will rush him and be unlucky.

Now that you have a chance to stand out, the opportunity comes. They all have a consensus that no matter how many protective magic weapons Zhang fears, they must kill him this time. If he doesn't kill him, who else in the world will be able to stop him when the Baidufu Divine Snake reaches adulthood?

What's more, even without the help of the God-Slaying Snake, every time I see this kid, I will find that this kid is much more powerful than before. We are enemies, and no matter how powerful the master is, he will not let an enemy continue to grow.

So when Zhang Ao and Jin Si were flying one after another, a golden sun suddenly lit up in the night sky, and the light shone dazzlingly towards Zhang Ao. Zhang was afraid that he had to slow down and let Jin Si retreat calmly. He faced Jin Ri with a hard iron knife. He heard a loud bang and Jin Ri was smashed away. It turned into a golden thread and shot into the distant night. It was a golden sword. Spear.

But the golden sun has just set, and the silver moon has risen again, a gentle and bright silvery gleam. Then the moon sinks, as if it is about to fall into human eyes. Zhang Ai had no hesitation, and the hard iron sword performed one attack after another for him, changing from chopping to lifting, and greeted the full moon from bottom to top. There was another loud sound, and the full moon was smashed into pieces and turned into a silver line. Shoot high into the sky.

Zhang Awei said angrily: "Is there anyone else?"

Jin Si took the lead in the attack just now, Jin Liu used his golden spear, and Jin Wu used his silver mace to secretly assassinate. Zhang was afraid that all the tricks that could easily kill people before were ineffective now. The three masters of the Jin family were shocked. Didn't this boy's cultivation progress too fast?

But it wasn't just the three of them who wanted Zhang to be afraid of death, there were nine people in total. The leader impulsively sought out Zhang for fear of revenge, but the masters behind him would not let the opportunity go to waste. They followed each other without telling each other.

At first, he was afraid of being discovered by Zhang Wei, so he didn't dare to get close. After the two of them started fighting, the nine top masters no longer had any scruples. They gathered their spiritual energy and hid quietly aside, waiting for an opportunity to kill him with one blow.

Now the opportunity has come, but the three members of the Jin family have failed. If this news spreads, it will probably scare to death those who have ever been against Zhang Aoi. Someone is attracting attention in front of you, and three top-level masters are attacking together without success? It can't be a legend.

The three members of the Jin family were also surprised. Fortunately, they were all masters who reacted very quickly. Jin Wu and Jin Liu turned around to chase their magic weapons. Jin Si made a move with both hands and pulled out a golden flag. Automatically in the dark night without wind, Lun Lie released a tyrannical wave. breath.

When they were fighting, he was not idle either. The measuring ruler quietly hid in the night, measuring various data such as the distance and height between Zhang Wen and Zhang Wei, in order to lock him and kill him with one blow.

Zhang was afraid of seeing too much of the methods of the Heavenly Ruler, and knew how dangerous the Heavenly Ruler was, so he never dared to stop at one place. His whole body was like a line of clear smoke drifting away in the dark night.

It was precisely because he had been running around that he did not give the other six masters a chance to make a sneak attack. But if there is no chance for a sneak attack, then attack forcefully. Jin Si's golden battle flag suddenly grew larger, and the shrill roars of some monster beasts came from it. When the battle flag grew bigger and bigger, as if a monster beast was about to be pounced on, three points of silver light suddenly appeared in the night sky, one in the left center. Stabbing Zhang Ai in the middle of the field from three directions on the right, it was the three elders of the Qing sect who took action. The three silver swords seemed to be stabbed with great force by three bolts of lightning. You didn't even need to look at it, you could tell just by hearing the sound that it was extremely powerful.

Zhang Ai was always on guard, and with a clear understanding of the four people's attacks, he saw the silver light flashing in his heart. He immediately tapped his feet on the ground, and the ground trembled slightly. Zhang Ai disappeared out of thin air, leaving only a piece of rain and mist in the air. When the swords of the three elders of Qingmen penetrated Yuwu, they found that they were sticky and stagnant, and the three swords had been trapped in some strange magic circle.

This was his small Five Elements Knife Formation, and at the same time, the whole person suddenly appeared out of the rain and fog, rolling out. While rolling, many small and sharp bone spurs protruded from all exposed parts of his body, which looked weird and terrifying. . The direction of his rolling was straight ahead, heading towards Jin Si. Don’t you have a battle flag? Today I will destroy your flag.

Six people took action, and three were left. The Wuliang sect, Ku Wuzai, is waiting to see what happens, and the twenty-four stars of the Yuling sect are also wary. The Yuling sect ranks third in the Song Dynasty sect, and its strength is far inferior to the previous two. There is only one twenty-four-star person in the entire sect who is a top-level master, and there is not even a high-level Nascent Soul monk at the bottom, which is a huge gap. Therefore, Twenty Four Stars had to consider the sect. If Zhang is afraid of being bullied, just kill him with everyone. But what if it’s not easy to bully? Will it bring disaster to the sect?

Except for the two of them who were watching, the third person was the white-haired old man from the Hu family who came with him. He squinted his eyes to watch the situation, and looked at her from time to time. His eyes were full of concern. He saw that the six masters had failed even if they joined forces. He killed Zhang Awei, but his eyes were red, and he tried his best to kill him as if he was crazy. The old man sighed lightly, whoever did the sin should pay for it. Step into the battle gently.

He walked very slowly, moving forward gently step by step. The old man was shocked when he saw it, and exclaimed: "Grandpa!" The old man turned his head and smiled at him, and then continued to walk towards Zhang Awei. As he moved forward, he spread his arms to make a circle and said softly to Zhang Awei: "Yes. Stay still, young man.”

He just gave him a gentle hug, and he was still far away from Zhang Wen. However, Zhang Wen immediately felt a huge increase in pressure, as if his throat was being strangled and his blood vessels were blocked. His face turned pale and he stared at the old man.

The old man was not relaxed either. His white hair stood straight on his head, his eyes turned from soft to bright red. He silently practiced mystical skills several times, and suddenly shouted: "Embrace the world!" Zhang was afraid that the air around him would be compressed violently again, and he held tightly. It seemed like it was going to crush him from the outside in.

If it were just the old man holding the world in his arms, he would definitely not be afraid, but the problem is that there is still the magic weapon of the Heavenly Ruler attacking him. The two magic weapons for mending the sky were the most powerful magic weapons he had ever seen. Their various functions were so mysterious that Zhang was afraid to try them randomly. Following the old man's shout, he also shouted: "Violent." The golden elixir in his mind roared and transformed into the tiger soul. The power burst out of his body and directly smashed into the old man's arms. The old man's face tightened. , followed by spitting out blood, then another mouthful, then a third mouthful, a fourth mouthful, five big mouthfuls of blood in a row before he could calm down.

But at this moment, Zhang Ai's body is about to be locked by the Heaven-Measuring Ruler. As long as he is locked and relying on the power of the Heaven-Measuring Ruler magic weapon, Zhang Ai will be unable to move and will have no choice but to be beaten. But in just a moment, Zhang was afraid that the power of the tiger soul in his body could easily tear apart the restraints outside him, and his whole body turned into smoke and drifted towards Jin Si. No matter what the police did to him, the person he wanted to kill the most was still Jin Si. .

**Seeing Grandpa vomiting five big mouthfuls of blood in a row, his concern overflowed on the surface. He quickly went over and asked, "Grandpa, how are you?" After a week, the old man knew that the injury was not serious, so he sighed and said, "You always Like this, like this, alas." He wanted to say that he cares too much about his relatives, acts too kindly, cannot be decisive, and cannot be cold-hearted, but what should he say? Do you want to teach your children that you can't be a good person, you have to be a bad guy? So I haven’t finished talking.

But ** knew what the old man wanted to say, and whispered: "I'm sorry to disappoint you." The old man said quietly: "It's okay, let's go." ** said in shock: "Father's revenge has not been avenged..." The old man interrupted: "If you can't kill him, don't you see that he doesn't want to kill you at all?"

While the two of them were talking here, the sky ruler and scales lost control and stopped spinning in the air. Without these two most terrifying magic weapons to contain Zhang Ai, the offensive of the other six people was somewhat inconsistent. Are you going to fight six against one and really risk your life by destroying your own soul? Besides, why should I do it even if I try my best? So many people want to kill him, why don't others try their best?

It was okay for the six masters to bully the former Zhang Ai with this idea, but facing the current Zhang Ai, they were obviously unable to do anything. Zhang Ai's two gods merged into one, and the tiger revealed its own soul, turning Zhang Ai into a terrifying beast, with the power of wind and thunder every time it pounced or tore apart.

Everyone is a master, who can't understand the situation on the field? It's just that there is a lack of someone who is willing to fight with Zhang Awei. If no one fights hard, Zhang Awei cannot be entangled. If Zhang Awei cannot be entangled, Zhang Awei can only be able to fight as easily as a fish in water. His current speed is so fast that the six masters cannot catch up even with all their strength.

The two masters, Twenty-Four Stars and Ku Wu, looked at each other. They didn't even want to fight for their lives. Why fight for their lives when they were living well? It’s not me that Zhang is afraid of. The two masters took a few steps forward, walked to the old man and the lady, and stood next to them. This meant that they were following their lead. Whatever you want to do, we will do it with you.

Even a fool can see that, except for the one who desperately wants to kill Zhang Awei, everyone else is talking nonsense.

** was unwilling to give in: "Can't ten of us kill him?"

The old man said: "I can kill, but someone has to die. Do you think it will be you or me?"

"I'll die!" ** said quickly.

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